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SIR   HOWARD   ROBERTS  (for  the  Council) 
WALTER   H.    GODFREY  (for  the  Survey  Committee) 






75T/.  ra. 





I.  PARISH  OF  BROMLEY-BY-BOW  {Out  of  print) 
II.  PARISH  OF  CHELSEA  (PART  I)  {Out  of  print) 



IV.  PARISH  OF  CHELSEA  (PART  II).    zis. 


PARISH  CHURCH).  31/.  6<z'. 


HOOD OF  WHITEHALL,  VOL.  I).    52^.  6d. 



c,2s.  dd. 

TOWN).   2U. 


SIDE).   30J. 


0    2, 

V  . 




J.  H.   MacDONNELL 


Members  appointed  by  the  Council 

MRS.   I.   M.   BOLTON  W.   R.  HORNBY  STEER 


Members  appointed  by  the  London  Survey  Committee 




The  Society  of  Antiquaries 

OF  London. 
The     Royal     Institute    of 

British  Architects. 

The  Incorporated  Associa- 
tion OF  Architects  and 

The  Architectural  Associ- 

The  Athenaeum. 

Miss  Helen  Barlow. 

Bedford  College  for 

Gerald  Bentley. 

The  Birmingham  Public 

The  Bishopsgate  Institute. 

The  Brentford  and  Chis- 
wiCK  Public  Library. 

The  University  of  Cali- 

The  Rev.  P.  T.  B.  Clayton, 
C.H.,  M.C,  F.S.A. 

Captain  E.  E.  Colquhoun, 

The  Columbia  University. 

The  Conservative  Club. 

The  Constitutional  Club. 

The  Courtauld  Institute 
of  Art. 

Lieut.-Colonel  Walter  E. 
Cross,  F.R.I.B.A. 

Croydon  Public  Library. 

Francis  Edw.'Vrds. 

Mrs.  J.  D.  Ellis. 

P.  Ferrid-jvy. 

Honorary  Members  and  Subscribers 
Sir  Samuel  Gluckstein. 
H.  W.  F.  GoDLEY,  M.V.O. 
The  Guildhall  Library, 

Richard  Harriss, 

R.  H.  Herbert. 

The  Institute  of  Histori- 
cal Research. 

W.  T.  Hugo. 

Constant  Huntington. 

Walter  T.  Ison,  F.S.A. 

The  London  Library. 

The  London  and  Middle- 
sex Archaeological 

The  London  Museum. 

The  London  School  of 

The  University  of  London. 

The  Hon.  Mr.  Justice  Lort- 
Williams,  K.C. 

Gilbert  H.  Lovegrove. 

The     M.-vnchester    Society 
OF  Architects. 

The  Manchester  Public 

Cyril  Moore. 

Colonel  The  Rt.  Hon.   The 
Lord  Nathan  of 
Churt,  P.C,  D.L. 

The  National  Buildings 

The  Newberry  Library, 

The  New  York  Library. 

Comdr.  W.  C.  Northcott, 

R.N.  (Retd.),  R.D., 

D.L.,  J.P. 
The  Oxford  and  Cambridge 

J.  Foster  Petree. 
The  Carnegie  Library, 

A.  D.  Power. 

The  Public  Record  Office. 
The  Quatuor  Coronati 

The  Reform  Club. 
H.  H.  Robinson. 
The  John  Rylands  Library. 
Frederick  Simms. 

Sir  G.  C.  Simpson,  K.C.B., 

C.B.E.,  F.R.S.,  D.Sc. 
SioN  College. 
E.  E.  Smith. 

Society  for  the  Protection 
OF  Ancient  Buildings. 

Southport  Public  Library. 

R.  T.  D.  Stoneham. 

A.  H.  Thomas,  LL.D., 

Toronto  University. 

University  College, 

The   Victoria   and   Albert 



West  Ham  Public  Library. 

Ministry    of    Works 
(Department  of 
Ancient  Monuments). 


W.  W.  Begley,  F.R.Hist.S., 

J.  W.  Bloe,  O.B.E.,  F.S.A. 

A.  E.  Bullock,  F.R.I.B.A. 

G.  H.  Chettle,  F.S.A. 

Miss   Ida  Darlington, 
M.A.,  A.L.A. 

J.  J.  Edmunds. 

Cecil  Farthing,  F.S.A. 

H.  W.  Fincham,  F.S.A. 

Thomas  F.  Ford,  F.R.I.B.A. 

Philip  S.  Hudson, 

Active  Members 
W.  McB.  Marcham. 
A.  R.  Martin,  F.S.A. 

E.    C.    NiSBET. 

G.  Parsloe,  B.A. 

Hugh  Phillips,  F.S.A. 

Major  T.  F.  Reddaway, 
M.A.,  F.S.A. 

Alan  Ridge,  B.A. 

John  Summerson,  F.S.A., 

T.  O.  Thirtle,  A.R.I.B.A. 

A.  R.  Wagner,  M.A.,  F.S.A. 
(Richmond  Herald). 

R.  E.  Mortimer  Wheeler, 
M.C.,  CLE.,  D.Lit., 
Litt.D.,  F.B.A.,  F.S.A. 

Walter  H.  Godfrey,  C.B.E., 
F.S.A.,  F.R.I.B.A., 

Editor  for  the  Committee. 

W.  F.  Grimes,  M.A.,  F.S.A., 
Hon.  Treasurer  of  the 

Edward  Yates,  F.S.A., 
Hon.  Secretary  of  the 




GENERAL  TITLE  PAGE     ------_-___         i 

PREVIOUS  VOLUMES  OF  "THE  SURVEY  OF  LONDON"    -       -       -        ii 
SPECIAL  TITLE  PAGE        -----______       iii 

MEMBERS  OF  THE  JOINT  PUBLISHING  COMMITTEE       _      _       -        v 
MEMBERS  OF  THE  SURVEY  COMMITTEE      ------      vii 

DESCRIPTION  OF  THE  PLATES    ---------       xi 

ILLUSTRATIONS  IN  THE  TEXT    ---------     xix 

HERALDIC  ILLUSTRATIONS  ----------     xxi 

PREFACE         ----_---_--___  xxiii 



INTRODUCTION        —  —  —  —  —  _  —  __ 






















1 1. 








I  ?. 

Prince's  Meadows     ---------12 

Stamford  Street        —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —      1$ 

Waterloo  Bridge      —       -_       —       _____23 

Waterloo  Road         ----       —       ____ 

Church  of  St.  John  the  Evangelist,  Waterloo  Road      - 
The  Royal  Victoria  Hall — "The  Old  Vic"        -       _       _ 
York   Road  —       —       —       _______ 

River  Frontage  between  Waterloo  and  Westminster  Bridges 
Shot  Tower  and  Lead  Works,  No.  62  Belvedere  Road  -  47 
No.  59  Belvedere  Road  -_--_-  —  -48 
No.  ^^  Belvedere  Road     --_--___      ^o 




The  Lambeth  Waterworks  and  Lion  Brewery   -       -       - 

Hungerford  or  Charing  Cross  Bridge         _       _       _       _ 

The    Hopes,    King's    Arms    Stairs    and    Jenkins    (formerly 
College)  Street      —--__-       —       —       — 

Coade's  Artificial  Stone  Works    —-       —       —       -       — 






Chapter   i6.  The  County  Hall     ---------      Si 

Chapter   17.  Westminster  Bridge          ________      66 

Chapter   18.  Westminster  Bridge  Road       -       —       -       —       -       -       —      69 

Chapter   19.  Carlisle  House  and  Carlisle  Lane        -----      75 

Chapter  20.  Stangate,  Stangate  Street  and  Lambeth  Marsh         —       -      77 

Chapter  21.  St.  Thomas'  Hospital       ________      79 

Chapter  22.  Lambeth  Palace         _________8i 

Chapter  23.  Church  of  St.  Mary,  Lambeth      __-       —       __     104 

Chapter  24.  Lambeth  Bridge  and  its  Predecessor  the  Horseferry       -    118 

Chapter  25.  Lambeth   Road  -       —       -       —       —       —       —       -       -       -122 

Chapter  26.  The  Walcot  Estate          -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -125 

Chapter  27.  Kennington  Road      —       —       -       —       -       -       -       -       -128 

Chapter  28.  Norfolk  House  and  Old  Paradise  Street  -       -       -       -    137 

Chapter  29.  Pratt  Walk       ______       —       --—    141 

Chapter  30.  Water  Lambeth          _________    142 

Chapter  31.  Black  Prince  Road  and  Doris  Street-       _       _       _       _    144 

Chapter  32.  Vauxhall  Walk         _________    14^ 

Chapter  33.  Vauxhall  Gardens  and  Kennington  Lane    -       -       -       -    146 

Chapter  34.  Albert  Embankment          -       -       -       —       —       -       —       —    148 
Appendix — Pedigree  of  Clayton     -       —       -       —       —       -       -       —       -150 

References-  -       -       -       -       —       -       -       -       -       —       -       -       -151 

Index  -_-__------       —       --- 



Frontispiece.    "View  of  London  from  a  Gentleman's  seat  in  Lambeth  Marsh,  1804." 
Key  Plan 


1.  Plan  of  the  manor  of  Kennington,  1636       -     From  a  plan  in  the  possession  of  the 

Duchy  of  Cornwall. 

2.  General  plan  of  the  manor  of  Kennington, 

1785  —       —       —       —       —       —       —     From  a  survey  in  the  possession  of  the 

Duchy  of  Cornwall. 

3.  "Plan  of  the  Princes  Meadow  in  its  present 

state  and  Design  for  Letting  it  .  .  .  i  8  1 5  "     From  Manning  and  Bray's  History  of 


4.  Plan  and  elevation  of  Waterloo  Bridge,  circa 

1817  —       -       -       -       -       -       —     From  an  engraving  by  M.  Dubourg 

in  the  Council's  collection. 

5.  (a)  Hungerford     Bridge    from     Waterloo 

Bridge,  1850—       -       -       -       -       -     From  a  watercolour  by  Pyne  in  the 

Council's  collection. 
{b)   Waterloo  Bridge,  1950  _       _        _     Photograph. 

6.  (a)  Cuper's  Gardens,  arctz  1 760  -       -       -     From  a  watercolour  in  the  possession 

of  the  Duchy  of  Cornwall. 
{b)  The  shot  tower  east  of  Waterloo  Bridge, 

1827  -       -       -       —       -       -       -     From  a  watercolour  by  J.  Buckler  in 

the  Council's  collection. 

7.  {a)  Beaufoy's    Wine    Manufactory,    site    of 

Cuper's  Gardens       -       _       _       _       _     From    an    engraving    published    by 

R.    Wilkinson    in    the    Council's 
{b)   The    Feathers   Tavern,    Cuper's    Bridge     From    an    engraving    published    by 

R.    Wilkinson    in    the    Council's 

8.  {a)  Schools  of  the  Benevolent  Society  of  St. 

Patrick,  Stamford  Street,  1825  -       -     From  a  watercolour  by  G.  Yates  in 

the  Guildhall  Library. 
{b)   London    School    of  Printing,    Stamford 

Street,  1950      ______     Photograph. 

9.  St.  Andrew's  Church,  Coin  Street,   1945    -     Photograph  from  the  National  Build- 

ings Record. 

10.  Nos.  63-91  Stamford  Street,  1950;  (b)  Nos. 

78-106  Stamford  Street,  1935-       ~       -     Photographs. 

1 1 .  Waterloo    Road    {a)    The    Royal    Waterloo 

Hospital   for   Children     -       _       _       _     From    a    pencil    drawing    by    R.    B. 

Schnebbelie      in      the      Council's 

•   Unless  otherwise  stated  the  photographs  are  the  copyright  of  the  London  County  Council. 



{b)   Royal  Swimming  Bath,   1827        -       -     From    a    sepia    watercolour    by    J. 

Buckler  in  the  Council's  collection. 

12.  St.  John's  Church,  Waterloo  Road,  south- 

west elevation   ------     Measured    drawing    by    R.    A.    F. 


13.  St.  John's  Church,  exterior,  1929         -       -     Photograph,  copyright  of  Sunbeam 

Photo,  Ltd. 

14.  St.  John's  Church,  interior,  «>(-«  1930  -     Photograph,   copyright   of  Sunbeam 

Photo,  Ltd. 

15.  St.  John's  Church,  plans  of  crypt  and  ground 

floor  —       —       __       —       —       _     Measured    drawings    by    R.    A.    F. 


16.  St.  John's  Church,  sections  and  elevation     -     Measured    drawings    by    R.    A.    F. 


17.  St.  John's  Church,  south-east  elevation  with 

plan  of  site  inset       _       —       —       -       -     Measured    drawing    by    R.    A.    F. 


18.  The  old  watch  house,  Waterloo  Road,  circa 

1930         -_       —       —       -       —       _     From  a  lithograph  by  Joan  Bloxam 

in  the  Council's  collection. 

19.  Royal  Coburg  Theatre   {a)  Exterior,  1826  -     From  an  engraving  by  D.  Havell  in 

the  Council's  collection. 
(J?)  Interior,  1 8 1 8         —       —       —       —       —     From    an    engraving    published    by 

R.    Wilkinson    in    the    Council's 

20.  The  looking-glass  curtain  at  the  Royal  Coburg 

Theatre,  1822—       —       —       -       -       —     From  an  engraving  published  by  G. 

Humphrey  in  the  Council's  col- 

21.  No.  86  Waterloo  Road,  details     -       -       —     Measured  drawings  by  F.  A.  Evans. 

22.  No.   86  Waterloo  Road,  ceiling  in  ground 

storey  shop,  1949     —.—       —       —       -     Measured  drawing  by  F.  A.  Evans. 

23.  {a)  Nos.  80— 86  Waterloo  Road,  1826  -       -     From  the  elevation  by  L.  N.  Cotting- 

ham  in  the  British  Museum. 
(J?)  The  York  Hotel  and  adjoining  buildings 

in  York  and  Waterloo  Roads,  1 949         —    Photograph. 

24.  Waterloo  Bridge  approach,  west  side,   1949 

(a)  Street  frontage  (b)  Back    -       -       —     Sketches  by  F.  A.  Evans. 

25.  York  Road,  1949  {a)  South  side  {b)  North 

side  --------     Sketches  by  F.  A.  Evans. 

26.  (a)  Old  toll  house.  Griffin  Street,  1949        -     Sketch  by  F.  A.  Evans. 

(b)  Turnpike  in  York  Road,  1828       -       -     From  a  sepia  drawing  by  J.  Buckler 

in  the  Council's  collection. 

27.  (a)  Lying-in  Hospital,  Westminster  Bridge 

Road,  circa  1 800       —       —       —       —       -     From  a  watercolour  in  the  British 

{h)  General  Lying-in  Hospital,  York  Road, 

1950         _______    Photograph. 






(a)  Manners  Street  from  College  Street, 
1930  {b)  College  Street  from  Belvedere 
Road,  1930       ____-- 

(a)  Shot  Tower  and  No.  61,  Belvedere  Road, 
1930  {b)  No.  6  arch,  in  approach  road  to 
Hungerford  Bridge,  1946         _       _       _ 

Shot  Tower,  Belvedere  Road,  plans,  elevation 
and  section,  1948      —       —       — 

The  Lion  Brewery,  1836      —       - 


-       -     Photographs. 

Measured  drawings  by  F.  A.  Evans. 
From  an  aquatint  by  George  Hunt 

after  F.  C.  Turner  in  the  Council's 


32.     Lion  Brewery,  north-west  side  of  Belvedere 

Road,  1930       -       -       -       -       -       -  Photograph. 

2,2,-     No.  55  Belvedere  Road,  elevations  and  plans  Measured  drawings  by  R. G.  Absolon. 

34.  Belvedere  Road,  1946  {a)  No.  ^y,  (b)  No.  59  Photographs. 

35.  (a)  Nos.  55-59  Belvedere  Road,   1949;    (b) 

Nos.  1 16  and  1 18  Belvedere  Road,  1948  -  From  watercolours  by  M.  H.  Leefe. 

36.  Door  knockers  from  Lambeth  district  -       -  Drawn  by  M.  H.  Leefe. 

37.  (a)  Belvedere,  Lambeth  circa  1720       -       -  From  a  pen  and  ink  drawing  in  the 

Council's  collection. 
(b)  Coade's    Artificial    Stone    Manufactory, 

circa  1800-       __       —       ---  From  a  watercolour  in  the  Guildhall 


38.  Coade's   Artificial   Stone   Manufactory 

(<2)  1801        -       —       -       -       —       —       -     From  a  watercolour  by  C.  Tomkins 

in  the  Guildhall  Library. 

(^)i827        -       —       -       —       -       -       -     From   a   watercolour  by  Buckler   in 

the   possession    of  the    Duchy  of 

39.  (a)  The    entrance    to    Coade    and    Sealy's 

Gallery  of  Sculpture,  Westminster  Bridge, 

1 802  _____       —       —     From  an  engraving  by  S.  Rawle  in 

the  Council's  collection. 
(b)  Lambeth  Waterworks,  Belvedere   Road, 

1826         -       —       —       —       -       -       -     From  a  watercolour  by  G.Yates  in  the 

Guildhall  Library. 

40.  Boat  of  the  Roman  period  uncovered  on  the 

site  of  County  Hall,  1 9 10         _       -       -     Photograph. 

41.  (a)  Buildings  on  the  site  of  County  Hall,  1906     Photograph. 
(b)    County   Hall,    1948,    from   the   roof   of 

Charing  Cross  Station      _       -       -       -    From  a  drawing  by  Lawrence  Wright 

in  the  Council's  collection 

42.  County  Hall,  interior  of  Council  Chamber, 

1938  _______     The  Times  Photogtzph. 

43.  Asylum  for  female  orphans 

(a)  1824       _______     From  a  watercolour  drawing  in  the 

Council's  collection. 

(b)  Dining  hall,  1 808  _       _       _       -       -     From   an   aquatint   after   Pugin   and 

Rowlandson      in      the      Council's 



44.  Christ  Church,  Westminster  Bridge  Road, 

1950         _______    Photograph. 

45.  (a)  Yorkshire  Society's  School,  Westminster 

Bridge  Road,  1885-       -       -       -       -     From  an  engraving  in  the  Guildhall 

(b)  Nos.  65-75  Westminster  Bridge  Road, 

1922  -       -       -       —       —       -       -     Photograph. 

46.  (a)  Astley's  Royal  Amphitheatre,  circa  1850     Engraving  by  J.  Scury  after  W.  H. 

(F)  Arena   of  Astley's    Amphitheatre,    circa 

1810         -       -       -       -       —       -       -     Engraving  published  by  R.  Wilkin- 

47.  Canterbury  Hall,   Upper  Marsh,    1947    {a) 

Amphi  entrance  (b)  Entrance  to  main  hall     Drawings  by  F.  A.  Evans. 

48.  A  view  of  Westminster  Bridge,  1791   -       -     From  an  engraving  by  J.  W.  Edy  in 

the  Council's  collection. 

49.  Westminster  Bridge  Approach,  1 900  -       -     Photograph. 

50.  {a)   St.  Thomas'  Hospital  from  Westminster 

Bridge,    1950;     {b)    Westminster    Bridge 

from  Albert  Embankment,  1950      -       —    Photographs. 

51.  Manor  of  Lambeth  Enclosure  Map,   1806 

(northern  part)  —___--     From  the  Council's  collection. 

52.  Statue  of  Edward  VI,  St.  Thomas'  Hospital  -     Photograph. 

53.  Four    figures   at    the   main   entrance   to    St. 

Thomas' Hospital,  1950-       -       -       -    Photographs. 

54.  Statue  of  Sir  Robert  Clayton,  St.  Thomas' 

Hospital   __-___-    Photograph. 
^^.     (a)  The  Mitre  Public  House  at  Stangate,  1801     Photograph  of  a  drawing  by  Dan. 

(b)  Roberts'  Boat  House,  Stangate,  circa  1 840    From  a  lithograph  by  C.  W.  Rad- 

clyfFe  in  the  Council's  collection. 

56.  (a)  Lambeth   Reach,  circa   i860;    (1^)  West 

side    of    Stangate,    site    of   St.    Thomas' 

Hospital,  aVc^  i860  _       _       _       _    Photographs  by  W.  Strudwick. 

57.  and  58.     Prospect  of  London  and  Westminster 

(2  sheets)  _       —       _       —       _       —       —     From  an  engraving  by  W.  Hollar  in 

the  Council's  collection. 

59.  Nos.  2—46  Stangate  Street,  strip  elevation  and 

details  of  doors,  1949       _       _       _       _     Measured  drawings  by  B.  Shawcroft. 

60.  Plan  of  Lambeth  Palace,  1648      _       _       _    From  a  copy  made  in   1700  in   the 

possession    of  the    Church   Com- 

6 1 .  Lambeth  Palace,  Blore's  plan  of  the  ground 

floor,  circa  1828         -       —       —       —       —     From  the  original  drawing  at  Lam- 
beth Palace. 

62.  Lambeth  Palace,   First    floor    plan    showing 

post-war  alterations,  1949-50  -       -       -     From  a  working   drawing  by  Seely 

and  Paget, 


63.  Lambeth  House,  1647  _       _       _       _     Engraving  by  W.  Hollar. 

64.  Lambeth  Palace  in  1697  showing  the  horse 

ferry  __--       —       --     From  an  engraving  by  J.   Kip  after 

L.  Knyff  in  the  Council's  collection. 

65.  Lambeth  Palace  and  Church,  1849       -       -     From    a    pen    and    ink    drawing    by 

J.  Whittock  in  the  British  Museum. 

66.  Lambeth  Palace,  1950  (a)  Morton's  Tower; 

(F)  Laud's  Tower     —       -       —       —       -     Sketches  by  F.  A.  Evans. 

67.  (a)  Lambeth  Palace  from  the  garden,   1804     From  an  engraving  by  J.  Greig  in  the 

Council's  collection. 
(l>)  The  cloister  with  parts  of  the  Guard  Room 

and  Chapel,  1 803      -----     From  an  engraving  by  J.  Roffe  in  the 

Council's  collection. 

68.  Lambeth  Palace,  interior  of  Chapel  (a)  1804     Pencil  drawing  by  J.  Whittock  in  the 

Guildhall  Library. 
(i)  After  war  damage,  1950  _       _       _     Pencil  drawing  by  F.  A.  Evans. 

69.  Lambeth  Palace  Chapel,  1924  (rt)  West  end 

(I?)  Screen  ------     Photographs    by    the    Royal    Com- 

mission on  Historical  Monuments. 

70.  Lambeth  Palace  Chapel  crypt,  1949     -       -     Photograph,    copyright    of   Bedford 

Lemere  &  Co.,  Ltd. 

7 1 .  Lambeth  Palace  Chapel  crypt       _       _       _     Measured  drawing  by  F.  A.  Evans. 

72.  (a)  Water     Tower;      (/5)    North     view     of 

Lambeth  Palace  from  the  Bishop's  Walk, 

1828  —       —       —       —       ___     From  watercolours  by  J.  Buckler  in 

the    possession    of   J.    H.    Mac- 


73.  Lambeth  Palace,  doors  _       _       _       _     Measured  drawings  by  R.G.Absolon. 

74.  Lambeth  Palace,   Laud's   Tower,   first   floor 

doorway    —       —       —       —       —       —       —     Measured  drawing  by  F.  A.  Evans. 

75.  Lambeth  Palace,  Post  Room,  1924      -       -     Photograph  from  Royal  Commission 

on  Historical  Monuments. 

76.  Lambeth  Palace,  Guard  Room,  1940  -       -     Photograph  by  A.  F.  Kersting  from 

the  National  Buildings  Record. 

77.  Lambeth  Palace   (a)  Section  of  library  circa 

1828        -       -        -       -       -       -       -    Measured  drawing  by  Blore  in  Lam- 
beth Palace  Library. 
(l>)   Great  Hall,  1949    -----     Photograph,    copyright    of    William 

Gordon  Davis. 

78.  Lambeth  Palace,  roof  of  Great  Hall,  1949-     Photograph,    copyright    of    William 

Gordon  Davis. 

79.  Lambeth  Palace,  north-east  door  of  Great  Hall     Measured  drawing  by  A.  J.  North. 

80.  Lambeth    Palace,   elevation    of   south    front 

(a)    1829-       -       -       -       —       —       -     Measured    drawing    by    Blore    from 

Lambeth  Palace  Library. 
(^)    1950  -------     Photograph. 

81.  Lambeth  Palace,  main  staircase  of  residential 


1950        ------     Photograph. 



82.  Lambeth   Palace,    interior   of  oriel   window 

above  main  staircase,  1 950        - 

83.  Lambeth  Palace,   elevation  of  garden  front 

{a)    1829  ----- 

-       -     Photograph. 

(b)    1949  ------- 

84.  Church  of  St.  Mary,  Lambeth     —       —       — 

85.  Morton's   Tower,    1869    {a)  Elevations;    (J>) 

Plans         ------- 

86.  (a)  "Lambeth  Palace  from  the  Thames  at 

high  water,"  1784    ----- 

(J?)  Morton's  Tower  and  Lambeth  Church, 
1950         ------- 

87.  St.   Mary's  Church  tower,  west  and  south 

elevations  —       —       —       —       —       —       — 

88.  St.  Mary's  Church  tower,  section  and  plans  — 

89.  St.    Mary's    Church,    monument    to    John 

Mompesson      —       —       __       —       — 

90.  St.    Mary's    Church,    monument    to    Hugh 

Peyntwyn-        --       —       —       —       _ 

91.  St.  Mary's  Church,   1950   {a)  General  view 

of  interior  looking  east;   (b)  Font  —  — 

92.  St.  Mary's  Church,  detail  of  font  rail  -       — 

93.  St.    Mary's    Churchyard    tombs     (a)    John 

Tradescant     (J?)  William    Bligh     (c)  John 
Sealy         —       —       -       —       —       -_ 

94.  Lambeth  Rectory,  1828        -       -       -       - 






Lambeth  Rectory,  elevations  and  plans  - 
Doorways   {a)  No.  6  Pratt  Walk   {b)  No.  8 

Pratt     Walk    {c)  Lambeth    Rectory,   No. 

214  Lambeth  Road  (d)  No.  i  Doris  Street 
Walnut  Tree  Walk,  doorways,  1927  (a)  No. 

57  {b)  No.  2  {c)  No.  8  {d)  No.  5  - 
(a)  Nos.  35-41  Carlisle  Lane,  1950  (b)  Nos. 

11-13  St.  Mary's  Walk,  1950  -       - 

Walnut  Tree  Walk,  1927    {a)  Nos.  64  and 

65   (^)  No.  6    -       -       -       -       -       - 

Kennington   Road,  strip  elevations  of  Nos. 

121-143  and  128-104,  1949  -  -  - 
Doorways    (a)   No.    126    Kennington    Road 

{b)  No.  1 1 8  Kennington  Road  {c)  Nos.  60  - 

6 1  Walnut  Tree  Walk      -       - 

Measured    drawing    by    Blore    from 

Lambeth  Palace  Library. 
Photograph     by     William     Gordon 

From  a  watercolour  by  E.  Dayes  in  the 

Council's  collection. 

From  original  drawings  in  the  posses- 
sion of  Seely  &  Paget. 

From   an   engraving   by   Cary  after 
Pouncy  in  the  Council's  collection. 


Measured  drawings  by  F.  A.  Evans. 
Measured  drawings  by  F.  A.  Evans. 

Measured  drawing  by  Evelyn  Prior. 

Measured  drawing  by  F.  H.  Healey. 


Measured  drawing  by  A.  J.  North. 

Pencil  drawings  by  F.  A.  Evans. 
From  a  watercolour  drawing  by  J. 

Buckler  in  the  Guildhall  Library. 
From  the  building  lease  of  1778. 

Measured  drawings. 




Measured  drawings  by  R.  G.  Absolon. 

-       -     Measured  drawings. 



1 02.  No.  139  Kennington  Road,  detail  of  entrance 

door  —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —     Measured  drawing  by  F.  A.  Evans. 

103.  No.  139  Kennington  Road,  detail  of  ground 

floor  living  room       _       —       —       _       —     Measured  drawing  by  F.  A.  Evans. 

104.  Doorways  in  Kennington  Road   (a)  No.  125 

(/^)  No.  135  (c)  No.  163  ((^  No.    133      -     Measured  drawings. 

105.  Kennington    Road    (a)  Nos.    114   and    116, 

1950  (^)  No.  131,  1945   -       -       —       —    Photographs. 

106.  (rt)  Church  of  St.  Anselm,  Kennington  Road, 

1950;  (F)  Church  of  St.  Peter,  Kennington 
Lane,  interior  looking  towards  chancel, 
1950  --_--__     Photographs. 

107.  (a)  No.    122   Kennington   Road,    1927;    (^) 

Walcot  Square,  north-east  side,    1950    —     Photographs. 

108.  (a)  Mill  in  Lambeth,  circa  1780  —       -       -     Watercolour  by  Paul  Sandby  in  the 

Guildhall  Library. 
(l))  The  entrance  to  the  distillery,  circa  1780     Sepia  watercolour  by  De  Cort  in  the 

Council's  collection. 

109.  (a)  Carlisle  House  School    -       —       —       -     Watercolour    by    C.    J.    Richardson 

from  a  sketch  by  J.  Whichelo. 
(l>)  No.  20  Carlisle  Lane,  1950    -       -       -     Photograph. 

1 10.  (a)  Royal  Street,  north  side,  «r^£7  1 880  -       —     From  a  watercolour  in  the  Council's 
(^)   Church  of  Holy  Trinity,  Carlisle  Lane,  collection. 

1950  -------     Photograph. 

111.  (a)  Houses  in  Lambeth  Road  opposite  the 

church,  circa  i860    -       -       -       —       —     Photograph  by  William  Strudwick. 
(i)  Stiff's  drain  pipe  manufactory         —       —     Watercolour. 

112.  («)  Old  houses  on  the  east  side  of  High  Street, 

1885         —       —       —       —       -       —       —     From  a  watercolour  in  the  Council's 

(F)  Watch  house  in  the  High  Street,  1828  -     Sepia  watercolour  by  J.  C.  Buckler. 

113.  (a)  No.  8  Bolwell  Street,  1950;  (l>)  Church  of 

St.   Mary  the  Less,  Black  Prince  Road, 

1950         -       -       -       -       -       -       -     Photographs. 

114.  (a)  Old  Swan  Yard,  Fore  Street,  circa  i860; 

(F)  Fore  Street  and  the  corner  of  Ferry 

Street,  wrc^  i860      -----     Photographs  by  William  Strudwick. 

115.  (a)  Lambeth  Chapel,  Lambeth  Road  -       -     From  an  aquatint  by  C.  Rosenberg 

after    T.    D.    W.    Dearn    in    the 
Council's  collection. 
(F)  Lambeth  Walk,  1886     -       -       -       _     From  a  watercolour  in  the  Council's 


116.  (a)  Parochial  school  for  boys,  18 15      -       -     From  an  ink  and  wash  drawing  by 

R.  B.  Schnebbelie  in  the  Council's 




{b)  Ragged  School,  Newport  Street,  in  1851     From  a  watercolour  in  the  Guildhall 


117.  {a)  No.   14  Old  Paradise  Street,   1908;    (F) 

Nos.  49-53  High  Street,  1908        -       -    Photographs. 

118.  (a)  Old  houses  on  the  Albert  Embankment 

near  Vauxhall  Bridge,  1886      —       —       —     From  a  watercolour  in  the  Council's 

{b)  No.  85  Albert  Embankment,  north  front, 

1950         -       -       -       —       —       -       -     Photograph. 

119.  (a)   Lambeth  Bridge  and  toll  house,   1896; 

(J?)  River  frontage  of  Fore  Street,  south  of 

Lambeth  Bridge,  circa  i860    -       -       -     Photographs. 

120.  (a)  VauxhaU  Manor  House  -       _       _       _     From  an  engraving  by  W.  Read  after 

Nash  in  the  Council's  collection. 
{b)  Nos  28-42  Vauxhall  Walk,  1950  -       -     Photograph. 

121.  (a)  House  on  the  north  side  of  Broad  Street, 

arc«  1828;  (^)  Houses  in  Fore  Street,  1828     From   sepia  watercolours   by   J.    C. 

Buckler  in  the  Council's  collection. 

122.  Royal   Doulton   Potteries,   Albert   Embank- 

ment, 1940       ____--     Photograph      copyright      of     Royal 

Doulton  Potteries. 

123.  Plan  of  Vauxhall  Manor,  1681     -       -       -     From  the  original  in  the  possession 

of  the  Church  Commissioners. 

124.  Plan  of  Vauxhall  Gardens,  1785  -       -       -     From  the  survey  belonging  to  the 

Duchy  of  Cornwall. 

125.  Vauxhall  Gardens  (a)  The  Temple  of  Comus, 

1753  _______  Engraving  by  Muller  after  Canaletto. 

{b)  Triumphal  arches   _____  Engraving  by  Muller  after  Wale. 

126.  Vauxhall  Gardens   («)  The  Grand  Walk       -  Engraving  by  Rooker  after  Canaletto. 
(b)   Music  room    -       —       —       ___  Engraving  by  Roberts  after  Wale. 

127.  A  general  prospect  of  Vauxhall  Gardens     -  Engraving  by  Muller  after  Wale. 




1.  Part  of  plan  of  Prince's  Meadows,  1636    --------  i^ 

2.  No.  86  Waterloo  Road.    Detail  of  railings  -------28 

3.  No.  86  Waterloo  Road.    Detail  of  doors  on  first  floor.    Measured  drawings      -  29 

4.  No.  86  Waterloo  Road.   Doorway  to  Boyce  Street.   Measured  drawing  by  A.  R. 

Hansen  —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —  30 

5.  Nos.  96-100  Waterloo  Road.   First  floor  iron  balustrade.    Measured  drawing  by 

B.  Shawcroft  —       —       -       —       -       —       —       —       —       -       —       -—  31 

6.  No.  86  Waterloo  Road  from  St.  John's  Church.    Sketch  by  F.  A.  Evans,  1949  33 

7.  St.  John's,  Waterloo  Road.    Doorway  to  crypt  —       —       —       —       —       —       —35 

8.  Ground  floor  plan  of  the  General  Lying-in  Hospital,  York  Road,  1950    -       -  43 

9.  No.  59  Belvedere  Road.    Lead  rainwater  head  -------48 

10.  No.  59  Belvedere  Road.    Entrance  gates,  1948.    Measured  drawing         -       -  48 

11.  No.  59  Belvedere  Road.    Ground  plan,  1948.    Measured  drawing    -       -       -  49 

12.  No.  59  Belvedere  Road.    Fireplace.    Measured  drawing    -----  49 

13.  Plan  of  the  Lion  Brewery  —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —  ^i 

14.  Lion  Brewery.    South-west  elevation  to  entrance  courtyard.    Measured  drawing  52 

15.  Lion  Brewery.    North-west  elevation  to  entrance  courtyard.    Measured  drawing  53 

16.  Delft  plate.           -------------  ^S 

17.  India  Stores,  Belvedere  Road,  in  course  of  demolition,  1949.    Sketch  by  F.  A. 

Evans      --------------  ^j 

18.  Plan  of  Jesus  College  property  (the  Hopes)  in  1804.    From  a  deed  belonging 

to  Jesus  College,  Oxford         _       —       —       —       —       __       —       -—  60 

19.  Inscription  on  lion's  paw,  Lion  Brewery,  Lambeth.    Pen  and  ink  drawing  by 

F.  A.  Evans    ---       —       ---------61 

20.  Plan  of  Coade  8z  Sealy's  Works,  Belvedere  Road,   1837.    From  a  deed  in  the 

possession  of  Jesus  College,  Oxford        -       —       —       —       —       —       —       —  61 

21.  Boundary  stone  of  Pedlar's  Acre         --       —       ____--  63 

22.  Lambeth  Palace.    Corbel  with  monk's  head.    Sketch  by  Blore  —       —       —       —  81 

23.  Lambeth  Palace.    Entrance  to  Morton's  Tower.    Sketch  by  R.  G.  Absolon      -  82 

24.  Lambeth  Palace.    Staircase  to  Morton's  Tower.    Sketch  by  R.  G.  Absolon        -  83 

25.  Lambeth  Palace.    Morton's  Tower.    Linenfold  panelling.    Measured  drawing  -  84 

26.  Lambeth  Palace.    South-east  door  to  Great  Hall.    Measured  drawing        —       —  87 

27.  Lambeth  Palace.    Lollards' Tower  stairs,  1950.    Sketch  by  R.  G.  Absolon        -  89 

28.  Lambeth  Palace.   Laud's  Tower.   Detail  of  staircase.    Measured  drawing  —       -  92 

29.  Lambeth  Palace  Chapel.    Details  of  pew  ends    —       ------93 

30.  Lambeth  Palace.    Crypt,  1950.    Sketch  by  R.  G.  Absolon         -       -       -       -  94 

31.  Lambeth  Palace.    Door  to  Chapel.    Measured  drawing      -----  9^ 



32.  Lambeth  Palace.    Cranmer's  Tower.    Landing  at  top  of  stairs.    Sketch  by  R.  G. 

Absolon  —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —       —      (^6 

33.  Lambeth  Palace.    Corbel  with  griffin.    Sketch  by  Blore     -       -       -       -       -      98 

34.  Lambeth  Palace.    Corbel  with  king's  head.    Sketch  by  Blore     _       -       -       -      99 
2iS-  St.  Mary's  Church.   Pedlar's  window         -       -       -       -       -       -       -       -104 

36.  St.  Mary's  Church.   Plan,  1851.    From  the  drawing  by  P.  C.  Hardwick-       -    iii 

37.  St.  Mary's  Church.    Doorway  to  vestry.    Measured  drawing     -       -       -       -    112 

38.  St.  Mary's  Church.    Tablet  to  Sir  Peter  Rich    -       -       -       -       -       -       -115 

39.  Nos.  214— 204  Lambeth  Road.    Measured  drawing  by  Evelyn  Prior         -       -     123 

40.  No.  135  Kennington  Road,  1950.    Sketch  by  R.  G.  Absolon    -       -       -       -    128 

41.  No.  121  Kennington  Road.    Staircase  detail.    Measured  drawing      -       -       -    129 

42.  No.  125  Kennington  Road.   Fireplace.    Measured  drawing        -       -.-       -       -    129 

43.  No.    139     Kennington    Road.     Detail   of  fireplace  in   first   floor   front  room. 

Measured  drawing  _________       _       _     130 

44.  No.  125  Kennington  Road.    Folding  doors  on  ground  floor.  Measured  drawing    131 

45.  Rear  of  Nos.  186-208  Kennington  Road,  1950.    Sketch  by  F.  A.  Evans-      -    132 

46.  Rear  of  No.  127  Kennington  Road,  1950.    Sketch  by  F.  A.  Evans  -       -       -    133 

47.  No.   8   Old  Paradise  Street,  panelled  room  on  first  floor  (front).     Measured 

drawing  --------------139 

48.  Elevation  of  Nos.  14—2  Old  Paradise  Street.    Measured  drawing    —       -       -    140 
49  Nos.  4-12  Pratt  Walk,  elevation.    Measured  drawing  by  Evelyn  Prior     -       -    141 

50.  Plan  of  Ragged  Schools  in  Newport  Street         —       -       -       —       -       —       -143 

51.  No.  I  Doris  Street,  door  knocker.    Ink  drawing        —       —       —       —       —       —    144 

52.  Nos.  38-28  Vauxhall  Walk,  1950.    Measured  drawing  by  A.  R.  Hansen  -       -    145 

53.  No.  85  Albert  Embankment,  fireplace.    Measured  drawing      -       -       -       —    149 





DOULTON,  HENRY         -      - 

'THE  BLACK  PRINCE'  (Shield 
for  Peace)       --____ 


JUXON,  WILLIAM    -      _      -  - 

MORTON,  JOHN       -      -      _  _ 

ROCHESTER,  SEE  OF    -      -  - 

ST.  THOMAS'  HOSPITAL     -  - 

TUNSTALL,  CUTHBERT      -      - 

Quarterly^  sable  and  or,  in  the  first  quarter  a 
fleur-de-lys  of  the  second,    (p.  114) 

Azure,  an  archiepiscopal  staff  in  pale  argent  en- 
signed  with  a  cross-patee  or,  surmounted  of  a 
pall  of  the  second,  edged  and  fringed  of  the  third, 
charged  with  four  crosses  formie-fitchee  sable. 

Or,  a  chevron  between  three  cinquef oils  pierced  gules. 
(P-  89) 

Argent,  a  cross  gules  in  the  first  quarter,  with  a 
sword  of  the  second  in  pale  point  upwards. 
(P-  72) 

Sable,  fifteen  bezants,    (p.  9) 

Azure,  on  a  pale  invected  or  between  two  goats'  heads 
erased  of  the  last  a  lion  rampant  sable  between 
two  escallops  gules,    (p.  142) 

Sable,  three  ostrich  feathers  quilled  and  passing 
through  scrolls  argent  bearing  the  words  '  Ich 
Diene\    (p.  5) 

Fert,  three  stags  trippant  argent  attired,  or.    (p.  25) 

Or,  a  cross  gules  between  four  blackamoors'  heads 
and  shoulders  affronte  in  their  proper  colours  with 
wreaths,  or.    (p.  85) 

Quarterly,  one  and  four  gules,  a  goat's  head  erased 
armed  or,  two  and  three  ermine,    (p.  82) 

Argent,  on  a  saltire  gules  an  escallop,  or.    (p.  75) 

Argent,  on  a  cross  between,  in  the  first  quarter  a 
sword  erect  gules,  and  in  the  second  quarter  a 
chough  proper  a  roach  haurient  of  the  first;  on  a 
chief  azure  a  rose  of  the  field  barbed  and  seeded 
proper  between  two  fleur  de  lys,  or.    (p.  79) 

Sable,  three  wool  combs  argent,    (p.  1 1 3) 



IN  this  year  of  the  Festival  of  Britain,  the  "South  Bank"  has  become 
the  cynosure  of  all  eyes.  Accordingly  this  volume  contains  much 
that  is  of  contemporaneous  interest.  Its  value  as  a  record  of  the 
topography  and  buildings  of  North  Lambeth  will,  however, 
remain  long  after  the  South  Bank  Exhibition  has  become  part  of 
Lambeth  history.  At  a  cursory  glance  the  area  seems  lacking  in  archi- 
tectural and  historical  interest,  but  a  detailed  survey  has  proved  richly 

The  "South  Bank"  is  somewhat  of  a  misnomer.  The  Thames 
between  Vauxhall  Bridge  and  Waterloo  Bridge  does  not  run  west  to 
east  as  is  commonly  supposed,  but  south  to  north,  so  that  in  fact 
most  of  the  riverside  area  of  Lambeth  is  on  the  east  side  of  the  river. 
The  term  "South  Bank"  has,  however,  become  so  customary  that 
its  use  is  now  inevitable  though  it  complicates  the  topographical 
descriptions  of  particular  places.  A  further  difficulty  which  has  arisen 
in  elucidating  the  topography  of  the  area  prior  to  the  1820's  is  the 
vagueness  of  the  term  Lambeth  Marsh  which  was  applied  generally 
to  much  of  North  Lambeth.  It  has,  for  instance,  proved  impossible 
to  decide  the  exact  viewpoint  of  Capon's  drawing  of  the  Marsh 
reproduced  in  the  frontispiece. 

The  records  of  the  Archbishop's  Manor  and  of  Vauxhall  Manor 
are  exceptionally  full,  and  by  kind  permission  of  the  Church  Com- 
missioners they  have  been  freely  used  in  preparing  the  volume.  Thanks 
are  due  to  His  Grace  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  for  allowing  access 
to  the  records  preserved  at  the  Palace  and  for  permission  to  make 
drawings  and  photographs  there. 

Unfortunately,  the  majority  of  the  Duchy  of  Cornwall  records 
could  not  be  brought  back  to  London  from  their  war-time  depository 
in  time  to  be  of  service,  but  in  writing  the  history  of  the  Manor  of 
Kennington  the  manuscript  history  compiled  some  years  ago  by  Mr. 
Rollo  Clowes,  a  former  member  of  the  Duchy  Office  staff,  has  proved 
invaluable.  As  always  in  this  series  the  resources  of  the  Public 
Record  Office,  the  British  Museum  and  Somerset  House  have  been 
widely  used. 

The  parish  records  of  Lambeth  are  not  so  complete  as  those  of 
Southwark,  and  in  particular  the  set  of  Poor  Rate  books  has  been 
sadly  depleted.  Such  records  as  remain  either  at  the  Town  Hall  or  in 
the  care  of  the  Librarian  have  been  readily  produced,  and  the  Church 
authorities  have  been  most  helpful  both  in  allowing  access  to  records 
and  in  giving  facilities  for  drawing  and  measuring  the  buildings  under 
their  control.  Mr.  T.  F.  Garnish  of  the  Lambeth  Endowed  Charities 
has  helped  in  many  ways,  as  have  a  number  of  local  residents  and  firms 
among  whom  special  mention  must  be  made  of  Doulton  &  Co.,  Ltd. 

The  historical  parts  of  the  volume  and  its  compilation  are  the 
work  of  Miss  Ida  Darlington,  M.A.,the  Council's  Librarian,  who  has  been 


assisted  by  Miss  M.  P.  G.  Christie,  B.A.  The  architectural  descriptions 
and  drawings  have  been  prepared  under  the  direction  of  the  Architect  by 
Mr.  J.  H.  Farrar,  A.R.C.A.,  who  wishes  to  acknowledge  the  assistance 
he  has  received  from  Mr.  Kenneth  S.  Mills,  A.R.I.B.A.,  A.M.T.P.I. 
and  Mr.  F.  R.  Buggey  and  other  officers  in  his  department. 


Clerk  of  the  London  County  Council. 
The  County  Hall, 

Westminster  Bridge,  S.E.i. 



r  J  D  E  X     MAP 

iUpnduied  from  the  Ordnance  Survey  Map,  with  ihe  sanction  of  the  ConlrolUr  of  H.M.  Slalionery  Office 


Viirish  bouiuiariei  and  buildm^i  of  %vhtih  a  Jetmkd  description  is  ^izrn  are  sAtKvn  in  rf> 


THE  name  "Lambeth"  occurs  in  many  forms  in  early  records.  It 
is  of  Saxon  origin  and  signifies  either  a  harbour  or  quay  from  which 
lambs  were  shipped,  or  a  loam  or  muddy  harbour.^  Of  the  two  the 
latter  seems  the  more  likely. 
It  is  probable  that  the  Roman  road  from  the  Kent  coast  via  Canter- 
bury and  Rochester  at  one  time  crossed  the  Thames  at  Lambeth  and  linked 
up  with  the  Edgware  Road.  Probably  the  river  was  easily  fordable  at  this 
point,  since  in  Roman  times  the  ebb  and  flow  of  the  tide  did  not  extend 
above  London  Bridge  and  the  river  was  considerably  shallower  than  it  is 
to-day.  There  was  certainly  an  early  river  crossing  at  Lambeth,  the  precursor 
of  the  later  Horseferry.^ 

Until  the  beginning  of  the  19th  century  most  of  the  northern  part  of 
Lambeth  was  in  fact  as  well  as  in  name  a  "marsh"  intersected  with  many 
ditches  although,  particularly  after  the  completion  of  Westminster  Bridge  in 
1750,  a  fringe  of  houses  and  industrial  buildings  grew  up  along  the  river 
front  on  the  remains  of  the  old  earth  wall  and  on  the  enclosures  of  land 
reclaimed  from  the  river  and  known  as  "hopes. "^ 

The  laying  out  of  Westminster  Bridge  Road  and  Kennington  Road 
circa  1750  stimulated  some  building  development  in  their  neighbourhood,  but 
there  was  no  intensive  development  of  Lambeth  Marsh  and  Prince's  Meadows 
until  after  the  formation  of  Waterloo  Bridge  and  its  approaches,  and  the  more 
effective  drainage  of  the  area  as  a  result  of  the  powers  conferred  on  the 
Surrey  and  Kent  Sewer  Commission  in  1809.^ 

A  rapid  deterioration  followed  the  coming  of  the  railways  to  Lambeth: 
streets  were  cut  up  and  buildings  torn  down  or  dismembered,  while  the 
series  of  dark,  damp  arches  under  the  lines  encouraged  the  more  disreputable 
element  of  the  population  to  the  district. 

The  formation  of  the  Albert  Embankment  in  1866-70  was  the  first 
move  towards  the  improvement  of  North  Lambeth,  but  there  was  little 
further  tidying-up  until  the  London  County  Council  built  County  Hall  on 
the  wharves  of  Pedlar's  Acre  in  1906-22.  The  extension  of  the  river  wall 
from  County  Hall  to  Waterloo  Bridge  was  planned  in  the  1930's,  but  the 
project  was  delayed  owing  to  the  war.  Lambeth  suffered  severely  from  bomb 
damage  and  it  was  partly  because  there  was  a  large  expanse  of  damaged 
and  derelict  property  on  the  river  front  that  it  was  decided  to  utilise  this 
area  for  the  Festival  of  Britain  and  to  push  on  the  scheme  for  a  new 
embankment  wall  and  the  erection  of  a  new  concert  hall  for  London.  In- 
evitably so  large  a  project  has  resulted  in  changes  in  the  locality  to  make 
more  adequate  approaches,  but  it  has  also  meant  the  restoration  of  some 
old  buildings  and  a  general  revival  of  interest  in  an  area  which,  as  the 
following  pages  will  show,  has  many  features  of  architectural  and  historical 

*  Bernard  Davis,  who  carried  out  some  excavations  in  the  grounds  of  Lambeth  Palace  in 
1935,  stated  that  he  found  what  appeared  to  be  the  end  of  the  Roman  road  there.- 


Lambeth   Industries 

There  are  several  traditional  industries  in  Lambeth.  From  the  1 7th 
to  the  19th  centuries  timber  yards  and  boat  builders'  yards  lined  most  of  the 
river  front.  The  potter  has  plied  his  craft  there  since  at  least  the  time  of 
Elizabeth,  clay  and  fuel  being  brought  by  barge  as  they  are  at  the  present 
day.  It  has  even  been  suggested  that  delft  pottery  was  made  in  Lambeth 
before  it  was  made  in  Delft.*  There  were  glassworks  in  Lambeth  from  the 
early  17th  century  until  recent  times,  while  candles  and  soap  have  been  made 
in  the  neighbourhood  for  at  least  200  years. 

Lambeth  has  been  one  of  the  centres  of  the  printing  trade  since  the 
beginning  of  the  19th  century.  Applegath  and  Cowper  set  up  their  first 
steam  press  in  Duke  Street  (now  Duchy  Street),  in  i  8  19,  and  their  successors, 
William  Clowes  &  Sons  Ltd.,  remained  on  the  same  site  until  their  premises 
were  burnt  out  in  the  recent  war.^ 

The  first  shot  tower  in  Lambeth  was  erected  east  of  Waterloo  Bridge 
circa  1789.^  Shot  continued  to  be  made  by  the  old  method  in  the  shot  tower 
on  the  west  side  until   1949. 

One  of  the  most  interesting  industrial  enterprises  in  Lambeth  was 
the  Coade  Artificial  Stoneworks,  which  functioned  from  1769  until  about 
1837,  and  whose  products,  still  to  be  seen  on  many  London  buildings,  have 
more  than  justified  the  claims  of  the  proprietors  that  they  would  outlast 
natural  stone. 

Lambeth   Churches 

The  whole  of  the  present  metropolitan  borough  of  Lambeth,  which 
extends  south  as  far  as  the  boundary  of  the  County  of  London,  formerly 
comprised  the  parish  of  St.  Mary,  Lambeth.  It  was  not  until  the  first  quarter 
of  the  1 9th  century  that  the  need  was  felt  for  more  ecclesiastical  provision, 
and  in  fairly  quick  succession  the  churches  of  St.  John,  Waterloo  Road 
(1824),  St.  Mary  the  Less  (1828),  Holy  Trinity,  Carlisle  Lane  (1841), 
All  Saints,  York  Street  (1846),  St.  Andrew,  Coin  Street  (1856),  and  St. 
Thomas's  (1857),  were  erected  in  North  Lambeth.  St.  Peter's,  Vauxhall,  was 
built  in  1861,  and  St.  Philip's,  Kennington  Road,  in  1863,  while  in  more 
recent  years  St.  Anselm's,  Kennington  Road,  was  built  on  the  Duchy  of 
Cornwall  estate. 

The  most  prominent  of  the  non-conformist  churches  in  the  area 
covered  by  this  volume  is  Christ  Church,  Westminster  Bridge  Road,  built  in 
1873-6  for  the  congregation  from  Rowland  Hill's  chapel  in  Blackfriars  Road. 
The  Wesleyan  Chapel  and  schools  in  Vauxhall  Walk  date  from  1841,  but 
are  so  damaged  as  to  be  unusable. 

The  Manors 

The  northern  part  of  Lambeth  was  divided  into  two  manors,  Lambeth 
and  Kennington.  Both  of  them  date  from  before  the  Conquest  and,  largely 
because  they  were  in  corporate  hands,  manorial  organisation  continued  to 


operate  in  both  until  the  passing  of  the  Law  of  Property  Act,  1925.  In  both 
manors  the  copyholders  held  by  Borough  English,  the  youngest  sons  in- 
heriting or,  if  there  were  no  sons,  the  daughters  inheriting  as  co-heiresses. 

The  greater  part  of  the  old  manor  of  Vauxhall  lies  outside  the  area 
covered  bv  this  volume,  but  it  included  some  ground  north  of  the  site  of 
Kennineton  Lane  and  a  short  account  of  the  manor  is  therefore  included 
here.  The  name  Vauxhall  was  from  the  17th  century  onward  applied  to 
ground  which  had  previously  been  part  of  the  manor  of  Kennington  (see 
p.   11). 

Lambeth   Manor 

The  first  reference  to  Lambeth  that  has  been  found  is  in  the  Anglo- 
Saxon  Chronicle,  where,  under  date  1042,  is  the  statement:  "This  year  died 
King  Hardacnute  at  Lambeth  as  he  stood  drinking;  he  fell  suddenly  to  the 
earth  with  a  tremendous  struggle;  but  those  who  were  nigh  at  hand  took 
him  up;  and  he  spoke  not  a  word  afterwards,  but  expired  on  the  sixth  day 
before  the  ides  of  June."^  Tradition  says  that  he  died  at  Kennington,'* 
but  as  this  does  not  seem  to  have  been  a  royal  manor  at  the  time,  whereas 
Lambeth  was,  he  is  much  more  likely  to  have  been  at  the  latter. 

The  Domesday  Book  entry  reads*  "St.  Mary  is  a  manor  which  is 
called  LANCHEI.  Countess  Goda,  sister  of  King  Edward  held  it.  It  was 
then  assessed  for  10  hides;  now  for  2\  hides.  The  land  is  for  i  2  ploughs.  In 
demesne  there  are  2  ploughs;  and  [there  are]  12  villeins  and  27  bordars  with 
4  ploughs.  There  is  a  church;  and  19  burgesses  in  London  who  render 
36  shillings;  and  there  are  3  serfs;  and  16  acres  of  meadow.  Wood  worth 
3  hogs.  In  the  time  of  king  Edward,  and  afterwards,  it  was  worth  10  pounds; 
now  1 1  pounds.  The  Bishop  of  Bayeux  has  i  piece  of  arable  land  of  this 
manor,  which  before  and  after  the  death  of  Goda  lay  in  the  land  attached  to 
this  church."^ 

Goda  is  said  to  have  given  the  manor  of  Lambeth  to  the  church  of 
St.  Andrew,  Rochester,  before  the  Conquest. i''  In  view  of  the  Domesday 
Book  entry  this  seems  unlikely,  but  both  church  and  manor  were  granted  to 
the  convent  of  St.  Andrew,  Rochester,  by  William  Rufus,  and  the  grant 
was  confirmed  by  his  successors.  There  was  friction,  however,  between  the 
bishop  of  Rochester  and  the  convent  of  St.  Andrew,  Rochester,  about  the 
possession  of  Lambeth  manor,  but  finally  an  agreement  was  reached  in  1 197 
by  which  the  prior  and  convent  of  Rochester  granted  the  manor  of  Lambeth 
to  Hubert  Walter,  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  in  exchange  for  the  manor 
of  Darenth.  The  story  of  the  struggles  of  the  Archbishops  to  escape  from 
the  control  of  the  monks  of  Canterbury  by  building  a  house  first  of  all  outside 
Canterbury  and  then  in  Lambeth  is  part  of  the  wider  struggle  which  waxed 
and  waned  throughout  the  middle  ages  in  England  both  between  the  secular 
clergy  and  the  monastic  orders  and  between  the  English  hierarchy  and  the 
Holy  See. 

The  agreement  granting  the  manor  to  the  Archbishop  provided  that 
the  bishop  of  Rochester  and  his  successors  should  retain  a  house  in  the 


See  of  Canterbury 


manor  for  their  own  use  and  should  receive  an  annual  payment  of  5  marks 
out  of  the  dues  of  the  rectory.^"  Rochester  House  continued  to  be  the  London 
residence  of  the  see  of  Rochester  until  1 540/^  when  by  exchange  it  passed  to 
the  see  of  Carlisle  (p.  75),  but  except  during  the  Commonwealth  period  the 
manor  as  a  whole  remained  in  the  possession  of  the  see  of  Canterbury  until 
its  administration  was  taken  over  by  the  Ecclesiastical  (now  the  Church) 

In  August,  1648,  Sir  John  Wollaston  and  others,  trustees  for  the 
sale  of  episcopal  property  sold^^  the  manor  of  Lambeth  for  £'J,oy2  os.  8d. 
to  Thomas  Scott  of  Marlow  and  Mathew  Hardy  of  London,  draper.  The 
property  included  the  Archbishop's  palace  with  4  acres  of  ground,  and  the 
park  of  5  acres,  containing  2  fishponds;  Sowters  lands  next  the  park  con- 
taining 14  acres;  a  close  of  pasture  near  Stangate  "called  the  fourteen  acres 
containing  13  acres";  5  closes  of  marsh  ground  lying  between  the  Thames 
and  Lambeth  Marsh  containing  28  acres;  5  acres  of  meadow  ground  lying 
in  Lott  Mead  and  commonly  called  the  Wild  Marsh;  300  acres  of  woodland 
called  Northwood,  and  three  coppices  there  containing  1 30  acres.  The  grant 
stated  that  it  was  intended  to  pull  down  the  mansion  house,  the  materials 
of  which  were  valued  at  £6,000.  The  grant  also  included  the  Archbishop's 
barge  house  and  other  buildings  near  the  rectory.  The  plan  on  Plate  60 
was  made  at  this  time. 

The  manor  was  given  back  to  the  Archbishop  at  the  Restoration. 
Except  for  the  group  of  buildings  known  as  Water  Lambeth  it  continued  to 
be  largely  undeveloped  until  the  erection  of  Westminster  Bridge  and  its 
approaches,  for  which  the  Archbishop  sold  land  to  the  Bridge  Commissioners. 

In  1806  the  Archbishop  obtained  an  Enclosure  Act^'^  for  the  manor 
(part  of  the  enclosure  map  is  reproduced  on  Plate  51).  Six  years  later  a 
detailed  survey  of  the  northern  part  of  the  manor  was  made  by  Driver.  The 
map,  of  which  the  Church  Commissioners  have  two  copies,  measures  approxi- 
mately 9  feet  by  10  feet,  and  on  it  every  holding,  garden  and  field  is  marked 
and  the  names  of  the  tenants  are  given.  It  must  have  been  invaluable  during 
the  next  20  years  when  rapid  road  and  building  development  was  taking 
place  all  over  the  manor. 

In  1820  the  Archbishop  obtained  an  Act  of  Parliament  which,  among 
other  things,  enabled  him  to  let  on  long  building  leases  his  lands  in  Lambeth 
"whereof  from  the  Increase  of  Trade  and  population  and  the  consequent 
necessity  or  demand  for  Buildings  and  other  Improvements  are  .  .  .  par- 
ticularly convenient  for  the  Scite  of  Houses,  Warehouses  and  other  Buildings 
to  a  very  considerable  extent. "i* 

The  court  rolls  of  the  manor  of  Lambeth  from  1280  until  1928  are 
(with  some  gaps)  still  preserved  by  the  Church  Commissioners  as  are  copies  of 
the  leases  granted  in  consequence  of  the  above-mentioned  Act.  These 
records  have  been  drawn  on  to  a  large  extent  in  compiling  the  history  of 
individual  sites  in  the  following  chapters,  though  the  lay-out  was  so  com- 
pletely altered  during  the  rapid  development  of  the  1820's  that  it  is  not 
always  easy  to  identify  individual  plots  of  ground. 


The  Manor  of  Kennington 

The  manor  of  Kennington  is  divided  into  two  main  sections,  Prince's 
Meadows  on  the  north,  which  was  demesne  land,  and  the  land  between 
Black  Prince  Road  and  Vauxhall,  which  was  partly  demesne  and  partly 
copyhold.  The  manor  of  Lambeth  was  sandwiched  in  between  these  two 
sections,  but  scattered  in  it  were  a  few  detached  portions  of  Kennington 
Manor.  The  lay-out  can  be  seen  on  the  plan  on  Plate  2  reproduced  from 
Middleton's  Survey  of  1785.  Some  parts  of  the  estate  have  been  sold  or 
ex'changed  since  that  survey  but,  in  the  main,  there  has  been  little  alteration 
in  it  up  to  the  present  day.  The  reason  for  the  intermingling  of  the  two 
manors  can  only  be  surmised,  but  it  probably  originated  in  Saxon  times. 
Kennington  has  been  interpreted  as  "royal  manor"  and  it  has  been  suggested 
that  Saxon  kings  had  a  palace  there,^^  but  although  the  manor  has  been  royal 
property  since  1337  it  was  not  so  at  the  time  of  Domesday  Book,  when  it 
was  described  as  being  in  Brixton  Hundred,  and  in  the  holding  of  Teodric 
the  goldsmith,  who  also  held  it  in  the  time  of  Edward  the  Confessor.  "It 
was  then  assessed  for  5  hides,  now  for  i  hide  and  3  virgates.  The  land  is  for 
2i  ploughs.  In  demesne  there  is  one  plough;  and  4  villeins  and  3  bordars 
with  2  ploughs.  There  is  i  serf;  and  4  acres  of  meadow.  It  was,  and  is,  worth 
3  pounds."^ 

At  the  time  of  his  death  in  1260,  Kennington  was  held  by  William 
de  Fortibus,  Earl  of  Albemarle. i"  The  reversion  of  it  was  probably  included 
in  his  conveyance  of  land  to  Richard  de  Bolebec,  for  in  1276/7  a  daughter  of 
Richard's  son,  Hugh  de  Bolebec,  and  her  husband,  Hugh  Delaval,  sold  it  to 
John  de  Warenne,  Earl  of  Surrey.^  The  latter  died  at  Kennington  in  1 304 
and  his  grandson,  John  Plantagenet,  Earl  of  Warenne  and  Surrey,  in  13 16 
granted  this  and  other  manors  to  Edward  11.^^  During  the  upheavals  of  the 
next  few  years  the  manor  changed  hands  several  times.  In  1322  it  was 
granted  to  Hugh  Le  Despenser  the  elder,  but  in  1326,  after  the  Despensers 
were  apprehended  and  executed,  it  again  reverted  to  the  Crown.  An  inquisi- 
tion taken  at  this  time  shows  that  the  issues  of  the  manor  were  worth  ;^20 
a  year.i^ 

In  1327  the  King  granted  the  manor  to  Elizabeth  de  Burgh,  his 
kinswoman,  and  it  remained  in  her  keeping  until  1337,  when  she  yielded  it 
to  the  King  in  exchange  for  land  in  Suffolk. i*^  In  the  same  year  Edward  III, 
by  a  charter  dated  from  Woodstock,  granted^®  the  manors  of  Kennington  and 
Vauxhall  and  a  meadow  in  Lambeth  and  Newington  to  Edward,  Earl  of 
Chester  and  Duke  of  Cornwall,  commonly  known  as  the  Black  Prince, 
"to  be  held  by  .  .  .[him]  and  his  heirs,  eldest  sons  of  kings  of  England  and 
dukes  of  Cornwall,  and  not  to  be  granted  to  any  other,"  so  that  it  any  such 
duke  should  die  without  a  son  to  whom  the  duchy  might  descend,  the  manors 
and  meadow  should  revert  to  the  King  until  a  son  should  be  born  who  was 
heir  apparent  to  the  realm.  With  the  exception  of  the  sequestration  during 
the  Commonwealth  period,  this  grant  has  remained  operative  ever  since, 
and  the  manor  of  Kennington  is  administered  with  the  other  estates  belonging 
to  the  Duchy  of  Cornwall. 

Edzvard,  Prince  of 

U'alis,  'the  Black 

Prince'  {Shield 

for  Peace) 


Edward,  the  Black  Prince,  took  up  residence  in  the  manor  house  of 
Kennington  and  it  remained  a  royal  palace  until  the  time  of  Henry  VIII. 
Edward  III  frequently  stayed  there  and  dated  letters  there  between  1338  and 


In  1356,  the  year  of  the  Battle  of  Poitiers,  the  Black  Prince  reserved 

to  himself  the  right  to  purchase  all  victuals  put  up  for  sale  in  the  manors  of 

Kennington  and  Vauxhall  for  "the  solace  and  succour"  of  the  King's  army 

in  Gascony.^^ 

In  1362  the  manor  of  Vauxhall  was  granted  by  Edward,  Prince  of 
Wales,  to  the  Prior  and  Convent  of  Christ  Church,  Canterbury.!^  From  this 
time  Vauxhall  and  Kennington  manors  have  a  separate  history  (see  p.  1 1). 

The  Black  Prince  died  at  Westminster  on  8th  June,  1376,  and  was 
buried  in  Canterbury  Cathedral.  Stow^"  relates  how  in  1377  the  ten-year-old 
Prince  Richard,  then  Duke  of  Cornwall  in  succession  to  his  father,  was 
entertained  "on  the  Sunday  before  Candlemas,  in  the  night,  [by]  one  hundred 
and  thirty  Citizens,  disguised  and  wellhorsed,  in  a  Mummery,  with  sound  of 
Trumpets,  Sackbuts,  Cornets,  Shalmes,  and  other  Minstrels,  and  innumer- 
able Torchlights  of  waxe;  [who]  rode  from  Newgate  through  Cheape  over 
the  Bridge  through  Southwarke,  and  so  to  Kennington  besides  Lambeth," 
where  he  was  staying  with  his  mother  and  his  uncle,  the  Duke  of  Lancaster. 

Edward  III  died  early  in  1377,  and  on  the  26th  of  June,  King 
Richard,  in  the  chief  chamber  of  "his  manor  of  Kenyngton,"  in  the  presence 
of  the  King  of  Castille,  the  Bishop  of  Worcester,  John  Bishop  of  Hereford, 
Robert  de  Assheton,  the  late  King's  Chamberlain,  and  others,  delivered  the 
great  seal  to  the  Chancellor,  the  Bishop  of  St.  David's. ^^ 

On  3rd  May,  1381,  the  King's  clerk,  Arnold  Brocas,  was  appointed 
clerk  of  the  works  at  the  Manor  of  Kennington  and  other  places,  and  William 
de  Hannay  was  appointed  to  keep  the  accounts  of  the  works  there. ^^ 

The  Patent  Rolls  for  the  next  century  contain  many  entries  concerning 
the  repairs  and  upkeep  of  Kennington  Palace  and  the  stewardship  of  the 
manor.  One  of  the  most  notable  clerks  of  the  works  there  was  Geoffrey 
Chaucer,  who  was  appointed  in  1389,  with  the  wages  of  2s.  a  day.^^ 

During  the  reign  of  Henry  IV,  his  son  Henry,  Prince  of  Wales, 
frequently  stayed  at  Kennington.  The  establishment  was  on  a  fairly  lavish 
scale  for  on  13th  November,  1400,  provision  was  made  for  400  quarters  of 
oats  to  be  taken  for  the  use  of  the  prince  at  Kennington,  and  a  few  days  later 
100  quarters  of  oats  and  100  quarters  of  wheat  were  also  ordered  for  his  use 
there.^^    In  1404  the  manor  was  valued  for  the  subsidy  at  (^xt,  6s.  8d.-i 

In  14 1 4  the  King's  esquire,  John  Waterton,  constable  of  Windsor 
Castle,  had  a  grant^^  for  life  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  the  manor  of  Kennington 
in  succession  to  John  de  Stanley,  "chivaler,"  and  in  the  same  year  John 
Straunge,  clerk  of  the  works  there,  had  a  writ  of  aid  with  power  "to  take 
stonecutters,  carpenters  and  other  workmen  and  labourers  and  stone,  timber, 
tiles,  shingles,  glass,  iron,  lead  and  other  necessaries,"  and  to  sell  "boughs, 
bark  and  other  residues  of  trees. "^^ 

By  a  patent  of  1452,  Henry  VI  committed  to  Ralph  Legh  the  keeping 



of  all  the  demesne  lands  and  meadows  of  the  manor,  with  a  barn  and  other 
easements  without  "le  pale,"  the  rabbit  warren  and  the  rents  and  profits  of 
the  court,  to  hold  for  30  years  for  the  payment  of  20  marks  a  year,  on  condition 
that  he  kept  in  repair  the  close  of  the  warren,  and  the  wall  by  the  Thames  and 
the  barn,  and  met  all  expenses  with  the  exception  of  those  incurred  on  the 
manor  house,  so  long  as  sufficient  oak  timber  for  the  repair  of  "lez  groun- 
cellez"  of  the  barn  and  gutter  (the  ditch  behind  the  river  wall)  was  delivered 
to  Ralph  when  he  needed  them.^^  Among  later  stewards  of  the  manor  were 
James  and  Robert  Legh  (1446),  Thomas  Facette  (1460),  John  Davy  (146 1), 
Thomas  Saintleger  (1465),  Sir  Robert  Percy  (1484),  Richard  Guldeford 
(1485)  and  Sir  Richard  Cholmeley  and  Sir  John  Dance  (1516).^^ 

One  of  the  last  royal  personages  to  use  Kennington  Palace  was 
Catherine  of  Aragon,  who  stayed  there  when  she  first  came  to  England  in 
1 50 1,  while  her  retinue  were  preparing  for  her  ceremonial  entry  into  London. ^^ 
In  1 51 6  a  lease  of  the  lordship  of  Kennington  for  21  years  was  granted  to 
Sir  John  Pulteney  for  a  rent  of  ;^2  6  13s.  4d.  a  year,-^  and  thenceforth  the 
whole  or  the  greater  part  of  the  manor  was  normally  leased  out  to  one  or  more 

In  1531,  Henry  VIII  gave  orders  for  the  demolition  of  Kennington 
manor  house  and  for  its  materials  to  be  used  in  the  erection  of  Whitehall 
Palace.-^  In  the  accounts  of  the  works  are  items — for  taking  down  the  roof 
of  the  hall  at  Kennington  Place;  digging  a  dock  near  "Faulxe  Halle"  for 
loading  barges;  wages  of  workmen  in  pulling  down  the  house  and  throwing 
down  the  walls;  for  the  carriage  of  16  loads  of  oaken  timber  and  planks  of 
elm  from  the  same  place  to  "Faulx  Halle";  and  for  carriage  of  stone,  flint, 
chalk  and  brickbats  from  the  mill  behind  Westminster  Abbey  to  the  park 
wall,  parcel  of  the  stuff  brought  from  Kennington  Place  and  there  landed.-^ 

In  1589  Queen  Elizabeth  granted  a  lease  of  Kennington  to  Richard 
Beamond  and  Miles  Barker,  gunners,  in  succession  to  David  Vincent,  under 
the  description  of  the  "demesne  lands  of  our  manor  of  Kennington.  And  all 
houses,  buildmgs,  structures,  barns,  stables,  dovecotes,  yards,  orchards, 
gardens,  land,  meadow,  feed,  leasowes  and  pasture  .  .  .  containing  by 
estimation,  122  acres  .  .  .  "-•*  A  reversionary  lease  to  take  effect  from  1620 
was  later  granted  to  Thomas  Webber.  Edward  Alleyn,  founder  of  Dulwich 
College,  bought  both  leases.'^ 

On  5th  July,  1 61  7,  in  spite  of  the  unexpired  terms  remaining  on  the 
old  leases.  Sir  Noel  Caron,  the  Dutch  Ambassador,  was  granted  a  2  i  years 
lease  of  the  manor,  and  undertook  at  his  own  costs  to  provide  for  the  stewards 
and  surveyors  of  the  Prince  of  Wales  sufficient  meat,  drink  and  lodging  for 
themselves  and  their  servants,  and  hay,  litter  and  pasture  for  their  horses 
for  the  space  of  two  days  and  one  night  in  every  year.^^  Caron  built  himself  a 
house  in  South  Lambeth.  He  died  in  1624  and  was  buried  in  St.  Mary's 

Francis,  Lord  Cottington,  secretary  to  Prince  Charles  from  1622  to 
1625,  succeeded  Caron  as  lessee  of  the  manor.^^ 

In   1629,  the  demesne  lands  were  increased^^  by  the  addition  of  a 



piece  of  ground  on  the  waterside  near  Vauxhall,  which  was  surrendered  to 
the  King  by  the  copyholder  John  Abrahall  for  /^  1,400.  It  was  known  as 
Copped  Hall,  later  as  Vauxhall. 

When  the  royal  estates  were  seized  by  parliament  the  manor  was 
put  into  the  hands  of  trustees  among  whom  were  Lord  Fairfax,  Sir  William 
Waller,  and  Sir  Henry  Mildmay.  In  1 650,  William  Scott  bought  the  demesne 
lands  of  Kennington,  which  were  valued  at  £2i'^1  7s.  6d.  a  year,  and  the 
Prince's  Meadows,  valued  at  ;^ii3  12s.  6d.  a  year.^''  In  1655  they  were 
acquired  by  Thomas  Scott  of  Marlow,  who  had  also  bought  the  manor  of 
Lambeth.  Richard  Graves,  who  had  acted  as  Scott's  agent  in  the  purchase, 
became  the  steward.-^ 

At  the  Restoration  there  was  considerable  competition  for  a  lease  of 
Kennington  Manor.  The  successful  applicant  was  Henry,  Lord  Moore, 
afterwards  Earl  of  Drogheda,  who  on  22nd  May,  1661,  was  granted  a  lease 
of  Kennington  for  31  years. ^^  A  week  later  he  sold  his  lease  for  ^^  1,500  to 
John  Morrice  and  Robert  Clayton.  Moore's  lease  gives  the  names  of  the 
undertenants  as:  Paul  French,  who  held  "the  great  barn  (by  Kennington 
Manor  House)  with  a  parcel  of  land  adjoining,  containing  eight  acres  and 
the  brickfield  of  four  acres";  Anne  Hinde,  a  plot  of  14  acres  and  another 
plot  of  20  acres  and  six  cottages  in  the  Butts  (now  Black  Prince  Road); — 
Dover,  "forty  acres  near  Kennington  Common. "^^  These  properties  can 
be  seen  on  the  1636  plan  (Plate  i). 

Vauxhall  (or  Copped  Hall)  and  Prince's  Meadows  were  omitted 
from  Moore's  lease.  The  former  the  King  retained  in  his  own  hand,  the 
latter  was  granted  to  John  Arundell  (see  p.  14). 

In  1700  Sir  Robert  Clayton  was  granted  a  further  lease  for  30^ 
years  at  a  rent  of  ;^i6  los.  gd.  a  year.  He  died  on  i6th  July,  1707,  having 
been  an  M.P.  for  the  City  of  London  for  a  number  of  years.  He  was 
succeeded  by  his  nephew,  William,  who  was  created  a  baronet  in  1732,  and 
who  obtained  a  renewal  of  the  Kennington  lease.  Reference  to  the  pedigree  of 
the  Claytons  in  the  appendix  will  help  to  clarify  the  somewhat  complicated 
history  of  the  connection  of  the  family  with  Kennington  Manor  during  the 
1 8th  and  early  19th  centuries. 

In  1 76 1  a  new  lease  of  Kennington  was  granted  to  Sambrook  Free- 
man in  trust  for  William  Clayton,  second  son  of  the  first  baronet,  for  99  years 
from  1777,  if  William  or  George  Clayton  (sons  of  William  Clayton)  or 
James  Medwin  should  live  so  long,  at  the  old  rent  of  ^16  los.  9d.  and  a  fine 
of  ;{:468.i^ 

In  1 775  an  Act  of  Parliament  was  passed  "to  enable  William  Clayton 
Esquire,  during  his  life,  and  the  Guardians  of  his  Infant  Children  after  his 
decease  to  make  building  and  Improving  Leases  of  certain  lands  and  premises 
part  of  the  Manor  of  Kennington  .  .  .  held  by  Letters  Patent  .  .  .  and  to 
raise  money  for  the  payment  of  the  Fines  and  expenses  of  renewing  the  said 
Letters  Patent  and  .  .  .  granting  such  Building  and  Improving  Leases."-^ 
Relying  on  this  Act,  and  on  the  fact  that  renewals  of  the  leases  to  his 
family  had  been  granted  by  the  Duchy  for  a  period   of  over   a   century, 













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Clayton  and  his  agent  granted  a  number  of  building  leases  of  Kennington 
property  for  absolute  periods  of  up  to  99  years.  His  son  William  succeeded 
to  the  property  in  1785  and  became  4th  baronet  on  the  death  of  his  cousin, 
Sir  Robert  Clayton,  in  1799. 

It  was  obvious  that  the  three  lives  for  which  the  lease  had  been 
granted  would  not  last  out  the  99  years,  and  in  1808  Sir  William  offered  to 
surrender  the  original  lease  if  the  Duchy  would  grant  him  an  annuity  of 
£1,22^  for  the  remainder  of  the  three  lives.  The  Duchy  refused  on  the 
ground  that  the  sub-leases  had  been  granted  on  terms  which  could  not  be 
justified.  George  Clayton  died  in  1828  and  James  Medwin  soon  after,  and 
Sir  William,  having  failed  to  get  a  renewal  of  his  lease  from  the  Duchy,  filed 
a  bill  in  the  Court  of  Chancery.  The  arguments  on  both  sides  were  long  and 
intricate.  The  Clayton  family  had  undoubtedly  done  well  out  of  the  estate, 
but  the  Duchy  authorities  had  asked  for  trouble  by  granting  a  lease  for 
99  years  or  three  lives  when  it  was  normally  assumed  that  three  lives  were 
about  equal  to  3 1  )  ears.^^ 

Sir  William  died  in  1834  while  his  case  was  still  pending  and  the 
estate  reverted  to  the  Duchy. 

The  series  of  records  preserved  in  the  Duchy  of  Cornwall  office 
include  the  rolls  of  the  Courts  Leet  and  Courts  Baron,  which  were  held  until 
recent  times,  and  a  number  of  surveys  and  plans,  which  provide  detailed 
information  of  the  gradual  development  of  Kennington  Manor  from  the 
Tudor  period  to  the  present  day.  Copies  of  a  number  of  these  have  also 
survived  at  the  Public  Record  Office. 

The  first  survey  is  dated  i8th  April,  1554.^0  It  lists  only  four  free- 
holders: Mary  Coo,  widow,  holding  a  tenement  occupied  by  James  Ambley, 
gentleman,  and  another  tenement  and  cottage,  at  the  yearly  rent  of  a  pound  of  Duc^y  of  Cornzvall 
cinnamon;  Ralphe  Ode,  holding  several  tenements  lately  held  by  Roger 
Leigh;  Richard  Stoughton,  gentleman,  holding  a  tenement  occupied  by 
Mary  Coo,  with  a  curtilage  and  half  an  acre  of  ground,  lately  held  by  John 
Parker,  valet  to  the  King's  Wardrobe;  and  Thomas  Pouley,  of  London, 
fishmonger,  holding  ten  scattered  tenements  in  Lambeth  Marsh.  Most  of 
the  copyhold  land  is  described  as  meadow,  pasture  or  garden  ground.  In 
1 6 1 5  John  Norden  made  a  complete  survey  of  the  manor  with  the  names  of  the 
tenants  and  the  rents  they  paid.^^i  The  manor  is  stated  to  consist  of  two  parts. 
The  boundaries  of  the  first  part  are  described  as  beginning  "at  the  Bridge 
called  Masardes  Bridge  (over  Vauxhall  Creek,  at  the  junction  of  Brixton  Road 
and  Camberwell  New  Road),  from  thence  by  a  common  water  course  runs  along 
to  a  Bridge  called  Martins  (Merton)  Bridge,  and  from  thence  as  far  as  a  Stone 
Bridge  called  Fauxhall  Bridge  and  from  the  said  Bridge  by  the  highway 
between  Coptehall  and  Fauxehall  to  the  River  Thames;  and  by  the  shore  of 
the  said  River  to  a  Port  called  the  Docke  where  the  Manor  of  Lambeth 
belonging  to  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  and  this  Manor  of  Kennington, 
belonging  to  the  Duchy  of  Cornwall  are  divided.     And  from  the  Docks 

*  There  is  another,  annotated,  copy  of  the  survey  in  the  City  of  London  Record  Office 
which  differs  in  various  particulars  from  that  in  the  office  of  the  Duchy  of  Cornwall. 


aforesaid  towards  the  east  by  the  Highway  leading  towards  Kennington  as 
far  as  another  Common  Water  Course  which  divides  the  aforesaid  Manor 
of  Lambeth  and  a  certain  Parcel  of  the  Demesne  Land  of  this  Manor  extending 
itself  in  length  northwards  into  the  Highway  leading  from  Newington  to 
Croydon  and  by  the  said  Highway  south  east  as  far  as  Kennington  Common 
including  as  well  the  said  Common  as  a  Close  of  the  Heir  of  John  Hartop 
as  far  as  the  Highway  leading  from  Croydon  into  and  as  far  as  the  said 
Common,  and  so  by  the  Water  Course  first  mentioned." 

The  bounds  of  the  other  part  of  the  manor  (later  known  as  Prince's 
Meadows)  begin  "near  the  River  Thames  at  the  mouth  of  a  certain  Water 
Course  which  divided  the  Manor  of  Parres  Garden  and  the  Manor  of 
Kennington  and  from  the  mouth  of  the  said  Water  Course  by  a  ditch  of  water 
under  the  Green  Wall  leading  from  Parres  Garden  against  St.  George's 
Fields  to  another  ditch  of  Water,  secondly  from  the  said  Field  and  by  the 
said  ditch  towards  the  south  to  the  Green  Lane  which  leads  from  the  Town 
of  Lambeth  marsh  to  the  Marshes  of  Lambeth  north  west,  and  by  that  lane 
to  the  River  Thames  to  a  place  called  the  Sluice  and  from  thence  by  the 
shore  of  the  River  to  the  mouth  of  the  Common  Water  Course  which  divides 
the  Manor  of  Parres  Garden  and  Kennington  as  before  mentioned."  In 
addition  there  were  "many  Tenements  lying  dispersed  within  the  Town  of 
Lambeth  Marsh." 

In  1636  Sir  Charles  Harbord  made  a  survey^^  of  the  demesne  land 
of  the  manor.  The  accompanying  plan,  which  is  preserved  in  the  Duchy  of 
Cornwall  Office,  is  reproduced  on  Plate  i.  It  shows  the  Prince's  Meads 
(or  Meadows)  inset  in  one  corner.  "Kennington  Way"  corresponds  to  the 
modern  Black  Prince  Road,  while  "Kingston  Rode"  is  on  the  line  of 
Kennington  Lane.  The  "great  barn"  of  the  Manor  House  was  approxi- 
mately on  the  site  of  St.  Anselm's  Church  at  the  junction  of  Sancroft  Street 
with  Kennington  Road. 

A  parliamentary  survey  was  made  of  the  manor  in  1649  detailing 
both  demesne  and  copyhold  lands.^^  The  value  of  the  latter  was  estimated  at 
;^772  I  OS.  The  perquisities  of  the  fines  and  amerciaments  were  estimated  at 
;^ioo  14s.  a  year,  but  this  was  corrected  to  ^60  upon  further  enquiry  being 
made  in  1654  on  behalf  of  the  purchaser.^^  The  purchaser  seems  also  to 
have  complained  that  too  high  a  value  had  been  set  on  the  houses  "being  but 
very  weake  and  slender  buildings." 

There  does  not  seem  to  have  been  a  general  survey  made  of  the 
manor  at  the  time  of  the  Restoration,  but  Sir  Charles  Harbord  made  a 
report^*  which  is  mainly  of  interest  for  the  information  it  gives  about  Prince's 
Meadows  (see  p.  14)  and  Vauxhall  (see  p.  148). 

An  account  rendered  by  John  Summersell,  bailiff,  for  the  years  17 14 
to  1724  sets  out  the  names  of  the  tenants  and  their  payments.  Among  the 
tenants  listed  as  having  property  in  Lambeth  Marsh  is  Nicholas  Hawksmoor, 
the  architect.i^ 

The  most  complete  and  detailed  survey  of  the  manor  was  that  made 
by  Messrs.  Hodskinson  and  Middleton  in  1785,  the  index  map  from  which 



is  reproduced  on  Plate  2.     In  this   survey  every   parcel   of  land   with   its 
tenants  is  listed  and  described  and  there  are  plans  of  the  whole  estate. ^^ 

These  surveys  will  be  frequently  referred  to  in  the  accounts  of  the 
roads  and  houses  set  out  in  subsequent  chapters. 

Vauxhall  Manor 

There  is  no  mention  in  the  Domesday  Survey  of  the  manor  of  Vauxhall. 
It  seems  to  have  been  part  of  the  manor  of  South  Lambeth  which  was  held 
in  the  reign  of  King  John  by  William  de  Redvers,  Earl  of  Devon,  and  it 
was  part  of  the  dower  of  Margaret,  wife  of  Baldwin  de  Redvers.  When, 
after  Baldwin's  death  in  1 2  1 6,  Margaret  was  forced  to  marry  the  notorious 
Falkes  de  Breaute,  the  latter  lived  on  her  land  for  a  time  and  gave  to  it  the 
name  of  Fawkes  Hall  or  Vauxhall. ^  After  the  death  of  Falkes  in  1226  the 
king  granted  to  Earl  Warenne  "all  the  houses  which  were  of  Falkes  de 
Breaute  with  appurtenances  at  Lambeth  to  inhabit  until  the  son  and  heir  of 
Baldwin,  Earl  of  the  Isle  of  Wight,  should  come  of  age."^^  Vauxhall  remained 
in  the  hands  of  the  Redvers  family  until  1293  when,  at  the  death  of  Isabel  de 
Fortibus,  sister  of  Baldwin  de  Redvers,  both  it  and  the  manor  of  South 
Lambeth  passed  into  the  hands  of  the  Crown.  From  this  time  forward  the 
two  manors  were  amalgamated  under  the  name  of  Vauxhall.  In  1308 
Vauxhall  was  granted  to  Richard  de  Gerseroy,  the  King's  butler,  and  in 
1317  to  Roger  Damory  and  Elizabeth  his  wife,  the  King's  niece.  Roger 
Damory  joined  the  rebel  forces  of  the  Earl  of  Lancaster  in  132  i  and  at  his 
death  his  estates  were  forfeited.^  In  1324  Vauxhall,  like  Kennington,  was 
granted  to  Hugh  le  Despenser,  and  their  history  is  similar  until  1362,  when 
the  Black  Prince  granted  Vauxhall  with  31  acres  and  i  rood  of  land  in 
Lambeth  and  four  "hopes"  and  "delles  .  .  .  lying  by  the  water  of  Thames, 
called  Smythopes,  Risshopes,  Litlehopes  and  Halfhopes  at  the  Walende" 
to  the  Prior  and  Convent  of  Christ  Church,  Canterbury,  to  found  chantries 
tor  the  king  and  prince  in  that  priory. ^^  This  grant  was  a  condition  made  by 
the  Pope  for  a  dispensation  to  the  prince  to  marry  his  cousin,  the  Fair  Maid 
of  Kent. 

After  the  dissolution  of  the  priory  in  1539,  Vauxhall  Manor  was 
granted  to  the  Dean  and  Chapter  of  Christ  Church-^  in  whose  hands  it  re- 
mained until  it  was  taken  over  by  the  Ecclesiastical  Commissioners.  The 
house,  later  known  as  Vauxhall  (Plate  120),  stood  on  ground  which  was 
originally  part  of  the  manor  of  Kennington  and  had  no  connection  with 
Vauxhall  Manor  proper. 



Prince's  Meadows  was  the  name  given  to  the  detached  portion  of 
the  demesne  land  of  the  manor  of  Kennington  lying  at  the  northern  end  of 
the  parish  between  Broadwall  and  the  site  of  Waterloo  Road,  inside  the 
Narrow  Wall. 

The  river  front,  being  reclaimed  land,  was  not  considered  to  be  part 
of  the  Meadows  but  was  known  as  "waste."  It  was,  however,  only  the 
"waste"  which  is  shown  to  have  buildings  on  the  1636  survey  of  the  manor 
(Plate  i).  There  the  river  front  is  indicated  as  having  been  "campsheathed," 
i.e.,  protected  by  a  wall  of  timber  and  the  sloping  ground  of  the  foreshore 
inside  it  made  level.  Several  houses  and  a  crane  are  shown  near  the  parish 
boundary,  while  the  remainder  of  the  "waste"  is  marked  as  timber  yards  or 
osier  beds.  The  Meadows  are  divided  into  two.  They  appear  to  be  entirely 
unbuilt  on  and  are  surrounded  by  watercourses. 

In  the  reign  of  Henry  VIII,  William  Baseley,  who  owned  the  manor 
of  Paris  Garden  (now  roughly  coincident  with  the  parish  of  Christ  Church) 
and  ran  a  gaming  house  there,^®  obtained  a  lease^^  of  marshland  being  part  of 
Kennington  Manor.  This  was  almost  certainly  Prince's  Meadows,  but  the 
name  does  not  seem  to  have  come  into  use  until  later,  the  first  documentary 
reference  to  it  that  has  been  found  being  in  Norden's  Survey  of  Kennington 
made  in  1615.^^ 

In  the  Prince's  Meadows  area  Norden  listed  a  "meadow  called 
Princes  Mead"  containing  25  acres  and  let  to  William  Page,  an  osier  ground 
adjoining  the  river  next  to  Prince's  Mead  containing  4  acres  and  let  to  John 
Johnson,  John  Olife  and  Robert  Robinson,  and  half  an  acre  of  ground  with 
a  wharf  let  to  William  Smythe.  He  also  included  a  piece  of  copyhold  land 
with  buildings  "formerly  Cockerhams"  containing  ij  acres,  lying  next  to 
the  Thames  and  called  the  Corner  Meadow  in  the  marsh  known  as  Prince's 
Meadow,  and  added  the  note  that  though  this  was  claimed  by  Ralph  Hanmer, 
gentleman,  de  jure,  he  was  not  in  possession,  and  the  tenant  was  of  the  opinion 
that  the  land  belonged  to  the  manor  of  Paris  Garden." 

Paris  Garden  was  almost  entirely  surrounded  by  the  Pudding  Mill 
Stream,  but  it  is  obvious  that  by  the  beginning  of  the  17th  century  some 
doubt  had  arisen  as  to  the  exact  boundary  between  it  and  Prince's  Meadows 
near  the  river.  The  confusion  probably  arose  over  the  King's  (or  Queen's) 
Barge  House,  which  was,  from  the  time  of  Queen  Elizabeth,  and  perhaps 
earlier,  near  or  over  the  sluice  from  Pudding  Mill  Stream  into  the  river.  In 
1636  Harbord^^  stated  that  the  Earl  of  Arundel  held  2  "lowe  meadowes 
lyeing  together  called  the  Prince's  Meades"  containing  nearly  23  acres, 
"a  wharfe  strongly  built  called  the  Cittie  Wharfe"  and  another  new  wharf 
"lyeing  between  the  Erie  of  Arundell  his  garden  and  the  Thames  adjoyning 
to  the  Sluce."    Harbord  was  doubtful  whether  this  last  wharf  should  have 

^  The  1554  survey  of  Kennington  states  without  reservation  that  li  acres  of  land  in  the 
"corner  meadow"  in  Lambeth  Marsh  was  copyhold  land  held  by  John  Hill. 



been  included  within  the  manor  or  not,  and  even  more  so  about  the  wharf 
and  timber  yard  in  the  tenancy  of  Jeremy  Crewe,  on  which  half  the  King's 
Barge  House  stood,  and  the  wharf  and  timber  yard  in  the  tenancy  of  Katherine 
Strikeley,  widow,  on  which  a  number  of  houses  and  cottages  stood.  Harbord 
noted  that  Norden  had  described  the  manor  of  Kennington  as  extending  to 
the  decayed  common  sewer,  then  "not  used  and  partly  filled  up"  on  the 
mouth  of  which  the  King's  Barge  House  was  situated.    A  plan,  a  part  of 

which  is  reproduced 
here,  of  the  northern 
part  of  Paris  Garden 
at  about  this  date 
shows  the  King's 
Barge  House  and  the 
land  referred  to  by 
Norden  as  the  Corner 
Meadow  included 
within  that  manor. 
As  at  that  time  the 
Earl  of  Arundel  was 
in  possession  of  the 
land  on  both  sides 
of  the  boundary  the 
matter  was  perhaps 
not  considered  to 
be  immediately  im- 

In     1660    Sir 
Charles   Harbord   re- 
ported that  the  site  of 
the  old  Barge  House 
erected   by  Queen 
Elizabeth  "is  con- 
fessed   to     be     his 
Majestie's     ground," 
but  that  the  rest  of  the  wharf  was  "detained  from  his  Majesty"  and  the 
prospective  lessee  ought  to  try  and  recover  the  same  "for  his  Majestie's  use 
and  benefit,"  at  his  own  costs. ^* 

It  seems  probable  that  the  Barge  House  was  originally  built  on 
land  belonging  to  Kennington  Manor,  being  royal  property,  and  that  the 
boundary  between  the  manors  ran  along  the  sewer  or  sluice  under  the  barge 
house,  but  that  subsequently  the  mouth  of  the  sluice  which  had  marked  the 
boundary  was  filled  up  and  the  boundary  line  diverted.  Certainly  the  sites 
of  the  King's  Barge  House  and  Corner  Meadow  are  now  included  within 
Christ  Church  parish  though  the  small  strip  of  ground  west  of  the  sluice  on 
which  one  part  of  the  King's  Barge  House  originally  stood  is  still  considered 
to  be  a  detached  portion  of  the  Duchy  of  Cornwall  property. 



In  1649  Daniel  Goodersay  was  tenant  of  Prince's  Meadows,  and 
several  wood  yards  are  listed  as  lying  along  the  river  front,  while  Judah 
Walker  held  one  little  tenement  in  the  north-east  corner  of  the  Prince's 
Meadows  "consisting  of  three  litle  roomes  wherein  washing  weomen  live."^^ 
A  further  survey  was  made  in  the  same  year  to  decide  whether  the  cranes  and 
houses  on  two  of  the  wood  yards  were  tenants'  fixtures  which  might  be 
removed  at  the  end  of  their  lease.  It  was  decided  that  the  dwelling  houses 
were  "soe  fixed  to  the  freehould  and  soyle  ...  by  strong  sleepers  of  wood 
lying  deepe  within  the  ground  and  by  other  substantiall  ground  cills  and 
foundacons,  some  of  brick  and  others  of  wood"  they  ought  not  to  be 
removed;  but  that  the  two  cranes  and  a  counting  house  stood  on  removable 
blocks  and  were  the  tenants'  goods.^^ 

In  1660  Harbord  had  to  report^*  that  during  "the  late  usurped 
Authority"  many  houses  and  wharves  had  been  erected  along  the  river  bank 
by  Prince's  Meadows.  William  Dover  held  one  dwelling  house  and  about 
1 1  acres  of  the  meadows  and  ten  small  houses  along  the  river  bank;  Boydell 
Cuper  had  7  acres  of  the  meadow  and  13  small  tenements;  Fulke  Morris 
had  6  acres  of  meadow;  Henry  White  had  13  small  cottages  erected  by  him 
on  part  of  the  bank  and  a  house  and  yard,  part  of  the  same  wharf;  Edward 
Smith  had  a  house  and  yard  on  the  same  wharf  and  Thomas  Shirley  had  a 
yard  called  City  Wharf  and  some  houses  built  there  by  Mr.  Bassett,  together 
with  houses  and  yards  held  under  him  by  one  Sandon  and  Ralph  Wilmot. 
Much  of  the  ground  was  used  for  the  washing  and  whitening  of  cloth. 

He  further  reported  that  three  barge  houses  had  been  recently 
erected  there,  one  for  the  Lord  Mayor,  a  second  with  a  small  cottage  for  the 
Merchant  Taylors'  Company,  and  a  third  for  the  Woodmongers'  Company. 
There  was  some  difficulty  at  this  time  in  adjusting  the  claims  of  tenants  who 
had  spent  money  during  the  Commonwealth  period  in  improving  properties 
which  at  the  Restoration  reverted  to  the  Crown.  Harbord  recommended 
that  these  tenants  should  be  given  leases  before  any  general  grant  of  the 
whole  demesne  was  made.  Among  others  the  Lord  Mayor  and  Commonalty 
of  the  City  and  the  Merchant  Taylors'  Company  were  granted  leases^^  of 
their  barge  houses,  and  these  remained  in  their  tenancy  until  the  beginning 
of  the  19th  century.  The  barge  house  of  the  Woodmongers  was  leased  to 
them  for  3 1  years,  but  the  lease  does  not  appear  to  have  been  renewed. ^^ 
A  lease  of  Prince's  Meadows  was  granted  to  John  Arundell  in  1661. 

In  1 67 1  and  again  in  1676  John  Arundell  was  granted  renewals  of 
his  lease.  In  the  latter  year  he  sublet  the  ground  to  Richard  Rawe.  It  was 
described  in  the  lease  as  "meadows,  wharves  and  osier  grounds  bounded  on 
the  north  by  the  land  called  Le  Banke  and  extending  to  the  place  where 
there  is  built  a  certain  ruinous  house  called  the  King's  Old  Barge  House 
towards  the  north,  up  to  a  certain  parcel  of  ground  lately  of  Henrie  Earl  of 
Arundel  towards  the  west  near  the  Sluice. "^^ 

It  was  during  Arundell's  tenancy  that  some  of  the  remaining  frag- 
ments of  the  Arundel  marbles  from  Arundel  House  in  the  Strand  were 
dumped  on  the  waste  ground  bordering  Prince's  Meadows.   James  Theobald 



has  left  it  on  record^''  that  this  ground  was  shortly  afterwards  let  for  a  timber 
yard  and  that  when  the  foundations  for  the  new  St.  Paul's  Cathedral  were 
laid  "great  quantities  of  the  rubbish  were  brought  over  thither  to  raise  the 
ground,  which  used  to  be  overflowed  every  spring  tide;  so  that  by  degrees, 
those  statues,  and  other  marbles,  were  buried  under  the  rubbish  .  .  .  and 
lay  there  for  many  years  almost  forgot  and  unnoticed."  Theobald's  father 
obtained  a  lease  of  this  ground  in  171 2  and  in  digging  foundations  for  new 
buildings  came  upon  some  of  the  fragments.  These  were  dug  up  and  sub- 
sequently some  of  them  were  acquired  by  the  Earl  of  Burlington  and  sent  to 
Chiswick  House  and  some  by  the  Duke  of  Norfolk  and  sent  to  Worksop. 
Theobald  himself  used  some  blocks  of  marble  to  put  in  his  house,  the 
Belvedere,  a  little  farther  up  the  river  (see  p.  51). 

In  March,  1699,  Sir  Francis  Child  was  granted  a  lease  of  Prince's 
Meadows,  excepting  the  barge  houses,  to  commence  from  1717,  but  in  1716 
he  assigned  his  interest  to  Richard  Rawe  of  St.  Columb,  Cornwall.  Richard 
Rawe  died  shortly  afterwards,  and  in  171  8  Frances  his  widow  and  Richard 
Agar  of  the  Middle  Temple  were  granted  a  lease  of  the  site  of  the  Wood- 
mongers'  barge  house;  this  land  is  described  as  "lately  part  of  a  yard  called 
Collyar's  Yard,  bounded  by  the  Gates  and  Pallisadoes  on  the  Thames  Wall 
south. "^' 

In  1734  Mrs.  Rawe  and  Richard  Agar  obtained  a  lease  in  their  own 
right  of  the  whole  of  Prince's  Meadows,  with  the  exception  of  the  two  barge 
houses,  and  in  1765  this  was  renewed  to  Mrs.  Frances  Rawe.  At  Mrs. 
Rawe's  death  her  estate  went  into  Chancery  and  Thomas  Duck,  the  receiver 
appointed  by  the  court,  was  granted  a  lease  in  trust  for  such  persons  as  the 
court  should  direct,  to  commence  from  April,  1780.  It  is  noteworthy  that 
the  fine  for  this  renewal  was  ^,"3,710  whereas  at  the  previous  renewal  in  1765 
it  had  been  only  £goo.'^'' 

In  the  1780  lease  the  King's  Old  Barge  House  site  was  stated  to  be 
in  the  tenure  of  Thomas  Lowe  &  Co.,  glass  bottle  makers,  and  the  Wood- 
mongers'  barge  house  site  in  the  tenure  of  Margaret  Eeles  and  Thomas 
Bond,  timber  merchants.^^ 

In  the  Middleton  survey  of  i  785^^  there  were  stated  to  be  70  dwelling 
houses  on  Prince's  Meadows  with  warehouses,  dyehouses,  storehouses, 
accounting  houses,  brewhouses,  coachhouses,  carthouses,  stables,  sawhouses, 
cranes,  sheds,  wharves,  yards,  gardens,  fields,  ponds  and  canals,  containing 
in  all  nearly  29  acres." 

The  1799  edition  of  Horwood's  map  shows  a  large  woollen  cloth 
manufactory  stretching  south  of  Narrow  Wall  east  of  Beaufoy's  Distillery 
(the  site  of  Cuper's  Gardens),  the  Patent  shot  works  and  timber  yards  along 
the  river  frontage,  and  a  line  of  small  houses  along  the  south  side  of  Narrow 

a  The  north-eastern  corner  is  shown  on  the  plan  as  the  freehold  of  Mr.  Russell,  but  in 
the  text  of  the  survey  it  is  entered  as  leasehold  of  the  manor  with  a  note  to  say  that  it  was  formerly 
in  Lambeth  parish  but  then  stated  to  be  in  Christ  Church.  The  King's  Barge  House  site  is  also  noted 
to  be  in  the  tenancy  of  G.  Russell,  soap-boiler. 


In  I  8  I  o,  in  view  of  the  building  of  Waterloo  Bridge  and  its  approaches, 
an  Act  of  Parliament  was  passed  to  enable  the  Prince  Regent  to  grant  leases 
of  Prince's  Meadows  for  99  years  from  October,  18  15,  for  the  purpose  of 
building  a  "town"  to  be  called  "Prince's  Town."^^  The  state  of  the  property 
at  this  time  with  the  projected  roads  is  shown  on  the  plan  on  Plate  3.  The 
whole  property  was  leased  to  Thomas  Lett  and  John  Lett  of  Narrow  Wall, 
timber  merchants,  for  a  fine  of  ^^55,1 00.*  They  developed  some  parts  of 
the  estate  themselves  but  let  the  greater  part  on  building  leases  in  small  plots. 

Narrow  Wall  was  widened  to  form  Commercial  Road,  now  Upper 
Ground,  and  Stamford  Street  was  continued  as  Upper  Stamford  Street  to 
Waterloo  Road;  while  Duke  Street,  now  Duchy  Street,  Princes  Street, 
now  Coin  Street,  and  Cornwall  Road,  a  continuation  and  widening  of  Green 
Lane,  running  north  and  south,  were  made  across  them. 

Most  of  the  houses  were  small  and  of  little  architectural  interest. 
One  of  the  largest  commercial  enterprises  was  the  printing  works  of  William 
Clowes,  which  occupied  a  considerable  area  of  ground  between  Duchy 
Street  and  Coin  Street.  Clowes  took  over  Applegath's  works  in  1821,^^ 
and  the  firm  remained  on  the  same  site  until  the  premises  were  bombed  in 

The  river  bank  was  entirely  given  over  to  commercial  purposes, 
timber  yards,  wharves,  and  the  like.  Of  recent  years  two  of  the  Metropolitan 
Borough  Councils  had  dust  destructors  there,  while  on  Bowater's  Wharf  the 
brothers  Gatti  had  a  generating  station  to  supply  light  to  the  Adelphi  Theatre 
in  the  Strand. ^^ 

The  square  shot  tower,  which  stood  east  of  Waterloo  Bridge  until 
1937,  had  ceased  to  manufacture  shot  for  a  number  of  years,  and  was  used 
as  an  advertising  sign.  It  was  built  circa  1789  by  Messrs.  Watts.  Samuel 
Ireland  in  1791^°  spoke  of  it  as  "a  new  structure  .  .  .  [which]  cost  near 
six  thousand  pounds,  but  cannot  be  considered  as  an  object  ornamental  to  the 
river  Thames."  (Plate  6b.)  It  was  about  150  feet  high.  In  1826,  when  it 
was  owned  by  Messrs.  Walker  and  Parker,  the  top  part  was  destroyed  by 
fire,  but  it  was  soon  repaired  and  in  use  again.  This  shot  tower  was  not  the 
first  of  its  kind  to  be  built  along  the  south  bank.  In  1758  Henry  Raminger, 
of  Christ  Church,  Southwark,  had  taken  out  a  patent  for  the  manufacture  of 
lead  shot,  and  a  tower  was  built  in  that  parish  some  years  before  the  one  in 
Prince's  Meadows.^  An  account  of  the  round  shot  tower  south-west  of 
Waterloo  Bridge  is  given  on  p.  47. 

A  more  detailed  account  of  the  development  of  Stamford  Street  is 
given  in  the  next  chapter. 

The  London  Botanic  Garden 

Waterloo  Junction  and  the  streets  immediately  surrounding  it  stand 
on  the  site  of  the  botanic  garden  opened  by  William  Curtis  in  January,  1779. 

*  These  were  the  sons  of  the  Thomas  Lett  who  died  in  1 820  and  was  buried  in  St  Mary, 



The  garden  lay  between  Green  Lane  (now  Cornwall  Road)  on  the  west  and 
Broadwall  on  the  east,  while  its  southern  boundary  was  the  footpath  known 
as  Curtis's  Halfpenny  Hatch.  Curtis's  prospectus  stated  that  subscribers 
of  one  guinea  a  year  would  be  entitled  to  walk  in  the  garden,  use  the  library, 
and  introduce  one  person;  "the  situation  being  low,  renders  it  peculiarly 
favourable  to  the  growth  of  aquatic  and  bog  plants."*^  Curtis  continued 
his  garden  in  Lambeth  Marsh  until  1789,  and  much  of  his  Flora  Londinensis 
was  prepared  during  this  period.  The  reasons  for  his  removal  of  his  plants 
to  a  new  site  in  Brompton  are  best  given  in  his  own  words:  "I  had  long 
observed  with  .  .  .  regret,  that  I  had  an  enemy  to  contend  with  in  Lambeth 
Marsh,  which  neither  time,  nor  ingenuity,  nor  industry,  could  vanquish; 
and  that  was  the  smoke  of  London,  which,  except  when  the  wind  blew 
from  the  South,  constantly  enveloped  my  plants  ...  In  addition  to  this 
grand  obstacle,  I  had  to  contend  with  many  smaller  ones  .  .  .  such  as 
the  obscurity  of  the  situation,  the  badness  of  the  roads  leading  to  it,  with  the 
effluvia  of  surrounding  ditches,  at  times  highly  offensive. 

"Nevertheless,  when  I  reflected  on  the  sums  I  had  expended,  when 
I  surveyed  the  trees,  the  shrubs,  and  the  hedges  which  I  had  planted  now 
become  ornamental  in  themselves  and  affording  shelter  to  my  plants  .  .  . 
I  should  have  .  .  .  continued  my  garden  under  all  its  inconveniences  had 
not  my  landlord  exacted  terms  for  the  renewal  of  my  lease  too  extravagant  to 
be  complied  with."^^ 

The  Curtis  family  held  leases  of  about  \\  acres  from  the  Duchy  of 
CornwalPSa  and  \\  acres  from  Sir  William  East  (fessee  of  the  Archbishop  of 
Canterbury).42  It  is  probable  that  one  or  both  were  holding  out  for  higher 
rent  in  expectation  of  building  development  in  the  neighbourhood  though  in 
fact  this  did  not  materialise  until  more  than  20  years  later. 

*  The  lease  was  held  in  the  name  of  George  Curtis,  William's  brother,  and  his  mother. 



Nos.  59-171   AND  64-184  STAMFORD  STREET,  FORMERLY 

The  continuation  of  Stamford  Street  from  Broadwall  to  Waterloo 
Road  was  laid  across  Prince's  Meadows  in  1 8  1 5  in  connection  with  the  forma- 
tion of  the  approaches  to  Waterloo  Bridge  {see  Plate  3).  This  part  of 
the  street  was  known  as  Upper  Stamford  Street  until  1868,  when  it  was 
incorporated  with  Stamford  Street,  Southwark,  and  re-numbered.^^ 

The  earliest  houses  in  Upper  Stamford  Street  were  on  the  north  side 
at  the  Broadwall  end  (originally  Nos.  1—7,  afterwards  64—76).  These  houses 
were  built  by  Thomas  Lett,  who  held  the  main  lease  of  Prince's  Meadows. 
The  1823  ratebook^^  lists  7  tenants  only,  but  by  1829  over  90  houses  in  the 
street  were  occupied.*^ 

By  the  beginning  of  this  century  most  of  the  houses  were  in  a  bad 
state.  Some  were  drastically  repaired  and  altered  about  19 10— 12,  but  many 
were  pulled  down  and  replaced  by  large  buildings.  On  the  south  side, 
between  Waterloo  and  Cornwall  Roads,  W.  H.  Smith  &  Son  erected  a 
large  printing  works  in  19 14— 16,  designed  by  C.  Stanley  Peach.  It  was 
sold  to  the  proprietors  of  the  Daily  Telegraph  in  1939,  but  was  not  occupied  by 
them  owing  to  the  outbreak  of  war,  and  since  that  time  has  been  used  for 
storage.^^    It  was  badly  damaged  by  enemy  action. 

On  the  north  side,  the  houses  at  the  Waterloo  Road  corner  were 
pulled  down  when  the  Royal  Hospital  for  Children  and  Women  was  rebuilt 
in  1903—5,^^  and  the  Cornwall  Road  end  of  the  terrace  was  removed  soon  after 
to  provide  a  site  for  Cornwall  House.  The  latter  was  built  for  H.M.  Station- 
ery Office,  but  being  completed  in  the  middle  of  the  1914-18  war  was 
used  for  several  years  as  an  army  hospital,  known  as  King  George's 
Hospital.  Since  1920  it  has  been  occupied  as  government  offices.*^  Boots 
Chemists  erected  a  large  building  at  the  east  corner  of  Cornwall  Road  in  1936 
(designed  by  Messrs.  Henry  Tanner),^^  and  the  block  between  Duchy  Street 
and  Broadwall  is  occupied  by  a  large  refrigerating  plant  erected  in  1925-26.*^ 

Nos.  59  AND  61,  The  London  School  of  Printing 

The  older  part  of  this  building  (Plate  8,  a  and  b)  was  erected  about 
1820^"  to  house  the  schools  of  the  Benevolent  Society  of  St.  Patrick,  a  charit- 
able organisation  founded  in  1784  with  the  object  of  "educating,  clothing  and 
apprenticing"  poor  children  "born  of  Irish  parents  in  or  near  London. "^^ 
The  building,  which  was  erected  by  J.  &  H.  Lee  to  the  design  of  James 
Mountague,^^  was  intended  to  accommodate  about  400  children.  The 
schoolrooms  were  planned  as  wings  each  side  of  a  centre  block  containing 
committee  rooms  and  living  quarters  for  the  master  and  mistress. 

The  schools  received  royal  patronage,  and  in  1821  ;^38  17s.  was 
paid  for  the  Royal  Arms  in  Coade  stone^^  which  were  erected  over  the  porch 
and  remained  in  position  until  1921,  when  the  property  was  bought  by  the 


London  County  Council  for  use  as  the  Central  Printing  School,  now  called 
the  London  School  of  Printing  and  Graphic  Arts.^^ 

In  1908—9  an  additional  storey  was  built  over  each  of  the  schoolroom 
wings  to  the  design  of  C.  Harrison  Townsend.*^  Since  1921  considerable 
alterations  and  extensions  have  been  made  to  the  premises,  including  the 
building  in  1930  of  a  wing  to  the  Broadwall  frontage  which  incorporated 
the  site  of  No.  59  Stamford  Street.  The  changes  have  involved  the  re- 
modelling of  the  original  interior. 

Architectural  Description 

The  whole  building  is  in  yellow  stock  brick  and  is  three  storeys  high 
with  a  basement.  The  wings  are  slightly  set  back  and  their  top  storey  is  of 
mansard  type  with  dormer  window  lighting. 

The  central  part  is  three  windows  wide,  the  windows  on  each  side 
of  the  entrance  and  on  the  second  floor  having  gauged  arches,  slightly 
cambered  on  the  undersides. 

The  first  floor  windows  have  stone  architraves  and  reveals,  and  like 
the  windows  above,  are  linked  by  bands  at  cill  level.  The  first  floor  cill 
band  is  stopped  against  the  plain  entablature  of  the  porch  to  the  main  entrance. 
This  porch  is  set  forward  slightly  and  has  Greek  Doric  columns  and  antae 
at  each  side.  The  wall  within  the  porch  is  stuccoed  and  the  doorway  has  an 
architrave  surround. 

The  parapet  of  the  central  part  has  a  cornice  and  blocking  course  in 
stone.  The  blocking  course  is  inflected  upwards  slightly  at  the  centre  and 
incised  "DETUR  DIGNIORI." 

The  original  ground  storey  wings  have  windows  set  in  recess.  These 
have  semicircular  heads  and,  like  the  other  windows,  have  glazing  bars 
to  their  double  hung  sashes.  At  each  wing  the  first  floor,  which  is  a  later 
addition,  has  two  windows  with  gauged  flat  arches  set  slightly  in  recess. 
The  windows  are  linked  by  a  stone  band  beneath  the  cills.  This  storey  has 
swept  ends  in  stone  and  is  surmounted  by  a  stone  cornice  and  plain  parapet. 
The  detail  to  the  Duchy  Street  elevation  is  similar. 

The  first  floor  cill  bands  are  incised  "BENEVOLENT  SOCIETY 
OF  ST.  PATRICK  INSTITUTED  A.D.  1784,"  but  this  lettering  is  now 
covered  by  wood  fascias. 

At  the  edge  of  the  kerb  in  front  of  the  main  entrance  are  two  cast-iron 
bollards.  They  are  ribbed  and  have  an  Irish  harp  surmounted  by  a  crown  in 
relief  on  three  faces.  They  are  tapered,  being  square  at  the  base  and  octagonal 
at  the  top. 

Nos.  63-91   (odd)  (formerly   102-116   Upper  Stamford  Street) 

Nos.  63-91,  which  were  built  about  1829-30,'*^  form  a  terrace  in 
yellow  stock  brick  with  four  storeys  (except  No.  89 — three  storeys)  and  a 
basement.  Nos.  63,  89  and  91  alone  retain  much  of  their  original 



Nos.  65-87,  which  now  make  a  uniform  group  within  the  terrace, 
were  formerly  individual  houses  but  have  been  converted  laterally  into  flats. 
Each  flat  is  two  houses  in  width  and  alternate  entrances  have  been  replaced 
by  windows.  The  group  has  a  rusticated  ground  storey  with  a  continuous 
iron  balcony  at  first  floor  level.  At  the  centre  Nos.  73-79  project  forward 
slightly  and  have  stucco  quoins  at  the  returns.  At  Nos.  75  and  77  the  rusti- 
cated treatment  of  the  ground  storey  is  extended  through  the  first  floor  to 
form  a  stylobate  to  the  Corinthian  colonnade  above.  The  colonnade  is  the 
central  feature  of  the  group  and  extends  through  the  second  and  third  floors. 
The  entablature  above  the  colonnade  also  extends  over  Nos.  73  and  79.  The 
entablature  and  blocking  course  are  broken  forward  above  the  end  and 
central  pairs  of  columns.  The  central  portion  of  the  group,  which  rises 
slightly  above  the  wings,  is  surmounted  by  vases  at  each  end.  All  the  upper 
windows,  which  originally  had  gauged  flat  arches,  now  have  stucco  architrave 
surrounds.  The  first  floor  windows  to  the  wings  are  in  pairs  with  alternate 
triangular  and  segmental  pedimented  heads.  The  wings  have  plain  moulded 
cornices  at  the  parapets  and  a  main  cornice  at  third  floor  level.  Triple 
keystones  above  the  second  floor  windows  cut  into  the  frieze  under  the  main 

All  the  entrances  are  round  headed,  some  having  frets  to  the  sur- 
rounds and  reveals,  while  others  have  Greek  Doric  columns  at  each  side. 

The  conversion  of  the  houses  into  flats  and  the  major  alterations. 
Including  the  erection  of  the  Corinthian  colonnade  at  the  centre  of  the  group, 
were  executed  to  the  design  of  John  Coleridge  about  1912.*^ 

No.  63  has  double-hung  sashes  with  gauged  flat  arches  to  the  win- 
dows above  the  ground  floor  shop.  The  shop-front,  an  alteration  in  Victorian 
times,  has  a  fascia  and  cornice  at  first  floor  level  carried  on  fluted  columns 
with  foliated  caps.  Bands  at  second  and  third  floor  levels  are  returned  on  the 
blank  elevation  to  Duchy  Street. 

No.  89,  though  of  one  storey  less,  is  uniform  In  height  with  the  rest 
of  the  terrace.  It  has  semicircular  heads  to  the  windows  at  the  ground  floor 
and  to  the  entrance,  which  has  fluted  surrounds  and  reveals.  The  upper 
windows  have  gauged  flat  arches,  those  to  the  first  floor  being  in  round- 
headed  recesses  linked  by  moulded  impost  bands.  A  coarsely  detailed 
Victorian  balcony  extends  across  the  front  at  first  floor  level  slightly  above  the 
neighbouring  balconies. 

No.  9 1  has  a  shop  with  display  windows  flanked  by  pilasters  on  the 
main  elevation  and  on  the  return  to  Coin  Street.  The  ground  storey  is  rusti- 
cated except  at  the  side  entrance.  The  upper  windows  on  both  elevations 
have  gauged  flat  arches  and  an  original  iron  balcony  extends  across  the  front 
at  first  floor  level.  The  entrance  in  Coin  Street  is  round  headed  and  similar 
In  detail  to  that  at  No.  89. 

Nos.  93—123  (odd)  (formerly  101-86  Upper  Stamford  Street) 

Nos  95-123  form  a  similar  terrace  to  Nos.  65-87,  pairs  of  houses 
having  been  converted  laterally  into  flats  by  John  Coleridge  at  about  the 



same  time.  There  is  a  similar  central  feature  with  Corinthian  pilasters 
through  the  upper  two  floors  supporting  an  entablature  and  balustraded 
parapet.  The  parapet  sets  up  a  little  above  the  skyline  of  the  rest  of  the 
terrace,  and  has  vases  over  the  returns  and  over  the  end  pilasters.  There  are 
also  slight  breaks  forward  which  relieve  the  flanks  at  each  side  of  the  centre 
portion.    At  each  of  these  breaks  there  are  also  vases  above  the  parapets. 

Above  all  the  first  floor  windows  are  triangular  and  segmental 
pediments  except  at  Nos.  95  and  97,  which  have  plain  stucco  keys  and 
architrave  surrounds.  A  continuous  balcony  links  the  terrace  at  first  floor 
level  but  does  not  extend  over  No.  123,  which  has  a  ground  floor  shop. 

No.  93,  on  the  corner  of  Coin  Street,  was  a  public  house  (the  Manor 
House).  It  was  of  similar  character  to  the  rest  of  the  terrace  but  formed  no 
part  of  the  group.    It  was  demolished  at  the  end  of  1933.*^ 

These  houses  were  finished  and  occupied  by  1829.  In  1840  Nos.  1 1 1  to  123  (formerly 
86  to  92  Upper  Stamford  Street)  were  owned  by  John  and  Silas  Galsworthy,  grandfather  and  great- 
uncle  respectively  of  John  Galsworthy,  novelist.  Both  of  them  had  been  resident  in  the  street  since 
1829,  John  in  1829-30  at  No.  i54(formerly  54)  on  the  north  side  of  the  street,  and  in  i84oatNo. 
121  (formerly  87)  and  Silas  at  No.  121  in  1829-30  and  at  No.  in  (formerly  92)  in  1840-50.*^ 
Silas  Galsworthy  had  been  in  business  as  a  builder  in  London  for  some  time  when  his  brother  John 
came  to  join  him  about  1 830^^  and  it  seems  fairly  certain  that  they  were  responsible  for  the  erection 
of  Nos.  1 1 1-123.   Both  were  prototypes  of  characters  in  the  Forsyte  Saga. 

The  Rev.  J.  Aitken  Johnston,  curate  of  St.  John's,  Waterloo  Road  in  1845-8  and  vicar  in 
1848-71  was  living  at  No.  103  in  1845. 

David  Laing,  architect  (;^f  p.  27)  was  at  No.  105  in  1829-35. 

Nos.  78-106  (even)  (formerly  8-22  Upper  Stamford  Street) 

The  whole  of  the  terrace  Nos.  78—106,  which  was  built  in  1829-30, 
was  demolished  during  the  recent  war  with  the  exception  of  the  basement, 
ground  and  part  of  the  first  floor  of  No.  106.  This  building  has  a  porch 
entrance,  supported  by  two  light  columns,  on  the  return  elevation  to  Coin 
Street.  The  doorway  has  fluted  quadrant  reveals  and  a  semicircular  headed 
fanlight.  There  is  a  fig  tree  growing  in  the  area,  the  only  tree  in  Stamford 
Street.    The  terrace  is  illustrated  on  Plate  lob. 

Charles  Mollis,  architect,  lived  at  No.  10  (afterwards  82)  in  1825-1828. 

Nos.   108-138  (even)  (formerly  23-38   Upper  Stamford  Street) 

Of  the  long  terrace  Nos.  108-138,  erected  circa  1829,  only  Nos. 
108— 1 16  now  remain.  These  are  plain  in  detail  with  four  storeys  and  base- 
ment below  the  parapets.  They  are  in  yellow  stock  brick  and  of  two  windows 
in  width.  There  are  gauged  flat  arches  to  all  the  windows;  these  are  recessed 
and  most  possess  glazing  bars.  Nos.  i  10,  112,  and  1 16  have  original  cast-iron 
balconies  linking  the  first  floor  windows.  Nos.  108  and  114  have  parts  of 
their  balconies  made  Into  first  floor  window  guards.  All,  excepting  No.  io8, 
have  round  headed  entrances  with  reeded  door  surrounds.  No.  108  has  a 
porch  entrance  in  Coin  Street,  with  a  lunette  over  the  doorway  which  is 
flanked  by  wing  lights. 



The  Church  of  St.  Andrew,  Coin  Street 

During  the  1 840s  population  swarmed  into  the  network  of  mean 
streets  and  houses  north  and  south  of  Upper  Stamford  Street  and  in  1846, 
in  accordance  with  Peel's  Act  "to  make  better  Provision  for  the  Spiritual 
Care  of  populous  Parishes,"^^  Prince's  Town  or  Meadows  was  formed  into 
a  new  church  district  by  Order  in  Council.^*  It  had  no  permanent  church  for 
10  years,^*  but  in  1854  the  Commissioners  for  Building  New  Churches, 
having  failed  in  their  attempts  to  purchase  ground  from  the  Duchy  of  Corn- 
wall, bought  a  plot  between  Prince's  Street  (now  Coin  Street)  and  Cornwall 
Road  from  Richard  Palmer  Roupell.^*  This  ground  had  formerly  been  part 
of  Curtis's  Botanical  Garden  (see  p.  16).  The  Church  of  St.  Andrew's  was 
designed  by  Samuel  Sanders  Teulon  in  a  style  described  at  the  time  as 
"Geometric  Decorated."  It  seated  nearly  800  people  and  cost  just  over 
;/^  1 0,000.  One  item  in  the  bill  was  for  extra  digging  and  driving  piles 
"consequent  upon  the  tides."  The  church  was  consecrated  in  June,  1856. 
In  1874  the  vicar,  the  Rev.  Frederick  Tugwell,  bought  additional  land  and 
rebuilt  one  of  the  aisles,  inserting  five  windows  in  what  had  previously  been 
a  blank  wall.^* 

During  the  war  of  1939—45  St.  Andrew's  was  so  badly  damaged  as 
to  be  rendered  unusable,  though  most  of  its  fabric  still  remains  (Plate  9). 

List  of  Incumbents  and  Vicars.  1846,  Agmond  C.  Carr;  1850, 
Alfred  S.  Canney;  1858,  Lewen  Tugwell;  1865,  Frederic  Tugwell;  1883, 
Trevor  Fielder;  1892,  George  Edward  Asker;  1900,  George  R.  Lees; 
1 9 15,  Thomas  Walton;  1926,  Wilfrid  G.  B.  Middleton;  1938,  Arthur 
W.  Burfield;   1949,  Eric  W.  A.  Dean. 

Architectural  Description 

St.  Andrew's  Church,  which  is  orientated  approximately  north  and 
south,  has  at  its  north-east  corner  a  bold  tower  and  spire.  The  spire,  which  is 
octagonal,  is  slated  and  rises  from  the  four  gables  over  the  belfry  stage  of  the 
tower.  The  church  is  built  in  stock  brick  close  banded  with  rough-dressed 
stone  coursing.  It  has  a  clerestoried  nave  with  aisles  at  each  side.  The 
light-coloured  brickwork  of  the  interior  is  relieved  with  red  bricks  in  regular 
courses  and  in  geometrical  patterns.  With  the  gabled  end  wall  of  the  nave, 
the  spire  and  tower  close  the  vista  at  the  southern  end  of  Coin  Street.  The 
church  shows  strongly  that  Continental  influence  common  in  much  of 
Teulon's  work. 



Until  the  beginning  of  the  1 9th  century  there  was  only  one  bridge, 
Blackfriars,  between  Westminster  and  London  Bridges.  The  erection  of 
Westminster  Bridge  had  given  a  stimulus  to  building  development  in 
Lambeth  and  in  1809  prospects  were  sufficiently  good  to  encourage  a  com- 
mercial company  to  obtain  an  Act  of  Parliaments^  for  the  erection  of  a  new 
toll  bridge,  to  be  called  the  Strand  Bridge,  from  Westminster  to  Lambeth. 
The  position  chosen  was  the  point  at  which  the  river  bends  sharply  eastward, 
and  provision  was  made  for  an  approach  road  on  the  south  side  from  the 
Obelisk  at  the  junction  of  Westminster  Bridge  Road  and  Blackfriars  Road. 

Mr.  John  Rennie  was  appointed  engineer  and  the  first  stone  of  the 
bridge  was  laid  on  nth  October,  18 ii.^^  Although  the  enabling  Act  was 
exceptionallv  long  and  detailed,  two  more  Acts  were  obtained  (in  18  13  and 
I  8  16)""  before  the  bridge  was  completed.  The  second  of  these  enacted  that 
the  name  should  be  changed  to  Waterloo  Bridge  as  "a  lasting  Record  of  the 
brilliant  and  decisive  Victory  achieved  by  His  Majesty's  Forces  in  conjunction 
with  those  of  His  Allies,  on  the  Eighteenth  Day  of  June  One  thousand 
eight  hundred  and  fifteen."  The  bridge  was  opened  by  the  Prince  Regent 
in  I  8  I  7,  on  the  second  anniversary  of  the  battle  of  Waterloo.  The  cost  of 
the  structure  was  /^6 18,000  and  the  total  cost  of  the  bridge  and  approaches 
was  ;{^937,ooo.s^  As  a  commercial  speculation  the  undertaking  was  far  from 
being  a  success  since,  in  order  to  avoid  payment  of  tolls,  many  people  who 
would  otherwise  have  used  the  bridge  made  a  detour  to  cross  the  river  by 
Blackfriars  or  Westminster  Bridges,  which  were  free.^^  Under  the  provisions 
of  the  Metropolitan  Toll  Bridges  Act,  1877,  the  bridge  was  acquired  by  the 
Metropolitan  Board  of  Works  at  a  cost  of  ^^474,200  and  freed  from  toll. 

The  bridge  was  of  grey  Cornish  granite  of  nine  elliptical  arches  of 
120  feet  span,  the  total  length  between  the  abutments  being  1,240  feet.^^ 
The  width  between  the  parapets  was  42  feet. 

The  approaches,  built  on  brick  arches,  extended  almost  level  as  far 
as  the  Strand  to  the  north  and  sloped  down  to  the  level  of  York  Road  on  the 
south  bank. 

The  continuity  of  the  balustrading  and  entablatures  each  side  of  the 
bridge  was  broken  by  projecting  rectangular  embrasures  (Plate  5^).  The 
embrasures  had  solid  parapets  and  stood  on  coupled  Greek  Doric  columns 
above  the  cutwaters. 

The  simple  austere  style  of  the  bridge  harmonised  with  that  of 
Somerset  House  and  formed  a  fitting  foreground  tor  the  view  of  the  dome  of 
St.  Paul's.  The  Italian  sculptor,  Canova,  described  it  as  "the  finest  bridge 
in  all  Europe." 

In  1882-4  works  were  undertaken  to  protect  the  foundations  which 
were  becoming  exposed  by  the  scour  of  the  river.  Waterloo  Bridge  had  a 
longer  life  than  most  Thames  bridges  but  in  1923  a  settlement  in  the  pier 
on  the  Lambeth  side  of  the  central  arch  and  subsidences  in  the  parapet  and 



carriageway  gave  warning  that  the  structure  was  in  a  dangerous  condition. 
Remedial  measures  were  taken  but  proved  unsuccessful,  and  the  bridge  was 
closed  to  traffic  on  iith  May,  1924.  A  temporary  bridge  was  constructed 
and  for  the  next  ten  years  controversy  raged  as  to  the  fate  of  the  old  bridge. 
There  were  three  serious  alternatives:  (i)  that  the  old  bridge  should  be 
strengthened  and  repaired  and  a  modern  bridge  built  at  Charing  Cross; 
(2)  that  the  bridge  should  be  rebuilt  to  the  old  design  but  made  wider  to 
take  a  greater  volume  of  traffic;  or  (3)  that  a  modern  bridge  should  be  built 
in  place  of  the  old.  Finally,  in  1934,  the  London  County  Council  decided 
to  go  ahead  with  the  erection  of  a  modern  bridge,  but  it  was  not  until  1936 
that  Parliament  at  last  gave  the  Council  authority  to  borrow  money  for  the 
purpose.  The  new  bridge  was  partially  opened  to  traffic  in  1 942,  but  was  not 
formally  opened  until  December,  1945.^^  Its  cost  was  approximately 
;^  1, 000,000. 

The  engineers  responsible  for  the  demolition  of  the  old  bridge  and 
the  design  and  construction  of  the  new  one  were  Messrs.  Rendel,  Palmer  & 
Tritton  in  association  with  the  Council's  Chief  Engineer,  Sir  Peirson  Frank. 
The  collaborating  architect  was  Sir  Giles  Gilbert  Scott. 

Architectural  Description 

The  new  Waterloo  Bridge  is  simple  in  outline  and  without  ornamenta- 
tion. It  is  constructed  of  reinforced  concrete  with  facings  of  Portland  stone 
and  grey  Cornish  granite,  the  granite  being  recut  from  the  masonry  of  the 
old  bridge.  It  has  five  shallow  spans  each  of  about  250  feet  with  a  beamed 
deck  supported  by  two  lines  of  arches.  Each  line  of  arches  is  in  effect  a 
continuous  beam  of  varying  depth.  Above  the  reeded  cornice  bands  on  each 
of  the  plain  outer  surfaces  at  road  level  are  simple  railings  and  lighting 
standards.  The  bridge  has  a  58  feet  carriageway  for  six  lines  of  traffic  with 
footpaths  of  1 1  feet  each  side. 

Of  Rennie's  work  the  foundations  forming  part  of  the  embankment 
wall  on  the  north  side  still  remain,  and  there  is  a  memorial  to  Rennie  consisting 
of  two  Doric  columns  and  balustrading  from  the  old  bridge  at  the  southern 
abutment  which  can  be  seen  from  the  river  walk.  The  stone-faced  elliptical 
arch  spanning  Belvedere  Road  is  also  still  standing  and  forms  part  of  the 
southern  approach,  the  approaches  being  re-used  when  the  new  bridge  was 
built.  Both  old  and  new  bridges  were  designed  with  staircases  at  each  end 
giving  access  to  the  river. 

























































\b)  WATERLOO  BRIDGE,    1950 



(.0  CUPER'S  GARDENS,  circa   1760 












PLATE   lo 

(a)  Nos.  63-91,  STAMFORD  STREET,    1950 

(b)  Nos.  78-106,  STAMl-'ORD  STRI'',I-:T,    1935 




(/>)   THE  ROYAL  SWIMMING  BATH,  1827 


Cuper's  Garden 

The  immediate  approach  to  Waterloo  Bridge  was  formed  on  a  piece 
of  ground  which  had  tor  many  years  been  part  of  a  famous  pleasure  ground, 
known  as  Cuper's  (or  Cupid's)  Garden.  The  site  was  originally  part  of 
Lambeth  Marsh.  In  the  later  Middle  Ages  it  had  belonged  to  the  Earls  of 
Arundel  and  in  1559  it  was  sold  by  Thomas,  Duke  of  Norfolk,  with  Norfolk 
House  and  other  property  in  Lambeth  (see  p.  137)  to  Richard  Garthe  and 
John  Dyster  under  the  description  of  "three  acres  of  medowe"  in  "the 
bishopp  of  Canterburyes  marshe."^^  It  changed  hands  several  times  during 
the  following  thirty  years,  and  in  1589^"  Thomas  Cure,  gentleman,  who 
owned  the  demesne  lands  of  Paris  Garden  Manor,  sold  it  to  Richard  Hanburie, 
citizen  and  goldsmith  of  London.  The  ground  was  then  described  as  three 
acres  "used  as  a  great  garden  nowe  or  late  in  the  tenure  ...  of  Richard 
Love."  In  1634  Augustine  Skinner,  who  had  acquired  the  property  by  his 
marriage,  sold  it  to  Thomas,  Earl  of  Arundel,^^  the  owner  of  considerable 
property  in  Paris  Garden  Manor  as  well  as  of  Arundel  House  on  the  opposite 
side  of  the  river.  Arundel  leased  it  to  Abraham  Boydell  Cuper,  who  was 
employed  in  his  household,  and  either  Abraham  or  his  son  opened  it  as  a 
public  pleasure  garden." 

In  1680  Thomas  Bedford  bought  the  ground  in  trust  for  Sir  Leoline 
Jenkins.  The  latter,  who  had  been  Principal  of  Jesus  College,  Oxford,  from 
1 66 1  to  1673,  died  in  1685  and  bequeathed  both  this  ground  and  the 
Hopes  farther  west  along  Narrow  Wall  (see  p.  56)  to  the  College.^" 

In  1686  Bodwyn  Cuper  acquired  a  lease  of  the  adjoining  ground,  7 
acres  in  extent,  from  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury^^  ^nd  extended  the  gardens. 
Hatton,  in  1708,  described  the  "pleasant  Gardens  and  Walks  with  Bowling- 
greens  .  .  .  whither  many  of  the  Westerly  part  of  the  Town  resort  for 
Diversion  in  the  Summer  Season. "^^  In  1738  the  gardens  and  the  Feathers 
Tavern  were  taken  over  by  Ephraim  Evans,  who  did  much  to  make  them 
more  attractive.  Among  other  things  he  built  an  orchestra  in  which  was 
installed  an  organ  by  Bridge.^*  Evans  died  in  1 740,^^  but  the  gardens  con- 
tinued to  flourish  under  the  management  of  his  widow. 

"Cuper's  Gardens.  This  is  to  acquaint  all  Gentlemen  and  Ladies, 
that  this  present  Saturday,  the  25th  instant,  will  be  perform'd  several  curious 
Pieces  of  Musick,  compos'd  by  Mr.  Handel,  Sig.  Hasse,  Mr.  Arne,  Mr. 
Burgess,  etc.,  in  which  will  be  introduced  the  celebrated  Fire-Musick,  as 
originally  compos'd  by  Mr.  Handel  .  .  .  the  Fireworks  consisting  of  Fire- 
Wheels,  Fountains,  large  Sky-Rockets,  with  an  Addition  of  the  Fire-Pump, 
etc.,  made  by  the  ingenious  Mr.  Worman  .  .  .  play'd  ofl:"  from  the  Top  of 
the  Orchestra  by  Mr.  Worman  himself  .   .   .    The  Widow  Evans  hopes, 

*  When  Arundel  House  was  pulled  down  Cuper  had  some  of  the  Arundel  marbles  to 
decorate  his  gardens.  Later  the  statues  were  sold  to  John  Freeman  of  Fawley  Court  and  Edmund 
Waller  of  Beaconsfield  for  ^^75.^' 


Jesus  College, 


that  as  her  Endeavours  are  to  oblige  the  Town,  they  will  favour  her  Gardens 
with  their  Company;  and  particular  Care  will  be  taken  there  shall  be  better 
Attendance,  and  more  commodious  Reception  for  the  Company."^^ 

This  advertisement  from  a  newspaper  of  1 74 1  is  typical  of  many 
which  appeared  between  1740  and  1752.  In  the  latter  year  the  gardens, 
which  had  always  attracted  pickpockets  and  other  undesirable  clientele  in 
spite  of  the  shilling  admission  charge,  fell  under  the  ban  of  the  Act  "for  the 
better  preventing  thefts  and  robberies,  and  for  regulating  places  of  publick 
entertainment."^^  For  a  few  years  Mrs.  Evans  continued  to  run  the  place  as 
an  unlicensed  tea  garden  in  connection  with  the  Feathers  Tavern,  with 
occasional  private  evening  concerts  and  firework  entertainments  open  only 
to  subscribers,  but  it  finally  closed  in  1760.  In  1761  it  was  in  the  hands  of 
the  Jesus  College  authorities,  who  sold  the  lead  from  the  roof  of  the  "Great 
House"  and  felled  some  of  the  trees.  The  house  near  the  entrance  and  other 
outbuildings  were  let  out  in  tenements  and  the  skittle  ground  was  let  tem- 
porarily to  a  Mr.  Pillford.^"  In  1762  Mark  Beaufoy,  who  is  described  as  a 
vinegar  merchant,  was  granted  a  20  year  lease  of  the  premises  with  permission 
to  pull  down  the  house  and  to  use  the  materials  to  erect  others.^"*  Beaufoy 
distilled  both  wine  and  vinegar;  in  the  flowery  words  of  Pennant — ^^ 

"The  genial  banks  of  the  Thames  opposite  to  our  capital, 
yield  almost  every  species  of  white  wine;  and,  by  a  wondrous  magic, 
Messrs.  Beaufoy  pour  forth  the  materials  for  the  rich  Frontiniac,  to 
the  more  elegant  tables  .  .  .  There  is  a  magnificence  of  business  in 
this  ocean  of  sweets  and  sours,  that  cannot  fail  exciting  the  greatest 
admiration:  whether  we  consider  the  number  of  vessels,  or  their 
size  .  .  .  On  first  entering  the  yard,  two  rise  before  you,  covered 
at  the  top  with  a  thatched  dome;  between  them  is  a  circular  turret, 
including  a  winding  staircase,  which  brings  you  to  their  summits, 
which  are  above  twenty-four  feet  in  diameter.  One  of  these  con- 
servatories is  full  of  sweet  wine,  and  contains  fifty-eight  thousand 
one  hundred  and  nine  gallons  ...  Its  superb  associate  is  full  of 
vinegar  .   .   . 

Besides  these,  is  an  avenue  of  lesser  vessels  .  .  ."'' 

In  1 8 13  the  Strand  Bridge  Company  purchased  the  three  acres 
belonging  to  Jesus  College  for  the  formation  of  the  Waterloo  Bridge 
approach.    The  plan  on  Plate  3  shows  the  line  of  Waterloo  Road  cutting 

^  Beaufoy  had  set  up  in  business  there**  some  years  previously.  Among  the  records  of  the 
firm  is  a  letter  from  Mark  Beaufoy  dated  "28th  January,  1756,  Vinegar  Yard,  Cuper's  Gardens," 
and  other  documents  suggest  that  he  was  there  even  earlier. 

^  There  is  a  drawing  in  the  Guildhall  Library,  attributed  to  Paul  Sandby  and  reproduced 
on  Plate  loSa,  which  has  been  entitled  "Near  Cuper's  Bridge."  It  shows  a  windmill  in  the  fore- 
ground which  may  have  been  the  windmill  shown  near  the  bend  of  the  river  on  the  map  of  north 
Lambeth  in  the  1755  edition  of  Strype's  Slow.  On  the  other  hand,  the  topographical  details, 
and  in  particular  the  rural  aspect  of  the  opposite  bank  of  the  river,  suggest  that  the  view  has  been 
wrongly  titled.    It  may  possibly  represent  a  mill  further  upstream  (see  p.  143). 



across  the  gardens.    The  remainder  of  Waterloo  Road  was  formed  on  land 
belonging  to  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  J" 

Waterloo  Bridge  Approach 

The  southern  approach  to  Waterloo  Bridge  was  carried  on  a  series 
of  brick  arches  with  a  gradual  descent  to  the  York  Road  and  Stamford  Street 
level.  The  result  was  that  the  houses  on  the  bridge  approach  had  a  very 
extensive  cellarage,  and  the  Feathers  Tavern  on  the  east  side  (built  by  the 
landlord  of  the  old  tavern  of  the  same  name  on  the  foreshore,  illustrated  in 
Plate  7^)  was  really  two  public  houses  one  above  the  other,  the  lower  one 
being  in  Commercial  Road,  now  Upper  Ground,  and  the  upper  in  Waterloo 
Road.  Albert  Smith"^  gave  a  lurid  description  of  this  street  above  a  street  in 
the  1840's — 

"It  is  well  ventilated  ...  by  the  wind,  which  rushes  up 
frightful  chasms  from  unknown  depths,  and  through  the  gratings 
in  the  pavement.  Its  atmosphere  is  as  light  and  rarefied  as  the  house- 
keeping of  its  inhabitants,  by  reason  of  its  elevation.  For  its  houses 
are  all  cellars — stories  under  stories  of  cellars — the  lowest  of  which 
no  eye  may  fathom,  but  which  terminate  in  subterraneous  regions 
inhabited  only  by  dray-horses,  and  lumbering  wains,  and  burly 
coal-heavers.  The  commerce  of  Waterloo  Road  is  limited;  judging 
from  the  shop  windows,  it  appears  chiefly  confined  to  bonnet-shapes, 
playbills  and  pale  dry  cigars." 

Sketches  of  the  front  and  back  elevations  of  the  houses  on  the  west 
side  just  prior  to  their  demolition  in  1949—50  are  given  in  Plate  24.  This 
row  was  known  as  Southampton  Terrace.  The  present  generation  will, 
perhaps,  chiefly  remember  it  for  the  tattooist's  shop  at  No.  72  (1918-49). 

The   Royal  Hospital  for  Children  and  Women 

One  of  the  earliest  buildings  in  Waterloo  Road  was  the  Royal 
Universal  Infirmary  for  Children.  This  institution  was  the  successor  of  the 
Universal  Dispensary  for  Sick  and  Indigent  Children  founded  in  18 16  by 
Dr.  J.  Bunnell  Davis  in  premises  in  St.  Andrew's  Hill,  Doctors'  Commons. 
A  four-storey  building,  two  storeys  being  below  the  level  of  the  road,  was 
erected  in  1823  at  the  north-east  corner  of  Waterloo  Road  and  Stamford 
Street,  and  was  opened  as  a  dispensary  in  the  following  year.^-  The  design 
was  made  gratuitously  by  David  Laing,  architect  of  the  Customs  House. 
Although  the  institution  enjoyed  the  patronage  of  various  royal  personages 
and  of  the  Lord  Mayor  of  London  it  was  perpetually  short  of  funds,  and, 
until  1 85 1,  treatment  was  given  only  to  out-patients,  part  of  the  building 
being  let  as  a  school.*^ 

In  1 851  a  surgical  ward  was  opened,  and  in  1852  arrangements 
were  made  with  the  trustees  of  the  Hayles  Estate  for  the  reception  of  a  certain 
number  of  poor  women  from  the  parish  of  Lambeth.'''^ 

The  infirmary  was  built  on  land  which  was  part  of  the  triangular 



slip  of  ground  bought  by  the  Waterloo  Bridge  Company  from  Jesus  College, 
Oxford,  and  assigned  to  the  Duchy  of  Cornwall  in  exchange  for  ground  given 
up  to  form  the  bridge  approaches.  In  1876^'^  the  Prince  of  Wales  sold  the 
freehold  to  the  trustees  of  the  infirmary — ^John  Fisher  Eastwood,  Frederick 
Lincoln  Bevan  and  the  Rev.  Frederic  Tugwell — and  a  new  storey  was  added 
to  the  building.  Five  years  later  they  acquired  the  freehold  of  the  adjoining 
properties  in  Waterloo  Road  and  Stamford  Street.^^ 

The  hospital  was  entirely  rebuilt  in  1903-05,  with  the  exception  of 
the  nurses'  home,  which  was  completed  in  1927.'^ 

Architectural  Description 

The  present  hospital  has  five  storeys  and  basement.  It  is  of  red  brick 
with  brown  terra-cotta  dressings  and  has  a  corner  turret  over  the  glazed-ware 
porch  which  bears  the  Royal  Arms.  On  the  Waterloo  Road  elevation  an 
arcaded  balcony  serves  each  of  the  first,  second  and  third  floor  wards. 

The  nurses'  home  adjoining  is  also  of  red  brick  with  brown  terra- 
cotta dressings.    It  has  six  storeys  above  the  basement. 

The  firm  of  Messrs.  Waring  and  Nicholson  designed  the  hospital 
and  the  nurses'  home  and  also  prepared  the  scheme  of  conversion  after  the 
recent  war  for  the  nurses'  home  annexe  in  York  Road  opposite  the  York 

The  present  hospital  was  planned  with  the  ground  floor  for  adminis- 
tration purposes  and  the  first,  second  and  third  floors  as  wards  giving 
accommodation  for  two  hundred  beds.  The  entrance  porch  of  glazed  ware 
was  the  gift  in  1905  of  H.  Lewis  Doulton. 

Nos.  77-1 19 

Most  of  the  original  houses  of  Waterloo  Road  have  been  pulled  down. 

Waterloo  Station,  the  Union  Jack  Club  (1907-09),  and  the  offices  at  the 

corner  of  Stamford  Street  accounted  for  a  large 
number,  and  others  have  been  rebuilt  piecemeal.  A 
few  houses  of  the  1830's  survive  in  Alfred  Place 
(Nos.  77  and  79)  at  the  south-east  corner  of  Exton 
Street  and  in  Maude  Place  (Nos.  11 5-1 19)  just 
north  of  The  Cut,  but  they  have  been  much  altered. 

Nos.  80-86  (formerly  Nos.  40-43) 

These  houses  date  from  the  formation  of  the 
bridge  approach.  They  were  erected  on  part  of  a 
Railing  in  Courtyard  of  piece  of  ground  at  the  corner  of  York  Road  and 
No.  86  Waterloo  Road  Waterloo  Road  which  had  been  purchased  by  the 
Archbishop  of  Canterbury  from  the  proprietors  of 
Waterloo  Bridge,  and  by  him  granted  to  John  Field,  wax  chandler,  and  Agnes 
Bazing,  spinster,  by  a  building  lease  dated  25th  March,  i  824.''*  These  houses 
and  those  on  the  return  front  in  Boyce  Street  (formerly  Anne  Street)  were 
designed  by  L.  N.  Cottingham,  who  occupied  No.  86  from  its  erection  until 



his  death  in  1847.*^    Cottingham's  drawing  (dated  1826)  of  the  elevation  of 
Nos.  80-86  is  reproduced  on  Plate  23^7. 

Nos.  80-86  form  an  impressive  terrace  in  stock  brick.    They  have 
four  storeys  above  pavement  level  with  recessed  round-headed  windows  at 






the  first  floor  and  gauged  flat  arches  to  the  upper  floors.  There  are  shop 
fronts  to  Nos.  84  and  86.  No.  86  has  an  enriched  arched  entrance  on  the 
Boyce  Street  return. 

The  York  Hotel  has  a  simple  pilaster  treatment  to  its  stuccoed  ground 
storey.  At  first  floor  level  to  both  frontages  it  has  a  continuous  paterae  band 
to  the  tascia. 

The  parapets  of  the  terrace  have  a  cornice  and  blocking  course 
surmounted  by  stfile  heads  on  short  pedestals  at  the  corners  and  over  the 
party  walls.  There  are  pseudo-triglyphs  to  the  horizontal  panels  over  the 
third  floor  windows,  while  the  main  cornice  with  its  flat  brackets  is  at  this 
floor  level.  Both  second  and  third  storeys  have  panelled  cills,  those  at  the 
lower  level  being  linked  by  a  continuous  band. 

Historical  Notes 

No.  80  has  been  used  as  the  York  Hotel  since  the  date  of  its  erection. 

No.  86  (formerly  No.  43)  was  built  by  Lewis  Nockalls  Cottingham,  arcliitect  and 



antiquary,  for  his  own  residence,  and  its  rooms  were  specially  designed  to  receive  the  library 
which  he  had  formed  and  the  many  specimens  of  Gothic  carving  in  stone  and  wood  he  had 
preserved  from  buildings  that  had  been  destroyed.  A  catalogue  was  published  but  the  collection 
was  dispersed  a  few  years  after  his  death.* 



DOORWAY       TO       BOYCE.        ST 

No.  86  Waterloo  Road 

Cottingham  actively  supported  the  retention  of  the  Lady  Chapel  at  St.  Saviour's,  Southwark, 
and  was  employed  on  the  restoration  of  the  Temple  Church  and  of  St.  Alban's  Abbey.  He  was 
largely  responsible  for  laying  out  the  estate  of  John  Field  in  the  Waterloo  district.  At  the  time  of 
his  death  on  13th  October,  1847,  he  was  engaged  on  the  restoration  of  Hereford  Cathedral,  a 
task  which  was  completed  by  his  son,  Nockalls  Johnson  Cottingham.'^  The  latter  lived  at  No.  86 
Waterloo  Road  until  1851.   Since  his  departure  the  house  has  been  used  for  commercial  purposes. 

Nos.  88  AND  90.  These  houses  date  from  the  same  period  and  are 
similar  in  character  to  Nos.  80-86,  but  have  been  much  altered. 

The  Royal  Swimming  Bath.  This  building  (Plate  iii^)  stood  on 
the  west  side  of  "Waterloo  Road  a  little  to  the  north  of  Lower  Marsh.  The 
site  is  now  covered  by  Waterloo  Station. 

*  Cottingham  published  a  useful  book  on  the  balcony  railings  of  the  Regency  period, 
The  Ornamental  Metal  Workers'  Director. 



The  Cut  (formerly  the  New  Cut) 

The  New  Cut  was  developed  as  a  roadway  continuing  Lower  Marsh 
east  of  Waterloo  Road  circa  1820.  The  houses  on  the  south  side  were  built 
by  Samuel  Short,  carpenter,  between  1818  and  1821.    Under  the  terms  of 

Iron  Balustrade  to  First  Floor  ofNos.  96,  98  and  100  Waterloo  Road  {Demolished) 

his  lease  they  were  "third-rate"  houses  with  the  front  walls  faced  with  stock 
bricks  and  having  rubbed  and  gauged  arches  to  the  windows  and  stone  coped 
parapets;''^  none  of  these  houses  now  remains.  Short  had  a  lease  of  the 
ground  bounded  by  the  New  Cut,  Webber  Street,  and  Short  Street,  and 
developed  the  whole  property  at  this  time.  The  ground  was  originally  a 
meadow  called  Chalcroft  which,  in  the  i8th  century,  had  been  let  out  as 
garden  ground.'^^ 

Prior  to  the  1 9th  century  the  ground  between  The  Cut  and  Prince's 
Meadows  (Stamford  Street)  on  the  eastern  boundary  of  Lambeth  was  known 
as  Wild  Marsh.'^s  This  area  was  developed  in  the  1820's  by  John  Roupell, 
who  is  described  in  the  deeds  as  a  gold  refiner.^^  From  him  Roupell  Street 
derives  its  name. 




In  1818,  when  the  country  was  settling  down  into  a  period  of  peace 
after  the  Napoleonic  Wars  and  the  population  was  beginning  to  expand 
rapidly,  Parliament  decided  to  allocate  a  sum  not  exceeding  a  million  pounds 
for  the  building  of  additional  churches  in  populous  parishes  and  "more 
particularly  in  the  Metropolis  and  its  Vicinity."^"  Of  this  sum,  the  Com- 
missioners for  Building  New  Churches  appropriated  ^^64,000  in  1822  for 
the  needs  of  the  parish  of  Lambeth.  It  was  decided  that  a  new  church  should 
be  built  on  the  Waterloo  Bridge  approach  and  a  piece  of  ground  on  the  east 
side  of  the  road  was  purchased  from  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  and  his 
lessee  and  the  sublessee,  Sir  Gilbert  East  and  Mr.  Anderson.  The  ground 
was  very  swampy,  consisting  in  part  of  a  pond,"  and  the  advice  of  John 
Rennie  was  sought  as  to  the  most  suitable  type  of  foundation.  His  recom- 
mendation that  piling  should  be  used  under  all  the  walls  was  adopted  with 
such  success  that,  after  the  lapse  of  125  years,  heavy  damage  by  bombing 
and  ten  years'  exposure  to  the  weather,  the  walls  were  still  strong  and  sound 
enough  to  be  used  in  the  renovated  church.  In  view  of  the  fact  that  the 
church  was,  in  the  words  of  the  vestry,  "in  the  more  immediate  vicinity  of  the 
Metropolis,"  a  more  imposing  design  was  selected  than  would  otherwise 
have  been  chosen.*"  The  architect  was  Francis  Bedford,  who  also  designed 
the  church  of  St.  Mary  the  Less,  Black  Prince  Road  (see  p.  144). 

St.  John's  was  consecrated  by  the  Bishop  of  Winchester  on  3rd 
November,  1824.  James  Elmes  described  it  in  1827  as  having  "some 
faults  and  many  beauties;  the  columns  of  the  portico  are  of  the  lightest  style 
of  the  Doric  order,  and,  though  rather  effeminate  for  that  masculine  order, 
are  beautifully  proportioned  and  systematically  arranged.  The  portico  is 
hexastyle  and  joined  to  the  body  of  the  church,  with  antique  propriety,  as  a 
continuation  of  the  lateral  cornice  and  roof.  But  all  this  propriety  of  annexa- 
tion and  real  beauty  of  proportion  is  absolutely  destroyed  by  the  atrocity  of  a 
steeple,  the  ugliest  perhaps  in  London,  which  is  straddled  a  cock-horse 
across  the  pediment. "^^ 

The  church  was  renovated  by  A.  W.  (later  Sir  Arthur)  Blomfield  in 
1885.^*  In  1924  Sir  Ninian  Comper  carried  out  a  number  of  repairs  and 
alterations  to  the  building.  Among  other  things,  the  baldachino,  shown  on 
Plate  14,  was  erected  in  front  of  the  altar,  and  the  space  behind  was  made 
into  a  Lady  Chapel. 

The  building  of  a  school  for  boys  and  girls  of  the  parish  was  begun 
as  soon  as  the  church  was  completed.  The  school  cost  just  over  /^2,ooo,  of 
which  a  quarter  was  contributed  from  the  funds  of  Lambeth  school.  The 
present  schools  in  Exton  Street  were  built  on  the  same  site  in  1902. 

*  Described  in  a  contemporary  newspaper  as  having  been  long  "the  resort  of  a  numerous 
flock  of  geese  and  ducks."^^ 

b  The  total  cost  of  the  church,  including  the  purchase  of  the  site,  was  about  ;£2o,ooo.*2 


PLATE   12 






ao  30 

SCALE     OF     FEET 

— I — 


PLATE   13 




PLATE   14 


ST.  JOHN'S  CHURCH,   WATKRl.OO   ROAD,  ana    1930 

PLATE   15 


PLATE   1 6 

m  ^ 

&u:  _  kii 




}  I  I  1  !  I  I  I  I 

to  20  30  40  50  60 

SCALE    OF    FEE" 



PLATE   17 


















Z  as 


PLATE   1 8 
















I— > 

































PLATE   19 

(a)  EXTERIOR,    1826 
(i?)   INTERIOR,    18 18 

PLATE  20 


PLATE  21 







PLATE  22 









.4-     (J 








PLATE  23 

00  Nos.  80-86  WATERLOO  ROAD,   1826 



By  the  1840's  the  district  had  become  so  crowded  that  extra  church 
accommodation  was  found  necessary.  In  1844-6  the  Church  of  All  Saints 
was  built  in  York  Street"  (now  Leake  Street)  from  the  designs  of  William 

Rogers.^5  The  new  church  was 
short-lived,  for  by  the  end  of  the 
century  the  site  was  required  for 
the  extension  of  Waterloo  Station, 
and  on  All  Saints'  Day,  1899,  it 
was  closed  by  Act  of  Parliament 
and  the  parish  was  reunited  with 
that  of  St.  John's. ^^  An  elaborately 
ornamented  memorial  altar  piece 
from  All  Saints'  was  transferred  to 
the  chapel  in  York  Road  which  was 
taken  over  as  a  church  hall.  This 
hall,  known  later  as  the  White 
Horse  Club,  was  taken  down  in 

The  Churchyard 

The  churchyard  on  the 
south-east  side  of  the  church  was 
made  into  a  garden  and  opened  to 
the  public  in  June,  1878.  The 
watch  house  at  the  south-west 
corner  (Plate  18),  erected  in  1824, 
No.  86  Waterloo  Road  from  St.  John's  Churchyard     waS  demolished  in    I  932. 

Three  or  four  large  tombs 
remain  in  the  part  of  the  churchyard  fronting  Waterloo  Road.  Of  these 
the  most  prominent  is  that  of  the  Peache  family,  erected  at  the  expense  of 
James  Courthope  Peache  (see  p.  48)  in  1827.^^  On  the  front  are  his  coat  of 
arms  and  crest,  and  on  the  south  side  is  the  inscription — 


DIED    OCT    23     1 8 15    AGED    68    YEARS 


DIED    IAN    31      1830    IN    HER    80"    YEAR 


DIED    IAN    22     1858     IN    HIS    77™    YEAR 

DIED    IAN     I     1859    IN    HER    '] f^    YEAR 

The  north  side  of  the  tomb  has  a  list  of  James  Peache's  ten  children, 
all  except  two  of  whom  died  in  infancy  or  childhood,  and  it  also  records  the 
names  of  his  two  sisters  and  his  niece,  Mary  Peache  Larkin. 

a  It  was  opened  on  ist  March,  1846,  the  sermon  being  preached  by  the  Rev.  Charles 
Browne-Dalton,  rector  of  St.  Mary's,  Lambeth. 


List  of  Vicars.  1826,  J.  T.  Barrett;  1830,  R.  Irvine;  1848,  James 
Aitken  Johnston ;  i  8  7 1 ,  Hugh  Wilson  Bateman ;  i  8  74,  Arthur  J.  Robinson ; 
1881,  Arthur  J.  Jephson;  1884,  Arthur  W.  Jephson;  1894,  Arthur  H. 
Powell;  1895,  Francis  C.  Bainbridge-Bell;  1902,  Edward  G.  Gordon; 
1 92 1,  John  Walker  Woodhouse;  1925,  Charles  W.  Hutchinson;  1944, 
Edwin  V.  Rhys. 

Architectural  Description 

St.  John's  Church  has  a  plain  rectangular  body  and  is  built  in  stone 
and  grey  brick.  It  is  designed  in  the  style  of  the  Greek  Revival  and  is  simple 
in  treatment  with  a  tower  rising  behind  the  portico  at  the  south-west  end. 

This  portico  is  raised  on  steps  and  has  six  fluted  Greek  Doric  columns 
with  an  entablature  and  pediment.  In  the  frieze  of  the  entablature  are 
cast-iron  chaplets  of  myrtle  instead  of  the  usual  triglyphs  and  mutules.  The 
chaplets  are  spaced  over  and  midway  between  each  of  the  columns.  There  is 
a  continuous  band  of  guttae  below  the  fillet  separating  architrave  and  frieze. 
The  entablatures  at  the  side  and  back  elevations  have  the  same  detail. 

Within  the  portico  are  five  openings  all  of  uniform  size  with  double 
doors  and  slightly  tapering  panelled  stone  architrave  surrounds.  The 
window  above  each  doorway  has  a  similar  surround.  A  cill  band  links  the 
windows,  of  which  only  that  at  the  centre,  lighting  the  bellringers'  chamber, 
is  real.  The  others  are  false,  although  all  have  glazed  iron  sashes.  Of  the 
doorways,  that  in  the  middle  serves  a  lobby  leading  to  the  nave  while  those 
on  each  side  of  it  were  planned  with  access  to  narrow  staircases  leading  to 
galleries  for  charity  children.  Each  entrance  for  children  has  one  door  and 
another  identical  panel  in  order  to  give  a  uniform  appearance.  The  lobbies, 
which  are  entered  through  the  two  doorways  nearest  the  ends  of  the  portico, 
serve  the  aisles  and  have  staircases  by  which  the  main  galleries  were  reached. 
The  charity  children's  galleries  were  placed  high  above  each  of  these  lobbies 
so  as  to  save  space  in  internal  planning. 

Each  of  the  north-west  and  south-east  elevations  (orientation  not 
being  at  the  cardinal  points)  have  twelve  windows  in  two  rows.  Those 
above  the  galleries  are  rectangular  on  the  exterior,  though  slightly  arched 
inside.  They  reach  up  to  the  entablature  and  are  longer  than  those  below, 
which  are  squat  in  proportion.  The  lower  windows  have  segmental  heads 
and  their  cills  are  panelled.  Both  rows  have  the  same  kind  of  stone  surrounds 
as  the  openings  under  the  portico.  The  upper  windows  are  linked  by  bands 
stopping  at  the  corner  antae  and  the  antae  near  the  portico  which  mark  the 
extent  of  the  entrance  lobbies. 

The  back  or  north-east  elevation  has  a  very  austere  character  with 
antae  dividing  it  into  three  bays.  The  centre  bay  contains  the  window  over 
the  altar  which  is  deeper  than  the  other  upper  windows  and  cuts  into  the 
cill  band;  beneath  this  window  is  a  plain  double-recessed  rectangular 
panel  in  brick.  Each  outer  bay  has  a  lower  segmental  headed  window 
lighting  a  vestry  and  an  upper  panel  which  is  a  blind  recess.  These  are 
identical  in  detail  with  the  windows  at  the  sides.  Above  the  entablature  at 



this  end  the  pediment  containing  a  small  louvred  lunette  has  recently  been 

The  tower  rides  above  the  ridge  of  the  copper  roof  and  is  immediately 
behind  the  south-west  portico.    It  is  in  stone  and  has  three  main  stages  with 

a  short  pedestal  stage  supporting  a 


square  obelisk. 

Of  the  stages,  each  of  which 
is  diminishing,  the  lower  is  rusti- 
cated with  clock  faces  to  all  four 
sides.  It  has  a  cornice  which  com- 
bines with  the  double  plinth  above 
to  form  a  base  for  the  middle  stage. 
This  middle  or  belfry  stage,  which 
contains  a  peal  of  eight  bells,  has 
on  each  elevation  a  louvred  round- 
headed  opening  set  in  recess  with 
Ionic  columns  at  each  side  and  antae 
at  the  four  corners.  The  entablature 
and  deep  triple  plinth  or  podium 
support  the  upper  main  stage  which 
is  similar  to  the  belfry  stage  though 
open  on  all  sides.  It  has  gorged 
foliated  caps  of  no  definite  order  to 
the  recesses  set  between  corner  antae. 
Above  the  entablature  of  this 
open  stage  the  short  pedestal  stage, 
which  has  rectangles  of  carved 
honeysuckle  ornament  to  its  four 
surfaces,  carries  a  square  obelisk 
with  sunk  panels  terminating  in  a 
ball  and  cross. 

Acroteria  of  different  types 
with  honeysuckle  relief  are  placed  at 
the  four  corners  above  the  cornice 
of  the  pedestal  stage  and  above  the 
entablatures  of  the  columned  stages 

The  church  was  heavily  damaged  by  enemy  action  on  the  night  of 
Sunday,  8th  December,  1940,  when  a  bomb  struck  the  nave  roof.  Much  of 
the  roof  was  destroyed  and  most  of  the  internal  fittings  and  fabric,  including 
the  baldachino,  were  damaged  beyond  repair.  Although  some  of  the  upper 
parts  of  the  walls  were  demolished  the  tower  and  portico  escaped  virtually 

The  interior  of  St.  John's  was  designed  with  the  same  simplicity  of 
detail  as  the  exterior.  Galleries  round  three  sides  of  the  church  were  supported 
on   short   Doric   columns,   while   the   surfaces   between   the  windows   were 

INCHES  12.      ,       O 


\  2. 

4- FEET 



relieved  by  delicate  antae  of  the  Ionic  order.  The  antae  had  honeysuckle 
ornament  and  ran  the  full  height  of  the  hall-like  interior.  Above  them  the 
same  ornament  was  used  as  a  continuous  pattern  to  the  frieze.  The  ceiling 
was  flat  and  divided  by  beams  into  panels,  each  of  which  had  a  ceiling  rose  in 
plaster  at  its  centre. 

The  fittings  which  escaped  destruction  include  the  font  which  stood 
under  the  west  gallery  and  is  now  again  in  use.  Both  font  and  cover 
are  of  white  marble,  the  font  being  urn-shaped  with  handles  in  cherubim 
form.  It  probably  dates  from  the  early  i8th  century  and  is  of  Italian  origin, 
having  been  presented  to  the  church  at  the  time  of  building.  The  organ, 
which  dates  from  the  erection  of  the  church,  was  built  by  Bishop.  It  was 
in  a  plain  wood  case  and  stood  in  the  west  gallery.  It  was  rebuilt  by  Hele  in 
1883.''  After  being  seriously  damaged  during  the  war  it  is  now  being 
repaired  and  the  case  restored  to  the  original  design.  The  stained  glass  to 
the  north-east  window,  designed  by  N.  J.  Cottingham,  who  lived  almost 
opposite  the  church  at  No.  86  Waterloo  Road,  was  totally  destroyed  when  the 
church  was  bombed. 

Between  the  square  stone  piers,  which  bound  the  churchyard  on 
Waterloo  Road,  are  original  iron  railings  and  gates,  parts  of  which  were 
removed  for  metal  salvage  during  the  war.  The  piers  have  simple  volute  frets 
to  each  face  and  are  capped  by  acroteria  which  have  honeysuckle  ornament. 
The  railings  and  piers  extend  as  far  as  the  site  of  the  parish  watch  house, 
which  stood  at  the  corner  of  Exton  Street.  The  watch  house  was  a  plain 
building  in  brick  and  stone,  and  had  the  upper  of  its  three  storeys  above  a 
simple  cornice.   The  cornice  was  supported  by  antae  at  the  corners. 

For  ten  years  the  church  stood  open  to  the  skies  while  religious 
services  were  continued  in  the  vaulted  crypt.  In  1950  restoration  work  was 
commenced  to  the  designs  of  Mr.  Thomas  F.  Ford  so  that  St.  John's  could 
be  used  as  the  Festival  Church  during  1951. 



The  history  of  "The  Old  Vic"  during  the  last  fifty  years  and  of  the 
important  part  it  has  played  in  the  development  of  the  modern  British 
theatre  has  often  been  told.  The  building  dates  back  to  1816  and  is  one  of 
the  oldest  theatre  buildings  in  London,  though  it  has  been  greatly  altered 
both  externally  and  internally. 

The  original  proprietors  were  Mr.  Jones  and  Mr.  Dunn  who,  having 
failed  to  renew  their  lease  of  the  Surrey  Theatre,  near  St.  George's  Circus, 
at  a  reasonable  rent,^^  decided  to  build  on  their  own  account  and  obtained  a 
sub-lease  of  a  piece  of  copyhold  ground  of  the  manor  of  Lambeth  on  the  east 
side  of  the  newly  laid  out  Waterloo  Road.  They  secured  the  patronage  of 
Princess  Charlotte,  who  had  married  the  Prince  of  Saxe-Coburg,  and  through 
her  influence  were  granted  a  licence  from  the  Surrey  justices  in  18  16.  The 
theatre  was  named,  in  compliment  to  the  princess,  the  Royal  Coburg 

The  site  was  very  swampy,  "being  immediately  on  the  west  side  of 
one  of  the  large  and  ancient  ditches  made  for  the  drainage  of  Lambeth 
Marsh,"  and  stone  from  the  old  Savoy  Palace,  which  was  being  pulled  down 
for  the  construction  of  the  northern  approach  to  Waterloo  Bridge,^^  was  used 
to  make  a  firm  foundation.  The  Waterloo  Bridge  Company,  which  hoped  to 
gain  custom  from  the  patrons  of  the  theatre,  contributed  to  its  cost.^^  The 
theatre  opened  in  May,  1818,  with  a  melodrama  "Trial  by  Battle"  and  a 
pantomime,  "Harlequin  and  Comus."  Edmund  Kean,  Junius  Brutus  Booth, 
Sheridan  Knowles  Macready,  Samuel  Phelps,  and  Joseph  Grimaldi,  the 
clown,  were  among  the  early  performers  and  in  1834  Paganini  gave  his 
farewell  performance  in  England  there. 

The  theatre  was  designed  by  Rudolph  Cabanel.  Brayley  described 
it  in  1826  as  "plain,  though  well  built,"  the  auditorium  consisting  of  "a 
spacious  pit,  two  tiers  of  boxes,  and  a  remarkably  large  gallery."  The  marine 
or  box  saloon  was  designed  and  painted  by  John  Thomas  Serres,  marine 
painter,  who  had  a  share  in  the  theatre.  In  1822  a  special  feature  in  the  form 
of  a  looking-glass  curtain  was  erected  on  the  stage.  It  was  36  feet  in  height 
and  32  feet  in  breadth,  and  consisted  of  62  divisions  of  glass  set  in  a  massive 
gilt  frame  (Plate  20).  The  weight  of  the  curtain  proved  dangerous  to  the 
roof  and  it  had  to  be  dismantled.  Parts  of  the  glass  were  used  to  decorate 
the  ceiling  and  the  saloon.  The  house  was  originally  lit  by  gas  which  was 
manufactured  on  the  premises.^^ 

Princess  Charlotte  died  in  18  17,  and  in  1833  the  theatre*^  was  renamed 
the  Victoria  in  compliment  to  Princess  Victoria. 

After  1834  the  standard  of  entertainments  given  at  the  theatre 
declined,  most  of  them  consisting  of  the  crudest  melodramas,  while  much  of 
the  income  was  provided  by  the  sale  of  drinks.^^  John  Hollingshead,  who 
later  played  a  part  in  the  regeneration  of  the  theatre,  has  described  how  the 
gallery  audience  would  tie  handkerchiefs  together  to  form  a  rope  which  was 



used  to  haul  up  large  stone  bottles  of  beer  from  the  pit.  Charles  Kingsley, 
in  Alton  Locke,  published  in  1850,  wrote  of  "the  beggary  and  rascality  of 
London  .  .  .  pouring  in  to  their  low  amusement,  from  the  neighbouring 
gin-palaces  and  thieves'  cellars."^" 

The  financial  position  of  the  theatre  was  precarious  and  it  was  put 
up  to  auction  in  1 87 1  and  again  in  1 874.  In  1 879  the  Coffee  Palace  Associa- 
tion, urged  on  by  John  Hollingshead  and  Emma  Cons,  took  over  the  theatre. 
A  fund  was  raised  by  public  subscription  and  the  title  deeds  were  handed  to 
the  Charity  Commissioners.  About  ;/^3,ooo  was  spent  on  alterations  and 
re-decoration,  which  were  designed  by  Elijah  Hoole,  and  in  1880  the  house 
was  opened  as  the  Royal  Victoria  Coffee  Music  Hall.^^  At  first,  lectures 
and  temperance  meetings  alternated  with  variety  entertainments,  but  under 
the  guidance  of  Miss  Cons  and  her  niece,  Lilian  Baylis,  the  theatre  became  a 
centre  for  opera  and  for  Shakespearean  and  classical  drama.  During  the  last 
50  years  many  actors  and  actresses  of  the  front  rank  have  established  their 
reputations  there. 

Extensive  alterations  were  made  to  the  building  in  the  1920's  to 
comply  with  the  regulations  of  the  London  County  Council.  The  theatre  was 
severely  damaged  by  enemy  action  in  1941,  but  it  has  been  re-conditioned, 
and  it  re-opened  its  doors  in  November,  1950.  The  architect  for  the  re- 
conditioning was  Douglas  Rowntree. 

Two  important  educational  developments  in  connection  with  the 
theatre  must  be  mentioned.  In  the  days  of  Emma  Cons,  evening  classes  for 
boys  of  the  neighbourhood  were  started  in  one  of  the  disused  dressing  rooms. 
Attendances  rapidly  increased  and  in  1889  the  back  of  the  theatre  was 
walled  off  and  made  into  a  college,  named  Morley  College,  in  memory  of 
Samuel  Morley,  an  early  benefactor  of  the  theatre.  The  college  moved  to  a 
site  in  Westminster  Bridge  Road  in  1923.^^ 

The  second  development  is  of  more  recent  growth.  In  1947  the 
Joint  Council  of  the  National  Theatre  and  the  Governors  of  the  Old  Vic,  in 
association  with  the  Arts  Council,  established  the  Old  Vic  Theatre  School. 
The  school  was  opened  by  Ellen  Wilkinson  on  the  stage  of  the  theatre  on 
24th  January,  1947.''^ 

Architectural  Description 

The  theatre  is  a  plain  building  of  brick  construction  with  panel 
treatment  at  the  sides  linked  by  blind  arcading. 

The  front  elevation  to  The  Cut  is  partly  stone  faced  and  partly 
rendered.  It  is  of  three  storeys  with  the  entrance  projecting  slightly  forward. 
Above  the  entrance,  which  has  a  canopy,  the  parapet  is  terminated  each  side 
by  stunted  obelisks.  The  first  floor  windows  have  quasi-pediments  supported 
on  consoles,  while  above  the  square  second  floor  windows  there  is  a  cornice 
without  blocking  course.  Prior  to  alteration  the  cornice  was  surmounted  by 
a  broken  pediment  and  the  side  elevations  had  heightened  parapets. 

The  interior  of  the  theatre  has  been  much  changed  since  it  was 
opened.   The  gallery  and  balcony,  which  are  supported  on  cast-iron  columns, 



have  fronts  which  are  bellied  out  and  ornamented  with  detail.  There  is  a 
large  enriched  ceiling  rose  above  the  auditorium  from  which  an  elaborate 
chandelier  is  suspended. 

A  feature  of  the  recent  restoration  is  the  new  fore-stage  giving  a 
greater  link  between  audience  and  actors;  it  is  lower  than  the  main  stage, 
and  its  erection  with  splayed  flanks  involved  the  destruction  of  boxes  at 
the  sides. 




The  first  Waterloo  Bridge  Act  contained  a  clause  for  the  continuation 
of  Stamford  Street  across  Waterloo  Road  to  Westminster  Bridge  Road.  The 
new  road,  which  was  for  several  years  called  Stamford  Street,  but  which 
ultimately  became  York  Road,  was  made  across  demesne  land  of  the  Arch- 
bishop's manor  of  Lambeth.  Except  for  a  fringe  of  cottages  along  Narrow 
Wall  and  for  Phelps'  soap  factory,^^  which  stood  east  of  Narrow  Wall  (i.e. 
on  ground  between  Belvedere  Road  and  York  Road  and  adjoining  north  on 
Waterloo  Road)  the  land  was  undeveloped.  It  was  divided  by  open  ditches 
into  fields.  Float  Mead,  The  Twenty-one  Acres,  and  The  Seven  Acres.  In 
I  807  the  Archbishop  obtained  an  Act^^  authorizing  the  development  of  this 
ground  for  building.  The  road  was  cut  in  1824,  and  between  1825  and  1 830 
practically  the  whole  frontage  on  either  side  was  let  on  building  leases.  The 
turnpike,  which  stood  approximately  opposite  the  present  entrance  to  the 
tube  station,  was  taken  down  about  1848.^^ 

West  Side 
Nos.  2-16  (even) 

In  1824  Henry  Warburton  obtained  from  the  Archbishop  a  building 
lease  of  ground  described  as  being  partly  in  Float  Mead  and  partly  in  the 
"seven  acres  of  Sowters  Lands,"^^  and  including  the  site  of  Phelps'  soap 
factory;  Tenison  Street  and  Howley  Terrace,  named  after  Archbishops,  were 
formed  on  the  western  part  of  the  site. 

Nos.  2-16  (formerly  88-81)  York  Road  were  built  circa  1830.*^ 
Nos.  6-16  form  a  uniform  terrace  with  a  rusticated  stucco  ground  storey  and 
a  cornice  to  the  continuous  parapet.  All  the  window  arches  are  picked  out  in 
red  brick.    Nos.  2  and  4  have  an  additional  storey  and  ground  floor  shops. 

Nos.  2  and  4  were  for  many  years  occupied  by  members  of  the  medical  profession.  Nos. 
6-14  are  now  used  as  a  nurses'  home  for  the  Royal  Waterloo  Hospital. 

Nos.  18-28  (even) 

These  houses,  which  were  similar  to  Nos.  6-16,  were  built  on  part 
of  Float  Mead  leased  to  Alexander  Tillett  in  1825.^*  They  were  demolished 
in  1 949  for  road  improvements  in  connection  with  the  Festival  of  Britain. 

East  Side 
Waterloo  Station 

The  whole  of  the  ground  east  of  York  Road  between  Waterloo  Road 
and  Vine  Street  and  extending  east  nearly  to  Lower  Marsh  was  let  on  building 
lease  to  John  Field,  wax  chandler,  and  Agnes  Bazing  (see  p.  28)  in  1824-29.'^* 
Part  of  this  land  was  sold  to  the  London  and  South  Western  Railway  in  i  848 
when  the  line  was  extended  from  Nine  Elms.  Waterloo  Station,  which  was 
raised  above  the  marshy  ground  on  a  series  of  arches,  was  designed  by 



PLATE  24 





•  r  TirlLLlM ! ilVst  f/  nfi'  -;  -f.- ^ i"-  . 


(a)  STRl'.ET  FROXTACI', 
(/;)    BACK 

PLATE  25 

79    .i^    ,^  ■'  -^O 


YORK  ROAD,    1949 


(i)  NORTH  SIDE,  Nos.   16-2 

PLATE  26 



I  HI  iUia. 

li)  TURNPIKE  IN  YORK  ROAD,   1828 

PLATE  27 


circa    1 800 


William  (afterwards  Sir  William)  Tite.^^  It  was  opened  on  i  ith  July,  i  848. 
In  1864  the  South  Eastern  Railway  extended  their  line  from  London  Bridge 
to  Waterloo  and  Charing  Cross,  Waterloo  Junction  being  linked  with  the 
main  station  by  a  bridge  across  Waterloo  Road.  Substantial  alterations  and 
additions  were  made  at  various  times  during  the  19th  century,  and  in  1872 
the  South  Eastern  Railway  Company  bought  the  eastern  part  of  the  ground 
originally  leased  to  Field,"-*  which  had  by  then  become  a  disreputable  slum. 
Owing  to  its  piecemeal  construction  the  lay-out  of  the  station  was  by 
the  end  of  the  century  confused  and  unsatisfactory,  and  in  1 900  an  extension 
and  complete  rebuilding  of  the  old  station  was  begun.  It  was  finished  by 
the  erection  of  a  building  linking  the  new  offices  with  those  lining  the 
approach  from  York  Road,  including  the  great  arched  entrance  to  the 
station  which  formed  a  staff  war  memorial.  The  Times,  in  describing  the 
opening  of  the  new  buildings  in  1922,  remarked  that  "nothing  of  the  original 
structure  now  remains  except  the  arches  upon  which  the  new  station  has 
been  built. "^^ 

Nos.  3—13  {formerly  Nos.  91-96) 

These  houses  were  erected  on  the  York  Road  frontage  of  Field's 
property  circa  1829.  They  form  a  simple  terrace  in  stock  brick  having  a 
continuous  dentil  cornice  to  the  parapet  above  the  second  storey.  The 
individual  houses  are,  however,  emphasized  by  the  rectangular  recesses  in  the 
parapet  over  each  and  by  the  narrow  vertical  inset  panels  separating  them. 
Nos.  3—9  have  balconies,  those  to  the  remaining  houses  having  been  removed 
when  shop  fronts  were  inserted. 

In  the  19th  century  these  houses  were  largely  used  by  dramatic  agents  and  as  lodging 
houses  for  members  of  the  theatrical  profession  who  were  in  low  water;  they  earned  the  sobriquet 
of  Poverty  Corner. 

Nos.  15-23  (formerly  Nos.  97-101) 

These  houses  were  similar  in  character  to  Nos.  3—13  though  they 
were  built  a  year  or  two  later.  They  were  demolished  in  1950  for  road 

Nos.  57—69  (formerly  Nos.  1-5  Commercial  Place  and  Nos.  132  and  133  2~ork 

These  houses,  dating  from  1843—5,  were  among  the  last  to  be  erected 
in  the  road. 

The  General  Lying-in  Hospital 

On  7th  August,  1765,  Dr.  John  Leake,  known  as  the  "man  mid- 
wife,"^^  addressed  a  meeting  at  Appleby's  Tavern  In  Parliament  Street, 
Westminster,  and  propounded  a  scheme  for  a  hospital  "for  the  Relief  of 
those  Child-bearing  Women  who  are  the  Wives  of  poor  Industrious  Trades- 
men or  distressed  House-keepers,  and  who  either  from  unavoidable  Mis- 
fortunes or  the  Expences  of  maintaining  large  Families  are  reduced  to  real 
Want.   Also  for  the  Reception  and  immediate  Relief  of  indigent  Soldiers  and 



Sailors  Wives,  the  former  in  particular  being  very  numerous  in  and  about 
the  City  of  Westminster."^'' 

Leake  had  already  obtained  a  building  lease  of  a  piece  of  ground  on 
the  north  side  of  Westminster  Bridge  Road.  Richard  Dixon,  of  Pimlico, 
was  appointed  surveyor  of  the  building,  and  the  first  stone  was  laid  on  1 5th 
August,  1765,  by  Brice  Fisher,  one  of  the  vice-presidents  of  the  charity,  but 
subscriptions  were  slow  in  coming  in  and  the  centre  building  had  to  be 
mortgaged  before  it  was  finished.  It  was  opened  in  April,  1767,  as  the 
Westminster  New  Lying-in  Hospital,  with  Dr.  Leake  as  its  first  physician.^' 

Dr.  Leake  had  trained  in  England  as  a  surgeon  but  had  early  become 
interested  in  midwifery  and  had  practised  it  for  a  while  in  Lisbon.  During 
the  early  years  of  the  hospital  he  was  living  in  Craven  Street,  Strand,  where 
he  gave  an  annual  course  of  lectures  on  midwifery .^^  His  ideas  were  not 
particularly  advanced  even  for  his  time,  but  the  institution  he  founded,  one 
of  the  first  of  its  kind,  has  proved  of  great  permanent  value. 

The  two  leases  of  the  ground  on  which  the  hospital  stood  were  due 
to  expire  in  1 82 1  and  1825  respectively,  and  early  in  the  1 820s  the  governors 
decided  to  move  to  new  premises.  From  Lancelot  Holland,  who  was,  at 
this  time,  developing  the  land  between  Westminster  and  Waterloo  Bridges 
for  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  the  governors  acquired  a  building  lease 
of  a  plot  of  ground  with  100  foot  frontage  on  the  east  side  of  York  Road.^^ 
The  new  building  was  designed  by  Henry  Harrison  and  cost  about  ^^3,000. 
On  22nd  September,  1828,  the  minutes  record  that  "On  Friday  Morning 
a  Patient  was  delivered  of  a  Son  in  the  New  Hospital  and  the  Committee 
met  this  day  in  the  new  Hospital  for  the  first  time."^''  The  name  "West- 
minster" was  dropped  from  the  title  and  the  institution  was  incorporated  by 
royal  charter  in  1830  as  "The  General  Lying-in  Hospital." 

Medical  science  made  great  advances  during  the  middle  years  of  the 
19th  century,  and  in  the  1870s  it  became  apparent  that  modernization  was 
urgently  required,  both  in  the  building  and  the  management  of  the  hospital. 

In  1879  a  thorough  reconditioning  was  carried  out.  A  new  drainage 
system  was  installed,  the  laundry  in  the  basement  was  converted  into  store- 
rooms, and  a  new  ward  was  added.  A  training  school  for  midwives  and 
midwifery  nurses  was  established,  and  in  order  to  accommodate  the  students 
a  new  storey  was  added  to  each  wing.'^  Florence  Nightingale  took  a  personal 
interest  in  this  training  school. 

It  was  in  March,  1879,  that  Joseph,  afterwards  Lord  Lister, 
accepted  the  office  of  consulting  surgeon,  and  he  continued  to  serve  the 
hospital  in  this  capacity  and  as  President  until  191 1.  In  1880  Sir  John 
Williams  and  Sir  Francis  Champneys  were  appointed  Physicians  Accoucheurs, 
and  under  their  auspices  the  hospital  was  the  first  to  practise  antiseptic 
midwifery  in  this  country.^^ 

In  1907  two  houses  adjacent  to  the  hospital  on  the  north  side  and 
known  as  the  Albany  Baths  were  taken  over  for  a  nurses'  home.^^  After  the 
1 9 14-18  war  the  shortage  of  accommodation  at  the  hospital  became  acute, 
and  in  1 930-33  a  new  nurses'  home  was  built  on  the  site  of  the  Albany  Baths. 



The  hospital  was  removed  to  St.  Albans  during  the  1939-45  war 
and  the  old  building  received  some  damage.  It  was,  however,  re-opened  in 
1946.  Some  further  reconditioning  and  modernization  have  been  carried  out, 
but  the  structure  remains  substantially  as  it  was  built  over  120  years  ago 
(Plate  27^).  Under  the  1946  Act  it  is  included  in  the  St.  Thomas'  Hospital 

Architectural  Description 

The  hospital,  of  four  storeys  including  a  semi-basement,  has  a  raised 
ground  floor  approached  by  a  flight  of  steps.    The  entrance  porch,  recessed 


I  A 



YORK.  R." 

30  «0 

General  Lying-in  Hospital,  Ground  Floor  Plan,  1950 



in  the  main  front,  is  stuccoed  and  its  Ionic  colonnade  is  flanked  by  slightly 
projecting  wings  with  corner  pilasters.  The  attic  storey  above  the  second 
floor  entablature  returns  to  the  side  elevation  which  also  has  end  wings. 

The  Nurses'  Home  is  a  modern  red  brick  building  with  basement 
and  four  storeys  beneath  the  dormers  to  the  mansard  roof.  It  was  erected  to 
the  designs  of  Mr.  E.  Turner  Powell. 

Tanswell's  History  of  Lambeth,  1858,  says  the  Hospital  is  "a  neat 
square  building  of  white  brick,  ornamented  with  stone."  It  would  appear 
that  the  brickwork  derives  its  present  colour  from  the  application  of  red 
paint  at  a  later  date. 

The  York  Road  Chapel  (the  White  Horse  Club)  was  built  in  1 847—8 
as  a  congregational  chapel  .^^  After  the  demolition  of  All  Saints'  it  was  for  a 
time  used  as  a  hall  for  the  congregation  of  St.  John's,  Waterloo  Road  (see 
p.  33).    It  was  demolished  in  1950  for  road  improvements. 




Narrow  Wall  (later  renamed  Belvedere  Road),  like  its  continuations 
Upper  Ground  and  Bankside  in  Southwark,  was  by  the  Tudor  period  a  road 
on  the  line  of  the  old  earth  embankment  of  the  river.  Norden's  map  of 
Westminster,  circa  1593,  shows  a  wide  border  of  marshy  ground  between 
Narrow  Wall  and  the  water  on  the  sharp  bend  of  the  river  between  Stangate 
and  Paris  Garden,  indicating  that  a  considerable  amount  of  silting  up  had 
occurred  there  during  the  mediaeval  period. 

By  the  i6th  century  this  foreshore  was  overgrown  with  rushes  and 
willows  but  it  was  still  subject  to  frequent  submersions  at  high  tide.  No 
buildings  were  erected  there,  though  some  attempt  had  been  made  to  drain 
it  through  a  number  of  ditches  to  the  river,  and  it  had  sufficient  value  to  be 
claimed  as  "property."  Most  of  it  was  considered  to  be  "waste"  of  the 
manor  of  Lambeth  and  therefore  belonged  to  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury, 
but  by  1 504  one  portion  of  it  near  Stangate  just  over  an  acre  in  extent  had 
been  given  to  Lambeth  Church  and  was  known  as  the  Church  Osiers  or 
Church  Hope  or  Hoopys,^""  "hope"  meaning  a  piece  of  enclosed  ground  in 
the  midst  of  fens  or  marshes  or  waste  ground.  In  the  late  17th  century  the 
name  was  altered  to  Pedlar's  Acre^^  (Jq^  ^  discussion  of  the  traditional  origin 
of  this  name  see  p.  62).  Another  7  acres  further  north,  known  as  the  Hopes, 
had  also  been  alienated  at  an  early  date,  and  after  passing  through  the  same 
hands  as  the  3  acres  of  Cuper's  Gardens  on  the  site  of  Waterloo  Road  (see 
p.  25)  was  bequeathed  in  1685  by  Sir  Leoline  Jenkins  to  Jesus  College, 
Oxford.!"-  'phe  ground  between  Stangate  and  Pedlar's  Acre  was  sold  to  the 
Trustees  for  Westminster  Bridge;  that  between  Pedlar's  Acre  and  the  Hopes 
(known  as  Bishop's  Acre  and  the  Four  Acres)  and  between  the  Hopes  and 
Cuper's  Bridge  (part  of  Float  Mead)  was  leased  early  in  the  i8th  century  to 
Sir  William  East.  It  was  then  described  as  a  wall  and  bank  leading  from 
Stangate  to  the  bank  and  wall  called  Prince's  Wall  with  all  the  messuages  on 
or  near  the  wall  in  use  as  timber  yards,  wharves,  etc.,  and  sublet  to  a  number 
of  tenants — Thomas  Jones,  Mary  and  Edmund  Birkhead,  Edmund  Lee, 
Sir  John  Shorter,  Bernard  Whalley,  Thomas  Lightfoot,  and  William  Hill- 
yard.'' ''  Some  of  these  are  named  on  Morden  and  Lea's  map  printed  in  1682, 
which  also  shows  very  clearly  that  while  the  river  frontage  was  in  use  the 
hinterland  remained  open  marsh  and  pasture  ground  intersected  with  many 
drainage  ditches. 

From  I  760  onward,  Thomas  James,  lessee  of  the  Feathers  Tavern 
near  Cuper's  Bridge,  and  others,  were  making  application  to  the  Sewer 
Commissioners  for  permission  to  "arch  over"  or  pipe  the  sewers  or  ditches 
by  their  houses  on  Narrow  WalU"^  and  a  number  of  industrial  projects  were 
started  there,  some  of  which  are  described  in  more  detail  below,  but  there 
was  little  change  in  the  general  appearance  of  the  area  until  after  the  formation 



of  Waterloo  Bridge  approach  in  1 8  1 3— 1 6  and  the  widening  and  straightening 
of  Narrow  Wall  to  form  Belvedere  Road  between  1824  and  1829. 

During  the  excavations  for  the  Festival  buildings  and  for  the  new 
river  wall  a  watch  has  been  kept  on  the  ground  for  finds  of  archaeological 
interest,  and  from  these  and  from  record  sources  the  detailed  story  of  the 
development  of  this  riverside  strip  of  ground,  which  is  set  out  in  the  following 
chapters,  has  been  built  up. 




The  shot  tower  stands  on  part  of  Float  Mead,  of  which  Henry 
Warburton,  M.P.,  obtained  a  building  lease  commencing  from  i  824.^'''*  The 
tower  was  built  in  1826  to  the  design  of  David  Riddal  Roper  for  Thomas 
Maltby  &  Co.  It  was  taken  over  in  1839*^  by  Walkers,  Parker  &  Co.,  the 
firm  which  was  operating  the  square  shot  tower  east  of  Waterloo  Bridge, 
and  it  continued  in  their  hands  as  a  going  concern  until  1949.  It  is  the  only 
one  of  the  old  buildings  to  be  left  on  the  Festival  site. 

Architectural  Description 

The  tower  is  built  in  stock  brick.  It  tapers  slightly,  being  30  feet 
in  diameter  at  the  base,  where  the  wall  is  3  feet  thick,  and  20  feet  in  diameter 
at  the  gallery,  where  the  wall  is  1 8  inches  thick.  The  gallery  is  163  feet  from 
the  ground  and  is  reached  by  a  spiral  staircase  cantilevered  from  the  inside 
face  of  the  wall.  There  was  a  floor  at  half-way  level  where  lead  was  formerly 
melted  and  dropped  to  make  small  shot.  At  gallery  level  was  a  chamber  from 
which  lead  was  dropped  for  large  shot.  The  chamber  was  surmounted  by  a 
parapet  and  cornice.  The  continuity  of  the  open  parapet  was  broken  by 
four  solid  piers  on  each  of  which  was  bedded  a  capping  stone. 

The  gallery  has  an  iron  balustrade  supported  by  iron  console  brackets. 
Below  these  the  tower  is  ringed  by  a  stone  band  carried  on  small  corbels, 
while  at  various  stages  there  are  small  segmental  headed  windows. 

In  1950  the  gallery  chamber  was  demolished  and  a  steel-framed 
superstructure  erected  to  serve  as  a  radio  beacon  for  the  Festival  of  Britain. 




In    1799  Clement  Peache  and  his  son-in-law  and  partner,  George 

Larkin,  boat  builders,  who  also  occupied  a  boat  building  establishment  near 

St.  Mary's  Church,  obtained^^  a  sub-lease  of  two  messuages  on  Narrow  Wall 

south  of  the  shot  tower  and  lead  works.  A  few  years  later  the  partnership  was 
dissolved  and  Clement  Peache  and  his  son,  James 
Courthope  Peache,'*  set  up  in  business  there,  having 
obtained  a  new  lease  from  Charles  Manners  Sutton. 

Clement  Peache  died  in  18 15  and  in  1817 
James  Courthope  Peache  and  the  Rev.  William  Mann, 
Chaplain  of  St.  Saviour's,  Southwark,  obtained  a  build- 
ing lease  of  ground,  with  frontages  of  157  feet  to 
the  river  and  135  feet  to  Narrow  Wall,  on  which 
Mann  covenanted  to  erect  a  new  dwelling  house  "of 
the  first  rate"  and  a  new  wharf  and  wall  on  the  whole 
extent  of  the  premises  next  the  river.^''^     From  the 

date  on  a  rain-water  head  the  house  appears  to  have  been  completed  in  the 

following  year,  and  it  was  occupied  by  Peache  until  his  death  in  1858.'*^^ 

Peache's  surviving  son,  the  Rev.  Alfred  Peache,  of  Heckfield,*^  leased 

the  house  and  wharf  in  Belvedere  Road  to  John  Aird  "of  Emerson  Street, 

Southwark,  contractor."    The  premises  then  included  brick  furnaces,  a  pitch 

melting  house  and  a  sawpit. 

John  Aird  &  Son  remained 

the  lessees  until  1913,*^  but 

parts  of  the  wharf  and  ground 

were  sublet  to  various  firms. 
In    the     1930's    the 

house  was  run  as  a   shelter 

for  "down  and  outs,"  later 

known  as  the  Embankment 

Fellowship  Centre.*^    It  was 

demolished  in  1949. 

Entrance  Gates 

Architectural  Description 

No.  59  was  a  house  of  somewhat  severe  detail.  The  front  elevation 
had  three  windows  to  each  of  the  first  and  second  floors,  while  at  the  ground 
floor  there  was  a  central  porch  with  round-headed  windows  in  shallow  arched 
recesses  at  each  side. 

*  James  Courthope  Peache  was  admitted  to  the  freedom  of  the  City  of  London  in  Septem- 
ber, 181 1,  as  the  apprentice  of  Thomas  Holland,  citizen  and  shipwright.*'  He  was  later,  inter  alia, 
one  of  the  directors  of  the  Lambeth  Waterworks. 

•>   He  was  buried  in  the  churchyard  of  St.  John's,  Waterloo  Road  (see  p.  33). 

<=  In  1863  he  and  his  sister,  Kezia,  founded  The  London  College  of  Divinity  for  the 
training  of  Church  of  England  clergy  at  St.  John's  Hall,  Highbury,  and  gave  ^^2 1,400  towards  the 



PLATE  28 





1— 1 







,    / 






y  0 

^-r      r-o 

H    ON 

ry-j      -^ 

:^.  H 



<  ^ 

PLATE  29 


{a)  SHOT  TOWER  AND  No.  63  BELVEDERE  ROAD,   1930 
BRIDGE,   1946 

PLATE  30 







24FI       «T   B*Sl 
t/fT      AT    TOP 
M 6  STEPS     10    TOP 
16?  STEPS    TO    1"  FLOOt 

TCWtH  «1  BA^t  HAVE  iUK 




r    r    r    r    r    r 

SHOT    rOWl-R,   BELVKDERK  ROAD,    1948 

PLATE  31 






PLATE  y. 








,    o 

PLATE  33 






■■ M 

M.                1 


J  ^ 

L-U 1 



~                  "^ 























PLATE  34 







PLATE  35 

{a)  Nos.   55-59  BELVEDERE  ROAD,   1949 
(^)  Nos.   II 6-1 18   BELVEDERE   ROAD,   1948 


The  porch,  of  Greek  Doric  order,  constructed  in  wood,  had  an  entablature  and 
blocking  course  above;  it  was  approached  by  a  short  flight  of  steps,  and  pro- 
tected the  entrance,  which  had  wing  lights  and  a  plain  semicircular  fanlight. 


Ground  Plan  of  No.  59  Behedere  Road 

The  house  was  in  yellow  stock  brick  and  had  a  stone  cornice  to  the 
parapet  above  the  second  floor.    At  each  end  of  the  road  frontage  there  was 

a  slight  set-back  in  the  fagade 
which  was  echoed  in  the  break 
in  the  line  of  the  cornice. 

The  back  elevation 
was  simple  with  flat  bowed 
windows  to  the  rooms  each 
side  of  the  doorway  into  the 
garden.  Its  area  was  enclosed 
by  contemporary  cast-iron 

The  building  had  a 
low  pitch  "M"  type  roof 
drained  by  lead  pipes  and 
rainwater  heads,  one  of  which, 
on  the  blank  south-west  eleva- 
tion, was  inscribed  "J  C  P 

The  tront  paved  fore- 
court was  enclosed  by  con- 
temporary iron  spear-head 
railings  and  gates.  The  end 
and  gate  piers  were  of  an  open  type  ornamented  with  honeysuckle  and 
fret  patterns. 


Jco/e  t/  /eec 

Ji^aH.  e/  tntAa 

Fireplace  on  Second  Floor 


In  1813  the  land  south  of  Peache's  Wharf  was  occupied  by  John 
Fowler,  described  variously  as  a  tin  plate  worker  and  anchorsmith.^"®  In  1 82 1 
he  obtained  a  further  lease  of  the  property  and  erected  the  house  known  as 
No.  ^^  Belvedere  Road  for  his  own  occupation.^* 

A  contemporary  writer  noted  that  Belvedere  Road  was  undergoing 
great  improvements  "by  taking  down  the  old  buildings  and  substituting  new 
and  elegant  houses  in  their  stead. "^  In  1839,  to  the  annoyance  of  his  neigh- 
bours, Fowler  converted  the  factory  between  his  house  and  the  river  into  a 
white  lead  works.  James  Coding,  proprietor  of  the  newly  erected  Lion 
Brewery,  complained  to  his  landlord,  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  but  was 
countered  by  a  report  from  Andrew  Ure,  professor  of  chemistry,  which 
stated  that  Mr.  De  La  Rue  Junior  "a  partner  and  conductor  of  the  said 
patent  factory  has  evinced  equal  judgment  and  ingenuity  in  the  structure 
...  to  prevent  waste  of  product,  injury  to  the  health  of  workmen  and  nuis- 
ance to  the  neighbourhood."^*  The  factory  buildings  included  two  chimneys 
60  feet  high  and  two  coke  ovens.  The  surprising  fact  is  not,  however,  that 
such  a  factory  should  be  permitted  in  what  was  rapidly  becoming  an  industrial 
neighbourhood,  but  that  Peache  and  Fowler  should  have  built  such  good- 
class  houses  there  for  their  own  occupation.  Both  Peache's  Wharf  and 
Fowler's  lead  works  are  shown  in  the  view  of  the  Lion  Brewery  on  Plate  3 1 . 

No.  55,  with  Nos.  ^2  ^^'^  57>  which  were  known  as  King's  Arms 
Wharf  and  Darfield  Wharf  respectively,  were  occupied  by  the  London 
Waste  Paper  Co.  in  the  1930's.^*   They  were  demolished  in  1949. 

Architectural  Description 

No.  55  was  a  house  of  substantial  character.  Though  detached,  it 
was  of  terrace  type  without  openings  in  the  flank  walls.  It  was  in  yellow  stock 
brick  and  its  front  elevation  was  three  windows  wide  to  each  of  the  ground, 
first  and  second  floors.  The  windows  had  gauged  flat  arches  and  all  had 
glazing  bars  to  their  double  hung  sashes.  The  ground  storey  was  raised 
above  a  semi-basement  and  the  entrance,  which  was  reached  by  a  short 
flight  of  steps,  had  an  architrave  surround  with  consoles  each  side  designed  to 
support  a  flat  hood.  The  hood  had  been  removed  some  time  prior  to  de- 
molition. There  was  a  moulded  band  at  first  floor  level  and  a  bold  parapet 
cornice  above  the  second  floor.  Behind  the  parapet  dormer  windows  were 
set  in  a  slated  mansard  roof. 




The  ground  south  of  Fowler's  lead  works,  which  was  also  part  of 
Float  Mead,  was  that  shown  on  Morden  and  Lea's  map  as  in  the  occupation 

of  Sir  John  Shorter.    In   171 8  this 

ground  and  a  house  on  it  called 
Belvidere  (Plate  37«)  were  opened  to 
the  public  by  Charles  Bascom,  who 
advertised  that  he  sold  "all  sorts  of 
wines  of  the  prime  growths,  entirely 
neat;  and  accommodates  his  guests 
with  eatables  of  every  kind  in 
season,  after  the  best  manner, 
especially  with  the  choicest  river  fish, 
which  they  may  have  the  diversion 
to  see  taken. "1°'  This  was  the  most 
ephemeral  of  the  several  public 
pleasure  gardens  that  were  open  in 
the  1 8  th  century  along  the  South 
Bank,  but  its  name  has  been  per- 
petuated in  that  of  Belvedere  Road. 
After  the  closure  of  the 
gardens  Peter  Theobald  occupied 
the  house  for  a  time  and  in  1785 
water  works  were  established  on  the 
southern  part  of  the  garden. i"®  Water 
was  taken  directly  from  the  river 
and  supplied  to  residents  in  the 
locality  but,  after  complaints  about  the  foulness  of  the  water,  permission 
was  obtained  to  pump  water  from  the  middle  of  the  river  where  it  was 
thought  it  would  be  less  polluted.^  The  works  were  removed  to  Surbiton 
and  Ditton  in  1853.^"^  In  1836  John  Kershaw  of  Walcot  Terrace,  who 
had  for  some  years  held  a  lease  of  the  ground  between  the  water  works 
and  John  Fowler's  property,  obtained  a  building  lease  of  it  from  the  Arch- 
bishop, which  he  at  once  assigned  to  James  Coding,!!"  ^^^^^  {j^g  Lion  Brewery 
(sometimes  called  the  Red  Lion  Brewery)  was  erected  there  in  1836-7  to 
the  design  of  Francis  Edwards."  In  1837  Coding  obtained  a  lease  of  ground 
on  the  south  side  of  Belvedere  Road,  part  of  the  Seven  Acres,  from  Henry 
Warburton,  on  which  he  had  erected  stables,  warehouses,  etc.^^^  In  1853 
James  Coding  bought  the  lease  of  the  water  works  site  and  incorporated  it 
with  the  brewery .!!2  Qn  more  than  one  occasion  members  of  the  Coding 
family  asked  if  they  could  purchase  the  freehold  of  the  brewery  site  but  they 

*  Edwards  also  designed  several  other  breweries  and  a  number  of  public  houses  for 



were  refused  in  each  case.  In  1866  the  Codings  made  the  brewery  into  a 
company  under  the  name  of  the  Lion  Brewery  Company  Limited.*^  This  con- 
tinued to  operate  until  1 924  when  it  was  absorbed  by  Hoare  and  Co.,  brewers, 
of  Wapping.^13  The  main  building  was  seriously  damaged  by  fire  in  1931.^^* 
For  a  few  years  it  was  used  for  storage  of  waste  paper  and  then  stood  derelict 
until  its  demolition  in  1949  for  the  Royal  Festival  Hall. 


SOUTH      WEST        ELEVATIOrj       TO       Er-JTRANCE      COURTYARD 

It  is  interesting  to  note  that  the  brewery  was  supplied  with  water 
from  wells,  the  first  of  which  was  sunk  in  1837  inside  the  main  building  and 
within  a  few  feet  of  the  river.  It  had  to  be  deepened  in  1868  owing  to  the 
lowering  of  the  water  level  through  the  sinking  of  many  new  wells  in  the 
neighbourhood. ^^^    In  all,  five  wells  have  been  found  on  the  brewery  site. 

Architectural  Description 

The  main  building  facing  the  river  was  of  five  storeys  built  in  stock 
brick,  with  stucco  work  on  the  river  and  back  elevations.  The  river  front  had 
bold  Roman  Doric  columns  which  extended  through  the  upper  floors  and 
carried  an  entablature.  The  entablature  had  triglyphs  to  the  frieze  and  a 
mutule  cornice  above.  The  order  stood  on  a  rusticated  ground  storey  podium 
and  was  set  forward  at  the  three  centre  bays,  while  at  each  corner  there  were 
pilasters.  The  upper  windows,  excluding  those  in  the  frieze,  had  architrave 
surrounds,  those  at  the  first  floor  being  pedimented.  The  podium,  which 
extended  below  the  wings  at  each  side,  had  recessed  semicircular  headed 
windows  and  doorways.  Above  the  entablature  was  a  lion  made  of  Coade 
stone  (see  p.  60)  which  stood  on  a  substantial  base  incised  "BREWERY." 
The  rear  elevation  also  had  a  rusticated  podium  with  a  slight  projection  at  the 
centre.  This  projection  had  coupled  Doric  pilasters  supporting  a  pediment. 
The  roof  of  the  main  building  was  designed  to  act  as  a  large  shallow  tank  for 
the  storage  of  water.  It  was  formed  of  cast-iron  plates,  which  extended  up  to 
form  parapets. 

The  street  and  courtyard  elevations  of  the  subsidiary  buildings  and 
the  arched  entrance  from  Belvedere  Road  were  also  stuccoed.   The  buildings, 




NORTH        WEST       fLEVATlON      TO     ENTRANCE       COURTYARD 

10       5         O 



FRONT      WALL      AT 



all  with  cornices  below  the  parapets,  were  of  three  storeys,  the  lower  storeys 
at  each  side  of  the  entrance  being  semi-basements.  On  the  Belvedere  Road 
front  the  windows  to  the  raised  ground  floor  were  pedimented  with  antae 
surrounds  and  mullions.  The  other  openings  had  architrave  linings,  those  to 
the  semi-basement  being  on  recessed  panels  and  having  segmental  heads. 
The  entrance  screen  had  one  larger  round-headed  opening  for  vehicles  at  the 
centre  flanked  by  smaller  openings  for  pedestrians.  The  centre  opening  had 
pilasters  at  each  side  and  carried  an  entablature  which  was  surmounted  by  a 
lion  of  Coade  stone  (Plate  32).  The  lion  had  been  missing  for  some  years 
prior  to  demolition. 

The  buildings  fronting  Sutton  Walk  and  the  south-east  side  of 
Belvedere  Road  were  distinguished  only  by  the  round-headed  entrance  at  the 
road  junction.  The  entrance  was  stuccoed  and  similar  in  scale  to  that  on  the 
opposite  side  of  the  road.  It  also  had  a  lion  above  the  archway.  The  flanking 
elevations  were  in  plain  brickwork  which  was  divided  into  rectangular  panels. 



The  southern  approach  to  Hungerford  Bridge  was  formed  across 
the  ground  immediately  south  of  the  site  of  Lambeth  Waterworks  which 
was  purchased  by  the  Hungerford  and  Lambeth  Suspension  Footbridge 
Company  from  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  in  1840.^^^  The  ground  had 
previously  been  occupied  by  George  Smith,  timber  merchant.  It  was  part  of 
Float  Mead,  shown  as  in  the  occupation  of  Mr.  Lee  in  1682,  and  described 
in  1 7 1 7  as  a  messuage,  wharf  and  timber  yard.^^^ 

The  construction  of  the  bridge  had  been  authorized  by  an  Act  of 
Parliament  of  1836^^^  and  an  amending  Act  of  1843^^^  with  the  intention  of 
bringing  more  custom  to  the  newly  rebuilt  Hungerford  Market.  The  bridge 
was  not,  however,  opened  until  ist  May,  1845."^^" 

It  was  designed  by  Sir  Isambard  K.  Brunei.  Four  broad  chains  were 
carried  on  two  brick  piers.  The  piers,  which  were  in  the  Italian  style,  were 
built  in  the  river  and  formed  a  central  and  two  side  spans  (Plate  ^a). 

Its  existence  here  was  very  brief.  In  1859  the  Charing  Cross  Railway 
^(-{121  authorized  the  making  of  a  railway  to  cross  the  Thames  by  a  bridge  at 
or  near  the  site  of  Charing  Cross  Bridge,  and  the  removal  of  the  suspension 
bridge.  The  chains  and  ironwork  of  the  old  bridge  were  sold  for  ,^5,000,  to 
be  used  for  the  suspension  bridge  then  in  course  of  erection  over  the  river 
Avon  at  Clifton,  near  Bristol.  The  new  railway  bridge  was  begun  in  i860 
and  opened  early  in  1864,  provision  being  made  at  the  side  for  pedestrian 

A  toll  of  a  halfpenny  payable  at  both  ends  of  the  bridge  was  charged 
for  foot  passengers^"^"  until  1877.^2^ 

8  It  was  an  inauspicious  beginning  that  the  same  number  of  the  Illustrated  London  News 
which  recorded  the  opening  of  Hungerford  Suspension  Bridge  reported  the  collapse  of  the  suspension 
bridge  at  Great  Yarmouth. 




The  ground  between  the  site  of  Hungerford  Bridge  and  of  the  old 
Tramways  Building  in  Belvedere  Road  was  formerly  known  as  the  Hopes 
and  was  granted  to  Jesus  College,  Oxford,  in  1685  (for  its  previous  history 
see  pp.  25  and  137).  At  that  time  it  was  drained  by  a  cut  or  dock  on  the 
north  and  south  sides,  known  as  Theobald's  Dock  and  Chambers'  Dock 
respectively,  and  by  an  open  ditch  on  the  east  side.*  The  shape  of  the 
ground  can  be  seen  in  the  1804  plan  on  p.  60.  King's  Arms  Stairs,  a  public 
landing  place  (see  Plate  48),  lay  halfway  along  the  river  side  of  the  property 
and  was  connected  by  a  path  with  Narrow  Wall  on  the  east.  The  path  later 
became  College  Street  or  Jenkins  Street. 

At  first  Jesus  College  leased  the  Hopes  and  the  Three  Acres  by 
Cuper's  Bridge  to  the  same  family,  the  Cupers  or  Coopers  after  whom  Cuper's 
Bridge  and  Cuper's  Gardens  were  named.^"  In  1753,  when  Mrs.  Evans  took 
over  the  lease  of  Cuper's  Gardens,  the  Hopes  were  leased  to  a  John  Brown, 
who  is  described  as  a  merchant.  A  beautifully  drawn  plan  in  the  possession 
of  the  college  shows  the  uses  to  which  the  ground  was  then  put.  The  site  of 
the  King's  Arms  Glasshouse  is  marked  to  the  north  of  King's  Arms  Stairs. 

Brown's  successors  were  Elizabeth  Haines  (1762),  John  Biggin 
(1769),  Eleanor  Biggin  (1778)  and  Martineau's  Brewery  (1800).^^    A  fine 

series    of    maps    shows    the    steady 

development  of  the  property,  but  the 
leases  up  to  the  beginning  of  the 
19th  century  usually  repeat  previous 
descriptions  of  the  buildings,  etc., 
without  reference  to  the  changes 
that  were  taking  place. 

In  1828-29  Narrow  Wall, 
later  renamed  Belvedere  Road,  was 
extended  straight  across  the  Jesus 
College  property,  cutting  off  the 
bend  of  the  former  Narrow  Wall  to 
the  east.  The  older  portion  of  road- 
way, which  had  become  known  as 
Ragged  Row,  probably  from  the 
tumbledown  condition  of  the  old 
cottages  which  bordered  it,  was  re- 
named Belvedere  Crescent.  The 
whole  of  the  houses  in  College  Street,  as  well  as  those  in  Belvedere  Crescent, 
were  rebuilt  at  this  time  and  new  houses  were  erected  along  the  new  section 

"■  These  are  marked  on  Morden  and  Lea's  map  of  1682.  On  this  map  also  the  strip  of 
ground  south  of  Theobald's  Dock  is  named  "  Sparagus  Garden,"  while  the  river  frontage  is  shown 
as  in  the  occupation  of  three  tenants — Mr.  Miller,  Mr.  Eccleston  and  Mr.  Finch. 


Delft  Plate 

PLATE  36 










PLATE  37 





.-^  . 


.  -MT 

(a)  BELVEDERE,  LAMBETH,  circa   1720 



PLATE  38 


{a)    1 80 1     {b)    1827 

PLATE  39 



K  Q 





J^  'S 







CD  tq 



PLATE  40 


















PLATE  41 


flT    " 

5iiitii!iw*vji'iit\.,|L,  ,  ,..„,,„.,,i|.i. 





PLATE  43 

(a)  EXTERIOR,   1824 
(^)  DINING  HALL,   1808 


PLATE  44 


PLATE  45 

Y^KK-SFfllVE  S""'"  T''"  S'-H""l-Wf'"'^"N«lliK,B'y'«iRRlJAr)  IjINDON.  i"Al"i.";,''."~'.- a^""a°S'^6' 

ill  iisi " 


'■"'S-ii^Jli'riU!;'  .V 



BRIDGE  ROAD,   1885 
(i?)  Nos.   65-75  WESTMINSTER  BRIDGE  ROAD,   1922 


PLATE  46 





(a)  FRONT  TO  WESTMINSTER   BRIDGE   ROAD,  cina   1850 

(i)   ARENA,  circa   18 10 

PLATE  47 


of  Belvedere  Road.  Most  of  these  buildings  were  put  up  by  William,  Bailey, 
and  Newman  Sherwood  of  Belvedere  Road,  builders.^"  From  this  time  on- 
wards the  ground  was  let  to  individual  tenants  and  not  to  one  lessee. 

Martineau's  Brewery  stood  on  the  ground  later  known  as  College 
Wharf,  just  north  of  King's  Arms  Stairs.  It  was  founded  by  David  Mar- 
tineau  in  1784'*^  and  remained  in  existence  until  1842  though  it  had  been 
taken  over  by  Whitbread's  thirty  years  previously.^^* 

In  I  861'''*  the  authorities  of  Jesus  College  leased  part  of  the  ground 
south  of  College  Street,  with  a  river  frontage  of  about  1 10  feet,  to  the  Secre- 
tary of  State  for  India,  and  there  the  building  known  first  as  the  East  India 
Military  Stores,  and  later  simply  as 
the  India  Stores  was  erected  in 
1 86 1-2,  the  architect  being  Sir 
Matthew  Digby  Wyatt.125  in  1873 
the  stores  were  extended  to  include 
the  remaining  property  of  the  college 
to  the  south,  and  in  1899  the  Secre- 
tary of  State  for  India  purchased 
the  freehold  of  both  portions.!-^ 

In  1935  the  London  County 
Council  promoted  a  bill  in  parliament 
to  acquire  the  remainder  of  the  col- 
lege property  and  some  adjoining 
ground,  for  the  improvement  of  the 
South  Bank.  The  college  petitioned 
against  the  bill  and  the  matter  was  deferred  until  1937  when  the  Council 
promoted  a  second  bill.  The  college  again  petitioned  against  it  and  the  Port 
of  London  Authority  objected  to  the  closing  of  the  public  landing  place 
formerly  known  as  King's  Arms  Stairs.  In  the  end  the  Council  came  to  terms 
with  the  petitioners  and  the  land  passed  to  the  Council  in  March,  1940.^26 
The  property  was  severely  damaged  by  bombing  during  the  war  of  1939-45. 
When  the  site  was  cleared  in  1 949-50  for  the  Festival  of  Britain  many  pieces 
of  delft  pottery,  wasters  and  parts  of  saggars  were  found.  They  were 
probably  waste  materials  from  nearby  potteries  dumped  to  fill  in  the  water 
channels.    There  do  not  seem  to  have  been  any  pottery  kilns  on  this  property. 

The  India  Stores  during  Demolition,  1949 



It  is  beyond  the  normal  scope  of  this  survey  to  give  a  detailed  account 
of  an  industry  which  has  long  since  ceased  to  function  and  whose  buildings 
have  disappeared,  but  Coade  stone  was  so  extensively  used  on  buildings 
and  for  statuary  during  the  70  years  that  the  factory  flourished,  in  the 
immediate  neighbourhood,  in  London  generally,  and  throughout  the  country, 
that  it  seems  a  pity  not  to  put  on  record  the  information  about  Coade's 
Artificial  Stone  Manufactory  which  has  come  to  light  during  the  preparation 
of  the  volume. 

Coade's  Stone  Works  were  not  the  first  of  their  kind  in  the  area. 
In  1722  Richard  Holt  took  out  2  patents,!^^  one,  in  conjunction  with  Thomas 
Ripley,  for  a  "compound  liquid  metal,  by  which  artificial  stone  and  marble 
is  made,  by  casting  the  same  into  moulds,"  and  the  other,  in  conjunction 
with  Samuel  London,  for  a  composition  (without  clay)  for  making  white- 
ware,  "formed  and  moulded  in  a  new  method."  In  a  pamphlet  about  his 
work,  published  in  1730I28  and  dedicated  to  the  Earl  of  Burlington,  Holt 
advertised  that  his  wares  were  on  show  in  a  building  by  the  river  stairs  at 
Cuper's  Bridge  and  warned  intending  customers  against  a  "certain  pretending 
Architect,'''  who  was  trying  to  steal  his  secret.  Holt  seems  to  have  gone  out 
of  business  soon  after.  In  1770,  Daniel  Pincot,  who  described  himself  as  an 
"Artificial  Stone  Manufacturer,"  published  an  essay  on  the  "Origin,  Nature, 
Uses,  and  Properties  of  Artificial  Stone  "1^9  ^nd  stated  that  he  had  recently 
opened  a  factory  "by  King's  Arms  Stairs,  Narrow  Wall,  Lambeth,  opposite 
Whitehall  Stairs."  A  plan  of  the  Jesus  College  property  made  in  1770^" 
shows  Daniel  Pincot  as  tenant  of  a  piece  of  ground  north  of  College  Street 
and  fronting  on  Narrow  Wall.  Pincot  did  not  claim  to  have  invented  the 
process  and  he  took  out  no  patent.  He  claimed  superiority  over  Holt  solely 
in  the  design  of  his  products,  and  it  would  appear  that  he  either  sold  his 
factory  to  Eleanor  Coade  within  a  year  or  two  of  its  opening,  though  no 
record  of  such  a  transaction  has  come  to  light,  or  he  was  acting  as  her  agent, 
for  it  was  her  name  and  not  his  which  became  attached  both  to  the  factory 
and  its  products.* 

Mrs.  Eleanor  Coade  must  have  been  a  remarkable  woman  for  her 
period,  for  she  ran  the  factory  for  about  25  years.  Her  husband,  George 
Coade,  died  in  i  769,^^1  the  year  the  factory  was  opened,  and  it  seems  improb- 
able that  he  had  any  hand  in  it.  The  couple  came  from  Dorset,  and  it  is 
possible  that  their  families  had  been  connected  with  the  pottery  industry 
there.    When  she  took  a  partner  it  was  her  nephew,  John  Sealy.** 

The  composition  and  method  of  manufacture  of  Coade  stone  are  not 

^  The  only  definite  fact  that  has  come  to  light  about  Daniel  Pincot  is  that  he  was  buried 
in  Bunhill  Fields  in  1797.1^"  He  was,  therefore,  a  Baptist  like  the  Coades,  but  the  attempts  to  trace 
a  family  connection  have  proved  fruitless. 

^  He  was  the  son  of  James  Sealy  and  his  wife  Mary,  a  daughter  of  Thomas  Enchmarch,  a 
merchant,  of  Tiverton.^^^   Mary  was  the  sister  of  Eleanor  Coade  senior.^^^ 



fully  known,  but  the  finds  on  the  site  during  excavations  for  the  Festival  of 
Britain  show  that  the  materials  were  finely  ground  and  after  mixing  were 
either  modelled  or  cast  in  moulds  or  cast  and  then  finished  by  a  modeller. 
They  were  fired  in  a  muffle  furnace.  The  grindstone,  of  granite,  has  been 
placed  outside  the  Royal  Festival  Hall  and  a  number  of  the  moulds,  casts  and 
specimens  of  the  finished  product  have  been  preserved. 

A  descriptive  catalogue  of  "Coade's  Artificial  Manufactory,  At 
King's  Arms  Stairs,  Narrow  Wall,"  was  published  in  1784.^^*  It  refers  to  the 
"period  of  fifteen  years,  since  this  ^^r^/ Artificial  Stone  Manufactory"  had 
been  erected  and  to  the  "several  other  Manufactories  passing  under  the 
same  denomination"  which  had  been  extinct  for  some  years  and  whose 
productions  had  been  ascribed  to  the  Coade  Works,  and  gives  as  an  example 
the  gateway  to  Syon  House,  Isleworth.  The  picture  on  Plate  48  of  old 
Westminster  Bridge,  shows  King's  Arms  Stairs  in  the  foreground  with  a  sign 
advertising  Coade's  factory. 

In  1800  Mrs.  Eleanor  Coade,  junior,  opened  an  exhibition  gallery  for 
her  wares  at  the  north-east  corner  of  Narrow  Wall  and  Westminster  Bridge 
Road  (see  p.  69).*^  A  catalogue  of  ornamental  stone  in  the  "  Gallery  of  Coade 
and  Sealy"  published  about  1799  lists  a  large  number  of  stock  statues, 
busts  and  architectural  ornaments  designed  by  John  Bacon,  Benjamin  West, 
James  Wyatt  and  others  which  could  be  bought.  The  engraving  facing  the 
title  page  depicts  "Fire  defending  Sculpture  and  Architecture  against 

Eleanor  Coade,  senior,  died  in  1796  at  the  age  of  88  and  was  buried 
in  Bunhill  Fields. ^^^  Her  daughter,  also  Eleanor,  had  taken  her  place  in  the 
business  some  years  previously,  and  John  Sealy  continued  in  partnership  until 
his  death  in  i  8  i  3.  He  was  buried  in  the  churchyard  of  St.  Mary's,  Lambeth, 
and  his  tomb,  of  Coade  stone,  records  also  the  names  of  his  wife,  Elizabeth, 
and  his  brother  and  sister-in-law,  William  and  Harriet  (see  p.  117).  John 
Sealy  left  no  children  and  his  estate  of  ^^7,500  passed  to  his  spinster  sister 
Maria  Sealy.^^^  Eleanor  Coade  also  remained  unmarried  and  there  was  no 
one  of  the  younger  generation  either  in  her  branch  of  the  family  or  Sealy's  to 
learn  the  business.  Eleanor  therefore  took  as  her  successor  a  cousin  by 
marriage,  William  Croggon,''  and  from  18 14  onwards  Croggon  paid  rates 
for  the  factory,  though  until  1823  it  is  entered  in  the  directories  as  Coade 
&  Co. 

In  181 1,  Eleanor  Coade  was  living  in  Great  Surrey  Street  (later 
Blackfriars  Road),  Southwark,!^^  but  at  the  time  of  her  death  in  1 82  i  she  was 
described  as  "of  Camberwell  Grove. "^^^  She  was  then  in  her  89th  year.^^  She 
also  was  buried  in  Bunhill  Fields  and  left  legacies  to  a  number  of  her  relatives, 
the  Sealys  and  Enchmarchs,  and  to  charities  both  in  London  and  at  Lyme 
Regis,  Dorset.i^^ 

In  1828  William  Croggon  obtained  from  the  authorities  of  Jesus 
College  a  new  lease  of  his  premises  in  Belvedere  Road  for  9^  years  at  a  rent 

*  Frances  Enchmarch,  sister  of  Sarah  and  Eleanor  Coade,  married,  and  had  a  son,  Walter 
Oke,  who  married  William  Croggon's  sister.''" 



of  ;{^  1 40  a  year.  The  ground  is  described  as  approximately  195  feet  from  east 
to  west  and  85  feet  from  north  to  south.^*^  The  plan  on  this  page  shows  the  site 
in  1 804  before  the  formation  of  Belvedere  Road,  and  on  Plate  38<a  is  a  view  of 

Scale   toio«UM«A4oi*(i50iflo 

Plan  of  Jesus  College  Property,  1804 

the  Narrow  Wall  frontage  at  about  the  same  date  on  which  the  curved  line 
of  Narrow  Wall  and  of  the  path  running  towards  the  river  by  the  side  of  the 
factory,  can  be  clearly  seen.  Considerable  alterations  took  place,  just  before 
Croggon  got  his  lease,  to  improve  the  new  frontage  to  Belvedere  Road.  At 
the  Duchy  of  Cornwall  office  is  a  water  colour  drawing  by  Buckler  made 
after  the  alteration.  It  shows  that  the  old  house  was  altered  and  adapted,  but 
not  entirely  rebuilt. 

William  Croggon  was  succeeded  by  his  son  Thomas  John  Croggon 
in  1836,*^  but  the  days  of  the  artificial  stone  factory  were  numbered.  The 
last  dated  pieces  of  Coade  stone  which  have  been  found  are  the  large  lion 



The  Lion's  Paw 

from  the  Lion  Brewery  which,  as  shown  on  the  inset  drawing,  has  the  date 

May  24th,  1837,  and  the  initials  W.  F.  W.  (the  sculptor  Woodington)  on 

its  paw,"  and  the  coat  of  arms  of  Queen  Victoria 
outside    No.    6    Suffolk    Street,    Westminster,    the 
business  premises  of  the  Queen's  tailors,  which  has  the 
inscription  "T.  C[r]og[gon,  Lam]beth"  and  which 
must  have  been  made  after  June,  1837.   The  younger 
Croggon  gave  up  the  factory  in  Belvedere  Road  in 
1837,^"  and  although  he  was  subsequently  in  busi- 
ness in  the  north  of  London,  it  was  as  a  factor  or 
agent  for  various  materials,  and  not  as  an  artificial 
stone  manufacturer.*^ 
The  premises  in  Belvedere  Road  were  let  in  1837  to  Thomas  Rout- 
ledge  and  John  Danforth  Greenwood.^*^    Routledge  &  Co.  carried  on  a  terra- 
cotta and  scaglioli  works  there  for  a  number  of  years,  but  Coade  stone  was 

made  no  more. 

It  seems  remarkable  that  a  product  with  so  many  useful  qualities  as 

Coade  stone  should  have  gone  out  of  use.    The  claim  that  it  would  resist  the 

weathering  of  frost,  rain,  heat,  and  smoke  has  been 

amply  proved.   On  many  buildings,  as  for  example 

the  Royal  Society  of  Arts  building  in  the  Adelphi, 

it  has  been  subjected  to  more  than  1 50  years  of  the 

London  atmosphere  without  deterioration.    It  was 

cheaper  than  stone  and  in  some  cases  cheaper  than 


The  most  probable  explanation  seems  to  be 

that   the   composition    of  the   stone   was   a   family 

secret  which  the  last  survivor  did  not  fully  share  or 

which,    perhaps,    he    had    not    sufficient    nous    to 

exploit.    Perhaps  in  time  modern  chemists  may  re- 
discover the  formula,  but  it  seems  likely  that  the 

original  inventor  will  remain  a  mystery.    One  thing 

is  certain  and  that  is  that  the  work  of  the  Eleanor 

Coades,    mother    and    daughter,    will    survive    to 

intrigue  many  future  generations.    A  few  examples 

are  illustrated  in  this  volume.    The  large  lion  from 

the  Lion  Brewery  (Plate  31)  which  is  13  feet  long 

and   12  feet  high  was  made  in  separate  parts  and 

cramped  together.    The  charity  school  boy  from  the 

Lambeth  Ragged  Schools,  which  stands  now  in  the 

hall  of  Archbishop  Temple's  School,  Lambeth  Road,  is  also  of  Coade  stone. 

He  was  probably  one  of  the  stock  patterns  advertised  in  the  1784  catalogue 

as  on  sale  for  ^^  16  los.  the  pair  (boy  and  girl).^^* 

*  When  the  lion  was  repaired,  prior  to  being  placed  in  position  for  the  Festival  of 
Britain,  a  bottle  was  found  in  a  cavity  in  its  back.  The  bottle  contained  a  trade  card  of  Routledge 
&  Greenwood  with  the  name  of  Woodington  and  the  date  on  the  reverse. 




Property  Leased  to  Thomas 
Routledge,  1837 

CHAPTER   1 6 

The  main  block  of  County  Hall  occupies  the  site  of  part  of  Float 
Mead  and  the  whole  of  Pedlar's  Acre,  Bishop's  Acre  and  the  Four  Acres 
(see  p.  45). 

(f)  Float  Mead.  In  1731  the  Westminster  Bridge  Commissioners 
purchased  from  the  Archbishop  a  detached  part  of  Float  Mead  near  Stangate, 
which,  like  ground  between  Jesus  College  estate  and  Cuper's  Bridge,  was  on 
lease  to  Gilbert  East.  Having  used  as  much  as  they  needed  to  form  the 
bridge  approach,  they  in  1 747  sold  the  ground  on  the  north  side  to  Robert 
Andrews  of  St.  George's,  Hanover  Square,  for  £i%loP'^  Andrews  resold 
it  a  few  days  later  to  Roger  Morris,'^*  master  carpenter  of  the  Office  of 
Ordnance,  who  was  also  a  speculative  builder.  Seven  houses  were  erected  on 
the  street  frontage — Nos.  1—7  Bridge  Street,  later  Nos.  268-280  (even) 
Westminster  Bridge  Road  (Plate  49).  Shop  fronts  were  inserted  at  an  early 
date  and  No.  280  was  for  many  years  known  as  the  Coronet  public  house. 

The  ground  behind  the  Bridge  Street  houses  was  in  1 747  occupied  by 
a  wharf  (later  Burnham's  wharf)  and  some  sheds.  Simmond's  flour  mills 
covered  the  greater  part  of  the  site  during  the  latter  part  of  the  19th  century. 
John  Whately  Simmonds  bought  the  whole  of  the  site  from  the  Morris 
family  in  i88i^'*  for  ;/^38,ooo  and  sold  it  to  the  London  County  Council  in 
1906  for  ;/^90,ooo.'^* 

(»)  Pedlar's  Acre.  The  origin  of  the  name  Pedlar's  Acre  for  this 
piece  of  ground  is  a  matter  for  conjecture.  It  first  occurs,  without  explanation, 
in  a  lease  of  1690,^^^  previously  having  been  entered  in  the  Lambeth  church- 
wardens' accounts  as  the  Church  or  Osier  Hope.^^"  The  name  of  the  donor 
had  been  forgotten  before  1639,  for  in  that  year  a  payment  was  made  for 
searching  the  rolls  "concerning  the  Church  Hoopes."^""  The  picture  in 
painted  glass  of  a  Pedlar  and  his  Dog  which  used  to  be  in  the  parish  church 
of  St.  Mary,  Lambeth,  has  been  connected  by  tradition  with  this  ground  and 
several  mutually  contradictory  legends  have  grown  up  round  it.  From  the 
churchwardens'  accounts  it  is  clear  that  a  similar  window  existed  as  early  as 
1607,  when  2S.  was  paid  "for  a  pannell  of  glase  for  the  windo  where  the 
picture  of  the  pedler  standes"^'*^  (see  p.  104).  At  the  end  of  the  15th 
century  and  beginning  of  the  i6th  a  family  with  the  surname  Palmer  gave  a 
number  of  donations  to  the  church  and  it  is  probable  that  the  window  was  a 
rebus  on  their  name  and  that,  the  origin  of  the  church  ownership  of  the 
Osier  Hopes  having  been  lost,  the  window,  and  the  benefactors  it  commemor- 
ated, and  the  acre  of  ground  became  linked  together  in  the  minds  of  the 

The  steady  rise  in  the  value  of  the  land  can  be  traced  in  the  accounts, 
e.g.  in  1504  it  was  let  for  2s.  8d.  a  year,  in  1557  for  5s.,  in  1623  for  26s.  8d., 
and  in  1656  for  ^^4.  The  increased  value  was  partly  due  to  the  devaluation 
of  money  and  partly  to  the  increased  usefulness  of  the  land. 

In  1 8  10  the  southern  part  of  Pedlar's  Acre  was  let  to  Henry  Maudslay, 





,j-  <^ 

and  the  firm  of  Maudslay,  Sons  and  Field,  general  engineers,  remained  there 
until  the  land  reverted  to  the  Lambeth  Borough  Council  in  1900.^^'*  Among 
many  other  things  made  there  were  a  pumping  engine  for  the  Lambeth 
Waterworks  (1831)  and  the  "Lord  William  Bentinck,"  said  to  have  been 
the  first  iron  vessel  built  on  the  Thames  (launched  in  1832).^*'* 

Two  wharves  and  houses,  known  as  Nos.  7  and  9  Belvedere  Road, 
were   built   on    the    northern 

portion  of  the  land.  As  the  p;  "t  -^-  -*i!!===-  ^^  ^-^  Jijs.^=^  -:U-  "^ 
ground  was  not  known  to 
have  been  given  for  purely 
ecclesiastical  uses  its  revenue 
was  taken  by  Lambeth  Vestry 
and  subsequently  by  the 
Metropolitan  Borough  of 
Lambeth.  It  was  sold  to  the 
County  Council  in  19 10  for 
/^8  1,342,  having  for  the  pre- 
vious few  years  been  used  as 
a  depot  by  the  borough 
council.^'*  The  boundary  stone 
illustrated  here  was  found 
during  the  excavations  for  the 
foundations  of  County  Hall. 
It  measures  four  feet  five 
inches  by  one  foot  eleven 
inches  by  one  toot  seven 

(m)  Bishop' s  Acre . 
This  ground  was  presumably 
so  named  because  it  belonged 
to  the  Archbishop  of  Canter- 
bury. It  was  described  in  a 
lease  of  171  8  as  a  "parcel  of 
meadow  or  ozier  ground  lately 
made  a  wharf  and  in  parts 
divided  by  a  dock  or  docks, '  '^^^ 
a  description  which  was  re- 
peated in  subsequent  leases  throughout  the  i8th  century.  When  the  ground 
was  bought  by  the  London  County  Council  in  1908  it  was  occupied  by 
Messrs.  Crosse  and  Blackwell's  factory.^'*^ 

{iv)  The  Four  Acres.  Until  the  erection  of  County  Hall  this  ground 
was  divided  into  two  by  a  draw  dock  which  extended  back  as  far  as  Belvedere 
Road.  The  whole  property  was  leased  in  1802  to  William  Adam,  architect, 
who  used  it  for  workshops  and  stables  until  he  was  declared  a  bankrupt,  atter 
which  the  lease  was  assigned  to  Robert  Forrest,  timber  merchant. ^■'^  The 
London  County  Council  acquired  the  northern  part  of  the  tjround  in  1894 



for  its  Works  Department  (subsequently  used  as  a  Tramways  Office).''* 
Messrs.  Holloway,  who  were  in  possession  of  the  southern  part,  strongly 
opposed  the  Council's  bill  for  compulsory  purchase  of  their  site  in  1906,  but 
were  overruled. ^*^ 

The  Erection  of  County  Hall 

When  the  London  County  Council  succeeded  the  Metropolitan 
Board  of  Works  in  1889  the  office  accommodation  comprised  the  principal 
office  facing  St.  James's  Park  and  Nos.  10,  12,  and  14  Spring  Gardens.  It 
was  even  then  inadequate  and  the  increasing  functions  of  the  Council  soon 
made  the  acquisition  of  more  accommodation  a  necessity.  Suggestions  for 
acquiring  sites  in  Parliament  Street,  Trafalgar  Square,  or  the  Adelphi  were 
rejected.  In  1905  the  Council  decided  to  acquire  the  riverside  site  north  of 
Westminster  Bridge  and  in  the  following  year  obtained  parliamentary  powers 
to  do  so.^*2 

The  design  of  the  new  building  was  made  the  subject  of  a  public 
competition  for  which  99  entries  were  submitted  at  the  first  stage.  The 
design  of  Ralph  Knott  was  finally  accepted,  though  with  some  modifications. 

The  Act^'*^  included  permission  to  enclose  2^  acres  from  the  foreshore 
and  construct  a  new  river  wall.  This  work  was  begun  in  1909  and  finished 
in  1917. 

The  Roman  Boat.  The  Roman  boat  found  in  1 910  during  the  excava- 
tions for  the  concrete  raft  on  which  County  Hall  is  built,  excited  much 
interest.  Parts  of  the  timbers  were  destroyed  before  their  presence  was 
recognized,  but  what  was  left  of  the  boat  was  carefully  lifted,  treated  with  pre- 
servative and  deposited  in  the  London  Museum.  At  the  time  she  was 
thought  to  have  been  a  Roman  galley,  and  from  the  evidence  of  three 
coins  found  in  her  was  dated  at  about  the  year  a.d.  300.  One  theory  was 
that  she  went  down  in  a  fight  between  Allectus  and  Constantius  in  the  year 
A.D.  296,  and  the  large  round  stone  embedded  in  her  timbers,  which  might 
have  been  ammunition  thrown  from  a  Roman  ballista,  lent  colour  to  this 

More  recently  experts  in  nautical  research  have  considered  that  her 
timbers  were  too  lightly  jointed  for  a  sea-going  vessel  and  that  it  was  unlikely 
that  she  ever  possessed  a  mast.  It  seems  probable  that  she  was  a  ferry  boat 
plying  across  the  river  and  that  she  became  derelict  in  her  old  age  or  was 
sunk  by  accident.  There  was  a  large  hole  in  her  bottom  and  she  may  have 
met  her  end  by  drifting  on  to  her  mooring  post  in  a  high  tide.  This  type 
of  vessel  would  have  been  much  shallower  in  draft  than  a  galley  and  much 
shorter  in  proportion  to  her  width.  She  could  have  been  propelled  by  one 
man  rowing  her  standing  as  is  still  done  on  vessels  of  this  type.  If,  as  is 
suggested  on  p.  i,  a  Roman  road  from  Canterbury  crossed  the  river  to 
Westminster  from  a  point  between  Westminster  and  Lambeth  Bridges,  then 
this  may  have  been  one  of  the  boats  employed  at  the  crossing;  this  is, 
however,  conjecture.  Her  timbers  had  been  repaired  in  a  number  of  places, 
showing  that  she  was  an  old  boat  when  she  met  her  end.   A  varied  collection 


PLATE  48 








PLATE  49 










PLATE  50 








O  ^ 



PLATE  51 

^  c  c  I  e    of  F  e  e  i 



of  pottery  and  other  objects  were  found  in  and  around  her,  most  of  which 
have  been  preserved. 

Work  on  the  erection  of  County  Hall  ceased  in  19 16  owing  to  the 
war,  but  was  resumed  in  191 9,  and  the  building  was  opened  on  17th  July, 
1922,  though  the  northern  section  was  not  completed  until  1933.^*^  It 
soon  became  apparent  that  with  the  expansion  of  departments  caused  by  the 
imposition  of  additional  duties  upon  the  Council  the  accommodation  of  the 
building  had  become  inadequate.  This  need  was  met  by  the  erection  of  two 
office  blocks  fronting  York  Road;  they  were  built  under  the  direction  of 
the  Architect  to  the  Council,  F.  R.  Hiorns,  in  association  with  his  predecessor, 
E.  P.  Wheeler,  while  Sir  Giles  Gilbert  Scott  acted  as  consulting  architect. 
Both  blocks  have  yet  to  be  completed. 

Architectural  Description 

The  accommodation  of  the  County  Hall  is  planned  round  a  number 
of  internal  courtyards  with  the  council  chamber  placed  at  the  heart  of  the 
building.  The  enclosing  blocks  form  an  approximate  rectangle  whose  slightly 
tapering  long  sides  face  westwards  to  the  river  and  eastwards  to  Belvedere 
Road.  The  monotony  of  a  continuous  river  facade  is  relieved  by  the  broad 
sweep  of  the  colonnaded  crescent  with  its  pavilion  terminations  and  central 
fleche,  while  in  the  middle  of  the  Belvedere  Road  front  an  imposing  feature 
is  made  of  the  ceremonial  entrance. 

Like  the  east  and  west  elevations,  the  south  front  overlooking  West- 
minster Bridge  Road  is  flanked  by  pavilion  terminations;  it  has  a  central 
arched  entrance  leading  through  a  vaulted  approach  of  Piranesian  character 
to  the  members'  courtyard  south  of  the  council  chamber.  The  north  front, 
with  its  servicing  entrances,  is  of  less  interest  and  is  without  end  pavilions. 

The  County  Hall  is  designed  in  a  free  Classic  style  and  is  faced  with 
Portland  stone  except  at  the  base  where,  like  the  river  wall  in  front,  it  is 
finished  in  granite. 

There  are  two  basement  storeys  below  road  level,  and  above  the  first 
or  principal  floor  used  chiefly  by  members  of  the  council  there  are  five  floors 
of  offices.  The  fifth  and  sixth  floors  are  in  the  roof  above  a  heavy  overhanging 
cornice,  and  are  lighted  on  the  outer  elevations  by  dormer  windows  set  in 
the  long  roof  slopes  which  are  laid  with  rich  red  Italian  tiles. 

The  figure  sculpture  above  the  heads  of  the  pavilion  windows  on  the 
principal  floor  was  carved  by  Ernest  Cole  and  Alfred  Hardiman,  while  the 
architectural  carving  was  executed  by  C.  H.  Mabey. 

The  office  blocks  fronting  York  Road  are  disposed  on  each  side  of 
the  axial  approach  to  the  ceremonial  entrance  of  the  County  Hall.  Thev  are 
linked  by  a  bridge  at  first  floor  level  and  have  the  same  number  of  storeys 
as  the  old  building.  The  external  finishes  are  similar,  though  the  architectural 
detail  is  simpler. 



Suggestions  for  a  bridge  across  the  river  at  Westminster  were  mooted 
soon  after  the  Restoration  but  were  vigorously  resisted  by  the  citizens  of 
London,  and  it  is  significant  that  in  granting  a  loan  of  ;^  100,000  to  King 
Charles  II  in  1664  they  took  the  opportunity  to  express  their  thanks  to  him 
for  preventing  "the  new  bridge  proposed  to  be  built  over  the  river  of  Thames 
betwixt  Lambeth  and  Westminster,  which,  as  is  conceived,  would  have  been 
of  dangerous  consequence  to  the  state  of  this  City."^^  The  objections  of  the 
City  were  fully  set  out  in  a  document  of  1722,  when  the  project  was  again 
under  discussion,  the  main  points  being  the  loss  of  custom  to  the  watermen 
and  to  the  City  markets  and  the  danger  of  the  navigation  of  the  river  being 

Westminster  was  growing  rapidly  at  the  beginning  of  the  i8th 
century  and  the  inconvenience  of  having  to  cross  the  river  by  boat  or  to  make 
the  long  detour  to  the  south  side  of  the  river  by  London  Bridge  was  increas- 
ingly felt  by  its  inhabitants.  In  1735,  when  a  Bill  for  a  bridge  at  Westminster 
was  introduced  into  Parliament,  the  City  could  no  longer  uphold  its  objections 
and  the  Bill  became  law  in  the  following  year.^** 

The  Act  appointed  a  number  of  influential  persons  as  commissioners 
and  provided  for  ;^625,ooo  to  be  raised  by  a  lottery  by  the  sale  of  £^  tickets 
from  which  ;/^  100,000  was  to  be  paid  to  the  commissioners.  Three  amending 
Acts  were  needed  before  the  bridge  was  finished  and  three  lotteries  were  held. 
;^i  97,500  was  raised  by  this  means  and  the  remainder  of  the  total  cost  of  the 
bridge,  ;/!3 80,500,  was  granted  by  Parliament  so  that  the  bridge  was  opened 
free  of  toll.^^ 

The  bridge  was  designed  by  Charles  Labelye,  a  naturalised  Swiss 
engineer  and  architect.  His  employment  provoked  the  anger  of  English 
architects,  the  most  violent  expression  of  which  was  in  a  pamphlet  by  Batty 
Langley  entitled  A  survey  of  Westminster  Bridge  as  'tis  now  sinking  into  ruin, 
published  in  1748,  in  which  he  referred  to  Labelye  as  Mr.  Self-Sufficient, 
and  depicted  him  hanging  from  a  gibbet  under  one  of  the  arches  of  the 

Andrews  Jelfe  and  Samuel  Tufnell  were  employed  as  master  masons 
and  James  King  as  master  carpenter.^^" 

The  original  plan  was  to  build  a  wooden  superstructure  on  stone 
piers,  but  in  1739  the  commissioners  decided  to  have  a  bridge  built  entirely 
of  stone.  The  foundations  were  laid  in  caissons,  the  first  time  this  method  of 
building  had  been  employed  on  a  large  scale.^®  Cavities  were  dug  in  the  bed 
of  the  river  for  the  reception  of  the  caissons,  but  the  piers  were  built  directly 
on  to  the  soil  and  not  on  piles.^^^  It  was  perhaps  because  of  this  that  in  1747, 
when  the  bridge  was  almost  complete,  the  sixth  pier  from  the  Westminster 

a  Batty  Langley  had  himself  published  A  design  for  the  bridge  at  New  Palace  Yard, 
Westminsterm  1736,  and  he  contended  that  Labelye  had  stolen  his  ideas  but  failed  to  carry  them  out 



end  subsided  1 6  inches,  causing  the  adjoining  arches  to  crack,  with  the  result 
that  they  had  to  be  rebuih. 

Westminster  Bridge  was  opened  on  i8th  November,  1750.  The 
Gentleman's  Magazine  described  it  as  "a  very  great  ornament  to  our  metro- 
polis, and  will  be  looked  on  with  pleasure  or  envy  by  all  foreigners.  The 
surprising  echo  in  the  arches,  brings  much  company  with  French  horns  to 
entertain  themselves  under  it  in  summer;  and  with  the  upper  part,  for  an 
agreeable  airing,  none  of  the  publick  walks  or  gardens  can  stand  in  com- 
petition." Other  writers  took  a  less  cheerful  view,  suggesting  that  the  recesses 
in  the  form  of  alcoves  over  each  pier,  designed  for  shelter  in  bad  weather, 
might  be  used  by  robbers  and  cut-throats  who,  if  it  were  not  for  the  special 
guard  of  12  watchmen  and  the  high  balustrades,  might  set  on  unwary 
travellers  and  push  their  bodies  into  the  river.^^ 

The  bridge  was  built  of  Portland  stone.  A  contemporary  manuscript 
description  of  it  runs:  "This  magnificent  structure  is  1,223  ^^^^  in  length, 
and  above  300  feet  longer  than  London  Bridge.  The  Footway  on  each  side; 
7  feet — Horse  Road  30  feet  wide.  There  are  13  large  and  two  smaller 
arches,  all  semi-circular.  The  breadth  of  the  two  middle  piers,  is  i  7  feet  at 
the  springing  of  the  arches,  and  contain  3,000  cubic  feet,  or  near  200  tons 
of  solid  stone,  and  the  others  on  each  side,  regularly  decrease,  one  foot  in 
breadth.  The  Center  arch  is  76  feet  wide,  and  the  others  decrease  4  feet  in 
width,  on  each  side.  The  caisson  or  wooden  case,  in  which  the  first  pier  was 
built,  contained  150  loads  of  timber.  The  last  stone  was  laid  in  November, 
1747 — eleven  years  and  nine  months,  from  the  beginning  of  the 

From  1 8  10  onwards,  but  more  particularly  after  the  removal  of  old 
London  Bridge  in  1831  increased  the  scour  of  the  river,  Westminster 
Bridge  began  to  show  signs  of  decay.  Select  Committees  enquired  into  the 
matter  in  1844,  1846,  and  1850,  and  in  1851  a  Commission  was  appointed 
by  the  Treasury  to  consider  the  most  convenient  site  for  a  new  bridge  and  the 
best  mode  of  construction  to  be  adopted.^^^ 

The  new  bridge  was  designed  by  Thomas  Page  in  consultation  with 
Sir  Charles  Barry.^^^  It  was  begun  in  1854  and  opened  on  24th  May,  1862. 
To  save  the  erection  of  a  temporary  bridge  the  first  half  of  the  new  bridge 
was  built  upstream  of  the  old  and  put  into  use  before  the  second  halt  was 
built  on  the  site  of  the  old  bridge.  The  cost,  ^^400,000,  was  defrayed  partly 
by  funds  in  the  hands  of  the  Westminster  Bridge  Commissioners  and  partly 
by  parliamentary  grant. ^^- 


The  present  bridge  is  of  Gothic  design,  which  accords  with  the  Houses 
of  Parliament.  The  elegance  of  its  delicate  proportions  is  enhanced  by  the 
gentle  convexity  of  outline  from  bank  to  bank.  The  bridge  is  simple  in  detail 
and  has  seven  spans  of  which  the  central  is  130  feet  wide.  The  subsidiary 
spans  are  of  1 25  and  1 1 5  feet  with  those  adjacent  to  the  abutments  of  100  feet. 

The   downstream    parapet   coincides   on    plan    with    the   equivalent 



parapet  on  the  old  bridge,  though  with  a  58  foot  roadway  and  13  foot  foot- 
paths at  each  side,  the  present  bridge  is  of  almost  twice  the  width. 

The  spans  are  semi-elliptical  in  shape  and  spring  from  piers  which 
are  faced  by  cutwaters  of  graceful  form.  Standing  upon  the  cutwaters  are 
short  semi-octagonal  pillars  with  moulded  plinths  and  caps.  The  pillars 
finish  flush  with  the  parapets  and,  like  the  facing  stones  of  the  piers,  are 
built  in  grey  Cornish  granite.  The  traceried  spandrels  above  the  outer  ribs, 
as  well  as  the  other  ribs  supporting  each  span,  are  of  cast-iron,  as  are  the 
parapets,  which  are  pierced  by  trefoils,  and  the  lamp  standards  above  each 
pier.  The  abutments  at  each  bank  are  faced  with  Portland  stone  which  was 
reworked  from  materials  salved  when  the  old  bridge  was  demolished.^'  There 
are  coats  of  arms  in  the  arch  spandrels,  and  panels  on  the  roadway  side  of  the 
four  centre  piers  containing  the  arms  of  Queen  Victoria  and  Prince  Albert. 

a  The  present  bridge  is  of  interest  constructionally  as  it  was  one  of  the  first  in  which  the 
buckled  plate  invention  patented  by  Robert  Mallet  in  1852  was  used.  Mallet's  buckled  plates  were 
struck  between  two  dies  so  that  the  centre  portion  was  raised  and  formed  a  shallow  dome.  These 
plates  were  used  as  decking  on  the  bridge  and  gave  a  maximum  of  strength  for  a  minimum  of  thickness 
and  weight. 


CHAPTER   1 8 

For  the  formation  of  the  bridge  approach  on  the  Surrey  side  the 
Commissioners  of  Westminster  Bridge,  between  1740  and  1746,  purchased 
a  strip  of  land  from  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  and  just  over  an  acre  of 
ground  in  Lambeth  Marsh  from  the  Lord  Mayor  and  Commonalty  of  the 
City  of  London.^^* 

At  the  time  of  the  purchase  the  ground  near  the  river,  part  of  Float 
Mead,  was  in  lease  to  Gilbert  East  and  sublet  to  a  number  of  tenants,  one  of 
whom,  Andrews  Jelfe,  was  a  contractor  for  the  stonework  of  Westminster 

After  the  formation  of  the  road  there  was  left  surplus  a  strip  of  land 
on  each  side  of  the  road  west  of  Narrow  Wall  and  a  long  strip  on  the  north 
side  east  of  Narrow  Wall,  which  were  sold  or  let  on  building  leases.  A  plan 
made  in  1785,  by  Thomas  Hardwick,  of  the  leasehold  property  of  the 
Lawton  family  south  of  Westminster  Bridge  Road"  shows  that  on  neither 
side  was  the  road  fully  built  up  at  that  date. 

There  was  a  turnpike  known  as  Marsh  Gate  at  the  junction  of  Lower 
Marsh  with  Westminster  Bridge  Road  and  tolls  were  collected  for  the  upkeep 
of  the  road  until  1844.^^  In  1847  the  Illustrated  London  News  recorded 
that  "the  materials  of  upwards  of  twenty  houses,  on  the  west  side  of  West- 
minster Bridge  Road,  near  the  old  Marshgate,  were  sold  for  the  extension 
of  the  South  Western  Railway  to  the  proposed  new  terminus  in  the  York 
Road"  (i.e.  from  Nine  Elms  to  Waterloo). 

North   Side 

The  houses  on  the  bridge  approach,  formerly  Nos.  1—7  Bridge 
Street,  including  the  Coronet  Inn  at  the  riverside,  were  pulled  down  in  i  910- 
1 1  for  the  erection  of  County  Hall  (see  p.  62). 

The  ground  between  Pedlar's  Acre  (Belvedere  Road)  and  the  New 
Inn  was  in  1798  let  on  building  lease  to  Eleanor  Coade,^^^  and  houses,  known 
as  Coade's  Row,  were  built  there,  that  at  the  corner  of  Belvedere  Road, 
No.  102  (later  No.  266)  being  used  as  a  gallery  or  showrooms  for  products 
of  Coade's  Artificial  Stone  Factory.  It  bore  a  tablet  inscribed  "Coade's 
Row,  1798,"^^^  until  1908,  when  it  was  demolished  for  the  widening  of 
Belvedere  Road. 

The  ground  east  of  Coade's  Row,  with  a  street  frontage  of  "^do  feet, 
was  leased  by  the  Commissioners  in  1751  to  John  Lambert. ^^^  In  1785  the 
New  Inn  occupied  most  of  this  ground. ^^^  The  entrance  to  York  Road  was 
cut  through  the  eastern  end  of  it  circa  1824.  Nos.  240—234  (even),  formerly 
Nos.  89-86,  were  built  in  i  823.  No.  234  bears  a  tablet  inscribed  "Tunbridge 
Place  1823."  The  freehold  of  these  houses  was  sold  by  auction  in  1855.^^^ 
They  have  probably  had  ground  floor  shops  from  the  time  of  their  erection. 

^  The  Lawtons  had  refused  to  transfer  their  rights  in  this  property  to  the  Commissioners.^'* 



No.  240,  with  the  house  next  to  it  at  the  corner  of  York  Road,  was  in  1855 
used  as  a  furnishing  warehouse.^^^ 

The  remaining  390  feet  of  frontage  to  Westminster  Bridge  Road 
was  leased  in  1766  to  Mr.  Wyatt  and  Mrs.  Brent.^^^  This  ground  with  the 
houses  on  it  (Nos.  83-64  afterwards  Nos.  228-184)  was  also  sold  by  auction 
in  1855. 

The  Westminster  Lying-in  Hospital,  the  predecessor  of  the  General 
Lying-in  Hospital,  was  established  by  Dr.  John  Leake  in  1765  (see  p. 
41)  on  the  site  of  Nos.  214-218,  while  Nos.  212  and  214  (described  in 
1855  as  "newly  erected "y^  and  2  16  formed  the  entrance  to  Gatti's  Music  Hall 
which  occupied  the  space  between  the  Westminster  Bridge  Road  houses  and 
Addington  Street.  Gatti's  was  badly  damaged  during  the  1939-45  war  and 
was  demolished  in  1 950  to  form  a  new  roadway  through  to  Addington  Street. 

St.  Thomas's  Church  and  Vicarage,  at  the  corner  of  Pearman  Street, 
were  built  in  1856,  the  designs  like  that  of  St.  Andrew's,  Coin  Street,  being 
prepared  by  Samuel  Sanders  Teulon.  The  church  was  demolished  by  enemy 
action  during  the  1939-45  war.  From  1788  to  1798  this  site  was  occupied 
by  the  Apollo  Gardens  and  the  "Great  Room''^^"  of  Mr.  Crispus  Claggett, 
the  proprietor  of  the  Pantheon  in  Oxford  Street. 

South  Side 

The  piece  of  ground  on  the  south  side  of  the  bridge  approach  was 
let  on  building  lease  by  the  Commissioners  of  Westminster  Bridge  in  1741 
to  James  King,i^^  who  had  the  contract  for  carpenter's  work  on  the  bridge. 
On  this  ground  Nos.  7-13  Bridge  Street  were  erected  (No.  7  being  dupli- 
cated on  the  north  side  of  the  road).  These  houses  were  pulled  down  in 
1860*^  to  form  part  of  the  approach  to  the  new  Westminster  Bridge. 

There  were  houses  on  the  Westminster  Bridge  Road  frontage  east 
of  Stangate  in  1788.  The  present  Nos.  217-223  date  from  the  early  19th 
century.  The  entrance  to  Astley's  Amphitheatre  was  on  the  site  of  the  present 
No.  225  (see  Plate  4.6a). 

Astley's  Amphitheatre 

Philip  Astley,  the  founder  of  Astley's  Circus,  was  born  at  Newcastle 
under  Lyme  in  1742.^^^  He  began  his  career  as  a  showman  after  he  left  the 
army  in  1768  by  giving  performances  in  an  open  field  "near  Glover's  Half- 
penny Hatch,  at  Lambeth."^^  This  lay  behind  the  site  of  St.  John's  Church, 
Waterloo  Road.  Having  amassed  a  little  capital  as  a  travelling  showman, 
Astley  in  1769  "took  a  large  piece  of  ground,  of  a  timber-merchant,  near 
Westminster  Bridge,  on  the  Surrey  side,  .  .  .  and,  inclosing  it  circularly 
with  boarding,  erected  seats  for  an  audience,  with  a  pent-house  roof,  covered 
with  canvas,"^^  and  started  having  regular  performances  there.  By  1778 
the  enterprise  had  prospered  sufficiently  for  Astley  to  erect  a  partially  roofed 
building  which  was  opened  in  1779  as  the  Amphitheatre  Riding  House.* 
The  entertainments  consisted  chiefly  of  equestrian  feats,  conjuring  and 
^  The  roof  was  constructed  with  wood  from  the  hustings  in  Covent  Garden.** 


fireworks.  At  Michaelmas  1783,  having  obtained  a  licence  from  the  Surrey 
Justices,"  he  erected  a  stage  and  started  stage  performances  in  opposition  to 
the  Surrey  Theatre.  In  1794  the  theatre  (then  known  as  the  Royal  Saloon) 
with  all  its  properties  was  burnt  down.  It  was  rebuilt  on  the  same  site  and 
was  opened  in  the  following  year  as  the  Amphitheatre  of  Arts,  altered  later 
to  Astley's  Royal  Amphitheatre,  under  the  direction  of  Philip  Astley  and 
his  son  John.i''^  On  2nd  September,  i  803,  the  theatre  was  again  burnt  down, 
the  horses  being  saved,  as  they  had  been  on  the  previous  occasion,  by  Mr. 
Searle  the  boat  builder  of  Stangate.^^ 

The  theatre  was  rebuilt  in  1804  from  Astley's  own  designs,  and 
circus  and  equestrian  performances  continued  to  be  successful  under  Andrew 
Ducrow  who  succeeded  the  Astleys.  Dickens  described  it  in  1841  in  Master 
Humphrey  s  Clock  "with  all  the  paint,  gilding,  and  looking-glass,  the  vague 
smell  of  horses  suggestive  of  coming  wonders,  the  curtain  that  hid  such 
gorgeous  mysteries,  the  clean  white  sawdust  down  in  the  circus.  .  .  ."^^^ 
It  was  in  the  summer  of  this  year  that  Astley's  was  burnt  down  for  the  third 
time.  The  shock  was  too  great  for  Andrew  Ducrow  who  lost  his  reason 
and  died  a  few  months  later.'^^ 

The  site  of  Astley's  was  bought  by  William  Batty,  the  owner  of  a 
travelling  circus,  and  Astley's  New  Royal  Amphitheatre  of  Arts  was  opened 
there  in  1843.  Ten  years  later  it  was  let  to  William  Cooke  on  condition  that 
he  kept  open  all  the  year  round.  By  dint  of  novel  attractions,  of  which 
Shakespeare  on  horseback,  was  one,  Cooke  kept  his  audiences,  but  after 
his  departure  Astley's  rapidly  lost  its  popularity.  It  was  in  very  low  water 
when  in  1871  George  Sanger  bought  it  from  Batty's  widow  for  [^\  1,000.1^1 

Sanger  pulled  down  the  greater  part  of  the  building  and  enlarged 
and  modernized  it,  installing  a  ring,  half  before  and  half  behind  the  curtain, 
with  a  stage  to  be  lowered  into  position  when  the  scenes  in  the  circle  were 
done.  His  showmanship  restored  prosperity  to  Astley's  for  the  next  twenty 
years.  At  the  close  of  that  time  Sanger  was  under  pressure  both  from  the 
London  County  Council,  who  had  tightened  the  licensing  regulations  and 
from  the  ground  landlords,  the  Ecclesiastical  Commissioners,  and  in  March, 
1893,  he  gave  up  possession  of  the  premises. 

Astley's  Amphitheatre  stood  on  the  triangle  of  ground  bounded  by 
Westminster  Bridge  Road,  Lambeth  Palace  Road  and  Stangate.  It  was 
almost  entirely  surrounded  by  houses  but  the  entrance  from  Westminster 
Bridge  Road  had  a  portico  extending  to  the  verge  of  the  pavement  (Plate 
46a).    In  1826  Brayley  described  it  as  follows — 

"The  general  form  of  the  interior  is  that  of  an  elongated 
lyre.  .  .  .  The  prevailing  decorations  are  white,  lemon  colour,  and 
gold,  and  the  private  boxes  have  hangings  of  rich  crimson.  There 
is  one  full  tier  of  boxes,  and  two  half  tiers  at  the  sides,  which  range 
evenly  with  the  front  of  the  gallery:  over  the  half  tiers  are  the  gallery 

a  "Order  to  License  John  Conway  Philip  Astley  of  Lambeth  .  .  .  Riding  Master  for 
the  Royal  Grove  and  Amphitheatre  near  Westminster  Bridge  for  public  Music  and  Dancing."*'- 



City  of  London 

slips.  .  .  .  The  equestrian  circle,  or  ride^  which  is  bounded  by  a 
boarded  inclosure  about  four  feet  in  height,  painted  as  stone-work, 
is  forty-four  feet  in  diameter;  the  area  is  covered  with  pulverized 
saw-dust:  the  curve  of  the  ride,  next  the  stage,  forms  the  outline 
of  the  orchestra,  and  the  remainder  that  of  the  pit,  which  contains 
fourteen  rows  of  seats,  and  has  a  spacious  lobby,  and  a  bar  for  refresh- 
ments. .  .  .  The  stage,  which  is  probably  the  largest  and  most 
convenient  in  London,  is  provided  with  immense  platforms,  or 
floors,  rising  above  each  other,  and  extending  entirely  across.  These 
are  of  great  strength:  the  horsemen  gallop  and  skirmish  over  them, 
and  carriages  equal  in  size  and  weight  to  a  mail  coach  may  be  driven 
along  them.  They  are  so  constructed  as  to  be  placed  and  removed, 
in  a  short  space  of  time,  by  manual  labour  and  mechanism.  During 
exhibitions  they  are  masked  by  romantic  scenery,  bridges,  forts, 
mountains,  and  other  objects. "^^ 

The  amphitheatre  was  pulled  down  in  1893;  P^^*  °f  ^^^  ^i*^^  ^^  "°^ 
covered  by  a  block  of  flats. 

Hercules  Hall  and  Hercules  Road 

In  1550  Edward  VI  made  a  grant  of  land  to  the  City  of  London 
which  included  a  close  of  land  in  Lambeth  Marsh  purchased  by  Henry  VIII 
from  Charles,  Duke  of  Suffolk.^^  In  the  i8th  century  this  ground  was 
known  as  Brick  Close  and  was  stated  to  contain  six  acres.^^*  When  Kenning- 
ton  Road  was  made  it  divided  the  close  into  two  triangles  which  were  let  in 
1 752  to  Daniel  Ponton."^  On  the  southern  triangle,  between  Hercules  Road 
and  Westminster  Bridge  Road,  Philip  Astley  built  himself  a  house  which  he 
named  Hercules  Hall  after  the  acrobatic  feat  called  "La  Force  d'Hercule,""i 
and  in  which  he  lived  from  1788*^  onward.  He  was  still  living  there  in 
December,  i  804,  when  he  dated  a  letter  to  the  Earl  of  Dartmouth  from 
"Hercules  Hall,  Hercules  Buildings."i«s  In  1831  the  house  was  occupied 
by  Thomas  Barton  Lawrence,  a  "malleable  zinc  manufacturer-''^^^  It  was 
pulled  down  in  1841.^^^ 

The  Ponton  family  built  a  number  of  houses  in  Hercules  Row  (now 
Hercules  Road).  No.  23  was  from  1793  to  1800  the  residence  of  William 
Blake  ;i^8  there  "Flaxman  used  to  come  and  see  him  and  sit  drinking  tea  in 
the  garden  under  the  shadow  of  the  grape  vine.''^^^  The  site  is  now  covered 
by  blocks  of  dwellings. 

The  Female  Orphan  Asylum  and  Christ  Church 

In  1758  a  group  of  "Noblemen  and  Gentlemen"  decided  to  carry 
out  a  project  proposed  by  Sir  John  Fielding  for  making  a  home  for  orphan 
girls  living  within  the  Bills  of  Mortality  whose  settlement  under  the  Poor 
Law  could  not  be  established.  A  house,  probably  one  of  those  erected  by 
Daniel  Ponton,  "near  the  second  turnpike  on  the  Surry  side  of  Westminster 
Bridge"^^"  was  found  suitable.    Girls  between  the  ages  of  9  and  12  years 


PLATE  52 





PLATE  54 


HOSPITAL,    1950 

PLATE  55 

ill'  ^ni^viflnlyfiiiSS-Tv     ^  »J^ 

{h)  ROBERTS'  BOAT  HOUSE,  STANGATE,  circa   1840 

PLATE  56 

(a)  LAMBETH  REACH,  circa   i860 

(^)  WEST  SIDE  OF  STANGATE,  circa   i860 

PLATE  57 



PLATE  58 


PLATE  59 
























were  taken  and  trained  for  domestic  service;  they  were  also  taught  to  read 
and  write  and  "understand  the  four  first  rules  in  arithmetic. "^^^  An  aquatint 
showing  the  interior  of  the  dining  room  in  i  808  is  reproduced  on  Plate  43^. 

The  premises  were  rebuilt  in  1824  from  the  designs  of  L.  W.  Lloyd. 
James  Elmes  enthusiastically  proclaimed  it  "one  of  the  prettiest  productions" 
of  his  day  with  its  "porch,  of  the  Ionic  order,  selected  from  a  choice  example 
of  the  purest  Grecian  elegance"  (Plate  43^). 

In  1866  the  institution  was  moved  to  Beddington  in  Surrey  and  it 
is  now  at  High  Wycombe.^^^ 

Part  of  the  site  of  the  asylum  was  taken  over  in  1873  by  J.  Oakey  & 
Sons,  and  the  Wellington  Mills  for  the  manufacture  of  emery  paper  were 
established  there  and  still  remain.  The  remainder  of  the  site  was  purchased 
in  1876  by  the  trustees  of  the  Surrey  Chapel  Centenary  Fund.  This  fund 
had  been  raised  in  1849  to  commemorate  the  centenary  of  the  birth  of 
Rowland  Hill,  the  first  pastor  of  the  Surrey  Chapel  in  Blackfriars  Road. 
Hawkstone  Hall  in  Waterloo  Road,  which  had  been  bought  out  of  the  fund, 
for  day  and  Sunday  schools,  was  acquired  by  the  London  and  South  Western 
Railway  Company  in  1867  under  compulsory  powers,  and  a  new  lecture 
hall  (also  called  Hawkstone  Hall),  chapel  and  other  buildings  were  sub- 
sequently built  on  the  Westminster  Bridge  Road  site.  The  church  was 
completed  in  i  876,  the  architects  being  H.  J.  Paull  and  Alfred  Bickerdike.^^^ 

The  Lincoln  Tower  and  spire,  named  after  the  American  president, 
were  built  out  of  funds  collected  by  the  Rev.  Newman  Hall  in  America.  The 
buildings  received  extensive  damage  during  an  air  raid  in  1940  and  the  top 
of  the  steeple  was  subsequently  removed. 

Architectural  Description 

The  church  has  an  octagonal  plan  with  four  transept  arms.  Enclosed 
between  the  west  and  north  arms,  and  standing  almost  detached,  is  a  bold 
tower  and  spire,  soaring  to  a  height  of  over  two  hundred  feet. 

The  tower,  like  the  body  of  the  church,  is  built  in  Kentish  ragstone 
with  Portland  stone  dressings,  and  is  designed  in  the  Early  English  st)'le; 
it  has  two  buttresses  to  each  face  and  is  capped  by  pinnacles  at  each  corner. 
Above  the  pinnacles  rises  an  octagonal  spire  whose  masonry  is  relieved  by 
two  groups  of  inwrought  red  stone  bands  interspersed  with  rows  of  stars 
(symbolic  of  American  Stars  and  Stripes). 

The  church  has  galleries  and  is  roofed  with  wood  groined  vaulting. 
The  rooms  for  teaching  and  recreation  are  separated  from  the  tower  and 
church  by  an  open  cloister.  The  asymmetry  of  the  whole  is  emphasized  by 
the  multiplicity  of  roofs  and  gable  ends. 

Mead  Place 

Nos.  65-75,  illustrated  on  Plate  45^,  formerly  known  as  Mead  Place, 
were  built  before  1788,  when  they  were  shown  on  a  plan  made  by  Thomas 
Hardwick  of  lands  held  by  Thomas  Griffiths  and  James  I  ledger  on  lease 
from  the  Archbishop.^^"   They  have  been  demolished. 



No.  6 1.    The  Yorkshire  Society's  School  and  Morley  College 

This  school,  for  the  education  and  maintenance  of  boys  born  in 
Yorkshire  or  of  Yorkshire  parents,  was  founded  in  1 8  1 2  in  a  house  rented 
from  the  Magdalen  Hospital^^*  and  standing  on  ground  belonging  to  the 
City  of  London.     It  was  substantially  altered  in  1885  {see  Plate  45a). 

The  school  was  closed  in  1 9 1 7  and  the  premises  were  for  a  few  years 
occupied  by  the  Britannia  Club  for  Soldiers  and  Sailors^'*  until  1923  when 
Morley  College  for  Working  Men  and  Women  was  transferred  there  from 
the  Old  Vic  Theatre  (see  p.  38).*^  The  building  adapted  and  extended  to 
meet  the  new  requirements  stood  until  October,  1 940,  when  it  was  destroyed 
by  enemy  action. 



In  1 197,  when  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  obtained  Lambeth 
Manor  from  the  bishop  and  monks  of  Rochester,  the  bishop  reserved  a 
piece  of  ground  for  his  own  residence  which  during  the  Middle  Ages  was 
known  as  La  Place.^^  It  was  in  this  house  that  the  horrid  attempt  was  made 
in  1 53  I  to  kill  Bishop  Fisher  by  throwing  poison  into  the  "mess  of  gruel" 
which  was  being  prepared  for  his  dinner.  The  perpetrator  was  subsequently 
boiled  alive  in  Smithfield. 

Nicolas  Heath,  Bishop  of  Rochester,  was  in  residence  there,  July, 
1539,23  but  a  few  months  later  meekly  agreed  to  remove  to  the  house  of 
Lord  John  Russell  in  Chiswick  to  oblige  the  King  in  his  expressed  desire  to 
have  his  nobles  and  councillors  near  his  court,  rather  than  dignitaries  of  the 
church.  The  exchange  was  a  three-cornered  one,  Lord  John  Russell  taking 
the  Bishop  of  Carlisle's  house  near  Temple  Bar  and  the  Bishop  of  Carlisle 
taking  La  Place  in  Lambeth.^^^ 

Carlisle  House  was  sold  in  1647,  but  reverted  to  the  see  in  1660.^"^ 
It  does  not  appear  to  have  been  used  as  a  bishop's  residence  after  the  Restora- 
tion, and  about  1690  part  of  it  was  in  use  as  a  pottery.  In  1720  it  had  "two 
very  good  white  kilns,"  making  white  stoneware,  and  two  stone  kilns. ^'^^  It 
was  closed  about  1730  and  subsequently  became  a  tavern. ^"^  In  1763  it  was 
leased  to  John  Baptiste  Le  Maire  Froment  of  Islington,  a  dancing  master.^"^ 
In  1786  it  was  occupied  as  a  private  house,  but  was  opened  soon  after  as  an 
academy  for  young  gentlemen.  R.  Bennet,  who  was  master  in  1826,  pub- 
lished several  books  for  children.^ 

In  1827  the  Bishop  of  Carlisle  obtained  an  Act  to  enable  him  to 
grant  building  leases  of  his  Lambeth  property. ^^^  The  house,  then  "very 
ancient  and  much  out  of  repair,"  was  pulled  down,  and  the  grounds,  which 
lay  between  Hercules  Road  and  Carlisle  Lane,  were  cut  up  into  streets  and 
built  up  by  Robert  Armstrong  of  Hercules  Buildings,  and  John  Woodward 
of  Crozier  Street,  Stangate,  builders.^^^ 

Field's  soap  factory,  on  the  west  side  of  Carlisle  Lane,  was  on  copyhold 
land  of  Lambeth  Manor. 

The  Church   of  Holy  Trinity,  Carlisle  Lane 

The  church  of  Holy  Trinity,  consecrated  on  27th  June,  1839,  was 
erected  in  Carlisle  Street  (now  Carlisle  Lane)  on  part  of  the  kitchen  garden  of 
Lambeth  Palace,  the  vicarage  and  schools  being  built  on  a  further  part  of  the 
garden  at  a  later  date.^^"  The  church  was  designed  by  Edward  Blore,  who 
had  recently  completed  extensive  alterations  at  the  palace. 

The  marble  font,  which  was  the  one  given  by  John  Hart  to  St. 
Mary's  Church  in  161  5,®  was  presented  to  Holy  Trinity  in  1851  when  St. 
Mary's  was  rebuilt.  It  originally  had  four  lead  hearts  fixed  in  it  in  allusion 
to  the  name  of  the  donor,  but  these  have  been  removed  and  only  the  recesses 


See  of  Rochester 


remain.  The  stone  font,  now  serving  as  a  piscina  in  the  altar  recess,  was 
probably  used  in  Holy  Trinity  for  baptisms  from  1846  to  1851. 

In  1 91 5  Sir  Charles  A.  Nicholson,  Bart,  carried  out  a  restoration  of 
Holy  Trinity.  He  altered  the  interior  by  removing  the  galleries  and  intro- 
duced, inter  alia,  a  high  rood  screen  and  the  cast  of  the  statue  of  the  Madonna 
by  Michelangelo  from  the  Church  of  Notre  Dame,  Bruges.  It  was  at  this 
time  that  the  large  red  cross,  which  is  so  conspicuous  a  feature  of  the  exterior, 
especially  from  the  railway,  was  placed  on  the  east  wall.^^^ 

The  church,  vicarage  and  schools  were  all  seriously  damaged  by 
bombing  during  the  1939—45  war.  They  are  in  use  again,  but  the  church  is 
still  in  bad  condition  and  is  scheduled  for  demolition. 

Architectural  Description 

Holy  Trinity  is  an  unpretentious  church  showing  Romanesque 
influence  in  design.  It  is  built  in  SuflFolk  grey  brick  and  has  stone  dressings. 
There  is  a  small  tower  at  the  south-east  corner,  the  upper  or  bell  stage  of 
which  is  shouldered  back  slightly  (Plate  1 10^).  The  side  elevations  are  plain 
with  recessed  round-headed  windows  in  each  bay.  The  eaves  have  stone 
corbelling  and  the  bays  are  separated  by  flat  piers.  The  nave  extends 
westwards  slightly  beyond  the  north  and  south  aisles. 

List  oj  Vicars.  John  Pratt;  1840,  Charles  E.  Wylde;  1845,  John  L. 
Spencer;  1847,  James  Gillman;  1859,  William  E.  Green;  1873,  George  S. 
Drew;  1881,  William  J.  H.  Large;  1885,  Edward  W.  Warren;  1887, 
Gilbert  Weigall;  1904,  Archibald  O.  Hayes;  191 9,  Wilfrid  S.  Thomas; 
1923,  Basil  W.  B.  Matthews;    1939,  Arthur  Paul  J.  Gedge. 

No.  20  Carlisle  Lane 

This  house  was  built  for  the  gardener  of  Lambeth  Palace^^"  after  the 
new  kitchen  garden  by  Carlisle  Lane  was  laid  out  in  1784.  It  is  a  small 
stucco-fronted  house  of  simple  character.  The  entrance  has  a  patterned 
fanlight  and  fluted  quadrant  door  linings  (Plate  109^). 

Nos.  35-41    Carlisle  Lane 

These  houses  were  erected  circa  1827  on  part  of  the  grounds  of 
Carlisle  House.  They  form  a  short  terrace  of  neat  appearance  built  in  yellow 
stock  brick.  The  doorways  have  stucco  surrounds  and  flat  hoods;  that  to 
No.  41  is  on  the  return  to  Virgil  Street  and  at  pavement  level.  The  fagades 
are  finished  with  a  stone-coped  parapet  resting  on  brick  dentils  (Plate  98^). 

The  terrace,  which  was  formerly  seven  houses  long,  was  truncated 
late  last  century  when  the  railway  was  widened. 




Narrow  Wall,  the  old  earth  river  wall,  originally  extended  south  as 
far  as  the  gateway  to  Lambeth  Palace,  and  probably  constituted  the  boundary 
between  the  grounds  of  the  Archbishop's  house  and  the  river.  In  the  course 
of  centuries  "hopes"  of  land  were  reclaimed  from  the  river  though  they 
were  not  so  extensive  as  those  farther  north.  It  was  perhaps  for  this  reason 
that  the  wall  did  not  develop  into  a  road  except  at  its  northern  end,  but 
remained  a  footway  (known  in  the  19th  century  as  Bishop's  Walk),  until 
the  formation  of  the  Albert  Embankment  and  Lambeth  Palace  Road. 

In  the  17th  and  i8th  centuries  this  strip  of  foreshore  was  mainly 
occupied  by  bargehouses.  The  royal  barge  was  kept  there  after  the  King's 
Barge  House  in  Upper  Ground  fell  into  disuse  (see  p.  1 3),  and  so  were  the 
state  barges  of  several  of  the  City  Companies  including  the  Armourers,  the 
Goldsmiths  (with  whom  the  Skinners  afterwards  joined  forces)  and  the 
Barber  Surgeons  (who  were  succeeded  by  the  Drapers).^^^  'pj^g  Dukes  of 
Richmond  and  Montagu,  who  had  houses  across  the  river  at  Whitehall, 
also  kept  their  barges  on  the  Lambeth  shore.^^-  In  the  late  i8th  and  early 
19th  centuries  Roberts'  and  Searle's  Boathouses  occupied  most  of  the  river 
frontage  here,  while  at  the  northern  end  was  the  Mitre  Public  House* 
illustrated  on  Plate  $^a. 

The  name  Stangate,  attached  to  a  wharf  and  river  stairs  just  south 
of  the  site  of  Westminster  Bridge,  dates  at  least  from  the  mediaeval  period,'' 
and  it  is  possibly  of  Roman  origin  but,  as  has  been  shown  on  p.  i,  such 
material  evidence  as  exists  for  a  Roman  crossing  of  the  river  between 
Lambeth  and  Westminster  suggests  that  it  was  farther  south  near  the  Horse- 

The  name  Stangate  is  now  applied  only  to  the  short  stretch  of  road- 
way extending  from  Westminster  Bridge  Road  to  Lambeth  Palace  Road, 
though  in  the  17th  and  i8th  centuries  it  was  sometimes  given  to  the  northern 
part  of  Bishop's  Walk  along  the  river  front. 

Stangate  Street  follows  the  line  of  the  old  road  linking  Stangate 
with  the  road  across  Lambeth  Marsh."-'  It  crossed  the  fields  known  as 
Sowters  Lands  which  were  part  of  the  demesne  land  of  the  manor  of 
Lambeth.  On  the  1761  edition  of  Rocque's  map  the  road  is  shown  without 
houses  except  at  the  north-west  end,  but  before  1788*^  both  sides  were 
built  up. 

Architectural  Description 

Nos.  2—46  (even)  on  the  south  side  of  Stangate  Street  form  a  long 

*  In  1804  it  was  tenanted  by  Edward  Bent,  publican. '^^ 

^  E.g.,  in  the  Lambeth  Palace  Accounts  there  is  a  reference  in  1322-23  to  "mending 
the  wall  along  the  Thames  and  at  Stangate. "^^^ 

•^  In  1555  Thomas  Kennester  of  Lambeth  Marsh  was  presented  before  the  Manor 
Court  of  Lambeth  for  having  encroached  on  waste  ground  next  "the  King's  highway  going  towards 



terrace  of  brick-built  houses  with  an  irregular  skyline  (Plate  59).    Some  have 
interesting  doorways. 

Lambeth   Marsh 

Until  the  1 8th  century  the  term  Lambeth  Marsh  was  applied  to 
most  of  the  parish  of  Lambeth  north  of  the  church  and  east  of  Narrow  Wall, 
but  gradually  as  the  area  began  to  be  developed  it  came  to  be  used  more 
specifically  for  the  road  across  the  marsh  to  St.  George's  Fields,  the  road  now 
known  as  Upper  Marsh  and  Lower  Marsh.  On  Rocque's  map  of  1745 
most  of  the  road  is  shown  as  lined  with  houses,  a  piece  of  ribbon  development 
in  what  was  otherwise  an  area  of  fields  and  gardens.  The  frontispiece  to  this 
volume,  a  watercolour  drawing  by  William  Capon  in  the  Council's  collection, 
purports  to  be  a  view  from  "a  gentleman's  seat"  in  Lambeth  Marsh  made  in 
I  804.  The  alignment  of  the  City  churches,  the  Monument,  and  the  square 
shot  tower  suggests  that  the  viewpoint  was  at  or  near  Lambeth  Palace  and 
that  the  large  house  which  forms  the  central  feature  was  Carlisle  House.  It 
does  not,  however,  seem  possible  to  reconcile  the  view  completely  with  the 
position  as  shown  on  maps  and  other  views  of  the  period,  and  it  is  probable 
that  Capon  was  to  some  extent  drawing  on  his  imagination  and  memory  of 
what  he  had  seen  in  his  earlier  days. 

Brief  mention  must  be  made  of  the  Canterbury  Music  Hall  in  Upper 
Marsh,  opened  by  Charles  Morton  in  1849,^^^  which  survived  until  the 
1939-45  war  (Plate  47)  and  of  the  Bower  Saloon  near  the  junction  of  Upper 
Marsh  and  Stangate  Street,  which  was  used  for  crude  melodrama  and  variety 
entertainments  in  the  middle  of  the  19th  century. 


CHAPTER  2  1 


St.  Thomas'  Hospital  had  its  origin  in  the  infirmary  of  St.  Mary 
Overy  Priory  by  London  Bridge,  founded  early  in  the  I2th  century  and 
named  St.  Thomas'  Spital  after  the  canonization  of  Thomas  a  Becket  in  1 173.^^^ 
A  disastrous  fire  destroyed  much  of  the  priory  early  in  the  1 3th  century,  and 
in  1 2 1 5  the  hospital  was  refounded  by  Peter  des  Roches,  Bishop  of  Winchester, 
on  a  new  site  on  the  east  side  of  Borough  High  Street.  There  it  continued, 
except  for  the  brief  break  between  its  dissolution  by  Henry  VIII  and  its 
refounding  in  1551  by  Edward  VI,  until  the  middle  of  the  19th  century. 

At  the  beginning  of  1859  an  Act  was  passed  authorizing  the  forma- 
tion of  the  Charing  Cross  Railway  from  London  Bridge  to  Waterloo  and 
Hungerford  Market.  The  line  was  to  cross  the  garden  of  St.  Thomas' 
Hospital  within  a  few  feet  of  its  new  north  wing.  The  governors  opposed 
the  Bill,  but  finding  opposition  fruitless,  decided  to  sell  the  whole  site  to 
the  railway  company  and  move  elsewhere,  rather  than  accept  a  small  com- 
pensation and  submit  to  the  destruction  of  the  hospital's  amenities.^^^  A 
temporary  asylum  was  found  in  the  Surrey  Gardens,  but  in  1863  negotia- 
tions were  opened  with  the  Metropolitan  Board  of  Works  for  a  site  upon  the 
proposed  Albert  Embankment  near  Stangate,  which  was  finally  purchased 
for  ^T 1 00,000.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that  Florence  Nightingale  was 
consulted  both  on  the  original  move  from  Southwark  and  on  the  design  of 
the  new  building.  Its  erection  in  separate  blocks  rather  than  in  one  large 
building  is  probably  due  to  her  influence.^^^"  The  foundation  stone  was  laid 
by  Queen  Victoria  in  1868,  and  she  opened  the  new  hospital  in  June,  1871. 
The  building  was  designed  by  Henry  Currey,  architect  to  the  hospital. 

Very  little  in  the  way  of  portraits  or  furniture  was  brought  from  the 
old  hospital,  but  the  four  statues  of  cripples  (Plate  53)  which  had  been  put 
up  over  the  gate  in  the  Borough  in  1682  were  re-erected,  two  on  either  side 
of  the  main  entrance  facing  Lambeth  Palace  Road,  and  the  stone  statue  of 
Edward  VI,  which  dates  from  the  same  period,  was  set  up  between  the  first 
two  blocks  south  of  Westminster  Bridge  Road  (Plate  52).  The  marble  statue 
of  Sir  Robert  Clayton,  President  of  the  hospital  in  1 692-1 707,  which  was 
made  by  Grinling  Gibbons  in  1701— 2'',  was  also  brought  from  Southwark 
and  erected  in  the  medical  school  triangle  (Plate  54).  The  brass  statue  of 
Edward  VI  was  made  by  Scheemakers  and,  as  recorded  on  the  stone  pedestal, 

a  She  proved  statistically  that  the  majority  of  the  patients  came  from  outside  the  immediate 
locality  of  Southwark,  and  although,  hkeall  her  contemporaries,  she  was  ignorant  ot  bacteriology,  she 
knew  from  her  own  observation  that  keeping  patients  isolated  in  small  groups  decreased  the  incidence 
of  hospital  diseases. 1" 

•>  20th  June,  1701,  "Mr.  Treat  Reported  from  the  SubComittec  to  whom  the  setting-up 
of  S'f  Robert  Clayton's  Statue  is  referred  That  they  had  agreed  with  Mr.  Grinling  Gibbon  to  cutt 
the  said  Statue  in  the  best  Statue  Marble  and  to  set  the  same  up  in  the  Midle  of  the  lower  Quadrangle 
of  this  Hosp'll  upon  a  Pedestall  of  the  same  Sort  of  Marble  by  Christmas  next,  For  which  he  is  to  have 
£^0  in  hand  and  £1 50  more  as  soon  as  the  Work  is  finished."'*' 


St.  Thomas' 


was  erected  in  1737  at  the  expense  of  Charles  Joye,  Treasurer  of  the  hospital, 
who  left  money  in  his  will  for  the  purpose. 

St.  Thomas'  House  for  medical  students,  on  the  east  side  of  Lambeth 
Palace  Road,  was  designed  by  Harold  Wynne  Currey  and  built  in  1925-27, 
and  Riddell  House,  the  nurses'  home,  next  door,  in  1936-37,  Sir  Edwin 
Cooper  being  the  architect. 

The  hospital  was  severely  damaged  by  enemy  action  during  the  war 
of  1939-45,  ^"^  the  greater  part  of  the  most  northerly  block  has  had  to  be 
demolished,  but  the  work  of  the  hospital  has  continued  without  a  break. 

Architectural  Description 

Owing  to  the  narrowness  of  the  site,  the  hospital  is  planned  with  a 
long  north-south  communicating  link  giving  access  to  the  ward  blocks  at 
right  angles  to  the  river.  The  blocks  are  mostly  placed  125  feet  apart  and 
accommodate  28  beds  on  each  storey,  the  total  number  of  beds  originally 
being  about  600.  The  most  southerly  block  was  designed  to  receive  special 
or  isolation  cases,  while  the  medical  school  was  placed  so  as  to  be  separate 
from  the  main  group;  it  stands  at  the  southern  extremity  of  the  site.  At 
the  northern  end,  the  block  fronting  Westminster  Bridge  Road  (now  partly 
destroyed)  was  designed  as  committee  rooms  and  administrative  offices, 
and  included  the  treasurer's  house.  The  whole  group  of  buildings  was 
conceived  in  the  Classic  style  and  built  in  Fareham  red  bricks  with  stone 


PLATE  60 

PLATE  6 1 

GROUND  FLOOR,  circa   1828 


PLATE  62 










PLATE  63 








PLATE  64 


















PLATE  65 












PLATE  66 






^'  .J 








PLATE  67 

{a)  GARDEN,    1804 
{b)  CLOISTER,    1803 

CHAPTER  2  2 


A  brief  account  of  the  struggles  of  Archbishops  Baldwin  and  Hubert 
Walter  to  found  a  college  of  secular  clerks,  with  a  house  for  an  archiepiscopal 
residence,  away  from  Canterbury  and  free  from  interference  by  the  defenders 
of  monkish  privilege  there,  has  been  given  in  the 
account  of  Lambeth  Manor  (p.  3).  In  1 190  Archbishop 
Baldwin,  having  acquired  24  acres  of  the  demesne  land 
of  the  manor  of  Lambeth  from  the  bishop  and  monks 
of  Rochester,!"  caused  a  site  to  be  marked  out  for  a 
chapel  and  clerks'  houses  there,  before  departing  for  the 
First  Crusade.^s^  Baldwin  died  in  the  Holy  Land  in 
1 1 90  and,  after  a  prolonged  dispute,  Hubert  Walter, 
Bishop  of  Salisbury,  was  elected  in  his  stead.  The  monks 
of  Canterbury  renewed  their  opposition  to  the  Lambeth  project,  but  in  1 197 
Hubert  Walter  obtained  a  grant  of  the  whole  manor  of  Lambeth,  with  the 
exception  of  the  Bishop  of  Rochester's  residence,!"  and  proceeded  with  the 
building  of  a  chapel.  Two  years  later,  as  a  result  of  papal  intervention  on 
the  side  of  the  monks  he  agreed  to  raze  the  chapel  to  the  ground,^'"  but 
in  1200  he  finally  got  both  Pope  and  monks  to  agree  that  he  might  build  a 
house  of  Praemonstratensian  canons  at  Lambeth  with  accommodation  for  his 
own  residence. ^^^ 

During  his  later  years  Hubert  Walter  was  much  in  France  and  it  is 
impossible  to  say  whether  he  lived  at  Lambeth,^^^  but  Archbishop  Stephen 
Langton  issued  letters  from  thence  in  1 207,  the  year  of  his  elevation  to  the 
See.!*^  It  seems  probable  that  part  at  least  of  the  chapel  crypt,  the  earliest  of 
the  buildings  now  remaining,  dates  from  the  time  of  Hubert  Walter.*  The 
house  and  its  grounds  were  extra-parochial  and  have  remained  so  until  the 
present  day. 

The  palace  has  suffered  many  vicissitudes  during  its  long  history. 
The  Survey  of  1647  to  which  frequent  reference  will  be  made  and  the  1648 
plan  reproduced  on  Plate  60  give  some  picture  of  the  condition  of  the  palace 
during  the  upheavals  of  the  Commonwealth  period.  The  drastic  renovations 
carried  out  by  Edward  Blore  after  1828  can  be  seen  by  a  comparison  of  the 
1648  plan  with  his  (Plate  61).  The  havoc  wrought  by  bomb  damage  during 
the  1939-45  war  is  described  by  William  Temple's  biographer — "Part  of 
the  roof  of  Wren's*)  library  had  been  burnt  away,  2,000  books  were  now 
ashes,  and  3,000  more  were  jumbled  together  in  a  sodden  heap  on  the  floor. 
Piles  of  smashed  furniture  and  pictures  torn  by  the  blast  lay  in  a  litter  of 

*  The  chapel  was  in  being  in  1228  when,  during  the  vacancy  of  the  See  after  the  death 
of  Archbishop  Langton,  a  stipend  of  five  marks  a  year  was  granted  to  the  chaplain  "ministering  in 
the  chapel  of  Lambeth  and  keeping  the  houses  of  the  archbishopric  there."''-" 

^  The  hall  was,  in  accordance  with  the  wishes  of  Archbishop  Juxon,  as  nearly  as  possible 
a  replica  of  the  mediaeval  structure.  There  is  no  evidence  that  Sir  Christopher  Wren  had  any 
part  in  designing  it. 




Archbishop  Morton 

broken  glass  and  rubble,  the  great  drawing-room  was  a  gaping  hole,  and  the 
chapel  was  open  to  the  sky."^^^  Now  order  and  beauty  are  again  being  restored 
to  the  palace.  The  old  buildings  are  being  repaired  and  pieced  together, 
and  where  complete  destruction  of  the  old  work  or  the  necessities  of  modern 
living  require  it,  new  buildings,  as  far  as  possible  in  keeping  with  the  old, 
are  being  constructed.  The  architects  for  the  restoration  are  Lord  Mottistone 
and  Paul  Paget. 

The  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  was  for  several  centuries  often  a  high 
officer  of  state  as  well  as  of  the  church,  and  his  London  residence  has  played 
an  important  part  in  the  history  of  these  islands.  An  excellent  chronological 
account  of  the  personalities  who  have  resided  in,  and  visited  the  palace,  and 
of  the  scenes  which  have  been  enacted  there,  is  given  in  Mrs.  Dorothy 
Gardiner's  Story  of  Lambeth  Palace^^^  and  it  has  therefore  been  decided  to 
arrange  this  survey  of  the  palace  topographically  taking  the  buildings  one 
by  one  and  giving  past  history  only  so  far  as  it  throws  light  on  existing 
conditions.  In  compiling  this  account  two  sources  have  been  freely  used 
to  which  little  reference  has  been  made  either  by  Mrs.  Gardiner  or  by 
the  editors  of  the  Victoria  County  History  and  the  Royal  Commission  on 
Historical  Monuments;  these  are  the  plans  and  records  of  the  manor  now 
in  the  custody  of  the  Church  Commissioners  and  the  drawings  and  plans 
made  by  Edward  Blore  for  his  reconstruction  of  the  palace  circa  1828. 

The  Gateway  or  Morton's  Tower 

The  gateway  of  red  brick,  the  part  of  the  palace  most  familiar  to  the 
general  public,  was  built  by  John  Morton,  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  in 
1486-1501.  It  probably  stood  on  the  site  and  incorporated  part  of  a  previous 
"great  gate"  which  was  in  existence  in   1322  when  Archbishop  Reynolds 

was  carrying  out  improvements  to  the 
palace. ^^^  There  is  evidence  that 
under  Archbishop  Bourchier  (1454- 
86)  the  archives  had  been  kept  in  "a 
certain  low  chamber"  of  the  gateway 
to  the  left  of  the  entrance  and  that 
after  the  new  gateway  was  completed 
they  were  transferred  to  a  chamber  on 
the  right  side,  adjacent  to  the  dwell- 
inghouse  "in  the  new  work  of  the 
gate,  newly-built,"  which  Morton  had 
provided  for  his  porter.  The  old 
Prerogative  Registry  remained  in  the 
right-hand  tower  until  the  passing  of 
the  Probate  Act  in  1 857.188 

Morton's  tower  is  one  of  the 
few  surviving  examples  of  the  early 
Tudor  style  of  brick  building.  The 
only    comparable     building    in     the 

Entrance  to  Morton's  Tower 



neighbourhood  of  London  is  the  old  palace  of  Hatfield  which  was  also  built 
by  Cardinal  Morton. 

From  time  immemorial  the  "Lambeth  Dole"  was  dispensed  to 
beggars  at  the  gate.  Ducarel  says  that  in  his  day  it  was  regularized  and  con- 
sisted of  a  weekly  allowance  of  1 5  quartern  loaves,  9  stone  of  beef  and  5s., 
which  were  divided  and  distributed  thrice  weekly.^^^  The  practice  was 
discontinued  after  1 842  when  money  grants  to  poor  persons  were  substituted. 


The  gateway  has  massive  five-storey  towers  of  stocky  proportion  set 
forward  at  either  side  of  the  entrance.  It  is  built  in  fine  red  brick  relieved 
in  places  by  diaperwork  formed  of  black  header  bricks.  The  window 
dressings  and  tracery,  as  well  as  the  copings 
to  the  battlements,  quoins  and  bands,  are  all 
in  stone,  much  of  which  has  been  renewed 
in  modern  times.  The  plinth  at  the  base  of 
the  building  is  of  coursed  ragstone. 

The  entrance  has  a  large  opening 
for  vehicles  and  another,  far  smaller,  for 
pedestrians.  Both  have  moulded  jambs  and 
their  four-centred  arches  have  label  mould- 
ings. On  the  inner  side  there  is  only  one 
arch  for  both  vehicles  and  pedestrians.  The 
room  over  the  entrance  has  a  four-light 
mullioned  and  transomed  window  on  the 
south  front,  and  a  three-light  window  on  the 
north.  The  other  windows  to  the  gateway, 
including  those  to  the  stair-turrets,  which 
project  forward  at  each  side  on  the  courtyard 
front,  are  of  one  or  two  lights.  The  stair- 
turrets  rise  above  the  parapets  of  the  towers 
and,  like  them,  are  battlemented. 

Above  the  entrance  there  is  stone 
vaulting  with  moulded  ridge,  wall  and  dia- 
gonal ribs  which  spring  from  attached  angle 
shafts  with  moulded  caps  and  bases.  The 
vaulting  has  carved  bosses  at  the  tops  of  the  four  wall  arches.  On  the  west 
side  there  are  two  doorways  with  four-centred  heads  and  simple  chamfered 
jambs.  On  the  east  side  there  are  two  single-light  windows  and  a  door- 
way similar  to  those  opposite.  Near  the  pedestrians'  entrance  is  a  late 
1 6th  century  wood  settle  with  an  upright  back,  shaped  arms  and  turned 

The  gateway  has  lead  rain-water  heads  bearing  inscriptions  "TH 
I  75 1,"  "TS  1758,"  "1897"  and  a  tun  device  (Cardinal  Morton's  rebus). 

The  large  room  over  the  entrance,  which  is  at  the  same  level  as  the 
second  storeys  in  each  tower,  has  moulded  ceiling  beams,  joists  and  cornice. 


Staircase  to  Morton^  s  Tower 


Its  chimney  piece  has  stone  jambs,  a  depressed  head  and  carved  spandrels. 
The  stone  jambed  doorways  have  four-centred  heads  and  both  windows 
have  hollow-moulded  jambs  and  heads.  The  floor  is  paved  with  old  red 
square  tiles  much  worn  and  damaged. 

The  rooms  in  each  tower  have  moulded  or  chamfered  ceiling  beams 
and  their  doorways  and  chimney  pieces  are  of  stone  and  similar  in  detail  to 


SCaLt      foa      CLEVATIOH 

Panelling  in  Morton's  To-xer 

that  in  the  large  room.  There  is  some  linen-fold  panelling  and  a  number  of 
1 6th  and  17th  century  doors. 

On  the  ground  floor  the  south  room  in  the  east  tower  (formerly  a 
cell  for  prisoners)  has  a  small  square-headed  cupboard  with  a  perforated 
wood  door.  Two  iron  rings  are  fixed  to  the  south  wall.  The  north  room  has 
a  cupboard  with  linen-fold  panelled  door  and  grotesque  head  above;  there 
is  a  square-headed  label  moulding  over  the  cupboard. 

The  first  floor  room  in  the  west  tower  has  a  late  1 7th  century  partition 
and  its  walls,  including  those  of  the  small  room  leading  off  it,  are  lined  with 
flush  vertical  boarding  painted  to  represent  panelling  of  coeval  date.  The 
boarding  above  the  fireplace  is  painted  to  represent  a  marble  overmantel. 
It  bears  a  cartouche  with  the  date  "  1691."  Above  it  is  a  shield  of  the  arms 
of  the  See  of  Canterbury  impaling  Tillotson,  supported  by  two  winged 
cherubs.    Like  the  cartouche,  it  is  now  mostly  obscured. 



The  Great  Hall 

It  is  probable  that  a  Great  Hall  was  one  of  the  earliest  parts  of  Lambeth 
House  to  be  built.  In  the  first  extant  set  of  accounts  there  is  an  entry- 
concerning  the  repair  of  its  roof^^^  and  thereafter  references  are  frequent. 

Archbishop  Robert  de  Winchelsey  (1294-13 13)  kept  "prodigious" 
hospitality  in  the  Great  Hall  on  Sundays  and  Fridays,  feeding  "no  fewer  then 
four  Thousand  men  when  corn  was  cheap  and  five  Thousand  when  it  was 
dear.''^^-*  The  Great  Hall  was  also  the  scene  of  the  long  series  of  banquets 
held  to  celebrate  the  consecration  of  new  bishops  in  Lambeth  chapel.  Of 
these  feasts  the  most  famous  was  that  of  William  of  Wykeham  in  1367, 
who,  though  consecrated  at  St.  Paul's,  kept  his  feast  at  Lambeth.  In  later 
years  the  feasts  were  held  in  the  guard  chamber.  They  were  discontinued 
in  1845  at  the  consecration  of  Bishop  Wilberforce.^^^ 

The  Hall  was  repaired  by  Archbishop  Chichele  (1414-1443)  who 
replaced  the  portico  at  the  south  end  by  an  arched  gateway  leading  into  the 
inner  court  with  a  room  above  it.^^^  The  Hall  was  re-roofed  with  shingles 
in  1570—71  by  Archbishop  Parker.^^^ 

The  old  Hall,  as  shown  on  the  1648  plan,  had  a  buttery  and  pantry 
at  the  west  end  and  the  kitchen  and  offices  jutting  out  at  right  angles  on 
the  north  side. 

In  1660  William  Juxon,  who  had  ministered  to  Charles  I  on  the 
scaffold,  was  appointed  to  the  See  of  Canterbury.  He  found  the  archiepis- 
copal  residence  at  Lambeth  in  a  sorry  state  and  the  Great  Hall  demolished. ^^^ 
The  latter  he  rebuilt  on  the  old  site  and  as  far  as  possible  in  the  "ancient 
Form."^^^  The  walls  appear  from  the  plan  to  have  been  in  the  same  positions 
as  the  old,  and  it  is  possible  that  some  of  the  old  foundations  were  re-used. 
The  site  of  the  buttery  and  pantry  was  covered  by  the  gateway  to  the  inner 
courtyard  and  the  entry  and  staircase  to  the  room  over  the  gate. 

In  1829  Blore  reported  that  the  Great  Hall  was  dirty,  neglected  and 
applied  to  no  useful  purpose.^^^  It  was  decided  that  it  should  be  turned  into 
a  library,  and  elaborately  carved  book  shelves  (Plate  "Jia)  were  designed  by 
Blore  and  placed  at  right  angles  to  the  west  and  east  sides  of  the  Hall  to 
form  bays.  The  library  had  its  origin  in  the  collection  of  books  left  to  his 
successors  by  Archbishop  Bancroft  in  16 10.  His  will  contained  the  provision 
that  if  the  books  were  in  danger  of  dispersion  they  should  be  handed  over 
to  the  University  of  Cambridge.  This  provision  was  invoked  by  John 
Selden  after  the  execution  of  Laud  and  the  collection  was  by  this  means 
preserved.  It  was  restored  to  Lambeth  Palace  in  the  time  of  Archbishop 
Sheldon  (1663-77)  and  was  added  to  from  time  to  time  by  succeeding 

Both  the  library  building  and  its  contents  suffered  greatly  from 
damage  by  fire  and  water  during  the  1939-45  war.  The  fabric  of  the  Hall 
has  been  carefully  restored,  but  in  future  though  bookcases  will  line  the 
walls  the  main  bulk  of  the  library  will  be  housed  elsewhere  and  the  Hall  left 
clear  for  conferences  and  assemblies. 


Archbishop  Juxon 



The  Great  Hall  is  built  in  red  brick  with  stone  quoins,  entablatures, 
battlements,  cappings,  and  window  tracery.  The  roof,  which  is  of  timber 
construction,  is  carried  by  buttresses  which  stand  forward  from  the  east  and 
west  walls. 

At  either  end  of  the  west  elevation  there  are  square  bay  projections, 
with  Classic  pediments.  The  entablature  on  this  elevation  is  joined  to  each 
pediment  and  is,  like  them,  modillioned.  It  breaks  forward  at  each  buttress 
and  has  an  enriched  frieze  with  carved  swags  and  masks.  Above  the  cornice 
the  buttresses,  which  each  have  one  moulded  offset  on  the  face,  are  stepped 
back  below  square  pedestals,  each  with  a  ball  finial.  The  main  parapet  wall 
is  battlemented. 

The  bay  projections  have  rusticated  quoins  and  pedestals  at  both 
ends  and  at  the  centre  of  their  parapets.  Above  each  central  pedestal  stands  a 
finial  of  stumpy  proportion.  Both  bays  have  a  large  Gothic  three-light  pointed 
window,  each  being  two-centred  with  moulded  reveals  and  transoms  dividing 
it  into  three  ranges  of  lights.  All  the  lights  are  cinque-foil  headed.  Between 
the  bay  projections  the  windows  are  of  similar  design  but  of  only  two  ranges, 
of  which  the  lower  lights  are  square-headed  and  without  cinque-foils.  There 
is  a  continuous  moulded  plinth  at  the  base  of  the  buttresses  and  to  both  bay 

There  are  original  lead  rainwater  heads  and  down-pipes  in  two  of 
the  buttress  angles  on  this  side,  each  inscribed  "1663"  and  "WI,"  and 
bearing  the  arms  of  the  See  of  Canterbury  and  of  Juxon.  The  heads  have 
cornices  and  pineapple  pendants  at  each  side.  There  is  a  similar  rainwater 
head  and  down-pipe  on  the  east  elevation  but  it  has  no  pendants. 

The  east  elevation  is  similar  to  the  west  but  less  ornate.  There 
is  a  deep  string  course  below  the  parapet,  instead  of  an  entablature.  The 
parapet  is  straight  and  without  battlements;  it  has  a  moulded  coping  and 
stops  against  the  buttresses,  which  extend  higher  and  have  square  cappings. 
The  end  buttresses  are  wide  and  rise  from  plinth  to  string  course  without 
offsets.  The  string  course  of  the  southernmost  of  these  buttresses  is  incised 

Under  the  most  southerly  window  on  this  front  is  a  stone  doorway 
with  a  semicircular  arch  and  pediment  above.  It  has  a  moulded  architrave 
which  is  eared  at  the  arch  springing  and  returns  round  the  arch  keystone. 
The  spandrels  each  side  of  the  keystone  are  panelled. 

The  gables  of  the  north  and  south  walls  of  the  Hall  are  surmounted 
by  finials  with  round-headed  recesses  to  each  of  their  four  faces.  The  finials 
are  topped  by  ball  terminals.  Each  gable  has  a  three-light  window  whose 
tracery  is  similar  to  that  in  the  side  windows  but  of  wider  proportion  and 
without  transoms.  The  labels  to  the  south  window  rest  on  Renaissance  type 
console  brackets. 

The  lantern,  placed  centrally  on  the  ridge  of  the  tiled  roof,  is  of 
wood  clothed  in  lead.   It  has  lights  to  each  of  its  two  stages,  the  lower  being 



hexagonal  and  the  upper  circular.  Above  the  upper  stage  there  is  an  ogee- 
shaped  cupola  which  carries  a  gilded  weather-vane  with  ball  and  mitre 
terminal.  The  vane  is  pierced  with  the  arms  of  the  See  impaling  those  of 

The  Hall  has  a  fine  oak  hammer-beam  roof  of  Gothic  form,  though 
much  of  its  detail  is  of  Classic  derivation  (Plate  78).  It  has  seven  bays.  The 
main  members  are  moulded  and  the  main  spandrels  are  filled  with  acanthus 
foliage.  There  are  carved  mitres  in  the  parts  of  the  spandrels  above  the 
brackets.  The  side  post  pendants  below  the  brackets  have  acanthus  enrich- 
ment and  the  longitudinal  braces  spring  from  carved  head  corbels  with  fruit 
branches  below.  The  main  wall-plates  are  masked  by  a  frieze  with  a  band 
above.  The  frieze  is  carved  with  swags  and  bears  arms  of  the  See  and  Juxon 
impaled  and  separately.  Above  the  main  purlins  there  are  similar  bands 
which  have  guilloche  ornament  with  carved  busts  or  mitres  in  the  larger 
^,,^      ^      ,      ^      ^     .      5     ,  r,  circles,  while  below,  the  longitudinal 

spandrels  have  pierced  carving.   Above 

3CALL  ^  ^  .0 

the  collar  beams  and  main  members 
there  is  open  tracery  with  semi-Gothic 
cusped  heads.  The  trusses  rest  on 
stone  corbels  cut  to  represent  lion 
heads,  masks,  cherubs,  and  angels 
holding  shields.  Inside  the  lantern 
there  are  masks  and  pendant  foliage 
carving,  and  an  enriched  ceiling  rose. 

Each  of  the  bay  projections  on 
the  west  side  of  the  Hall  has  coft'ered 
arched  reveals  and  soffits  ornamented 
by  large  rosettes  of  differing  pattern. 
The  walls  are  plastered  and  dis- 

On  the  east  side  at  the  north 
end  there  is  a  semicircular  headed 
doorway  in  stone  which  has  a  voluted 
keystone  and  moulded  imposts  and 
plinth  (Plate  79).  Its  detail  is  enriched 
and  it  is  flanked  by  Corinthian  pilasters 
which  support  an  entablature  and 
broken  segmental  pediment.  The 
raised  panel  above  the  keystone  bears 
the  inscription:  "ANNO  DOMINI 
M.DC.L.X.III"  and  above  the  pedi- 
ment is  set,  upon  a  panelled  pedestal, 
a  cartouche  with  the  arms  of  the  See 

impaling  Juxon  flanked  by  winged  cherubs  and  with  a  larger  winged  cherub's 

head  above. 

Much  of  the  i6th  and  17th  century  glass  was  destroyed  during  the 


South-east  Doorway  to  Great  Hall 


1939-45  war  but  what  was  saved  has  been  reset  in  the  lower  lights  of  the 
northerly  bay  projection.  Below  the  arms  of  Philip  II  of  Spain  with  fully 
quartered  shield  within  a  garter  (the  crown  above  the  shield  being  missing) 
there  are  fragments  of  glass  set  in  a  circle  of  the  same  size.  There  are  also 
shields  of  the  arms  of  the  See  of  Canterbury  impaling  Grindal,  Abbot, 
Sancroft,  Laud,  and  Cranmer. 

The  building  to  the  south  of  the  Great  Hall  has  a  vaulted  way 
through  at  ground  level  and  one  storey  above,  which  houses  the  Manuscript 
Room.  It  is  in  brick  with  stone  dressings  and  its  Gothic  detail  is  of  similar 
character  to  that  of  the  residential  wing.  There  are  string  bands  below  the 
battlemented  parapet  and  at  first  floor  level.  The  west  elevation  has  an  oriel 
window  over  the  archway  while  there  are  two  small  two-light  windows  with 
square  heads  on  the  east  side. 

The  Cloisters 

In  1647  to  the  north  of  the  Great  Hall  there  was  "a  foure  square 
Cloyster  reachinge  from  the  Chappell  to  the  Hall  beinge  a  walke  On  the 
grounde  And  over  the  Cloyster  .  .  .  the  greate  Library  of  the  ArchBishop- 
pricke  being  foure  square  and  covered  with  Lead.  And  in  the  midle  of  the 
said  Cloyster  ...  a  square  Court  with  a  greate  well  in  the  midst  thereof 
covered  with  Lead."^^^ 

It  was  the  intention  of  Archbishops  Baldwin  and  Hubert  Walter  to 
build  a  small  religious  house  or  college  at  Lambeth  as  well  as  a  residence  for 
themselves  and  it  is  probable  that  the  cloisters  formed  part  of  the  earliest 
buildings,  though  they  are  not  specifically  mentioned  in  the  first  set  of 
accounts.  Archbishop  Chichele  (1414-43)  seems  to  have  built  galleries  over 
the  cloisters  one  of  which  was  to  serve  as  a  library.^^^  His  successor.  Arch- 
bishop Stafford,  had  to  clear  a  quantity  of  rubble,  probably  left  from  Chichele's 
building  work  from  the  "  freresgardyn  "^^^  or  cloister  garth. 

Cardinal  Pole  may  have  repaired  the  galleries,  though  his  chief 
alteration  of  the  palace  was  the  building  of  a  long  gallery  east  of  the  chapel. 
It  is  recorded  that  in  1573,  when  Queen  Elizabeth  visited  Archbishop  Parker 
at  Lambeth,  she  listened  in  one  of  the  galleries  to  a  sermon  preached  from  a 
pulpit  set  up  near  the  pump  in  the  middle  of  the  cloisters,  while  the  people 
who  filled  the  quadrangle  below  "divided  their  attention  between  her 
Majesty  and  the  preacher. "2'"' 

Archbishop  Sheldon  (1663-77)  repaired  the  galleries  for  the  recep- 
tion of  Archbishop  Bancroft's  library  which  he  had  recovered  from  the 
University  of  Cambridge  (see  p.  85)  and  they  continued  to  be  used  for 
this  purpose  until  the  1830's,  though  readers  complained  of  the  arctic 
temperature  in  winter.^^^ 

Blore  fitted  up  the  Great  Hall  as  a  library.  The  old  cloister  galleries, 
which  he  pulled  down  and  rebuilt,  he  described  as  frail  buildings  of  timber 
and  plaster.^®^  A  kitchen  was  built  at  the  south-west  corner  of  the  old  site, 
but  the  cloister  garth  was  left  open. 

The  book-cases  were  removed  from  the  Great  Hall  in  1948  and  the 

PLATE  68 


■ti  ■ 



^    LlJ 

O  < 





PLATE  69 

(a)  WEST  END    (^)   SCREEN 


PLATE  70 


PLATE  71 



cloisters  are  again  being  fitted  up  as  a  library  with  the  rooms  previously  used 
as  kitchens  as  reading  rooms  for  students  and  a  muniment  room. 


The  cloisters  are  of  brick  of  two  storeys  and  their  detail  is  similar  to 
that  of  the  archway  at  the  south  end  of  the  Great  Hall.  They  have  stone 
dressings  to  the  square-headed  windows  and  stone  copings  to  their  battle- 
ments.   There  are  angle  buttresses  at  each  corner. 

On  the  upper  storey  the  cloister  gallery  has  a  coved  and  ribbed  flat 
ceiling  with  an  embattled  cornice.  The  doors  have  four-centred  heads  and 
some  have  carved  spandrels  and  weakly  designed  buttress  surrounds.  At 
the  right  angle  bend  in  the  gallery  there  is  a  straight-headed  archway  with 
foliated  caps  and  thin  shafts  at  each  side. 

Chichele's  or  the  Water  or  Lollards'  Tower 

In  1432  the  tower,  which  had  stood  previously  at  the  west  end  of 
the  Chapel,  was  pulled  down  and  a  new  tower  five  storeys  high  was  erected 
there.  The  accounts^^^  record  that  490  tons  of  ragstone,  with  lime,  sand  and 
other  materials,  were  brought  by  boat  from  Maidstone  for  the  building, 
while  oak  timber  was  brought  from  "le  West  wode"  near  Harrow.  A  mason 
worked  1 1  days  on  the  tabernacle  or 
niche  on  the  west  side  of  the  tower, 
which  still  remains,  though  the  image 
of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr  for  which 
it  was  intended  was  removed  at  the 
Reformation.  Chichele's  tower  was 
built  nearer  the  Chapel  than  its  pre- 
decessor and  its  erection  involved  the 
removal  of  a  buttress  and  the  blocking 
up  of  the  lancet  windows  at  the  west 
end  of  the  Chapel.  The  windows  of 
the  tower  were  glazed  and  the  room 
at  the  entrance  to  the  Chapel  (now 
the  Post  Room)  was  ceiled  with  wood 
boarding.  Payments  for  carving  the 
angels'  heads,  etc.,  for  the  ceiling  are 
included  in  the  accounts. 

There  has  been  some  con- 
troversy as  to  the  traditional  connec- 
tion of  this  tower  with  the  Lollards. 
The  ill-famed  Lollards'  Tower  in 
which  John  Hunne  met  his  death 
and  where  many  heretics  were  in- 
carcerated was  the  south-west  tower 
of  old  St.  Paul's  which  served  as  the 
Bishop  of  London's  prison,  but  the 


Archbishof  Chichele 


name  was  in  use  for  part  of  the  tower  at  Lambeth  at  least  as  early  as  1647 
for  the  Survey  of  that  date  has  the  entry — "At  the  Northend  of  the  said 
Courte  is  a  greate  Bricke  Buildinge  with  Windowes  opening  towards  the 
Thames  foure  Storeys  high  covered  with  Lead  Behind  which  Buildinge 
alonge  by  the  West  end  of  the  Chappell  is  a  paire  of  Staires  Leadinge 
upp  into  chambers  five  Storeys  high  over  which  is  the  Lollards  Tower  all 
covered  with  lead."^^^ 

It  is  possible  that  this  turret  was  part  of  an  older  tower  demolished 
in  1432,  and  that  Chichele's  predecessor,  Archbishop  Arundel,  a  fierce 
persecutor  of  Lollardry  and  advocate  of  the  1401  statute  "De  heretico 
comburendo,"  may  have  employed  it  as  a  prison,  though  the  usual  prison 
of  the  palace  was  part  of  the  entrance  gate.^^^ 

The  Post  Room  has  been  described  as  a  pleasant  solar  and  the  upstairs 
rooms  were  intended  as  sleeping  apartments.  In  1646  the  tower  was  turned 
into  a  prison  for  "the  faithful,  but  unhappy  Royalists,"i^^  and  it  is  possible 
that  it  was  at  this  time  that  the  name  Lollards'  Tower  became  attached  to 
the  whole  tower. 

The  post  and  panelling  in  the  Post  Room  were  added  in  the  i  7th 
century.  Blore  described  the  tower  as  dilapidated  and  weatherworn  but 
does  not  seem  to  have  made  any  radical  alterations  there.  The  base  of  the 
tower  has  recently  been  turned  into  a  boiler  room  to  serve  the  whole  of  the 
palace  buildings. 


The  Water  Tower  (Plate  72)  is  faced  with  roughly  coursed  Kentish 
ragstone  except  to  the  east  and  south  fronts  which  are  of  red  brick.  At  the 
corner  are  stone  quoins.  It  is  of  four  storeys  above  a  lower  ground  storey, 
but  the  tower  at  the  north-east  corner  rises  one  storey  higher.  The  parapets, 
which  have  been  renewed  in  modern  times,  are  battlemented. 

On  the  west  side  the  square-headed  windows,  each  of  two-lights, 
are  arranged  symmetrically  with  a  niche  between  those  of  the  storey  above 
the  Post  Room.  The  niche,  whose  stonework  is  much  decayed,  is  vaulted 
and  has  moulded  jambs.  It  has  a  two-centred  cinque-foiled  arch  and  a 
crocketed  and  finialled  hood.  There  are  small  flanking  buttresses  with 
moulded  bases  at  each  side  and  the  corbel  shelf  below  has  a  demi-angel 
holding  a  shield,  much  effaced  with  age.  There  are  moulded  string  bands 
round  the  tower  at  the  cill  levels  of  the  Post  Room  and  the  room  above. 

The  turret  at  the  north-east  corner  is  capped  by  an  ogee  roof  with 
moulded  eaves  and  is  faced  partly  in  ragstone  and  partly  in  red  brick,  with 
stone  quoins  at  the  corners.  It  has  a  bell-cote  on  the  south-east  side  with 
cusped  and  traceried  barge-boards  to  its  gable  and  a  bell  dated  1687. 

The  lower  ground  floor  or  semi-basement  room  (now  used  as  a  boiler 
room)  has  a  large  fireplace  recess  in  the  north  wall  and  a  circular  stone  oven 
with  a  tiled  arch  and  domed-top  of  brick. 

The  Post  Room  has  a  stout  central  octagonal  wood  post  with  moulded 
capping  and  four  curved  braces  supporting  heavy  moulded  cross-beams. 



The  main  divisions  of  the  ceiling,  which  is  boarded  in  wood,  are  divided  into 
panels  by  moulded  ribs  with  carved  bosses  at  the  intersections  and  ends. 
Some  of  the  bosses  have  carvings  of  demi-angels  holding  scrolls,  shields, 
crowns,  and  books,  while  others  have  conventional  leaves  or  women's  heads. 
Part  of  this  ceiling  was  destroyed  during  the  war. 

The  south  wall  has  two  plain  pointed  door  openings  with  moulded 
jambs;  the  smaller,  leading  to  a  staircase  in  the  south-east  corner,  has  been 
bricked  up.  Adjoining  to  the  west  is  a  restored  square-headed  two-light 
window  with  cinque-foil  heads.  The  north  wall  has  a  filled  doorway  at  the 
west  end  and  at  the  north-east  corner  a  doorway  which  leads  to  the  spiral 
staircase  and  has  hollow  chamfered  jambs  and  a  four-centred  head.  Part 
of  the  I  yth  century  dado,  two  panels  high,  with  a  moulded  capping  and  dentils, 
which  surrounds  the  Post  Room,  has  escaped  war  damage.  Some  of  the  wood 
benches,  which  are  of  the  same  date  and  have  small  Tuscan  column  posts,  are 
also  intact.    The  doorway  to  the  chapel  in  the  west  wall  is  described  on  p.  95. 

The  rooms  above  the  Post  Room  have  exposed  ceiling  beams  and 
some  1 7th  century  panelling.  There  are  also  doors  of  the  same  date  and  a 
chimney  piece  with  bolection  moulded  architrave  and  moulded  cornice  to 
the  north  room  on  the  second  floor.  The  south  room  has  an  original  stone 
chimney  piece  with  hollow  chamfered  jambs  and  a  flat  four-centred  arch. 

The  two  upper  floors  have  been  seriously  damaged  but  their  original 
chimney  pieces  and  the  heavy  three  inch  thick  riveted  door  to  the  prison 
have  survived. 

The  tower  on  the  north-east  has  garde-robes  on  the  west  side.  The 
spiral  staircase  has  solid  wood  steps  and  to  the  openings  at  each  landing 
there  are  hollow  chamfered  stone  jambs  and  four-centred  heads.  Some  of 
the  openings  have  original  doors. 

Laud's  Tower 

This  tower  seems  to  have  been  erected  by  Archbishop  Laud  mainly 
in  order  to  provide  a  more  convenient  staircase  to  the  rooms  in  Chichele's 


On  the  river  front  Laud's  Tower  is  faced  with  roughly  coursed 
Kentish  ragstone  with  some  courses  of  flint  while  the  south  and  east  sides 
are  mostly  of  red  brick.  The  parapets  are  of  brick  with  stone  copings  and 
there  is  a  flush  stone  band  below  the  parapet  on  the  south  side.  There  are 
stone  quoins  at  the  south-west  corner,  adjoining  which  a  chimney  stack 
projects  forward.   Parts  of  the  brickwork  have  been  restored. 

The  tower  is  of  four  storeys  and  all  the  windows,  which  are  small 
and  of  one  or  two  lights,  have  stone  dressings.  On  the  east  wall  there  is  an 
original  lead  rain-water  head  and  down-pipe  bearing  the  arms  of  the  See 
impaling  Laud  with  the  inscription  "1635  WL." 

The  ground  storey  room  (formerly  a  kitchen)  is  entered  through  a 
stone   doorway   with   chamfered  jambs   and   a   four-centred   head.     It   has 



chamfered  ceiling  beams.  On  the  north  side  there  is  a  doorway  with  moulded 
jambs  and  two-centred  head  leading  to  the  Lollards'  Tower.  Under  the 
stairs  to  the  first  floor  there  is  a  small  cellar  which  has  in  its  south  wall  a  little 
square-headed  window  with  moulded  stone  jambs  and  a  wrought-iron  grate. 
The  room  at  first  floor  level  (now  a  living  room)  has  a  late  17th 
century  doorway  with  enriched  architrave  and  panelled  surround.    It  has 

carved  consoles  supporting  a  richly  detailed 
cornice.  The  wood  cornice  and  cross-beam 
to  the  ceiling  are  moulded  and  the  timber 
framing  to  the  east  wall  is  exposed.  The 
chimney  piece  is  of  stone,  painted  with 
panelled  pilasters;  the  lintel  is  dated  1680. 
The  late  1 7th  century  staircase  with 
moulded  handrail  and  strings  (one  string 
being  of  tapered  shape  on  the  upper  flight) 
has  square  newels  with  plain  ball  terminals. 
Its  balusters  are  turned.  The  short  staircase 
between  the  first  and  ground  floors  is  similar 
but  its  newels  have  plain  cappings. 

The  first  and  second  floors  have 
moulded  and  chamfered  ceiling  beams  and 
there  are  several  original  doors.  The  chimney 
piece  in  the  second  floor  room  overlooking 
the  river  has  panelled  surrounds  and  a  plain 
tablet  set  forward  beneath  the  shelf. 

There  is  early  1 8th-century  panelling 
in  both  rooms  on  the  top  floor;  one  has  a 
chimney  piece  with  a  simple  moulded  surround  and  delft  tiles,  while  the 
other  chimney  piece  has  a  moulded  architrave,  frieze  and  cornice  with  a 
plain  panelled  tablet  to  the  frieze. 

The  Chapel 

As  has  already  been  shown  there  was  a  Chapel  in  existence  early  in 
the  13th  century.  The  present  crypt  appears  to  date  from  that  period  and 
its  foundations  are  probably  those  of  the  earlier  building  of  Hubert  Walter.202 
The  earliest  of  the  Court  or  Account  Rolls  at  Lambeth,  that  for  1234, 
records  payments  to  a  glazier  for  repairing  the  Chapel  windows.^^^ 

In  1243  the  King  induced  the  Bishop  of  Hereford  to  repair  the 
chapel  at  Lambeth  in  anticipation  of  the  arrival  of  Boniface  of  Savoy,  the 
Archbishop  elect,  and  in  the  following  year,  Edward,  son  of  Odo,  a  craftsman 
at  the  King's  Court  was  instructed  to  provide  for  use  at  the  services  a  gold 
chalice,  two  flagons,  two  basins  and  a  silver  thurible."  What  is  left  of  the 
chapel  proper  dates  from  this  time. 

Archbishop  Laud,  to  his  later  undoing,  spent  much  money  and  care 
on  repairing  and  redecorating  the  Chapel.  He  put  in  a  new  pulpit  and  altar 
table  which  he  railed  in.  He  had  the  old  stained  glass  repaired  and  new 

Staircase  in  Laud's  Tower 


glass  was  painted  with  what  his  accuser  Prynne  described  as  Popish  subjects. 
Laud  also  put  in  a  richly  carved  screen  (Plate  69^),  and  pews  including  "a 
pew  for  the  Lords "^^^  because  "many  of  the  Nobility,  Judges,  Clergy,  and 
persons  of  all  sorts,  as  well  strangers  as  Natives, "^"^  were  in  the  habit  of 
attending  there.^''^ 

Pe'd)  Ends  from  Lambeth  Palace  Chapel 

In  November,  1640,  Laud  was  sent  to  the  Tower.  Two  years  later 
Lambeth  House  was  taken  over  by  Commonwealth  soldiers.  The  Chapel 
windows  were  destroyed  and  Archbishop  Parker's  stately  tomb  was 
broken  up. 

At  the  Restoration  Archbishop  Juxon  repaired  the  fabric  of  the 
Chapel,  and  his  successor,  Archbishop  Sancroft,  put  together  so  far  as  was 
possible  the  desecrated  tomb  of  Matthew  Parker.  His  successors  made  few 
alterations  there  until,  in  i  846,  Archbishop  Howley  employed  Edward  Blore 
to  carry  out  a  complete  renovation,  in  the  spirit  of  the  Gothic  revival.  The 
wall  panelling  was  removed  and  a  lofty  groined  roof  was  substituted  for  the 
old  flat  ceiling  which  was  thought,  probably  mistakenly,  to  have  been  a 
Laudian  innovation.*  The  whole  of  the  vaulting  was  elaborately  painted  in 
bright  colours  during  the  time  of  Archbishop  Tait.^^^ 

»  There  is  a  reference  in  the  time  of  Henry  VI  to  the  cleansing  of  "le  Selj-nge  Capellae"^"* 
which  suggests  that  the  Chapel  was  ceiled  and  not  vaulted  at  that  date. 




The  crypt  is  divided  centrally  by  a  row  of  three  Purbeclc  marble 
circular  columns  with  moulded  caps  and  bases.  They,  and  the  moulded 
corbels  at  the  walls,  support  the  two  lines  of  vaulting  which  date  from  the 
early  13th  century.  There  are  four  bays  in  each  line,  and  each  bay  has 
simple  cross-vaulting  with  broadly  chamfered  ribs  (Plates  70  and  71). 

The  walls  of  the  crypt  are  of  stone,  mostly  covered  by  old  plasterwork. 
In  each  bay  of  the  north  wall  there  are  two  small  single-light  windows  each 
with  a  segmental  head  and  splayed  jambs.  The  westernmost  window  has 
been  raised  above  the  rest  and  altered. 

The  south  wall  has  doorways  in  the  two  westernmost  bays  leading 
to  the  cloisters,  one  with  a  rough  square  head  and  wooden  lintel,  the  other 
with  splayed  and  moulded  jambs  and  a  two-centred  segmental  head 
incised  "lO".    One  doorway  has  recently  been  filled. 

The  west  wall  has  a  two-light  window  in  the  north  bay,  each  light 
having  a  segmental  head.  There  is  a  window  seat  below.  There  is  a  similar 
window  and  window  seat  to  the  east  wall  and  adjoining  it  in  the  southern 
bay  there  is  a  doorway  with  two-centred  head  and  chamfered  jambs. 

The  crypt  was  partly  filled  with  earth  prior  to  1907.  Signs  of  the 
level  of  the  former  floor  can  be  seen  on  the  walls. 

The  Crypt 

Most  of  the  crypt  windows  have  external  wrought  iron  grilles  and 
some  have  double  grilles  which  are  coeval  with  the  building.  These  windows 
have  a  very  unusual  detail — their  segmental  heads  are  crowned  externally 
by  a  blind  round-lobed  trefoiled  arch.* 

Adjoining  the  westernmost  door  in  the  south  wall  there  is  a  small 

a  This  unusual  detail  is  also  found  in  the  doorway  of  the  same  date  in  the  west  wall  of 
the  north  transept  of  Chipstead  Church,  Surrey;  possibly  the  same  masons  were  engaged  in 
both  works.208 



niche.   This  was  possibly  used  as  a  holy  water  stoup  or  it  may  have  contained 
a  lamp.    At  one  time  it  probably  had  a  door. 

The  walls  of  the  Chapel  and  crypt,  which  are  of  conglomerate  and 
freestone  partly  faced  with  ashlar,  are  divided  into  four  bays  by  buttresses. 
There  are  triple  graduated  lancets  set  in  recess  beneath  two-centred  curtain 
arches  spanning  between  the  buttresses.    The  buttresses  terminate  at  the 



'i.  .  ^o 



"f„„.i T 

I  yh  Century  Doonvay  in  Chapel 

moulded  string  bands  under  the  parapets.  The  parapets  are  straight  topped 
on  both  north  and  south  sides,  those  to  the  north  being  in  stone  while  to 
the  south  they  are  built  of  red  brick. 

The  east  window  is  of  five  long  graduated  lancets  with  a  flat  gable 
above;  the  window,  like  the  others,  has  stone  dressings,  and  is  set  in  a  wall 
which  has  been  rendered  in  modern  times.  The  upper  parts  of  the  most 
easterly  window  on  the  south  side  are  blocked  while  those  opposite  are 
turned  to  other  use  as  they  are  masked  by  Cranmer's  Tower. 

The  doorway  at  the  west  end  is  of  early  13th  century  date.  It  has 
three  moulded  orders  of  which  the  inner  forms  two  trefoil-headed  door 
openings  and  the  outer  two,  which  are  semicircular,  enclose  a  tympanum. 



The  tympanum  contains  a  sunk  moulded  quatrefoil  with  a  1 7th  century 
cartouche  of  the  arms  of  the  See  impaling  Laud;  there  are  three  cherubs' 
heads  in  the  carving  of  the  cartouche  and  a  mitre  above.  The  jambs  have 
two  free  shafts  and  two  attached,  and  there  are  three  attached  shafts  at  the 
central  dividing  pier.  The  rear  arch  is  segmental  and  moulded,  and  is 
supported  by  a  detached  shaft  at  each  side.  The  shafts  on  both  sides  of  the 
doorway  have  moulded  caps  and  bases. 

The  west  window  is  similar  to  that  at  the  east  end  but  the  cill  is  at 
a  higher  level  and  some  of  the  lights  are  blocked. 

The  chapel  was  burnt  out  during  the  1 939—45  war  and  only  the  outer 
walls  were  left.  Those  fittings  which  were  saved  were  removed  for  safe 
keeping.  They  include  parts  of  the  wood  screen  which  stood  between  the 
third  and  the  most  westerly  bays  and  formed  an  ante-chapel  (Plate  69).  A 
number  of  wooden  benches  and  bench-ends  have  also  been  saved;  these 
have  heads  of  different  cartouche-forms  carved  with  winged  cherubs'  heads, 
swags,  etc. 

All  the  lancet  windows  have  deep  splayed  jambs  and  cills  with 
moulded  rear  arches.  The  arches  are  borne  by  attached  shafts  of  Purbeck 
marble  which  have  moulded  caps  and  bases.  There  is  a  moulded  string 
band  beneath  the  cills.  In  the  middle  of  the  west  window  is  a  semi-octagonal 
oriel  window  with  three  cinque-foil  lights  having  rosette  terminals  to  the 
lower  cusps.  The  oriel  is  of  mid- 17th  century  date  and  has  a  moulded 
cornice  and  ogee  capping  with  a  moulded  cill  below  carried  on  a  carved  demi- 
angcl  who  holds  a  shield  of  the  See  impaling  Juxon. 

The  lower  part  of  the  most  easterly  window  on  the  north  side  is 
filled  and  has  a  pointed  doorway  leading  to  a  vestry  in  Cranmer's  Tower. 
This  work  is  much  altered.  The  upper  part  of  the  window  opens  into  the 
second  floor  of  the  tower  and  contains  an  organ  loft;  it  is  fronted  by  a  stone 
gallery  erected  in  modern  times. 

On  the  south  side  of  the  Chapel,  in  what  was  the  ante-chapel,  stands 

the  altar-tomb  of  Archbishop  Matthew 
Parker  (d.  1575).  It  has  been  cut 
down  and  altered,  and  has  a  moulded 
plinth  at  the  north  and  east  sides 
panelled  with  quatre-foils  and  a 
moulded  Purbeck  marble  slab  with 
an  inscription  recording  the  tomb's 
replacement  by  Archbishop  Sancroft 
after  the  Restoration. 

Cranmer's  Tower 

The  1647  survey  has  the 
entry — "On  the  East  end  of  the 
Chappell  is  a  passage  leadinge  into 
the  Garden  where  is  a  Stone  Staircase 

Landing  at  Top  of  Stairs  in  Cranmer's  Tower        leadinge  upp  tO  a  Brick  buildinge  five 

PLATE   72 

(d)  WAIER  TOW  IK 

WALK,    18:8 

1-,   FROM   niSHOP'S 

PLATE  73 


'fiiiiitiiiiiT  it  1  1 



o       o 
o      o 

■;,„          X 




□  DDDL 





00000*300        O 


oaoeoooo     o 



PLATE  74 



DOOR-WAY       TO      BLI)ROOM       1'1R6T       FL^ 



:           •  f              ? 




1         1 


^  _L  r    r    r    r    :■    r'   , 

1               1               1 


1                1 

5CALt     FOR.    0ETAIL5 







PLATE  76 



PLATE  77 


{a)  SECTION  OF  LIBRARY,  GREAT  HALL,  area   1828 

{b)  GREAT  HALL,   1949 


PLATE  78 

LAMBETH   PALACl'.,    \UK)l    Ol-    (,kl-.Ar   11X1,1.,    1949 

I  &    X    x^ 




Storyes  high  with  a  Chamber  on  each  Story  covered  with  lead.''^^^  This  was 
what  has  come  to  be  known  as  Cranmer's  tower  though  there  seems  to  be  no 
written  evidence  either  to  connect  the  tower  with  his  name  or  to  substantiate 
the  story  that  he  wrote  the  Prayer  Book  in  a  room  there. 


The  style  of  this  tower  suggests  that  it  may  have  been  constructed 
during  Cranmer's  archiepiscopate  and  finished  during  that  of  Pole.  It  is 
built  of  red  brick  with  stone  dressings  to  the  windows  and  stone  quoins  at 
the  corners,  and  has  a  stair-tower  projecting  at  the  north-east  corner.  There 
is  a  moulded  stone  band  below  the  parapets,  which  are  in  brick  with  stone 
coped  battlements.  On  the  west  side  there  is  a  chimney  stack  resting  on 
shaped  stone  corbels.  The  stack  is  embraced  by  the  moulded  band  below 
the  battlements.  The  entrance  on  this  elevation  has  a  square-headed  label 
moulding;  its  stonework,  like  that  to  the  small  single-light  windows  in  the 
stair-tower  and  the  parapets,  has  been  renewed  in  modern  times. 

The  first  storey,  used  as  the  Chapel  vestry,  has  an  original  oak 
ceiling  with  moulded  cornice,  cross-beam  and  joists,  as  well  as  late  1 7th  or 
early  i8th  century  bolection-moulded  panelling.  The  chimney  piece  in  the 
west  wall  has  hollow  chamfered  jambs  and  a  four-centred  arch;  it  is  now 
filled  and  surrounded  by  a  later  bolection-moulded  architrave  with  moulded 
cornice  above.  The  doors  leading  to  the  staircase  and  in  the  west  wall  are 
similarly  panelled. 

The  room  on  the  second  floor  (used  as  an  organ  loft)  has  a  ceiling 
similar  to  that  below.  The  walls  at  third  floor  level  have  plain  panelling  and 
the  ceiling,  like  that  on  the  fourth  floor,  has  a  moulded  beam.  In  the  east 
wall  there  is  a  chimney  piece  similar  to  that  in  the  vestry. 

The  stair  treads,  of  wood  except  between  the  first  and  second  floors, 
are  built  round  a  heavy  central  square  pier  which  has  many  names  and  dates 
carved  upon  it.  The  pier  has  stone  quoins  and  all  the  arrises  are  chamfered. 
The  landings  are  paved  with  old  square  red  tiles.  In  the  east  well  on  each 
landing  there  is  a  window  which  has  been  blocked  since  the  adjoining 
residential  wing  was  rebuilt  in  1829-30.  The  central  pier  stops  at  fourth 
floor  level;  the  landing  at  this  level  is  enclosed  by  a  low  panelled  wood 
screen  with  moulded  angle  posts  and  top  rail.  The  staircase  leading  from 
this  floor  to  the  roof  has  treads  formed  of  solid  balks  of  timber  of  triangular 
section.  Leading  ofl!"  the  landings  are  several  i6th  century  doorways  with 
oak  doors  of  the  same  date,  and  across  the  stair  itself  there  is  a  pointed 
opening  complete  with  rebated  reveals  and  two  embedded  hooks  on  which 
a  door  formerly  swung. 

The  Guard  Room 

It  is  possible  that  the  Guard  Room  was  built  during  the  archiepis- 
copate of  William  Courtenay  (1381-96).^^^  It  was  certainly  in  existence  a 
few  years  later  for  it  is  mentioned  in  the  account  roll  of  1424-25-°^  as  the 
"Camera  Armigerorum."    It  was  probably  in  this  room  that  Sir  Thomas 



More  faced  the  Lords  of  the  Council  and  refused  to  take  the  oath  acknow- 
ledging Henry  VIII  as  supreme  head  of  the  Church  in  England.  After  the 
alterations  made  by  Cardinal  Pole  to  the  Presence  or  Great  Chamber  the 
latter  name  was  sometimes  applied  to  the  Guard  Room. 

The  1 647  Survey  describes  the  Guard  or  Great  Chamber  as  a  "lardge 
Roome  .  .  .  covered  with  lead"  and  approached  from  the  north-east  corner 
of  the  Great  Hall  by  "a  greate  paire  of  Stone  Staires."^^^ 

In  the  time  of  Laud  it  was  said  to  contain  armour  sufficient  for  200 
men,  but,  the  troublous  times  of  the  Civil  War  once  over,  there  was  little 
more  need  for  such  provision  and  the  collection  was  disposed  of  during  the 
1 8th  century.1^5 

After  the  demolition  of  the  long  gallery  the  series  of  Archbishops' 
portraits  which  had  previously  hung  there  were  removed  to  the  Guard 
Room,  where  many  of  them  still  remain.  During  the  1 8th  and  1 9th  centuries 
the  room  was  used  as  a  state  dining  room  and  for  conferences. 

In  1829  Blore  found  the  walls  of  the  Guard  Room  to  be  of  rubble 
and  much  decayed.  He  therefore  shored  up  the  roof  and  rebuilt  the  walls. 
It  is  often  stated  that  he  raised  the  floor  of  the  room  3  feet  in  order  to  provide 
greater  height  to  the  storey  below,  but  he  himself  denied  having  done  so.^^^ 
The  entrance  lobby  and  stairs  from  the  Great  Hall  were  rebuilt  by  Blore. 

The  Guard  Room  suffered  only  slight  damage  during  the  1939-45 
war  but  restoration  has  been  made  more  difficult  owing  to  woodbeetle 


The  Guard  Room  is  faced  with  Bath  stone.  Its  east  elevation 
has  narrow  two-light  windows  to  the  upper  storey  with  buttresses  between. 
There  are  two  trefoil-headed  lancets  in  each  bay  of  the  lower 
storey.  There  is  a  cill  band  under  the  upper  windows  and  a 
moulded  plinth  at  the  base  which  continues  round  the  but- 
tresses. The  latter  terminate  below  the  moulded  band  of  the 
straight  parapet.  The  north  and  south  ends  are  gabled,  and 
the  south  end  has  a  traceried  window  of  triangular  shape  with 
pointed  head  and  bowed  cill. 

The  most  impressive  feature  of  the  interior  of  the 
room  is  its  14th  century  roof  which  was  restored  when  the 
building  was  altered  by  Edward  Blore  in  the  1830's.  It  has 
4  bays  with  two-centred  moulded  arched  trusses  borne  on  corbels  carved 
with  human  figures,  animals  and  foliations.  There  is  pierced  tracery  to 
the  spandrels  above  the  main  members  and  to  the  spandrels  between  the 
moulded  purlins  and  the  curved  longitudinal  wind-braces.  There  is  similar 
pierced  carving  above  the  wall-braces  which  spring  from  the  corbels  and  help 
to  support  the  moulded  wall-plates. 

At  the  centre  of  the  west  wall  there  was  a  heavy  Gothic  stone  chimney 
piece  designed  by  Blore  (Plate  76);  it  had  a  moulded  and  crenellated  shelf  set 
forward  between  traceried  circular  end  columns.    These  had   gorged  tops 


terminated  by  battlements  and  rested  on  shaped  corbels  faced  with  carved 
demi-figures.  It  has  been  replaced  recently  by  a  chimneypiece  of  simpler 
design.  The  room  is  surrounded  by  a  wooden  dado  two  panels  high  with 
a  moulded  top  rail  and  skirting. 

The  entrance  lobby  to  the  south  of  the  Guard  Room  is  built  in  yellow 
stock  brick  with  stone  dressings  to  the  windows  and  stone  quoins  at  the 
corners;  it  has  a  moulded  band  below  the  parapet  and  battlements  above. 
Its  windows  are  square-headed  and  there  is  a  stone  porch 
extending  in  front  of  its  east  elevation. 

The  porch  is  embattled  and  has  two  cinque-foil 
openings  each  side  of  the  entrance  whose  hood  is  set  for- 
ward slightly  and  carried  on  shaped  corbels  with  carved 
head  terminals.  The  spandrels  to  the  hood  have  leaf  orna- 
ment like  the  spandrels  to  the  entrance  under  the  porch. 

The  staircase  has  a  traceried  wood  balustrade  and 
finial  capped  newels,  some  with  foliated  pendants.  The 
ceiling  is  divided  into  square  panels  with  moulded  joists  and  beams  in 

The  Residential  Wing 

In  1647  the  residential  wing  was  described  as  follows:  "Eastwards 
from  the  .  .  .  Chappell  is  the  Dyninge  Parlour  with  a  Dyninge  Chamber 
over  it.  And  att  the  East  end  of  the  Dyninge  Parlour  is  a  faire  long  Wains- 
cotted  Gallery  with  a  tarras  walke  under  it  open  towards  the  Garden.  And 
on  the  backe  of  the  said  Gallery  are  three  Chambers  Wainscotted  being  the 
late  Arch-Bishopps  lodgings  with  a  backe  Staires  Leading  downe  into  three 
Roomes  under  those  Chambers  which  Chambers  and  Gallery  are  covered 
with  tyles.  The  said  Chambers  have  Windowes  openinge  Southward  into 
a  kitchin  Garden.  In  the  Southside  of  the  said  Dyninge  Roome  is  a  little 
Chamber  leadinge  into  the  Presence  Chamber  which  is  a  faire  lardge  Roome 
covered  with  lead.    Under  which  is  a  greate  paved  Roome. "^^* 

The  account  rolls  show  that  there  was  a  Great  or  Presence  Chamber 
and  other  rooms  east  of  the  Chapel  early  in  the  14th  century.  It  is  probable 
that  the  new  oratory  built  by  Archbishop  Arundel  (1397-14 14)  was  in 
this  block.189 

Of  the  many  imposing  ceremonies  which  have  taken  place  at  Lambeth 
perhaps  the  most  elaborate  was  the  creation  by  Henry  VIII  of  two  dukes 
and  two  earls  in  the  Great  Chamber  on  Candlemas  Day,  15 14.  The  King, 
attended  by  many  nobles,  stood  beneath  a  canopy;  trumpeters  in  the 
musicians'  gallery  blew  a  fanfare  and  a  long  procession  of  nobles,  officers, 
trumpeters,  and  minstrels  richly  apparelled  filed  before  the  King.  After  the 
creations,  dinner  was  provided  for  all  comers  in  Morton's  Gatehouse.-"^ 

Cranmer  carried  out  some  alterations  to  the  Great  Chamber  and  his 
successor.  Cardinal  Pole,  completely  transformed  this  wing  by  building  a 
Long  Gallery  on  the  north  and  a  number  of  living  rooms  for  himself  and 
his  servants. 1^^    The  gallery,  shown  on  the  1648  plan  (Plate  60),  was  90  feet 



long  and  1 6  feet  broad.  An  inventory^"^  compiled  after  Pole's  death  gives  an 
interesting  list  of  all  the  rooms  in  this  part  of  the  palace  with  their  furnishings. 

Many  minor  additions  and  repairs  to  the  residential  wing  were 
made  during  the  17th  and  i8th  centuries  but  by  the  beginning  of  the  19th 
century  it  had  become  a  thing  of  "shreds  and  patches."  Blore  reported  in 
1829  that  the  walls  were  "decayed  for  want  of  proper  repairs  and  further 
weakened  by  the  injudicious  insertion,  at  various  periods,  of  new  Doors  and 
windows  and  by  openings  and  alterations  made  for  various  other  purposes."^^^ 
The  basements  were  "dark,  damp  and  filthy,"  the  floors  and  staircases  rotten. 
In  this  wing  he  decided,  probably  correctly,  that  nothing  but  a  complete 
rebuilding  would  suffice.  His  drawings  for  the  north  and  south  elevations  are 
reproduced  on  Plates  83^  and  Soa. 

During  the  1939—45  war  one  section  of  the  north  front  to  this  wing 
which  included  the  drawing  room  was  completely  destroyed.  It  has  now 
been  rebuilt  in  keeping  with  the  rest  of  the  facade  (Plate  83^)  and  the  whole 
wing  has  been  restored  and  adapted  to  modern  requirements. 


The  residential  wing  was  designed  by  Blore  in  Perpendicular  Gothic 
style,  some  of  the  walls  being  on  the  lines  of  old  foundations.  It  is  faced 
with  Bath  stone. 

The  main  elevation  faces  southwards;  the  entrance  is  situated 
centrally  and  is  emphasized  by  its  position  at  the  base  of  a  powerful  tower 
which  stands  four-square  and  rises  above  the  assemblage  of  surrounding 
gables,  turrets,  chimneys  and  parapets.  The  tower  has  octagonal  turrets  at 
the  front  corners  and  square  turrets  at  the  back  rising  above  the  parapets 
and,  like  them,  battlemented.  The  front  turrets  are  divided  into  four  stages 
by  moulded  string  bands;  their  power  is  accentuated  by  the  boldness  of 
the  plinth  mouldings. 

The  entrance  has  a  four-centred  head  and  label  mouldings  with 
square  stops.  The  oriel  window  above  the  entrance  has  moulded  mullions 
at  the  splayed  angles  and  its  tracery  is  divided  into  three  heights  by  transoms; 
it  is  shouldered  back  above  and  has  embattled  eaves.  Below  the  cill  of  the 
oriel  there  is  a  row  of  panels  in  which  are  carved  the  royal  arms  supported 
by  the  arms  of  several  archbishops.  Over  the  oriel  there  is  a  small  two-light 
window  with  a  square  head.  On  this  front  the  band  below  the  tower  battle- 
ments is  elaborated  by  rosettes  and  demi-angels. 

To  the  west  of  the  entrance  there  are  three-light  mullioned  windows 
with  square  heads  on  each  of  the  three  floors,  those  on  the  first  and  second 
floors  being  also  transomed.  There  is  a  moulded  plinth  and  string  bands  at 
first  floor  level  and  below  the  battlemented  parapet.  This  part  of  the  elevation 
is  joined  to  the  Guard  Room  by  a  link  of  two  storeys  which  is  of  similar  detail. 

To  the  east  of  the  entrance  there  is  a  large  five-light  window  whose 
tracery  is  divided  into  three  heights  by  transoms;  it  extends  through  the 
first  and  second  floors  and  lights  the  staircase.  There  are  five  small  ground- 
floor  windows  separated  by  mullions  beneath  it  and  also  narrow  windows 



and  a  small  doorway  at  each  side.  Beneath  the  cill  of  the  large  window  there 
are  quatre-foil  panels  with  foliated  centres.  The  elevation  is  terminated  by  a 
projecting  gabled  wing.  The  wing  has  an  oriel  window  at  the  first  floor, 
with  plain  rectangular  windows  above  and  below. 

There  is  a  square  stone  mounting-block  adjacent  to  the  entrance; 
it  has  trefoiled  panels  at  each  of  its  faces. 

The  north  elevation,  which  overlooks  the  garden  and  abuts  on 
Cranmer's  Tower  to  the  west,  has  similar  detail  but  is  without  a  central 
dominant  feature.  To  the  east  of  the  recently  rebuilt  portion  there  is  a  first  floor 
oriel  window  with  a  niche  above  and  a  bay  window  which  extends  through  all 
three  storeys.  At  the  north-east  corner  there  is  a  gabled  wing  of  four  storeys 
which  has  angle  buttresses  and  a  battlemented  bay  projection  running 
through  three  storeys. 

The  east  elevation  is  divided  by  an  octagonal  turret  and  a  gabled 
wing  adjoining,  which  sets  forward.  The  lower  part  of  the  turret  is  buttressed. 
It  is  approached  by  a  staircase  with  traceried  balustrade.  At  the  south-east 
corner  there  is  a  stumpy  battlemented  tower  and  small  gateway  with  a 
niche  above. 

The  finest  interior  feature  is  the  entrance  hall  with  its  wide  staircase 
(Plate  8i).  The  staircase,  designed  in  Perpendicular  Gothic  style,  has 
delicate  traceried  open  balustrades  and  stone  newels  which  are  embattled 
and  have  foliated  terminals.  The  upper  newels  are  square  and  the  lower 
octagonal;  all  are  panelled  with  traceried  heads.  Where  the  landing  meets 
the  central  first  floor  corridor  there  is  a  graceful  arcade  of  three  bays.  The 
piers  are  faced  by  telescopic  octagonal  buttress  shafts.  The  arches  have  finely 
carved  solid  spandrels.    Above,  there  is  a  simple  open  traceried  balustrade. 

The  ceiling  over  the  entrance  hall  has  graceful  lierne  vaulting  with 
moulded  ribs  and  carved  bosses;  it  is  lit  by  light  thrown  upwards  from  the 
oriel  window,  also  beautifully  vaulted.  The  oriel  opening  has  a  depressed 
arch  with  a  chaste  hollow-chamfered  moulded  surround;  it  is  enclosed  by 
an  open  balustrade  with  an  embattled  top  rail. 

The  secondary  staircase  between  first  and  second  floors  is  less 
elaborate  but  has  an  elegant  ribbed  ceiling  with  cusped  fillings  and  a  foliated 
pendant  at  the  centre.  At  the  second  floor  landing  there  is  a  screen  of  three 
equal  bays.  Each  arch  has  a  depressed  four-centred  head  with  hollow- 
chamfered  jambs.  The  mouldings  rise  from  a  simple  plinth  and  are  not 
relieved  at  the  springings  of  the  depressed  arches.  Each  of  the  arch  spandrels 
has  lightly  carved  relief. 

The  Stables  and  Service  Buildings 

As  can  be  seen  on  the  1648  plan  (Plate  60),  there  were  kitchens  and 
other  domestic  buildings  and  "a  Row  of  Lodginge  Chambers  called 
'Crooked  Lane'"  east  of  the  Great  Hall  and  Guard  Chamber.  A  number 
of  these  still  remained  at  the  beginning  of  the  19th  century  but  they  were 
swept  away  by  Blore  who  erected  new  stables  and  lodgings  for  stafl:'  separate 
from  the  main  palace  buildings.    They  suffered  considerable  damage  during 



the  1939—45  war  but  have  been  in  part  restored.  The  memorial  to  Arch- 
bishop Davidson  in  the  centre  of  the  courtyard  was  erected  in  193 1.  It 
replaced  a  lamp  designed  by  Edward  Blore. 


These  buildings  are  grouped  on  three  sides  of  an  enclosure,  and 
flank  the  courtyard  of  the  residential  wing;  they  are  built  in  yellow  stock 
brick  and  have  entrances  with  simple  pilaster  surrounds  and  flat  hoods.  The 
west  wall  of  the  west  wing  and  the  screen  walls  to  the  north  and  west  of  it 
are  buttressed  and  have  battlemented  parapets. 

The  Gardens  and  Grounds 

The  description  of  the  garden  in  the  1647  Survey  is  as  follows: 
it  "is  scituate  on  the  north  side  of  the  House  which  Garden  is  foure  square 
and  Walled  about  on  the  West  and  North  sides  w""  Brickwalls.  And  on  the 
North  West  corner  is  a  little  House  for  a  Gardner  with  three  Roomes  one 
over  the  other.  And  on  the  West  side  is  a  longe  tarras  Walke  paved  with 
square  Tyles  opening  with  arches  to  the  West  side  of  the  said  Garden  over 
which  is  a  faire  leaden  Walke  with  a  Bankquetting  house  at  the  North  East 
Corner  thereof,  and  at  the  South  end  is  a  Staircase  covered  with  lead.  On  the 
East  side  of  the  said  Garden  is  an  Orchard  sett  with  Apple  trees,  Paire  trees, 
Plum  trees  and  Moated  round  about." 

The  gardens  of  the  palace  have  been  well  cultivated  and  looked  after 
from  an  early  date.  In  1234^^^  fruit  from  the  garden  was  on  sale,  flax  and 
hemp  were  sown,  and  a  new  herbarium  was  laid  out.  In  1319-20^^^  six 
perches  of  wall  in  the  great  garden  were  re-made  and  thatched  with  reeds  and 
the  wall  along  the  Thames  and  at  Stangate  was  repaired.  Among  the  veget- 
ables sown  were  cabbage,  cucumber,  spinach  and  lettuce. 

By  the  15th  century  there  was  a  walk  between  the  Archbishop's 
grounds  and  the  river,206  and  a  ditch  or  sluice  ran  inward  from  the  river 
near  the  entrance  gate.  The  moat,  which  was  still  in  existence  on  the  north 
and  east  sides  of  the  grounds  in  the  i8th  century,  at  this  time  surrounded 
the  whole  property  and  drained  into  this  sluice.  The  1648  plan  (Plate  60) 
shows  a  considerable  amount  of  water  within  the  grounds,  and  a  long  pond 
is  shown  on  the  1750  plan  reproduced  by  Dr.  Ducarel.^^^  This  plan  shows 
the  extent  of  the  grounds  as  just  over  1 2  acres,  a  triangular  area  having  been 
added  at  the  north-west  corner  during  the  preceding  century  for  a  kitchen 
garden.  Archbishop  Cornwallis  (1768-83)  made  a  small  garden  on  ground 
which  he  walled  and  embanked  from  the  river  on  the  west  side  of  Bishop's 
Walk.209  Under  Archbishop  Moore  (i 783-1  805)  the  grounds  were  con- 
siderably extended  to  take  in  about  six  acres  of  Sowters  Lands  to  the  north, 
and  the  whole  of  the  gardens  were  replanned.  The  new  area  at  the  north-east 
corner  near  Carlisle  House  was  laid  out  as  a  kitchen  garden  and  melon 
ground  ;2io  subsequently  Holy  Trinity  Church,  vicarage  and  schools  were 
built  on  part  of  this  ground  (see  p.  75). 

In  1900  the  eastern  half  of  the  palace  grounds  comprising  over  9 



acres  was  opened  to  the  public  as  a  pleasure  ground  to  be  maintained  by  the 
London  County  Council.^^^ 

Parts  of  the  old  boundary  walls,  dating  from  Tudor  times  and  later, 
still  remain.  The  old  red  brick  wall  between  Morton's  Tower  and  the  Water 
or  Lollards'  Tower  was  re-faced  on  the  Lambeth  Palace  Road  frontage  in 
the  i86o's,  diaperwork  in  black  header  bricks  being  introduced  simitar  to 
that  in  the  walls  of  Morton's  Tower.  The  new  boundary  wall  from  the 
Lollards'  Tower  northwards  was  two  to  three  feet  west  of  the  old  line.  Recently 
an  entrance  has  been  found  north  of  Morton's  Tower  during  the  restoration 
of  part  of  the  wall  destroyed  by  bombing. 




The  Church  of  St.  Mary,  Lambeth,  because  of  its  proximity  to  the 
London  residence  of  the  Primate,  has  a  unique  interest  among  the  parish 
churches  of  the  London  area.  It  was  for  many  centuries  almost  an  adjunct 
of  the  palace,  and  many  of  its  rectors  have  been  chaplains  or  household  officers 
of  the  Archbishop  and  often  men  of  considerable  eminence.  Its  bells  rang 
out  whenever  royal  personages  came,  as  they  frequently  did  up  to  the  Stuart 
period,  to  visit  the  Archbishop.  At  its  door  was  the  landing  stage  of  the 
Horseferry  to  Westminster,  and  many  others  beside  Mary  of  Modena  and 
her  baby  must  have  taken  shelter  under  its  walls  on  their  way  to  or  from 
Westminster  and  Whitehall. 

From  the  entry  in  Domesday  Book  we  know  that  there  was  a  church 
dedicated  to  St.  Mary  in  Lambeth  before  the  Norman  Conquest  and  that  it 
belonged  to  the  Countess  Goda,  sister  to  King  Edward  the  Confessor.^  The 
church  was  granted  or  confirmed  to  the  see  or  priory  of  Rochester  by  the 
early  Norman  Kings  and  included  with  the  manor  in  the  exchange  made 
between  the  Prior,  Convent  and  Bishop  of  Rochester  and  the  Archbishop  of 

Canterbury  in  1197.212  Since  that 
time  it  has  been  within  the  gift  of 
the  Archbishop,  but  close  contact  has 
always  been  maintained  with  the  see 
of  Rochester,  to  whom  an  annual 
payment  of  five  marks  was  due  out 
of  the  profits  of  the  rectorate  under 
the  agreement. 

Of  the  mediaeval  church,  only 
the  tower  now  survives.  The  body  of 
the  church  was  rebuilt  in  flint  and 
stone  between  the  years  1374  and 
1377213  and  the  tower  soon  after .21* 
The  older  tower,  built  in  1 243,  was  of 
wood.i®  Lysons,  writing  in  1791,  says 
that  only  the  tower  remained  of  the 
14th  century  church,  "the  other  parts 
of  the  present  structure  appear  to  be 
about  the  age  of  Henry  VII,  and  most 
probably  were  built  at  several  times,  in 
the  latter  end  of  the  15th  and  the 
beginning  of  the  i6th  centuries.  In 
the  list  of  benefactions  to  the  church,  we  find  some  who  contributed  to  the 
building  of  the  north  aisle  in  1504,  others  to  that  of  the  south  aisle  in  1505.^ 

a  Peter  Palmer  of  South  Lambeth,  whose  will  was  proved  in  1499,  left  ;^5  for  the  repara- 
tion and  new  building  of  the  south  aisle  of  "Lamehith  church,"  provided  that  it  was  built  within  two 
years  of  his  decease.^^' 


The  Pedlar  Window 

PLATE  80 

(a)    1829 
(I?)    1950 

PLATE  8 1 




PLATE  8: 


PLATE  83 




fipflrl  „  ""^ 


1(f^      '^^ i  ^  .         "  !Uj=Tf=_=./=j 

M    P 


:n^O J-.-WiJJU 


yl-lr      '         -^ 

■ti     t:    u     '  ■     ■ 

'    *   ^~^^.iJk  *.'.  .t..&*Li  J 

{d)   1829.    {¥)   1949 


Archbishop  Warham  was  a  principal  contributor  to  the  building  of  the  west 
end  in  1522.  The  east  end  was  probably  rebuilt  before  the  list  of  benefactors 
commenced.  Howard's  and  Leigh's  chapels  were  built  in  1522."^^^  Lysons' 
remarks,  combined  with  the  many  entries  in  the  accounts  of  subsequent 
alterations,  indicate  that  little  of  the  14th  century  church  can  have  survived 
in  1 85 1,  when  the  whole  building,  except  the  tower,  was  pulled  down  and 
the  present  church  erected  from  the  design  of  Philip  Charles  Hardwick. 

The  High  Altar  of  the  pre-reformation  church  was  dedicated  to  St. 
Mary  the  Virgin,  and  there  were  also  altars  dedicated  to  the  Trinity  and  to 
St.  John  the  Baptist  and  to  St.  Thomas."  There  are  references  in  the  1 5th 
century  to  a  parish  fraternity  of  St.  Christopher  (alternatively  called  the 
fraternity  of  Our  Lady,  St.  Christopher  and  St.  George),*"  and  in  1519 
sixteen  pence  were  paid  for  two  boards  for  the  gable  end  of  St.  Christopher's 

Entries  in  the  churchwardens'  accounts  reflect  the  doctrinal  changes 
of  the  Tudor  period.  In  the  second  and  third  year  of  Philip  and  Mary's 
reign  £,6  1 3s.  was  paid  for  a  rood  with  figures  of  Mary  and  St.  John,  probably 
to  replace  one  destroyed  in  the  previous  reign,  and  4d.  "for  a  skyn  of  parch- 
ment to  write  mens  names  uppon  ther  pewes."  In  1570  the  rood  loft  was 
taken  down  and  "certen  Copes  and  vessmentes"  were  sold,  "diverse  of  the 
worshipfull  of  the  parishe"  having  a  dinner  at  the  King's  Head  at  the  parish 
expense  to  celebrate  the  occasion.  In  1582  fourteen  pence  was  paid  for 
cutting  down  the  partition  between  the  church  and  the  chancel  and  making 
new  seats.  In  1599  the  pulpit  was  repaired  and  a  board  put  over  it,  but  in 
1 6 16  Archbishop  Abbot  presented  a  new  pulpit  to  the  parish,  while  John 
Hart,  his  solicitor,  gave  a  new  font  and  cover  with  an  inclosure  of  joiner's 
work,  and  Roger  Jesson  of  South  Lambeth  paid  for  the  erection  of  a  gallery.^""^ 

Daniel  Featley,  rector  from  161  8  to  1643,  was  an  enthusiastic  con- 
troversialist against  both  the  Protestant  sectarians  and  the  Roman  Catholics. 
In  1643  hs  ^^s  arraigned  before  the  committee  for  plundered  ministers,  one 
of  the  accusations  against  him  being  "that  the  communion  table  did  stand 
in  the  middle  of  the  chancell;  but  is  now  removed,  and  is  set  at  the  east  end 
of  the  chancell,  and  threeways  compassed  about  with  railes,  the  said  table 
standing  divers  steps  high."  Featley  replied  that  he  had  never  given  any 
orders  for  removing  the  communion  table  but  that  it  stood  as  it  did  when  he 
first  came  to  the  parish,  "only  once,  Mr.  Woodward,  when  he  was  church- 
warden, about  20  yeares  ago,  brought  it  downe  to  the  middle  of  the  chancell, 
and  compassed  it  about  with  a  most  decent  and  usefull  frame,  at  his  owne 
charge;  but  the  parishioners  (finding  the  standing  of  it  there  to  be  very 
inconvenient,   partly  because   it   stopt   up   the   passage   from   Lee's   isle   to 

*  Thomas  Bartelot  in  his  wil],  proved  1490,  desired  his  body  to  be  buried  in  the  parish 
church  of  "Our  Lady  of  Lamehith  before  the  Trinity  altar  or  St.  Thomas's  altar"  and  left  63.  8d. 
to  the  brotherhood  of  St.  Christopher. -i' 

^  John  More,  serjeant  at  arms,  whose  will  was  proved  in  1473,  left  his  lands  and  tene- 
ments in  Lambeth  to  be  sold  to  the  use  of  the  fraternity  of  "Our  Lady,  St.  Christopher  and  St. 
George  in  the  said  church  of  Lamhith."-'^ 



Howard's  chappell,  partly  because  it  debarred  30  or  40  at  least  from  hearing 
the  preacher)  with  publike  consent  removed  it  to  the  place  where  it  first 
stood  time  out  of  mind;  and  is  the  fittest  place  for  it  to  stand  in,  that  the 
communicants  may  best  both  heare  and  see  the  minister.   .   .   ." 

"For  the  steps  .  .  .  the  chancell  had  for  above  60  yeares  such  an 
ascent  .  .  .  and  that,  by  reason  of  store  of  corpses  lately  interred  there,  it 
could  not  be  levelled  without  great  wrong  to  the  dead,  and  danger  to  the 
living,  from  the  stench. 

"But  for  any  new  Popish  ceremonies,  I  have  mainly  opposed  them, 
and  could  never  be  brought  to  .   .   .  turne  the  communion  table  altar-wise. "^^ 

The  entries  in  the  accounts  confirm  Featley's  defence  in  the  main, 
nevertheless  he  seems  to  have  aroused  considerable  animosity  among  the 
puritans.  In  November  his  church  at  Acton  was  raided  and  damaged  by 
rebel  troops  and  his  barns  and  stables  fired.  In  February,  1643,  ^^^  soldiers 
entered  Lambeth  Church  during  service  with  intent  to  kill  him,  but  he  had 
been  warned  in  time  and  kept  out  of  the  way.  He  was  deprived  of  the  living 
in  March,  1643."  The  national  swing  towards  puritanism  is  reflected  in  the 
churchwardens'  accounts,  which  record  the  "taking  downe  the  Screenes*" 
betweene  the  Church  and  y"  Chancell  "^^''  and  the  removal  of  the  Cross  from 
the  steeple  and  its  sale  as  old  iron. 

Few  records  of  the  church  during  the  Commonwealth  period  have 
survived,''  but  a  long  series  of  entries  in  the  burial  register  give  melancholy 
proof  of  the  number  of  royalist  prisoners  who  died  during  their  incarceration 
in  Lambeth  Palace.^^^ 

In  February,  1660,  the  vestry,  always  eager  to  keep  abreast  of 
political  events,  ordered  the  King's  Arms  to  be  set  up  in  the  church.^^ 

In  1668  the  churchwardens  were  instructed  to  lay  a  new  beam  in  the 
middle  aisle  but  no  extensive  works  were  carried  out  until  168 1  when, 
subscriptions  having  been  raised  from  the  parishioners,  the  rector,  Elias 
Ashmole,  and  Boydel  Cuper,  were  appointed  to  treat  with  workmen  for  a 
general  repair.^^ 

In  1698  Ralph  Snowe,  treasurer  to  the  Archbishop,  presented  a 
new  pulpit,  reading  desk  and  clerk's  pew  to  be  placed  "against  the  pillar 
joining  to  the  chancel  on  the  South  side,"  the  seats  there  being  moved  to 
make  room  for  it.^^  Snowe  also  presented  a  large  chandelier,  which  remained 
suspended  from  the  centre  of  the  nave  until  the  rebuilding  in  1851.^"° 

A  gallery  was  erected  at  the  west  end  of  the  church  in  1699  by  sub- 
scription and  the  south  gallery  was  built  in  1708,  Ralph  Snowe  contributing 

*  The  contemporary  account  reads  "Foure  or  five  Souldiers  rushed  into  the  Church 
with  Pistols,  and  drawn  swords,  Affrighted  the  whole  Congregation  out,  wounded  one  of  the 
Inhabitants,  (wherof  he  soon  after  dyed)  shot  another  dead,  as  he  hung  by  the  hands  on  the  Church- 
yard wall,  looking  over  to  the  Palace  Court,  .  .  .  these  Murtherers  were  heard  expressing  their 
rancour  against  the  Doctor,  some  said  they  would  chop  the  rogue  as  small  as  hearbs  to  the  pot."^** 

t"  These  had  been  carved  in  1615.^'"' 

'  The  churchwardens'  accounts,  with  a  few  exceptions,  seem  to  have  vanished  for  the 
period  between  1645  and  1821,  though  G.  Masters,  writing  in  1904.,  stated  that  there  was  then  a 
complete  series  in  existence. 



;^ioo  towards  the  cost.  In  1701  Renatus  Harris  was  paid  £^0  for  an  organ.^- 
Part  of  the  old  oak  casing  of  this  instrument  still  remains,  though  the  organ 
itself  has  been  repaired  and  renewed  on  several  occasions." 

There  is  a  full  description  of  the  church  in  John  Aubrey's  Natural 
history  of  Surrey,  published  in  1 7 1 9 : — 

"The  Walls  .  .  .  are  of  Brick  and  Stone  mixed,  the  Floor  paved 
with  Free-stone,  and  the  Chancel  raised  two  Steps;  the  Bases  of  the  Pillars 
are  Octagonal,  the  Arches,  and  most  of  the  Windows  modern  Gothick,  and 
the  Roof  covered  with  Lead.  In  this  Church  are  three  lies,  or  Chapels;  that 
at  the  East  End  of  the  North  He,  is  called  HOWARD'S  Chapel,  from  the 
Interment  of  some  of  the  Norfolk  Family,  and  one  at  the  East  End  of  the 
South  He,  called  LEIGH'S  Chapel,  where  lye  buried  Sir  John  Leigh,  Son  of 
Ralph  Leigh,  Esq. ;  Lord  of  the  Manour  of  Stockwell,  and  his  Wife.  The 
Inside  of  this  Church  is  light  and  pleasant:  .  .  .  The  Roof  over  the  Nave 
of  the  Church  is  ceiled  with  Plaister,  but  the  Side-lies  with  Timber;  the 
Walls  generally  wainscoated  about  Seven  Foot  high,  and  above  the  Altar 
higher:  The  Pews  are  new  fronted  with  Oak  in  the  North  and  South  lies, 
the  Galleries  have  also  Oak  Bolection  Fronts;  and  over  the  Entrance  into 
the  Chancel  is  the  Decalogue,  between  the  Lord's  Prayer  and  Creed.  .  .  . 
The  Altar-Piece  is  of  a  light  Cedar  Colour,  adorned  with  Pilasters  with  gilded 
Capitals,  Entablature,  and  Compass  Pediment  of  the  Corinthian  Order, 
under  which  is  a  Glory  .   .   .   the  whole  enclosed  with  Rails  and  Ballisters.''^^^ 

Dr.  Ducarel  tells  us  that  "In  1769,  it  was  discovered  that  the  column 
next  westward  from  the  pulpit  had  been  deprived  of  its  foundation  by  digging 
graves  too  near,  and  that,  instead  of  supporting  the  church  walls,  it  was 
suspended,  having  no  solid  bearing.  The  removal  of  the  old  foundation,  and 
establishing  a  new  one  without  damage  being  done  either  to  the  church  or 
the  workmen,  was  greatly  owing  to  the  care  and  assiduity  of  the  late  Mr. 
Thomas  Singleton."^ 

In  1778  "a  handsome  Gothic  portal"  was  put  up  at  the  west  end  of 
the  church  "for  the  convenience  of  those  parishioners  who  kept  carriages." 
The  organ  was  also  improved  at  this  time  and  a  new  gallery  was  built  for 
the  charity  children.^^  Some  repairs  were  carried  out  to  the  body  of  the 
church  in  1844.^'^'' 

The  restoration  or  rebuilding  of  the  church  took  just  over  a  year 
and  the  church  was  reopened  by  Dr.  Sumner,  Bishop  of  Winchester,  in 
February,  1852.221  During  the  long  rectorate  of  Dr.  Lingham  (1854-83), 
a  number  of  additions  and  alterations  were  made  to  the  interior  of  the  church: 
inter  alia,  the  galleries,  which  had  been  restored  by  Hardwick,  were  taken 
down  and  the  present  i  7th  century  communion  rails,  which  had  probably 
come  originally  from  the  church  of  All  Saints,  Maidstone,  and  had  been  for  a 
time  in  the  chapel  of  the  Archbishop's  palace  at  Addington,  were  installed. 
The  next  rector.  Canon  Pelham,  put  in  the  choir  stalls.  He  also  had  the  box 
pews  removed  and  the  sides  used  for  wainscotting  the  aisles.    The  reredos  of 

*  The  first  mention  of  an  organ  in  the  church  is  in  15 17  when  Sir  William  Argall  was 
paid  los.  "for  the  organes."*"" 



terracotta  with  panels  by  George  TInworth  was  presented  by  Messrs.  Doulton 
in  1889.^^^    It  was  taken  down  after  being  damaged  during  the  1939-45  war. 

Dr.  Walpole  turned  the  old  Leigh  Chapel  into  a  Pelham  memorial 
chapel  in  1905-06,  but  after  the  19 14-18  war  it  was  used  as  a  war  memorial 
chapel.  The  St.  Nicholas  Chapel  was  consecrated  in  1923  as  a  gift  to  the 

The  present  hexagonal  wood  pulpit,  from  St.  James's  Church, 
Kennington  Park  Road,  was  set  up  in  1 924,  when  St.  James's  was  demolished. 

The  Font 

The  mediaeval  font  was  painted  and  lined  with  lead.^"  It  was  re- 
placed in  1615  by  a  marble  font  supported  on  an  octagonal  pillar  with  a 
cover  and  enclosure  of  wood,  presented  by  John  Hart,  gentleman.  In  the 
time  of  Nichols  (1786),  the  canopy  was  "handsomely  painted  with  the  text 
round  the  edge  '  Suffer  the  little  children  to  come  unto  me  and  forbid  them 
not ;  for  of  such  is  the  Kingdom  of  God.'  "^"^  This  font  was  removed  to  Holy 
Trinity  Church,  Carlisle  Lane,  in  1851  (see  p.  75);  it  was  replaced  by  the 
present  elaborate  font,  carved  by  G.  P.  White,  when  the  church  was  rebuilt. 
This  is  wearing  badly.  Four  panels  are  filled  with  the  names  and  emblems 
of  the  four  evangelists,  while  in  the  other  four  the  subjects  depicted  are. 
The  Deluge,  the  Israelites  crossing  the  Red  Sea,  Christ  blessing  the 
children,  and  the  Baptism  of  Christ. 

The  font  for  total  immersion  is  below  the  level  of  the  church  and  is 
approached  by  two  flights  of  marble  steps.  It  was  installed  by  John  Andrewes 
Reeve  (rector,  1894— 1903)  in  memory  of  Archbishop  Benson. 

The  Tower 

The  tower  was  built  circa  1378  (see  p.  104).  A  considerable  repair 
was  carried  out  to  the  steeple  and  belfry  in  1522  when  the  Leigh  and  Howard 
chapels  were  built,  and  there  are  frequent  references  in  the  churchwardens' 
accounts  to  the  repair  of  the  bells,  ropes,  etc.  The  tower  was  extensively 
repaired  in   1834-35. 

In  1676  there  were  six  bells.  In  1723  they  were  recast  by  R.  Phelps 
and  made  into  eight,  a  considerable  weight  of  metal  being  added,  and  the 
frames  and  appurtenances  renewed.^  The  sixth  bell  and  the  tenor  were  again 
recast  in  1848  by  C.  and  G.  Mears.^^'*  In  1922  six  of  the  bells  were  recast  and 
all  eight  were  rehung. 

The  Plate 

Mrs.  Featley,  wife*"  of  the  rector,  Daniel  Featley,  by  her  will  dated 
20th  April,  1630,  bequeathed  to  the  church  "a  faire  communion-cup,  to 
be  raised  from  the  sale  of  her  principal  jewels. "^^    In  fulfilment  of  her  wishes 

*  An  engraving  of  this  font  appears  in  Allen's  History  of  Lambeth,  p.  56. 

i"  Prior  to  her  marriage  she  was  Mrs.  Joyce  Holloway  and  "resided  in  a  commodious 
house  in  Kennington-lane."  Dr.  Featley  subsequently  lived  there  with  her,  there  being  then  no 
rectory  attached  to  the  church. 



a  silver  paten  and  silver  gilt  chalice  were  bought.'  A  year  or  so  later,  the 
parishioners  subscribed  towards  a  second  chalice  of  similar  design*"  and  two 
silver  flagons,  at  a  total  cost  of  £2>'^  5s.  3d.  These,  with  the  exception  of  the 
flagons,  are  still  in  use.  The  flagons  were  sold  in  1643,  but  three  more  were 
bought  by  the  parish  in  1664,  and  still  form  part  of  the  church  plate. 


Date  of 


1 197 



















Gilbert  de  Glanville,  Bishop  of 
.?  John  de  Theobaldo. 

John  de  Exton. 

Andrew  de  Brugge. 

John  de  Aulton. 

William  de  Drax  alias  Draper. 

John  de  Colon. 

Thomas  de  Eltesle,  Eltislee  or 
Eltesley,  Sen.,  Chaplain  to 
Archbishop  Stratford  and  first 
master  of  Corpus  Christi  College, 

Thomas  de  Eltesle,  Jun. 

William  of  Lambeth. 

Richard  Wodeland. 

Hugh  de  Buckenhall. 

Nicholas  Slake,  King's  Clerk.  In 
1388  he  was  confined  in  Not- 
tingham Castle  for  high  treason. 

Philip  Roggles. 

John  Elme. 

John  Launce,  afterwards  prebend- 
ary of  Chichester  Cathedral. 

Robert  Rothbury. 

Robert  Derby. 

Henry  Winchestre. 

Thomas  Clyff.    (.'inducted) 

Thomas  Benham. 

Roger  Paternoster. 

John  Bury. 

John  Jerbert/Jerebert. 

Thomas  Eggecombe. 

Thomas  Mason. 

John  Sugden/Sugdon. 

Henry,  Bishop  of  Joppa. 

Date  of 








Nicholas  Bullfynch. 

Thomas  Alleyn. 

Ambrose  Payne,  Chaplain  to 
Cardinal  Bourchier  and  Arch- 
bishop Morton. 

Robert  Chalner  or  Chalener. 

John  Whytwell,  Chaplain  and 
almoner  to  Archbishop  Cranmer. 

Thomas  Hall. 

John  Byrch  or  Burchall. 

John  Pory  or  Porie,  Master  of 
Corpus  Christi  College,  Cam- 

John  Matchett,  Chaplain  to 
Archbishop  Parker. 

John  Bungey,  Chaplain  to  Arch- 
bishop Parker  and  prebendary 
of  Canterbury  Cathedral. 

Thomas  Blage  or  Blague,  Chaplain 
to  Archbishop  Grindal  and  Dean 
of  Rochester  in  1 591. 

Francis  Taylor,  previously  Master 
of  the  free  school  at  Guild- 

Daniel  Featley  or  Fairclough, 
controversialist  (see  p.  105). 
Deprived  1643,  but  buried  in 
the  chancel  of  the  church  in 

John  White,  known  as  the 
Patriarch  of  Dorchester  and  one 
of  the  founders  of  the  Mas- 
sachusetts Company. 

John  Rawlinson,  puritan.  Re- 
moved under  the  Act  of  Uni- 
formity in  1663. 

*  The  cup  has  engraved  upon  it  the  arms  of  Dr.  Featley  impaling  those  of  his  wife  and 
the  inscription — 

"Hunc  calicem  sacrum  donavit  1        Obiit  Oct.  29,  1637 

Joycea  1  Featley 

Donum  sacravit  Daniel,  D.D.  rector  Lambethae''^^ 

•>  The  chalice  is  inscribed — 

"This  belongeth  to  the  church  of  Lambeth  in  Surrey,  anno  1639. 
In  which  year  there  was  a  voluntary  contribution  towards  furnishing  the  communion- 
table with  this  cup,  and  two  silver  flagons." 






Date  of 









George  Wyld,  (instituted  and 
inducted  by  presentation  from 
the  King,  but  did  not  receive 
the  profits  of  the  living). 

Robert  Pory,  Chaplain  to  Arch- 
bishop Juxon  and  Archdeacon 
of  Middlesex. 

Thomas  Tomkyns,  Chaplain  to 
Archbishop  Sheldon  and  assistant 
licenser  of  books. 

George  Hooper,  Chaplain  to 
Archbishop  Sheldon,  afterwards 
Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells. 

Edmund  Gibson,  antiquary  and 
controversialist;  Chaplain  and 
librarian  to  Archbishop  Tenison; 
afterwards  successively  Bishop 
of  Lincoln  and  London. 

Richard  Ibbetson,  Chaplain  to 
Archbishops  Tenison  and  Wake, 
Archdeacon  of  Exeter. 

John  Denne,  antiquary.  He 
had  previously  been  vicar  of 
St.  Leonard's,  Shoreditch,  and 
Archdeacon  of  Rochester.  He 
was  the  father  of  Samuel  Denne, 
who  published  a  history  of 
Lambeth  parish  and  Palace  in 


Date  of 











Beilby  Porteus,  Chaplain  to 
Archbishop  Seeker,  afterwards 
successively  Bishop  of  Chester 
and  London. 

William  Vyse,  Chaplain  to  Arch- 
bishop Cornwallis,  Archdeacon 
of  Coventry. 

Christopher  Wordsworth,  Chap- 
lain to  Archbishop  Manners 
Sutton,  Master  of  Trinity 
College,  Cambridge,  and  author 
of  Ecclesiastical  Biography. 

George  D'Oyly,  theologian  and 
biographer,  and  Chaplain  to  Arch- 
bishop Manners  Sutton.  Founder 
of  King's  College,  London. 

Charles  Browne-Dalton. 

J.  F.  Lingham. 

Hon.  F.  G.  Pelham,  afterwards 
Earl  of  Chichester. 

J.  Andrewes  Reeve,  Chaplain  to 
Archbishop  Temple. 

G.  H.  S.  Walpole,  afterwards 
Bishop  of  Edinburgh. 

T.  G.  Gardiner. 

G.  H.  Aitken. 

F.  O.  T.  Hawkes,  afterwards 
Bishop  of  Kingston. 

A.  L.  Jones. 

H.  Hedley. 

Architectural  Description 

The  ground  plan,  prepared  by  Hardwick  for  his  rebuilding  of  the 
body  of  the  church  in  1851,  is  reproduced  here.  It  follows  closely  the  lines 
of  the  old  foundations  and,  although  outwardly  very  little  of  the  old  masonry 
is  apparent,  it  is  probable  that  some  of  the  old  stones  have  been  incorporated, 
and  that  part  of  the  old  core  may  still  exist.  Both  the  tower  and  the  body  of 
the  church  are  in  coursed  Kentish  ragstone  with  limestone  dressings.  Being 
in  the  Decorated  style,  Hardwick's  rebuilding  is  sympathetic  to  the  old  work, 
although  the  window  tracery  has  a  somewhat  mechanical  appearance. 

The  clerestoried  nave  and  aisles  and  the  vestries  are  all  roofed  in- 
dependently in  slate,  and  each  roof  terminates  in  a  gable  end.  The  roofs  are 
without  eaves,  all  walls  being  topped  by  parapets. 

The   Tower 

The  tower  is  of  four  stages.  It  is  battlemented  and  has  at  its  south- 
east angle  a  semi-octagonal  stair-turret  which  rises  above  the  parapets;  on 
the  south-west  and  north-west  corners  the  tower  is  strengthened  by  angle 
buttresses.  The  tower  stages  are  defined  by  horizontal  string  courses  which 
also  embrace  the  stair-turret.    The  lowest  stage,  which  stands  on  a  moulded 



plinth,  has  at  its  west  elevation  a  five-light  traceried  window.  This  has  a 
middle  transom  beneath  which,  at  the  centre  light,  there  is  a  canopied  niche. 
The  dripstone  moulding  over  the  window  terminates  each  side  against 
uncarved  rectangular  label  stops.    To  the  south  and  west  faces  of  the  second 



Stage  there  is  a  small  plain  trefoil-headed,  single-light  window  with  a  square- 
headed  label  moulding  above  (that  to  the  east  is  similar,  but  is  now  blocked 
by  the  roof  of  the  south  aisle).  The  openings  on  the  west  and  east  elevations 
of  the  third  stage  have  been  filled  and  contain  clock-faces,  while  that  to  the 
south  has  a  window  of  two  lights  each  with  cinquefoil  heads  and  enclosing 
a  small  quatrefoil.  To  the  north  elevation  there  is  a  small  single-light 
window  with  a  square-headed  label  moulding.  At  the  top  or  belfry  stage 
there  are  linked  pairs  of  two-light  louvred  openings  to  each  of  the  four  faces. 
The  tracery  is  similar  in  detail  to  that  at  the  third  stage.  Although  the  tower 
is  old  its  tracery  has  been  renewed  and  the  upper  stage  rebuilt. 

T/ie  Interior 

The  clerestoried  nave  is  arcaded  with  plain  pointed  arches  carried  on 
simple  octagonal  piers.  There  are  five  bays  on  the  north  side  and  four  on 
the  south,  the  southern  arcade  stopping  short  against  the  wall  of  the  tower. 
No  pier  is  directly  opposite  the  corresponding  pier  on  the  other  side. 

The  roof  of  the  nave  is  of  open  timber  construction,  and  the  thrusts 
are  borne  through  bracket  wall-pieces  on  to  stone  corbels  carved  with  demi- 
angels   holding   shields.     The   coats   of  arms   on   the   latter   commemorate 

1 1 1 


SCALE  or  FE£T, 

contributors  to  the  old  fabric.    The  corbels  are  placed  between  the  three-light 
clerestory  windows  and  mostly  date  from  before  the  rebuilding. 

The  chancel  arch  is  elevated  and  has  small  shafts  each  side  while, 

on  the  same  line,  the  aisles  are  separated 
from  the  organ  chamber  and  south  chapel 
by  single  arches.  The  chancel  has  a  boarded 
barrel  vault  ceiling  and  is  well  lighted  by  a 
traceried  east  window  of  five  lights.  Practi- 
cally all  the  stained  glass  in  the  church,  in- 
cluding that  of  the  Pedlar  and  his  Dog  in 
the  south  chapel,  was  destroyed  by  enemy 
action  during  the  1939-45  "^^^  ^""^  ^^s  been 
replaced  by  clear  glass. 

The  tower  walls  are  rendered,  but 
all  the  other  interior  walls  have  been  left  bare 
with  pointed  joints  to  the  dressed  random 

The  only  internal  structural  features 
left  from  the  old  church  are  the  heavy  door 
frame  and  the  studded  door  leading  to  the 
south-east  vestry  and  the  tower  arch  opening 

Doonoay  to  Vestry  ^^  ^j^^  ^^^^j^  ^j^j^^     ^j^j^  j^  tWO-Centred  with 

two  moulded  orders,  the  inner  of  which  rests  on  attached  shafts.   These  have 
moulded  capitals  and  mutilated  bases. 

The  Fittings 

The  old  pews  were  re-used  by  Hardwick,  though  later,  when  the 
church  was  re-seated,  the  pew  ends  and  doors  were  moved  to  form  a  con- 
tinuous dado  round  the  walls. 

When  the  galleries  were  taken  down  soon  after  the  rebuilding,  the 
organ,  which  had  stood  in  the  west  gallery,  was  removed  to  the  east  end  and 
placed  in  the  chapel  on  the  north  side  of  the  chancel.  Though  altered  and 
enlarged,  it  retains  certain  original  features,  including  the  enriched  entwining 
motif  to  the  frieze  and  the  carved  cherubs'  heads  beneath  the  larger  pipes  at 
the  centre. 

The  late  17th  century  communion  rails  have  double  gates  at  the 
centre  and  their  square  posts  have  panels  carved  with  flowers,  leaves,  and 
ribboning  to  the  front  faces.  Both  upper  and  lower  rails  are  moulded,  the 
upper  rail  also  being  enriched.  The  balusters  are  turned  and  delicately 
carved  with  square  blocking  pieces  at  the  rails.  Parts  of  the  communion 
rails  are  also  used  as  an  enclosure  to  the  baptistry  under  the  tower.  (Plate  92.) 

Monuments,  Tablets,  etc.,  in  the  Church 

The  finest  of  the  monuments  still  remaining  are  the  two  Gothic 
altar-tombs  on  the  north  and  south  sides  of  the  chancel.  That  on  the  north 
is  in  memory  of  Hugh  Peyntwyn.    The  lower  part  of  the  tomb  sets  forward 



PLATE  84 






PLATE  85 






L;^         L-^J 

MORTON'S  TOWER,   1869 

IM-AFF,   86 

(rt)    1784.     {h)    1950 

PLATE  87 




PLATE  88 






FT  10               3  O 

I I 





PLATE  89 





I!    9     e      h     o 

iCAU      07        I  ■  1  I  ■  I  I  I  ■  I  1  ■  ]   _ 






'f t ! 



PLATE  90 




PLATE  91 














PLATE  92 

















-  U 

PLATE  93 





















PT.ATK  94 


PLATE  95 

H  I 










1  ii 









^^.  1 








i.  ■ 


~7-~i'  i  ■ 




gp= — '~J 













slightly  from  the  wall.  Immediately  under  the  slab  there  are  three  somewhat 
damaged  sub-cusped  quatrefoiled  square  panels,  each  of  which  has  a  shield 
with  the  Peyntwyn  arms  : — Gules;  three  thistles  or,  leaved  and  slipped  vert. 
Below  these  panels  there  are  three  other  square  panels  each  having  a  quatrefoil 
with  a  blank  shield  in  the  centre.  The  lower  range  of  panels  and  the  slab  are 
in  Purbeck  marble.  Above  the  slab  the  monument  is  recessed.  The  recess 
has  an  architrave  surround  and  is  flanked  at  each  side  by  semi-octagonal 
shafts.  These  stand  on  bases  and  support  a  foliated  cornice  with  cresting  of 
Tudor  flowers.  The  cornice  breaks  forward  for  three  shields  bearing 
Peyntwyn  arms.  Above  the  four-centred  arch  enclosing  the  recess  are 
traceried  spandrels.  The  splayed  reveals  and  the  back  of  the  recess  are 
treated  similarly,  the  back  being  divided  into  three  panels  in  the  centre  of 
which  are  indents  of  two  figures  with  scrolls  between  them.    (Plate  90.) 

Hugh  Peyntw^Ti,  who  died  in  1504,  describes  himself  in  his  will'^^^  as  "Doctor  of  Laws 
and  Archdeacon  of  Canterbury."  He  asked  for  his  body  to  be  buried  in  the  chancel  of  St.  Mary, 
Lambeth  next  to  the  right-hand  corner  of  the  altar.  He  bequeathed  5  marks  for  the  altar  and  5  for 
the  fabric  of  the  church  and  made  other  charitable  bequests. 

The  altar-tomb  on  the  south  side  of  the  chancel,  though  recessed  and 
of  similar  character,  is  slightly  less  rich  in  detail.  Beneath  the  slab  the  panels, 
with  shields  in  their  quatrefoils,  are  less  elaborate.  The  slab  is  in  Purbeck 
marble,  and  above  it  to  the  centre  panel  of  the  recess  is  an  indent  of  a  kneeling 
man  with  two  scrolls  above  his  head.    (Plate  89.) 

The  inscription  has  been  effaced  but  a  notice  states  that  it  is  the  tomb  of  John  Mompesson 
who  died  in  1 524.  This  information  is  derived  from  Ducarel's  History  of  Lambeth^  where  a  Latin 
inscription  purporting  to  be  from  this  tomb  is  given  in  full.  It  says  that  John  Mompesson  Esquire, 
of  Bathampton,  Wilts.,  was  of  the  household  of  Archbishop  Warham,  and  married  Isabel, 
daughter  of  Thomas  Drewe.  Nichols,  however,  in  his  annotations  of  Ducarel,  says:  "The  tomb 
supposed  to  be  Dr.  Mompesson's  is  robbed  of  its  inscription;  yet  on  six  several  shields  is  carved  a 
lion  rampant  impaled  with  Ermine,  a  lion  passant  guardant "  (the  Mompesson  arms  impaled  with 
those  of  Drewe).  Aubrey's  Natural  history  of  Surrey,  1719,1'^  makes  no  mention  of  Mompesson, 
but  Vincent  in  the  mid-seventeenth  century^^*  has  a  note  of  "a  Monument  erected  in  ye  wall  for 
Dr  Mompesson  Mr  of  ye  Prerogative  of  ye  Archbishop  of  Canterbury."  Scratched  on  the  matrix 
from  which  the  old  brass  tablet  has  been  removed  are  the  following  lines  : 

"Heare  ys  the  tome  of  docter 

Mompesson  somtyme  master 

of  the  prog   ....  off"  the 

byshope  of  [Cantejrbury" 
Reference  to  their  wills  shows  that  John  Mompesson,  the  elder,  whose  wife's  name  was 
.Ajine,  died  in  1 502,  and  desired  to  be  buried  in  his  "new  chapel  at  Bathampton."  His  heir  was 
John  Mompesson,  "son  to  my  son  Drew."  His  son,  "Henry  Mompesson  doctor"  was  one  of  his 
executors.^2*  John  Mompesson  junior  married  Alice,  daughter  of  Sir  John  Leigh,  and  died  in  i  5 16. 
He  asked  to  be  buried  in  the  parish  church  of  Steeple  Langford.--'  From  its  general  appearance  and 
design  the  Lambeth  tomb  must  date  from  about  the  beginning  of  the  i6th  century,  and  the  only 
likely  member  of  the  Mompesson  family  to  have  been  buried  there  seems  to  be  Henry,  who  died  in 
1 509,  and  who  had  been  employed  in  Warham's  household.--' 

Also  in  the  chancel  is  a  tablet  to  John  Mason,  King's  Barge  Master, 
who  died  in  1768,  aged  67,  as  well  as  inscriptions,  not  of  contemporary  date, 
in  memory  of  Cuthbert  Tunstall  (i 474-1 559),  Bishop  of  London,  and 
Richard  Bancroft  (1544-16 10),  Archbishop  of  Canterbury. 


Cuthbert  Tunstall 



Archbishop  John  Moore  (i  730-1 805)  was  buried  in  the  church, 
but  apparently  no  tablet  or  floor  slab  remains. 

On  the  north  wall  of  the  organ  chamber  is  a  simple  rectangular  tablet 
to  Frederick  Cornwallis,  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  who  died  in  1783. 
Above  it  has  arms  and  an  Archbishop's  mitre  enclosed  by  scrolls,  and  below 
a  plain  shield  with  drapery  in  folds.    Its  brief  inscription  is  in  Latin. 

Other  tablets  on  the  north  wall  include  one  of  sarcophagus  type  to 
James  Morris,  who  died  in  178  i.  It  is  of  marble  and  has  weeping  female 
figures  below  the  sarcophagus  at  each  side.    The  sculptor  was  Flaxman. 

The  white  marble  tablet  to  Matthew  Hutton,  Archbishop  of  Canter- 
bury, who  died  in  1758,  has  consoles  at  each  side  of  the  inscription  (In  Latin) 
and  an  urn  above.  There  is  a  shield  on  the  pedestal  of  the  urn  bearing  arms 
surmounted  by  an  Archbishop's  mitre. 

Below  Archbishop  Hutton's  tablet  is  a  brass  inscribed  to  Margret 
Chute,  who  died  in  childhood  in  1638. 

High  above  Archbishop  Hutton's  tablet  is  a  plain  marble  tablet  to 
"Raphe  Snowe,"  who  was  registrar  to  four  Archbishops,  and  who  died  in 
1707,  aged  94.  Directly  beneath,  on  the  same  wall,  is  a  simple  tablet  to 
Peter  Dollond,  optician,  who  died  in  1820,  aged  89. 

On  the  east  wall  of  the  organ  chamber  is  a  brass,  not  in  its  original 
position,  in  memory  of  Lady  Katherine  Howard,  who  died  in  1535.  She  is 
depicted  wearing  pedimental  head-dress  and  a  long  mantle  which  bears  the 
arms  of  Howard  with  the  Flodden  augmentation.  At  her  feet  is  a  squirrel 
holding  a  nut. 

On  the  north  wall,  also  moved  from  its  original  position,  is  a  brass  to 
Thomas  Clere,  who  died  in  1545.  He  is  dressed  in  plate-armour  and  has 
above  his  head  the  quartered  arms  of  Clere  and  Uvedale. 

In  the  chancel,  floor  slabs  mark  the  resting  places  of  Archbishops 
Tenison,  Hutton,  and  Cornwallis,  while  under  the  east  arch  of  the  tower 
there  is  a  floor  slab  In  memory  of  Archbishop  Seeker.  In  front  of  the  south 
chapel  altar  is  a  slab  to  Ellas  Ashmole,  founder  of  the  Ashmolean  Museum 
who  died  in  1692.    The  slab  was  recut  In  1853. 

At  the  east  end  of  the  north  aisle  adjoining  the  altar  there  is  a  marble 
pedestal  surmounted  by  a  bust  In  white  marble  to  Thomas  Lett,  High  Sheriff 
for  the  County  of  Surrey,  who  died  in  1830.  The  monument  was  carved  by 

On  the  east  wall,  obscured  by  the  organ.  Is  a  large  tablet  to  Thomas 
Lett  the  elder,  who  died  in  1820.  Beneath  this  tablet  is  a  floor  slab  to  John 
Middleton,  who  died  in  1833,  aged  82.  The  Inscription,  also  partly  obscured 
by  the  organ,  refers  to  his  "several  literary  works." 

The  semi-circular  panel  at  the  west  end  of  the  north  aisle  is  in  Coade 
stone.    It  was  taken  from  a  decayed  headstone  in  the  churchyard  in  1939. 

The  tablets  to  Mercy  Weller  (d.  i  887)  and  John  Hernaman  (d.  1899) 
on  the  south  wall  have  panels  carved  by  George  Tinworth. 



Tablets  in  South  Porch 

Of  the  tablets  in  the  south  porch,  that  to  Sir  Peter  Rich,  who  died  in 
1692,  is  of  most  interest.  The  inscription  is  on  a  convex  surface  surrounded 
by  winged  cherubs'  heads,  flowers  and  scrolls.  At  the  foot  of  the  tablet, 
which  is  of  marble,  there  is  a  skull. 

Over  the  door  into  the  church  are  the  remains,  a  bust  and  an  inscrip- 
tion, of  the  monument  to  Robert  Scott,  who  died  in  163  i,  and  was  descended 

from  the  Barons  of  Bawerie  in  Scotland. 
Formerly  the  bust  was  placed  in  a 
circular  surround,  over  which  there 
were  arms  in  a  broken  segmental  pedi- 

Other  tablets  include  that  to 
Mrs.  Judith  Ralegh,  who  died  in  1 701 . 
It  is  in  white  marble,  draped  at  the 
sides,  with  folds  forming  the  inscription 
surface;  above  the  inscription  is  a 
plain  shield.  She  married  Capt.  George 
Ralegh,  Deputy  Governor  of  Jersey, 
and  a  nephew  of  Sir  Walter  Raleigh.^^ 
Adjoining  is  a  plain  tablet  to 
"WILLIAM  BACON,  of  the  Salt 
Office,  London,  Gent,  who  was  killed 
by  thunder  &  lightning  at  his  window 
July  12—  1787,  aged  34  years." 

Another  plain  tablet  records 
the  death  in  action  at  Waterloo  of 
Lieutenant  Henry  Buckley  of  the  i  5th 
Hussars.   He  was  only  18. 

Many  monuments  and  tablets 
were  destroyed  in  1851  and  a  number 
have  been  resited  since. 

Tombs,  etc.,  in  Churchyard 

In  the  churchyard,  which  is  enclosed  by  ragstone  walls  and  railings, 
there  are  five  tombs  of  special  interest. 

The  Tradescant  and  Bligh  tombs  are  to  the  east  of  the  church;  that 
to  the  Tradescant  family  is  in  natural  stone  and  has  carved  panels  depicting 
ruins  of  buildings  on  the  north  and  south  taces.  The  east  end  has  a  shield 
with  crest  and  mantling  which  bears  the  Tradescant  arms.  To  the  west  there 
is  a  boldly  carved  seven-headed  bird  with  a  skull  beneath,  and  at  the  corners 
stunted  trees  with  heavy  foliation.  The  tomb  is  surrounded  by  iron  posts  and 
chains  and  has  a  moulded  plinth  and  cornice.  The  flat  slab  above  the  cornice 
has  an  inscription  stating  that  the  tomb  was  originally  erected  in  1662, 
repaired  in  1773,  and  entirely  restored  in  1853.  The  sculptor  for  the  1853 
restoration  was  G.  P.  White,  who  two  years  previously  had  carved  the  font. 



The  Bligh  tomb  adjoins  that  of  the  Tradescants.  It  was  erected  in 
1 8  14  in  Coade's  artificial  stone  and  is  of  Grecian  form  surmounted  by  an 
urn.   The  inscription  to  the  west  face  reads — 


TO    THE    MEMORY    OF 

WILLIAM  BLIGH,  esquire,  f.r.s. 







ON    THE    7™     DAY    OF    DECEMBER,     1 8  1 7, 

AGED    64."* 

The  tomb  also  commemorates  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Bligh,  who  died  in 
1 8 12,  as  well  as  William  and  Henry,  their  twin  sons,  who  died  in  1795,  aged 
one  day;  also  there  is  an  inscription  to  William  Bligh  Barker,  a  grandson, 
who  died  in  1805.  The  tomb  has  consoles  at  each  end  and  is  pedimented  at 
each  face  with  scalloped  acroteria  at  the  corners. 

Immediately  to  the  south  of  the  tower  is  the  tomb  of  the  Sealy  family, 
whose  name  was  linked  with  those  of  the  Coades  in  the  manufacture  of  artificial 
stone  (see  pp.  58  and  59).  The  tomb,  which  is  in  this  material,  is  marked 
'COADE  &  SEALY'  in  several  places.  It  is  surmounted  by  a  flaming  urn 
entwined  by  a  snake,  and  is  square  on  plan  with  pediments  at  each  face. 
There  are  acroteria  at  each  corner  above  inset  Greek  Doric  columns.  The 
tomb  was  erected  in  1808.    It  is  inscribed  as  follows — 

West  panel — 

Sacred  to  the  memory  of 

M"  JOHN  SEALY  who  died  in  africa  in   18 17  aged  28  years. 

M"  CHARLES  SEALLY  died  august   19™   1832  aged  38  years 

M"  OFFLEY  SEALLY  died  august   19™    1832  aged  2S  years'* 

M"  FRANCIS  SEALY  died  at  S^  Andrews 

Upper  Canada  Dec"  25™    1843  aged  59  years. 

*  This  inscription  was  cut  into  the  artificial  stone  after  the  tomb  was  erected  as  were  parts 
of  the  inscriptions  on  the  Sealy  tomb. 

b  The  double  L  in'Charles  and  Offley  "Seally"  has  been  altered  to  "Sealy." 



South  panel — 

Within  this  Vault  are  Deposited  the   Remains  of 

WILLIAM  SEALY  of  this  Parish, 

(Son  of  JAMES  SEALT  late  of  Exeter  Merchant  and  Mart  his  Wife 

Daughter  of  Thomas  Enchmarch  Merchant,  formerly  of  Tiverton  Devon) 

He  Died  the  257   October    1800  Aged  48   Years. 

Also  of  HARRIETT  SEALY,  Daughter  of  the  above  William  Sealy, 

and  Harriett  his  Wife,  Late  Harriett  IVilmot. 

She  Died  the  4^"   March    1799,   in  the    li'^f  Year  of   her  Age. 

Likewise  of  THOMAS    SEALY,  Son  of  Thomas    Enchmarch  Sealy, 

Of  Tiverton  aforesaid,  and  Sergeant  in  the  Lambeth  Volunteer  Corps 

HE  Died  suddenly  the  7™  January   1804  Aged  20  Years. 


Also  M".'  HARRIET  SEALY,  Wife  of  the  above 
WILLIAM   SEALY,  Died  July  23«.''    1842,  Aged  82   Years. 

East  panel — 

Sacred  to  the   Memory  of 


Wife  of  Mr.    Iohn  Sealy  of  this  Parish,   and 

eldest  daughter  of  Iohn  Corlyn  Esq"   late  of 

the  Pump-House   near  Bromsgrove  Worcestershire 

She  died  24™  august   1807,  aged   54. 


also  of  Mr.    iohn  SEALY,   h[usban]d  of  the  above, 
who   departed  this   life  the  [22"°   day]   of  OCTOBER    1 8 1 [3] 

in    THE    64™    YEAR    OF    HIS    AGE 

The  north  panel  is  without  inscription. 

Near  the  west  boundary  of  the  churchyard  adjoining  the  footpath  is 
a  plain  table-tomb,  with  moulded  sides,  to  the  Field  family.  It  has  inscription 
panels  set  forward  at  each  face,  of  which  one  reads:  "To  the  Memory  of 
M«  JOHN  FIELD  of  this  Parish,  Wax  Chandler  who  died  the  8'."  of  July 
1790  Aged  48  Years." 

The  other  tomb  of  interest  lies  close  to  the  south  boundary  of  the 
churchyard.  It  was  probably  set  up  about  1834.  It  is  to  the  Ducrow  family 
who  were  proprietors  of  Astley's  Amphitheatre  (see  p.  71). 

South-east  of  the  porch  is  a  grave-slab  in  memory  of  John  Stevenson, 
who  in  I  8  14  was  killed  by  a  stag  at  Astley's. 

Also  worthy  of  note  is  the  tablet  on  the  south  wall  of  the  tower  in 
memory  of  Ann  Richards,  who  died  in  1794  at  a  ripe  old  age  and  had  been 
for  "upwards  of  sixty  years  midwife  in  this  parish." 




Some  authorities  hold  that  there  was  an  ancient  British  ford,  sub- 
sequently used  by  the  Romans  near  the  site  of  Lambeth  Palace  or  a  little 
down  the  river  at  Stangate.-^^  Whether  this  was  so  or  not,  It  Is  certain  that 
from  the  time  of  the  establishment  of  a  town  house  of  the  Archbishops  of 
Canterbury  at  Lambeth  there  must  have  been  a  constant  plying  across  the 
river  between  Lambeth  House  (or  Palace)  and  the  King's  palace  at  West- 
minster, especially  as  many  of  the  mediaeval  Archbishops  held  high  offices 
of  state.  In  1367,  for  example,  a  sum  of  ^^ 1 6  was  paid  to  the  clerks  of  chancery 
for  a  barge  "for  passage  to  and  fro  across  the  Thames  to  the  manor  of 
Lambheth  of  Simon  archbishop  of  Canterbury  the  chancellor  where  the  Inn 
of  chancery  Is  now  held,  and  for  wages  of  the  keepers  of  the  said  barge. "^^ 

When  the  Horseferry  was  first  established  at  Lambeth  is  not  known. 
The  earliest  specific  reference  to  It  which  has  been  found  Is  in  the  year  1 5 1 3,^'^^ 
when  the  Archbishop  granted  the  ferry  over  the  Thames  from  Lambeth  to 
Westminster  to  Humphrey  Trevilyan  at  the  rent  of  1 6d.  a  year.  A  provision 
was  Included  In  the  grant  that  the  Archbishop  and  his  servants  and  his  goods 
and  chattels  should  be  carried  free.  Similar  grants  of  a  later  date  are  to  be 
found  among  the  records  at  Lambeth  Palace.  In  Thomas  Cromwell's 
accounts^^  for  the  year  1538  is  an  entry  for  the  "ferryage"  of  his  horses  at 
Lambeth  and  there  is  also  extant  a  bill  dated  1546  from  Edmonde  Lewes, 
"Feryman"  for  ferrying  the  king's  horses  "over  the  water  at  Lambyth 

Archbishop  Laud's  arrival  at  Lambeth  was  marked  by  an  accident 
which  was  afterwards  regarded  as  an  omen  of  his  unhappy  fate.  The  over- 
laden ferryboat  as  it  crossed  the  river  with  his  servants  and  horses  sank  to 
the  bottom,  though  happily  without  loss  of  llfe.^^"  The  Incident  was  remem- 
bered when  in  1656  a  like  accident  befell  Protector  Cromwell's  coach  and 
horses  and  It  was  suggested  that  he  too  might  be  heading  for  dlsaster.'^^^ 

During  the  Civil  War,  Lambeth  Ferry  was  confiscated  with  the  rest 
of  the  Archbishop's  property,  and  on  6th  December,  1648,  was  sold  to 
Christopher  Wormeall.-^-  On  7th  July  of  that  year,  when  there  was  insurrec- 
tion in  Surrey,  Instructions  were  issued  to  the  keepers  of  the  various  ferries 
over  the  Thames  from  Lambeth  upwards,  "the  better  to  prevent  the  con- 
fluence of  people  to  those  who  have  taken  up  arms  against  the  Parliament," 
to  arrange  for  the  Horseferry  boat  to  be  kept  on  the  Middlesex  shore  between 
sunset  and  sunrise,  and  for  guards  to  be  placed  "so  that  none  be  suffered 
to  pass  In  the  daytime  except  market  people,  and  such  as  have  business  from 
the  State  and  passes  to  warrant  their  crossing  over."^^^ 

At  the  Restoration  the  ferry  reverted  to  the  Archbishop.  In  1 664  he 
granted  a  lease  of  It  to  Mrs.  Leventhorp,'^^*  whose  successors  do  not  seem  to 
have  carried  out  their  public  obligations,  for  some  40  years  later  the  church- 
wardens   and    inhabitants   of  the    parish    of    St.    Margaret,    Westminster, 



complained  of  Mr.  Leventhorp's  "usurping  the  whole  profits  of  the  horse- 
ferry,  and  neglecting  to  repair  the  roads  leading  thereto. "-^^ 

In  1688  Lambeth  Ferry  was  the  scene  of  one  of  the  most  dramatic 
events  connected  with  the  expulsion  of  the  Stuarts.  On  the  night  of  9-ioth 
December,  Mary  of  Modena,  James  II's  queen,  and  the  baby  prince  (after- 
wards the  Old  Pretender)  with  two  nurses  left  Whitehall  under  the  guidance 
of  De  Lauzun  and  St.  Victor,  and  drove  to  the  Horseferry.  The  night  was 
stormy  and  so  dark  that  the  passengers  could  not  see  each  other  in  the  boat 
though  they  were  closely  seated.  According  to  some  accounts  the  queen  and 
her  baby  had  to  spend  an  hour  under  the  walls  of  the  old  church  waiting  for  a 
coach,"  but  St.  Victor  records  that  a  coach  and  six  were  ready  in  an  inn 
adjoining  the  landing  place  and  took  the  party  to  Gravesend.-'^^ 

Kip's  view  of  Lambeth  Palace,  reproduced  on  Plate  64,  shows  the 
ferryboat  crossing  the  river.  It  suggests  that  the  ferry  plied  to  and  from 
Lambeth  Palace  stairs,  but  this  was  not  so,  the  landing  place  on  the  Lambeth 
side  being  a  little  farther  south.''  On  arrival  there  traffic  turned  left  for  a  few 
yards  along  the  northern  end  of  Fore  Street  (now  swallowed  up  by  the 
Albert  Embankment)  and  then  to  the  right  along  Church  Street  (now 
Lambeth  Road). 

An  account  of  the  terry  in  the  year  i  708  contains  details  of  the  fees 
charged — 

"  For  a  Man  and  Horse 
For  Horse  and  Chaze 
For  a  Coach  and  2  Horses 

a  Coach  and  4     . 

a  Coach  and  6 

a  Cart  loaden 

a  Cart  or  Waggon,  each 

S.        d. 

.      0        2 

I        0 

I     6 

2     0 

2     6 

2     6 

2     0 

As  early  as  1664  a  proposal  was  made  for  the  building  of  a  bridge 
between  Westminster  and  Lambeth,  but  had  to  be  dropped  because  of  the 
opposition  of  the  citizens  of  London  and  the  watermen.-^^  It  was  not  until 
1736  that  an  Act  was  passed  authorizing  the  building  of  a  bridge  at  West- 
minster.^'*^ The  Act  provided  for  the  payment  of  compensation  to  the  Arch- 
bishop and  his  lessees  for  damage  to  the  Horseferry,  and  on  the  opening  of 
the  bridge  in  1750  a  sum  of  ^"3, 780  was  paid  over  and  the  Horseferry  ceased 
to  operate.  It  appears  from  the  enquiries  made  at  the  time  that  the  profits 
of  the  ferry  during  its  last  seven  years  amounted  to  /"92  8,  a  sum  which  would 
have  been  much  increased  if  the  patentees  had  not  been  at  the  expense  of 

*  See,  for  example,  Macaulay — "She  remained  with  her  child,  cowering  for  shelter  from 
the  storm  under  the  tower  of  Lambeth  Church  and  distracted  by  terror  whenever  the  ostler  ap- 
proached her  with  his  lanthern."-^'  Macaulay  also  tells  us  that  when  James  II  took  flight  the  next 
night  he  crossed  the  Thames  from  Millbank  to  Vauxhall  in  a  small  wherry.  "As  he  passed  Lambeth 
he  flung  the  great  seal  into  the  midst  of  the  stream,  whence,  after  many  months,  it  was  accidently 
caught  by  a  fishing  net  and  dragged  up." 

''  The  Horseferry  landing  place  is  clearly  shown  on  Rocque's  and  other  1 8th  century  maps. 



building  two  new  boats  "the  Ferry  being  in  a  very  bad  condition  at  the 
commencement  of  these  7  years. "^^^ 

In  1737  an  amending  Act^^^  had  been  passed  providing  inter  alia  for 
the  new  bridge  to  be  built  either  from  New  Palace  Yard  or  on  the  site  of  the 
Horseferry.  The  erection  of  Westminster  Bridge  put  an  end  for  the  time  being 
to  proposals  for  a  bridge  on  the  Horseferry  site,  but  at  the  beginning  of  the 
19th  century  these  began  to  revive.  In  i  809  an  Act"**^  was  actually  passed  for 
the  erection  of  a  bridge  on  that  site,  but  nothing  came  of  it.  In  1828  two  bills, 
one  for  the  construction  of  a  stone  bridge,  to  be  called  "the  Royal  Clarence 
Bridge,"  and  the  other  for  a  chain  suspension  bridge,  were  introduced  into 
the  House,  but  because  of  the  opposition  they  excited  were  not  proceeded 
with.2*i  In  1 836^*'^  an  Act  was  passed  incorporating  the  Metropolitan  Suspen- 
sion Bridge  Company  for  making  a  bridge  at  Lambeth,  but  nothing  was 
done,  and  the  powers  conferred  lapsed.  In  1844  Sir  Samuel  Brown,  R.N., 
and  others,  attended  a  meeting  of  Lambeth  Vestry  and  produced  a  model 
"of  the  intended  Suspension  Bridge  from  Church  Street  to  Millbank"  and 
solicited  the  support  of  the  churchwardens  and  overseers  to  obtain  an  Act.^^ 
This  again  proved  fruitless,  but  finally  in  1861^*^  the  Lambeth  Bridge  Act 
incorporated  a  company  to  construct  a  bridge  to  connect  Church  Street 
(now  Lambeth  Road),  Lambeth,  with  Market  Street  (now  Horseferry  Road), 
Westminster.  The  bridge,  erected  from  the  designs  of  P.  W.  Barlow  at  a 
cost  of  ^^48,924,  was  opened  in  November,  1862.  The  termination  on  the 
Lambeth  side  was  a  few  yards  north  of  the  old  Horseferry  landing  stage.^^^ 

The  bridge  was  of  stiffened  suspension  type,  828  feet  long,  divided 
into  three  spans,  each  268  feet  wide,  by  piers  carrying  the  towers  which 
supported  the  suspension  cables.  It  was  3 1  feet  9  inches  wide  between  the 

While  the  bridge  was  the  property  of  a  company  tolls  were  charged 
on  all  who  used  it.  It  was  subsequently  bought  by  the  Metropolitan  Board  of 
Works  under  the  provisions  of  the  Metropolitan  Toll  Bridges  Act,  1877, 
for  ;^35, 974  and  freed  from  toll. 

Even  in  1879,  when  it  had  been  in  existence  only  17  years,  old 
Lambeth  Bridge  was  in  an  unsatisfactory  condition.  The  twisted  cables  had 
suffered  from  oxidation  and  the  girders  were  also  rusting  badly.  In  spite  of 
remedial  measures  the  state  of  the  bridge  continued  to  deteriorate  and  in 
1 9 10  it  had  to  be  closed  to  vehicular  traffic.  Rebuilding  was  delayed  owing 
to  the  1 9 14— 18  war,  but  in  1924  the  London  County  Council  obtained 
parliamentary  powers  to  construct  a  new  bridge  and  to  widen  and  raise  the 
approaches  at  either  end.  The  new  bridge  was  completed  and  opened  in 


The  present  bridge,  which  has  five  spans  and  is  of  steel  con- 
struction, extends  from  the  site  of  the  old  abutment  on  the  Westminster  side 
to  a  point  8 1  feet  upstream  of  the  centre  of  the  old  Lambeth  abutment.  The 
width  between  the  balustrades  is  60  feet,  there  being  a  36-foot  roadway  with 



PLATE  96 

00  No.   6   PRATT  WALK 

[b)   No.  8   PRATT  WALK 


(t)    LAMHKTH   RECIORV,   No.   214 
LAMBl'/m    ROAD 

{d)  No.    1    DORIS  STREET 

(a)  No.   57 

(/^)   No.   2 

WiM**i|»'.:  "i'!^4^tr  IMP 

(<■)  No.   8  {d)  No.   5 


ri^i\  if.  9» 


(a)  Nos.   35-41    CARLISI-K   LAM.,    ic^50 
li>)  Nos.    11-13  ST.   MARY'S  WALK,    1950 

PLATE  99 

-I  f- 


OS  ^ 

-  6 








PLATE    loo 

It]  iza  Bin|j 






a  na  E^-; ' 





S    Q 





PLATE   loi 

i'  ■■  ■■ '.^i^^w-y-H 

00  No.   126  KENNINGTON   ROAD  {b)  No.    118   KENNINGTON  ROAD 



OETilUJ    or    C0N50l_E. 

If  y  f  f  °         \         ?         ?        •• 


Jcole.  ■=f  /tec 

li-      B       4-       J       0                                   1 


■Jcale/w  ctetaiij 

(c)    Nos.   60-61   WALNUT  TREE  WALK 

PLAIF.    lo: 









"^  (Ti  /n  o  iTi  f 




I hii.ii 1- 


I-4++ — I — t — i — ) — I — \ 

PLATE   103 









S  9 

























PLATE   104 














Ln  n  n  n  r 









..   -^'" 




PLATE   105 

<    . 









I'LATK    106 








^  y. 





■.     o 

^^        ON 

-;  — 

'>Ak  ke^u'h 

PLATE   107 

(<0  No.   122   KF-NNI\GTON   ROAD,   1927 



1 2-foot  footways  on  each  side.  The  balustrade  is  of  cast-iron  seated  on  a 
steel  cornice  and  it  is  surmounted  by  cast-iron  lamp  standards,  two  on  either 
side  of  the  bridge  in  each  span.  There  are  also  granite  lamp  standards  above 
the  carved  panels  over  the  buttresses  at  the  ends  of  each  pier.  These  piers 
and  buttresses  with  the  standards  and  panels  are  all  built  in  granite.  The 
obelisks  on  either  side  of  the  bridge  approaches  are  also  of  granite;  each 
stands  on  a  pedestal  and  is  terminated  by  a  pineapple  finial.  The  design  was 
in  the  main  the  responsibility  of  Sir  George  W.  Humphreys,  then  Chief 
Engineer  to  the  Council,  in  collaboration  with  the  architects.  Sir  Reginald 
Blomfield  and  G.  Topham  Forrest. 




Lambeth  Road  is  approximately  on  the  site  of  the  old  road  leading 
inland  from  the  Horseferry.  The  river  end  of  it  was  known  as  Church  Street 
until  1876,  when  the  subsidiary  names  Buxton  Place,  Canterbury  Place, 
Barkham  Terrace,  Durham  Place,  Lambeth  Terrace  and  Union  Place  were 
all  abolished  and  the  whole  renamed  Lambeth  Road.'*^ 

No.  214,  The  Rectory 

Before  the  Reformation  most  rectors  of  Lambeth  were  chaplains  to 
Archbishops,  and  lived  in  the  Palace.  There  was  still  no  separate  residence 
for  the  rector  in  Featley's  time,  and  John  Featley  relates  that  when  Dr. 
Featley  fell  sick  in  1625  he  left  the  Palace  and  went  to  his  wife's  house  in 
Kennington.^**  This  house  is  marked  on  the  plan  of  the  Manor  of  Kennington 
(Plate  i).  In  1684  the  court  rolls  record  the  admittance  of  the  Reverend 
George  Hooper  to  the  "Parsonage  House"  and  an  acre  of  copyhold  land 
called  the  Pound  Close.^*^  The  former  was  on  the  opposite  side  of  the  road 
to  the  present  rectory  and  it  is  represented  in  a  drawing  reproduced  by 
Nichols  as  a  double  gabled  house  with  a  thatched  roof.^  It  had  apparently 
been  taken  down  before  1778  when  a  private  Act  was  obtained  to  enable 
the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  to  enfranchise  part  of  the  glebe  land  and 
waste  belonging  to  the  manor,^*^  including  the  piece  of  copyhold  land  on 
which  the  "Parsonage  House"  formerly  stood.  This  ground  was  sub- 
sequently let  for  building.  Under  the  same  Act  the  Archbishop  granted  the 
rector  a  piece  of  waste  ground  on  which  one  of  the  pounds  of  the  manor 
had  previously  stood,  adjoining  Pound  Close'*  for  the  erection  of  a  new 
rectory.  The  house  was  built  by  William  Head,  carpenter,  and  Joseph 
Buckmaster,  plumber.247  An  east  wing  was  added  in  1828-29  but  the  house 
remained  substantially  unaltered  until  the  1939-45  war  when  it  received 
serious  damage. 

Architectural  Description 

The  rectory,  a  plain  building  in  yellow  stock  brick,  was  originally, 
as  shown  in  the  view  on  Plate  94,  of  three  storeys  above  a  semi-basement. 
The  later  east  wing  was  a  storey  lower  and  in  the  recent  reconstruction  after 
war  damage  the  whole  building  has  been  reduced  to  the  same  height.  The 
entrance  has  an  architrave  surround  with  a  rectangular  fanlight  over  the 
door.   On  the  back  of  the  older  part  of  the  house  Is  a  stone  tablet  inscribed — 







^  The  pound  is  marked  on  Rocque's  map  of  1746. 


Another  tablet  on  the  west  side  gives  the  builders'  names  and  the 
date  1778. 

Nos.   212-204  (even   numbers,   formerly   1-5   (coNSEc),   Union  Place) 

Under  the  Act  of  1778-''^  the  rector  was  empowered  to  grant  building 
leases  of  the  glebe  land,  and  two  separate  leases  were  granted  to  William 
Head  and  Joseph  Buckmaster  of  part  of  the  Pound  Field  with  a  road  frontage 
of  400  feet.-'*'  Two  terraces  of  houses  were  erected  on  the  ground  with  a 
passage  between  them  leading  to  a  walk  which  abutted  on  the  canal  of  the 
Archbishop's  park. 2*8  Only  Nos.  212-204  survive  of  the  western  terrace 
and  No.  180  of  the  eastern. 

Architectural  Description 

Both  terraces  were  plainly  built  in  yellow  stock  brick  with  two  con- 
tinuous moulded  stone  bands  at  parapet  gutter  level.  The  entrances  have 
stuccoed  surrounds  and  moulded  imposts.    No.  i  80  has  been  refronted. 





I       FEET 



Nos.  214-204  Lambeth  Road 

No.  210  (formerly  No.  2  Union  Place)  was  leased  by  Buckmaster  to  William  Singleton, 
carpenter,  in  1784.-*^  From  this  time  to  the  present  day  Singleton's  Eye  Ointment  has  been  made 
on  these  premises.  There  is  a  tradition  in  the  firm  that  the  preparation  was  invented  by  a  Lambeth 
doctor,  Thomas  Johnson,  in  the  17th  century.  Stephen  Green,  the  stone-potter,  married  a 
descendant  of  Singleton  and  also  continued  the  manufacture  of  the  ointment.-*"  He  lived  in  the 
house  from  1829-77.*^  No.  204  (formerly  No.  5  Union  Place)  was  occupied  in  1829-30  by 
William  Thomas  MoncriefF,  dramatist. ^^  He  was  successively  manager  of  Astley's,  the  Coburg 
Theatre  and  Vauxhall  Gardens.  He  wrote  over  170  plays,  some  of  them  for  those  places  of 
entertainment,  including  the  famous  "Tom  and  Jerry ."^* 

Archbishop  Temple's  Boys'   School 

This  school  was  erected  in  1902-4  on  land  which  had  been  given 
by  Archbishop  Frederick  Temple.  Three  foundations  had  been  combined 
in  1753,  Thomas  Rich's  Grammar  School,  Richard  Laurence's  charity  for 
the  clothing  and  education  of  twenty  poor  boys  of  Lambeth  Marsh,  and  a 
subscription  parochial  school.^-"  The  school  moved  to  its  present  site  from 
Hercules  Road;  it  had  previously  been  situated  near  the  southern  end  of 
what  is  now  Carlisle  Lane  (formerly  Lambeth  Green). 



NOS.     160-148    AND     102-96    (even) 

These  houses  were  all  built  on  copyhold  land  of  Lambeth  Manor, 
Nos.  160-148  before  1788^^  and  Nos.  102-96  a  few  years  later.*^  They  are 
plain  houses  in  yellow  stock  brick,  Nos.  160-148  distinguished  by  a  raised 
approach  for  pedestrians.  Nos.  150  and  156  have  bold  splayed  bays,  and 
most  houses  have  half  or  full  Ionic  pilasters  to  their  entrances.  Nos.  i  56-60 
have  rectangular  fanlights  over  the  doors  and  Nos.  102-96,  which  are 
less  imposing,  have  small  bowed  iron  balconies  to  the  first  floor  windows. 
The  entrance  to  No.  102  has  panelled  impost  stones  and  a  carved  female 
head  to  the  keystone. 

No.  150  (formerly  No.  14  Lambeth  Terrace)  was  occupied  from  1798-1803  by  James 
Knowles  (perhaps)  the  lexicographer.   He  was  born  in  Ireland  but  was  in  England  about  this  time.'* 

No.  148  (formerly  No.  15  Lambeth  Terrace)  from  1788-98  was  occupied  by  Samuel 
Buckmaster  and  in  1799-1802  by  John  Buckmaster.^^ 

No.  100  (formerly  No.  3  Durham  Place)  was  built  about  1794,*^  the  first  occupant  being 
William  Bligh,  vice-admiral,  1794-1814  (Bligh  of  the  Bount}').  Bligh  accompanied  Captain  Cook 
on  his  second  voyage  round  the  world  in  1772-4  when  bread-fruit  was  discovered  at  Otaheite. 
This  lead  to  Bligh's  appointment  to  the  Bounty  in  1787.  The  famous  mutiny  occurred  on  the 
voyage  from  Tahiti  where  bread-fruit  plants  had  been  collected  with  a  view  to  acclimatizing  them 
in  the  British  West  Indies.  In  1805  Bligh  was  appointed  governor  of  New  South  Wales  but  he  had 
a  troubled  term  of  office  and  he  was  deposed  and  imprisoned  by  a  Major  Johnston,  who  was 
subsequently  cashiered.'*   Bligh  died  in  18 17  and  was  buried  in  Lambeth  Churchyard  (see  p.  1 16). 

No.  96  (formerly  No.  l  Durham  Place)  was  occupied  in  1795-6  by  Colonel  (subsequently 
Sir)  Hildebrand  Oakes.  He  served  in  America,  Corsica  and  Malta,  and  was  created  a  baronet  in 
1 8 1 3  in  recognition  of  his  services.** 

Surrey  Lodge  Dwellings 

In  1884  the  South  London  Dwellings  Company,  with  Emma  Cons 
as  the  prime  mover,  built  a  quadrangle  of  model  dwellings  at  the  north-west 
corner  of  Lambeth  Road  and  Kennington  Road  on  the  site  of  Surrey  Lodge, 
previously  the  home  of  Sir  James  Wyatt.^^  Emma  Cons  and  her  niece 
Lilian  Baylis  occupied  two  of  the  cottages,  Nos.  5  and  6,  Morton  Place,  for 
a  number  of  years.  The  range  of  buildings  fronting  Lambeth  Road  was 
destroyed  during  the  1939-45  war. 

Lambeth  (Wesleyan  Methodist)  Chapel 

Lambeth  Chapel  at  the  south-west  corner  of  Lambeth  Road  and 
Kennington  Road  (Plate  115a),  was  built  in  1808.^  In  1928  it  was  adapted 
for  use  as  a  mission  hall  and  cinema  but  was  destroyed  during  the  1939—45  war. 
A  large  sculptured  figure  representing  a  Street  Preacher  has  been  placed  on 
the  front  wall  of  the  new  church  hall  on  the  site.^^" 



Like  the  three  acres  of  marsh  which  afterwards  became  Cuper's 
Gardens  (see  p.  25),  and  the  seven  acres  of  "Hopes"  later  owned  by  Jesus 
College  on  the  river  bank,  the  land  included  in  the  Walcot  Estate  was  in  the 
1 5th  century  the  property  of  the  Earls  of  Arundel  and  later  of  the  Dukes  of 
Norfolk  (see  p.  137).  The  sale  in  1559  by  Thomas,  Duke  of  Norfolk,  of  his 
Lambeth  property  included  23^  acres  of  land  "lyinge  in  severall  parcelles" 
in  Cotmansfield.  Seventeen  acres  of  this  ground,  having  passed  through  the 
same  hands  as  the  marshland  mentioned  above,  was  sold  by  Augustine 
Skinner  in  1657-^^  to  Edmund  Walcott  and  was  by  him  left  in  trust 
for  the  poor  of  St.  Mary,  Lambeth,  and  St.  Olave,  Southwark.^^'^  The  descrip- 
tion of  the  property  in  1559  suggests  that  the  open  field  system  was  still  in 
use,  but  as  such  descriptions  were  often  copied  from  older  documents  this 
may  be  an  anachronism.  Colour  is,  however,  lent  to  the  suggestion  by  the 
fact  that  as  late  as  1636  the  disposition  of  holdings  in  Cotmansfield  was 
obscure,  both  customary  tenants  and  freeholders  being  ordered  in  that  year 
by  the  homage  to  produce  their  charters  and  copies  in  the  manor  court  of 
the  Archbishop  to  prove  the  limits  and  bounds  of  their  holdings.^^^ 

In  addition  to  his  seventeen  acres  of  freehold,  Edmund  Walcott  held 
an  acre  of  copyhold  ground  in  Cotmansfield  which  had  previously  belonged  to 
his  uncle,  Richard  Walcott,-^'*  sometime  bailiff"  of  the  Manor  of  Kennington.^^ 
This  acre  of  land  reverted  to  the  Archbishop  as  lord  of  the  manor,  since  no 
representative  of  the  charity  came  forward  to  claim  it  in  the  manor  court 
after  Edmund's  death  in  1668." 

The  freehold  estate  comprised  the  area  now  lying  between  Walnut 
Tree  Walk  and  Brook  Drive,  on  either  side  of  the  present  Kennington  Road. 
In  I  713  the  estate  was  partitioned  between  the  two  parishes  in  order  that  it 
might  be  developed  more  conveniently;  the  present  line  of  Kennington 
Road  formed  roughly  the  line  of  demarcation,  St.  Mary's  taking  the  north- 
eastern and  St.  Olave's  the  south-western  portion.^^^  In  1750-51,  when  the 
New  (Kennington)  Road  was  laid  out,  St.  Olave's  and  St.  Mary's  parishes 
both  sold  land  to  the  Turnpike  Trustees,  St.  Mary's  retaining  part  of  the 
land  on  the  west  side  of  the  road  and  St.  Olave's  a  tiny  triangular  piece  of 
land  on  the  east  side. 

In  I  8  1 5  it  was  found  necessary  to  make  a  further  partition  of  the 
estate,  since  in  its  development  two  houses  (Nos.  112  and  114  Kennington 
Road)  had  been  built  half  on  St.  Olave's  and  half  on  St.  Mary's  land.  The 
triangular  piece  of  land  referred  to  above  was  given  to  St.  Mary's  parish 
and  an  adjustment  was  made  in  the  boundaries  on  the  other  side  of  the  road.^^^ 

In  pursuance  of  a  decree  in  Chancery  an  Act  of  Parliament  was 
passed  in  1828  "for  confirming  a  Partition  of  the  Walcott  Charity  Estates, 
...   by  vesting  the  same  in  Trustees  for  the  several  Parishes  of  Lambeth 

*  Edmund  left  his  property  to  his  father,  William  Walcott,  for  life  and  the  reversion  for 
the  charity,  but  his  father  survived  him  only  for  a  year.  Both  Edmund  and  William  asked  to  be 
buried  in  St.  Olave's  Church. 



.  .  .  and  St.  Olave,  Southwark,  and  St.  John,  Horslydown,*  .  .  .  and  for 
regulating  the  said  Charity,  and  for  empowering  the  Trustees  ...  to  grant 
Building  and  Repairing  Leases. "^^^ 

At  the  time  of  Edmund  Walcott's  death  the  estate  was  tenanted  by 
Thomas  Hardy.^^^  According  to  the  Rev.  John  Denne  it  passed  to  John 
Ramsey,  grocer  and  alderman  of  London,  and  to  his  two  daughters  and  their 
husbands,  Henry  Herbert,  Baron  Herbert  of  Cherbury,  and  Sir  William 
Broughton.  By  an  agreement  between  them  Lord  Herbert  paid  rent  to  St. 
Mary's  parish  and  Sir  William  to  St.  Olave's.^^^  The  very  sparse  entries  in 
the  vestry  books  refer  to  the  estate  at  this  time  as  the  "Flower  Pot"  Rents.^^ 

In  1 71 3,  when  the  estate  was  partitioned,  the  lands  were  in  the 
occupation  of  John  Gold,  Simon  Harding,  Edmund  Golderkey  or  Goldegay, 
and  Thomas  Ellisome.  Gold  and  Harding  were  both  gardeners,  and  probably 
the  whole  estate  was  used  for  market-gardening.^^^  It  is  shown  on  Rocque's 
map  of  I  746  as  tilled  ground. 

The  frontages  opened  up  by  the  making  of  the  New  Road  increased 
the  value  of  the  estate.  In  1755  the  Lambeth  trustees  granted  a  building 
lease  to  Richard  Summersell,  who  held  land  elsewhere  in  the  parish,  of  two 
pieces  of  land  in  Walnut  Tree  Walk  (which  then  extended  on  either  side  of 
Kennington  Road)  containing  in  the  whole  about  i  acre  and  6  perches,  on 
condition  that  he  spent  ;r5oo  in  building  thereon.^ss  Whether  the  agreement 
was  carried  out  is  not  clear,  for  Summersell  made  no  mention  of  the  lease 
in  his  will  in  1772,  and  soon  after  the  trustees  granted  other  building  leases 
of  the  Kennington  Road  frontage  which  do  not  suggest  the  existence  of 
previous  buildings. 

With  a  view  to  the  further  improvement  of  the  estate,  the  Lambeth 
trustees  in  1835  obtained  from  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  a  piece  of 
ground  on  the  north-west  side  of  Bird  Street  (now  Monkton  Street)  so  that  a 
road  might  be  opened  from  the  turnpike  road  (i.e.,  Kennington  Road)  into 
Bird  Street.  In  the  same  year  the  trustees  also  had  an  assignment  of  an 
adjoining  piece  of  ground  from  Lytton  George  Kier  and  Isaac  Lawrence. 
This  ground,  like  that  adjoining  it  in  St.  George's  Fields,  had  a  few  years 
earlier  been  in  the  hands  of  the  Hedger  family,  lessees  of  the  Dog  and  Duck 
public  house,  who  had  made  a  fortune  out  of  speculative  building  in  the 
neighbourhood.  The  land,  which  had  previously  been  garden  ground  in  the 
occupation  of  Dionysus  Fairclough,  was  laid  out  to  form  what  is  known  as 
Walcot  Square,  though  in  fact  it  is  a  triangle.^ss 

The  Lambeth  estate  now  comprises  121— 167  (odd)  and  104-112 
(even),  Kennington  Road  (see  p.  128);  2-62  (even)  and  1-95  (odd),  Walcot 
Square  (see  p.  127);  1-29  (consec),  St.  Mary's  Gardens;  1-15  (consec.)  St. 
Mary's  Walk;  and  the  sites  of  1-7,  Bishop's  Terrace.** 

*  The  parish  of  St.  John  was  created  out  of  St.  Olave's  by  an  Act  of  Parliament  in  1733, 
but  the  inhabitants  were  entitled  to  the  same  charities  as  the  inhabitants  of  St.  Olave's. 

b  St.  Mary's  Gardens  (formerly  St.  Mary's  Square)  and  St.  Mary's  Walk  (formerly  St. 
Mary's  Street)  were  developed  in  1 839-40  shortly  after  Walcot  Square.  Bishop's  Terrace  (formerly 
part  of  Ship  Lane)  marks  the  line  of  the  eastern  section  of  Walnut  Tree  Walk. 



The  St.  Olave's  property  consists  of  Nos.  1 14-134,  150-160  (even), 
Kennington  Road  (see  p.  134),  Nos.  2-17,  55-63  (consec),  Walnut  Tree 
Walk,  and  Nos.  73-75  Lambeth  Walk. 

Walcot  Square 

This  square  was  laid  out  and  the  houses  erected  in  1837-39,  Nos. 
9-81  by  John  Woodward  of  Paradise  Street,  Nos.  16-24  by  Charles 
Newnham  of  Newnham  Place,  Paris  Street,  and  Nos.  26-50  by  John 
Chapman  of  Waterloo  Road,  builder.^^^  The  houses  are  of  simple  terrace  type 
in  yellow  stock  brick  with  stucco  surrounds  to  the  entrances  and  a  plain 
coping  above  the  parapets. 

No.  19  (formerly  No.  60)  was  occupied  in  1870  by  William  Henry  Rich  Jones  (1817-85), 
antiquary.  He  was  born  in  Christ  Church  parish,  Blackfriars.  He  was  vicar  of  Bradford-on-Avon  in 
1851-85  and  published  several  antiquarian  works." 

No.  20  (formerly  No.  4)  was  occupied  in  1840-41  (?)  by  Wm.  Hosking  (1800-1861), 
architect  and  civil  engineer.  Apprenticed  in  Sydney  to  a  builder,  he  came  to  England  in  18 19.  He 
was  engineer  to  the  West  London  Railway  and  later  held  a  professorship  at  King's  College,  London. 
He  designed  Trinit}'-  Chapel,  Poplar,  and  buildings  in  Abney  Park  cemetery.  His  most  important 
publication  was  a  work  on  bridges;  he  claimed  to  have  originated  the  design  for  the  British 
Museum  Reading  Room.   He  married  a  daughter  of  William  Clowes,  the  printer.'' 

.^t  No.  77  (formerly  No.  31)  in  1840-41  lived  Thomas  Barnes  (1785-1841),  editor  of 
The  Times?^  He  had  previously  lived  in  Nelson  Square,  Southwark  (see  Survey  of  London, 
Vol.  xxii). 

Walnut  Tree  Walk 

At  the  beginning  of  the  i  8th  century  Walnut  Tree  Walk  was  a 
lane  leading  out  into  the  fields  from  Lambeth  or  Three  Coney  Walk.^^ 
Simon  Harding,  gardener,  had  a  cottage  there  with  a  small-holding  of  just  over 
three  acres,-^^  but  there  does  not  seem  to  have  been  any  other  development 
until  1755,  when  Robert  Hardcastle  was  granted  a  61  years'  building  lease 
of  ground  on  both  sides  of  the  way  by  the  St.  Olave  trustees  of  the  Walcot 
Estate.^"  Of  the  houses  erected  by  him,  Nos.  9,  10,  and  1 1  and  Nos.  56-63 
(formerly  Nos.  15-22)  still  survive.  Nos.  14-17  and  probably  Nos.  64-66 
were  built  about  i  8  i  7,  Nos.  1 5  and  1 6  by  John  Money  I'Anson  of  St.  Maryle- 
bone,  builder.  Nos.  53-55  appear  to  have  been  built  about  1830,  and  it  is 
probable  that  No.  56,  one  of  the  original  houses  built  by  Robert  Hardcastle, 
was  substantially  altered  at  this  date. 

Architectural  Description 

The  fronts  of  Nos.  9—1  i  have  been  much  altered  by  the  formation  of 
a  way  through  for  vehicles,  but  they  retain  their  original  doorways  with  wood 
architrave  surrounds  and  shaped  or  enriched  brackets  supporting  a  flat  hood. 

Nos.  53-66  form  a  continuous  group  of  three-storey  houses  in  stock 
brick.  The  doorways  to  Nos.  58-63  are  in  pairs  and  are  of  wood  with 
trefoil-headed  panels  at  the  sides  superimposed  on  Tuscan-type  pilasters. 



135  Kennington  Road 


The  increase  of  traffic  resulting  from  the 
building  of  Westminster  Bridge  and  its  approach 
road  brought  into  prominence  the  deficiencies  of 
the  roads  further  out.  As  an  attempt  to  remedy 
these,  an  Act  was  passed  in  1 750-1  empowering 
the  Turnpike  Trustees  of  Surrey,  Sussex  and 
Kent  to  repair  and  widen  certain  existing  roads 
and  to  make  new  ones.^^^  The  latter  included 
Kennington  Road,  known  as  the  New  Road  or 
W  alcot  Place,"  linking  Westminster  Bridge  Road 
with  Kennington  Common.  It  was  laid  across 
open  fields  and  gardens,  and  there  was  therefore 
no  difficulty  in  complying  with  the  clause  in  the 
Act  which  said  it  was  to  be  as  straight  as  possible. 
Three  estates  were  concerned — those  of  the  Arch- 
bishop of  Canterbury,  the  Walcot  Charity  and 
the  Duchy  of  Cornwall.  Most  of  the  road  front- 
age was  built  up  by  the  early  years  of  the  19th 

Kennington   Turnpike  Gate,  which  was 

St.  Mark's  Church,  is  outside  the  area  covered  by  this  volume. 

East  Side 

Nos.  53—57  {odd),  Kennington  Road  {formerly  1-3  {consec),  Wohingham  Place) 

Nos.  55  and  57,  with  No.  53,  which  has  a  flat  bowed  facade,  form  a 
small  group  of  houses,  built  in  yellow  stock  brick,  standing  in  advance  of  the 
later  terrace  at  the  south  end  of  Mead  Row.  They  are  of  plain  appearance 
with  basements  and  three  or  four  storeys. 

Nos.  55  and  57  have  round-headed  entrances,  No.  57  having  small 
cast-iron  balconies  at  each  first  floor  window.  There  are  original  railings  with 
spear  heads  and  vases  at  the  boundary  of  No.  55. 

These  houses  were  erected  about  1790*^  on  part  of  the  copyhold  land  of  the  Archbishop 
of  Canterbury. 

Nos.  1 21-143  {odd)  {formerly  61-50  (consec),  Walcot  Place  East) 

The  terrace  Nos.  123-143,  with  No.  121,  which  is  detached,  make  a 
very  good  informal  group  of  Georgian  houses.  The  terrace  is  of  three 
storeys  with  basements,  two  of  the  houses  also  having  dormers  to  mansard 
roofs  behind  the  parapets.    They  are  all  built  in  brown  or  yellow  brick.    A 

*  In  the  1 8th  century  the  name  Kennington  Road  was  applied  to  what  is  now  known  as 
Kennington  Park  Road.  What  is  now  Kennington  Road  was  divided  into  a  number  of  terraces 
with  subsidiary  names  until  1868. 


PLATE   1 08 

(rf)   MILL   !\    LAMBLTH,  circa    17^0,  (p.    143) 

{h)   KN'l'RANCl'.  TO  THE  DISTILLERY,  circa    1780 


ri^n.  1  r.    luy 


(/.)   No.   20  CARLISLE  LANE,    1950 

PI. ATI-,    no 

(a)  ROYAL  STREET,   NORTH   SIDE,  «m»    1880 


PLATE    I  I  I 


'i   i .  -  111  ill 


■*r**4t.  *»3»3< 

(^)  HOUSES  IN  LAMBETH  ROAD,  circa   i860 


PLATE   112 

(<t)  OLD  HOUSES  ON  THE  l-.AST  SIDl-.  OK   IIK.H 

STREET,    1885 
(I?)  WATCH   HOUSE   L\    IIK.H   STREET,   1828 

PLATE   113 



>H     Q 






X  « 

PI. ATI',    114 






Q   o 

<  " 

S  " 

o  "^ 



PLATE   115 

li>)  LAMBETH   WALK,    1886 




Stair  at  No.  1 2 1  Kennlngton  Road 

number  have  set-back  extensions  at  the  sides.    Some  of  the  basement  areas 

are  enclosed  by  original  railings  and  nearly  all  the  garden  steps  have  simple 


No.  121  also  has  attics,  but  is  one 
storey  less  in  height.  The  front  is  of  yellow 
brick  and  has,  like  some  parts  of  the  terrace 
elevations,  been  rebuilt  in  replica  of  former 
work.  The  window  openings  have  stucco 
flat  arches  and  the  doorcase  has  an  open 
dentil  pediment  with  pilasters  and  shaped 

No.  123,  the  first  terrace  house, 
has  its  entrance  in  a  round-headed  recess 
with  stucco  reveals  and  sham  key  block 
and  imposts. 

No.  125  has  a  semicircular  fanlight 
to  the  pedimented  wood  doorcase  with 
Tuscan  columns,  enriched  frieze  and  dentil 

Nos.  127  and  129  are  without  door- 
cases but  have  semicircular-headed  entrances 
with  plain  stucco  surrounds.    No.  127  has 

an  original  gate  with  pineapple  cappings  to  the  posts.   The  first  floor  of  No. 

129  has  an  iron  balcony. 
The  doorcases  at 

Nos.   125  and   131    are 

similar   except    that    at 

No.    131    the   caps   are 

fluted  and  the  entrance 

is   in   an   arched  recess 

which  also  encloses  the 

first  floor  window. 

No.  133  has  an 

entrance  porch  with  flat 

hood  carried  on  slender 

fluted    Doric    columns, 

while  the  porch  at  No. 

1 35  has  Tuscan  columns 

and  an  open   pediment 

with     mutule     cornice. 

No.    137,    mostly    des- 
troyed during  the  war, 

repeated  in  reverse  the 

elevation    of   No.    135, 

including  the  porch.    No.  135  has  a  wrought-iron  overthrow  and  gate  piers 

with  ball  cappings. 


Fireplace  in  No.  125  Kennington  Road 


Nos.  139,  141  and  143  are  generally  similar  to  the  remainder  of  the 
terrace  but  form  a  small  group  of  their  own.  With  block  corbelling  at  the 
parapets  and  brick  bands  at  first  floor  level,  they  have  open  pedimented  wood 
doorcases  with  fluted  pilasters  and  shaped  brackets.  Nos.  141  and  143  have 
iron  balconies  at  the  first  floor  windows,  while  No.  139,  which  has  good 
interior  detail  (Plates  102  and  103),  was  of  the  same  width  as  the  other  two 

houses  until  about  a  century 
ago,  when  it  was  extended  to 
cover  the  site  of  the  coach- 
house of  No.  137.  The  ex- 
tension, which  included  the 
building  of  a  ground  storey 
bay  window,  repeats  the 
window  and  parapet  detail  of 
the  group. 

These  two  rows  of  houses 
belong  to  St.  Mary,  Lambeth  parish 
as  part  of  the  Walcot  estate  (see  p. 
126).  No.  121  was  built  between 
1774  and  1777  and  was  leased  in 
1777  to  John  Jones,  potter.  Nos. 
123-133  were  built  in  1773-5  ^7 
William  Head,  carpenter,  and  Nos. 
135-143  at  about  the  same  time  by 
Edward  Chandler.  Nos.  155-165 
can  be  traced  back  to  1788  in  the 
rate  books ;  they  were  in  need  of 
repair  before  18 16.  Nos.  167  and 
169  were  erected  by  William  RofFey 
about  1816  and  leased  to  him  for  61 

;  255 

No.  121  (formerly  61  and 
previously  60,  Walcot  Place  East)  was 
the  residence  of  Daniel   Lerpiniere 
(i745?-i785),  engraver,  who  died 
there.   Until  1803  it  continued  in  the  occupation  of  Mary  Lerpiniere,  his  wife  or  daughter.^^ 

No.  127  (formerly  58,  previously  59,  Walcot  Place  East)  was  occupied  in  1812-1847  by 
William  Tidd(  1760- 1847),  legal  writer.  He  was  called  to  the  bar  in  1 81 3  after  having  practised 
as  a  special  pleader  for  over  30  years.  Tidd  was  chiefly  known  as  the  author  of  "Practice  of  the 
Court  of  King's  Bench,"  for  a  long  time  the  sole  authority  for  common  law  practice.  The  work  is 
mentioned  in  David  Copferfield.  Tidd  died  here  on  14th  February,  1847.'*  This  house  is  now 
the  residence  of  T.  F.  Garnish  and  it  is  also  used  as  the  office  of  the  Lambeth  Endowed  Charities. 

Nos.  129-135  are  occupied  by  the  Lady  Margaret  Hall  Settlement. 




^<-^-^    I I  IMIll 1 T  ^^^^ 

No.  139  Kennington  Road.   Fireplace  in  Front  Room 
on  First  Floor 

years.  ■= 

Nos.  155-169  {odd)  {formerly  15-22  {consec),  Walcot  Place  East) 

Nos.  155-169  form  part  of  a  terrace  and  are  of  three  storeys  with 
basements.   Nos.  167  and  169  have  attics  above  the  parapets. 

Nos.  1 55-1 6 1  form  a  balanced  group  in  stucco  with  a  rusticated 
ground  storey.    They  have  cornice  and  blocking  course  to  the  parapets  and 



bands  run  between  the  floors.  The  windows  are  recessed  and  mostly  have 
architraves.  There  are  flanking  pilasters  at  the  first  and  second  floors  of 
Nos.  157  and  159,  while  the  two  outer  houses  in  the  group  have  first  floor 

Nos.  163  and  165  are  in  brown  brick  with  flat  segmental  window 
arches.  Each  house  has  a  splayed  bay  window,  that  to  the  former  being 
stuccoed  and  having 
a  dentil  cornice.  Both 
houses  have  wood 
doorcases  with  shaped 
brackets  to  the  hoods, 
the  brackets  at  No.  1 63 
being  enriched  above 
fluted  pilasters. 

Nos.  167  and 
169,  in  yellow  brick, 
have  ground  floor 
windows  recessed  in 
round-headed  arches 
linked  to  each  other 
and  to  the  arched 
entrances  by  stone  im- 
post bands. 

No.  165  (formerly 
20,  Walcot  Place  East)  was 
occupied  in  1788-89,  and 
perhaps  before,  by  John 
Broughton,  pugilist.  He  was 
apprenticed  to  a  Thames 
waterman  as  a  boy,  but  gave 
up  his  boat  and  turned  prize 
fighter.     He     became     the 

protege  of  the  Duke  of  Cumberland  until  he  lost  his  last  fight  in  1750.  He  amassed  a  considerable 
fortune  and  in  his  retirement  he  lived  at  Walcot  Place  East,  where  he  died.  He  was  buried  in 
Lambeth  Church.^* 


■        ■ — <^  .^. \^  \*J 

No.  125  Kennington  Road,  Folding  Doors  on  Ground  Floor 

Nos.  177-193  {odd) 

Nos.  177—187  form  a  terrace  having  three  storeys  and  attics  behind 
parapets.  Each  house  has  a  basement  and  all  are  in  yellow  stock  brick  and 
of  two  windows  in  width.  Nos.  177  and  185  have,  in  addition,  one  blank 
panel  at  each  storey. 

The  entrances  to  Nos.  177  and  179  are  linked  by  coarsely  detailed 
stucco  surrounds,  while  No.  i  8  i  has  a  plain,  round-headed  entrance  with 
recessed  stucco  lining.  Nos.  183  and  185  have  identical  door  surrounds  with 
architrave  linings  and  consoles  supporting  flat  door  hoods. 

No.  187  has  a  reeded  door  surround  at  the  side  entrance.  Its  wing  of 
three  storeys  has  rough  arches  to  blind  panels  above  the  entrance. 


Nos.  189  and  191  form  a  pair  and  are  raised  above  the  terrace  com- 
prising Nos.  177—187.  They  are  set  back  further  from  the  roadway.  Their 
detail  and  materials  are  similar.  Each  has  a  plain,  round-headed  entrance. 
Extending  across  the  fronts  at  first  floor  level  is  a  verandah. 

No.  193  is  similar  and  was  erected  on  the  same  building  line  as  Nos. 
177—187.  Its  entrance  has  a  dentil  cornice  and  flat  hood  with  consoles  at 
the  sides.  The  frieze  under  the  hood  is  fluted  vertically  and  has,  at  the  centre, 
a  female  figure  in  an  oval  panel. 

Nos.  177-187,  and  No.  193  were  erected  before  1788;  and  Nos.  189-191  were  erected 
in  1807.*^ 

No.  185  (formerly  No.  29  Walcot  Place  East)  was  occupied  in  1 831-1834  by  John 
Baldwin  Buckstone,  actor  and  dramatist.    He  made  his  London  debut  at  the  Surrey  Theatre,  and 

Rear  of  Nos.  186-208  Kennington  Road 

became  a  member  of  the  Coburg  company.    His  own  plays  were  highly  successful  and  he  was 
manager  of  the  Haymarket  Theatre  for  thirteen  years.'* 

No.  1 89  (formerly  No.  i  Walcot  Terrace)  was  occupied  in  1 808-1 840  by  John  Kershaw.'* 
He  had  a  lease  from  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  of  a  timber  yard  and  wharf  near  Waterloo  Bridge 
which  he  afterwards  sold  to  James  Coding  for  part  of  the  site  of  the  Lion  Brewery  (see  p.  5 1). 

The  Church  of  St.  Philip 

This  church  was  designed  by  Henry  Edward  Cole  and  consecrated 
in  I  863.  It  is  of  Kentish  ragstone  and  has  a  conspicuous  tower  and  octagonal 
spire.  Its  cost  was  defrayed  from  a  fund  opened  in  1849  as  a  thank-offering 
for  the  deliverance  of  the  district  from  a  cholera  epidemic. 



No.  203  {West  House) 

No.  203  is  of  three  storeys,  with  a  single-storey  shop  projection  on 
one  side.  It  is  stuccoed  and  has  a  cornice  at  the  parapet.  The  entrance  has  a 
wood  door  surround  with  dentil  cornice  and  pediment,  the  latter  supported 
on  grooved  consoles.  Since  the  war  the  oriel  window  over  the  entrance  has 
been  replaced  by  flush  sashes.  There 
is  a  blind  round-headed  panel  in  the 
centre  of  the  elevation  at  second  floor 

Nos.  233-291  {odd) 

Nos.  2  3  3-2  9 1  form  a  balanced 
terrace  of  three  storeys  with  base- 
ments and  attics.  A  number  of  houses 
have  ground  floor  windows  set  in 
round-headed  openings  of  the  same 
size  as  those  of  the  entrances.  Ex- 
tending above  the  parapets  of  the 
three  houses  slightly  set  forward  at 
the  centre  of  the  terrace  is  a  weakly- 
designed  pediment. 

Nos.  233-291  (formerly  2-31  (con- 
sec),  Chester  Place)  were  erected  about  1788- 
1792^^  on  part  of  the  demesne  land  ot  Kenning- 
ton  Manor,  called  White  Hart  Field. ^^  The 
field  had  been  known  previously  as  the  "eight 
acres,"  and  early  in  the  17th  century  was  called 
the  "Coney  Warren." 

No.  233  (formerly  2  Chester  Place). 
In  1797  the  tenant  was  Joseph  Watson,  teacher 
of  the  deaf  and  dumb.  On  the  completion  of  the 
deaf  and  dumb  asylum  in  Old  Kent  Road,  he  was 
appointed  headmaster,  an  appointment  which 
he  held  for  the  rest  of  his  life.    He  wrote  text  books  for  the  instruction  of  the  deaf  and  dumb.'° 

No.  235  (formerly  3  Chester  Place)  this  was  in  1 846—47  the  residence  of  the  Rev.  Jonathan 
Crowther,  Wesleyan  minister.  He  was  appointed  general  superintendent  of  the  Wesleyan  missions 
in  India  in  1837,  but  returned  in  1843  because  of  bad  health.  He  spent  most  of  his  life  in  the  north 
of  England.'*  In  1855-56  the  Rev.  Frederick  James  Jobson,  D.D.,  Wesleyan  minister,  lived  here. 
He  was  articled  to  an  architect,  but  secured  a  reputation  as  a  preacher  by  his  fervour,  and  became 
a  minister.  He  served  for  nine  years  at  the  City  Road  Chapel  and  superintended  the  Methodist 
Magazine  for  twelve  years.   He  was  the  author  of  several  devotional  works.'* 

No.  239  (formerly  5  Chester  Place)  was  in  1791-99  the  residence  of  Augustus  Applegath, 
brother-in-law  of  Edward  Cowper,  the  inventor,  with  whom  he  was  in  partnership  as  a  printer.'* 
The  firm  was  taken  over  by  William  Clowes  (see  p.  16). 

No.  253  (formerly  12  Chester  Place)  was  occupied  in  1803-09  by  George  Woodfall, 
printer.  He  was  well-known  as  a  typographer  and  was  elected  master  of  the  Stationers'  Company 
in  1833-34  and  1841.    He  edited  and  published  Junius'  Letters  in  1812.'* 

No.  255  (formerly  13  Chester  Place)  was  occupied  in  1846-53  by  Jonathan  Duncan,  the 
younger,  currency  reformer,  son  of  a  governor  of  Bombay.   He  published  several  works. 

Rear  of  No.  127  Kennington  Road 



No.  265  (formerly  18  Chester  Place)  was  the  residence  in  1795  of  (Sir)  Thomas  Edlyne 
Tomlins,  legal  writer.  He  was  called  to  the  bar  in  1783,  and  was  for  some  years  editor  of  the 
St.  James' s  Chronicle.  He  held  the  post  of  parliamentary  counsel  to  the  chancellor  of  the  exchequer 
for  Ireland.  He  was  knighted  in  18 14.  He  published  several  legal  works,  including  Statutes  at 
Large,  41  to  49,  George  III.** 

West  Side 

Nos.  104-128  (even) 

Nos.  104-128  form  a  terrace  of  three  storeys  and  basements.  With 
the  exception  of  Nos.  126  and  128  each  house  has  dormers  in  a  mansard  roof. 

Nos.  1 04- 1 12  form  a  group  and  are  of  brick  with  rusticated  stucco 
ground  floors.  The  door  surrounds  have  wreathed  friezes  and  cornices  above 
the  architraves. 

Nos.  1 1 4-1 16  both  have  wood  doorcases  with  Tuscan  columns, 
triglyphs  and  open  mutule  pediments. 

No.  118  is  stuccoed  with  blank  panels  above  the  wood  doorcase, 
which  has  an  architrave  beneath  the  open  modillion  pediment  with  consoles. 
It  has  a  bracketed  cornice  below  the  parapet  and  to  its  bay  window. 

No.  120  is  in  stucco  and  has  a  splayed  bay  of  three  windows  in  wood 
to  the  first  and  second  floors  with  balustrading  above  in  the  same  material. 
There  is  an  architrave  round  the  wood  doorcase  which  has  a  pulvinated 
frieze  and  consoles  under  the  cornice. 

No.  122,  also  stuccoed,  has  a  parapet  cornice  with  blocking  course. 
At  the  first  floor  is  a  splayed  bay  with  flush-framed  windows  served  by  a  semi- 
elliptical  iron  balcony.  The  wood  doorcase  has  architraves  and  a  flat  hood  on 
shaped  brackets. 

No.  124,  built  in  brown  brick,  also  has  a  splayed  bay  and  a  doorcase 
with  a  flat  hood,  but  the  brackets  are  foliated. 

No.  126  has  no  bay.  Its  doorcase  is  delicately  detailed  with  a  pediment 
on  light  brackets  above  the  thin  architraves. 

The  floor  levels  of  No.  128  are  raised  slightly  above  those  of  No.  126. 
The  house  has  no  external  features  of  architectural  interest. 

In  1768  the  trustees  of  the  Walcot  estate  for  St.  Mary,  Lambeth,  granted  a  triangular 
piece  of  land  on  the  west  side  of  the  New  Road  to  James  Morris.  He  erected  five  houses  (now  Nos. 
1 04-1 12)  but.  No.  112  having  been  built  partly  on  St.  Olave's  property,  in  181 5  the  boundary 
between  the  two  estates  was  altered,  so  that  No.  1 1 2  was  entirely  the  property  of  the  Lambeth 
trustees. ^^* 

No.  108  (formerly  3  Walcot  Place  West)  was  occupied  in  1849-50  by  Samuel  Prout, 
water-colour  painter.   He  contributed  to  Britton's  Beauties  of  England  and  Wales?^ 

Nos.  1 14-128,  formerly  6-13,  Walcot  Place  West,  belong  to  St.  Olave  and  St.  John's 
parish  as  part  of  the  Walcot  Estate.  The  land  was  granted  to  Robert  Hardcastle  in  1755  on 
a  building  lease  which  expired  in  1816.  Nos.  114-126  are  mid  to  late  i8th  century  buildings 
and  were  probably  built  by  Hardcastle.  No.  128  is  described  by  a  rental  in  1829  as  a  "new 
built  house"  and  was  granted  in  1 8 16  (the  probable  date  of  its  erection)  to  Wm.  Fisher  for  61 

'Nos.  150-158  (even)  (formerly  6—2  (consec.)  Davidge  Terrace) 

Nos.  150-158  form  a  regular  terrace  of  early  Victorian  houses  of 
three  storeys,  with  ground  storeys  raised  above  basements  and  approached 



by  short  flights  of  steps.  Each  house  has  a  rusticated  ground  floor  and  upper 
floors  of  yellow  stock  brick.  There  are  segmental  heads  to  the  ground  floor 
windows  and  doorways,  the  latter  having  fluted  Doric  columns  at  each  side. 
At  first  floor  level  there  is  a  stucco  band  and  windows  with  small  cast-iron 
balconies.  The  parapet  has  a  cornice,  with  blocking  course  raised  at  the 
centre  and  incised  DAVIDGE  TERRACE. 

These  houses  were  bulk  in  1840  by  Davidge.*^  No.  154  (formerly  No.  4  Davidge 
Terrace)  was  in  1849-50  occupied  by  John  Woodward,  builder.  He  erected  houses  in  Walcot 
Square  (see  p.  127). 

No.  1 60  {Tresco  House) 

Tresco  House  has  the  same  number  of  storeys  but  is  raised  slightly 
higher  than  Davidge  Terrace.  Its  general  detail  is  similar,  including  the 
cornice  to  the  parapet  and  the  rustication  of  the  ground  storey.  The  entrance 
has  a  porch  with  entablature  and  blocking  course.  The  entablature  has  an 
egg  and  dart  moulding,  and  is  carried  on  fluted  columns  with  acanthus- 
leafed  caps.  The  window  over  the  porch  has  an  architrave  surround  with 
consoles  supporting  a  pediment.  The  ground  and  first  floor  windows  have 
cast-iron  guards  with  honeysuckle  ornament. 

In  Tresco  House  (formerly  i  Davidge  Terrace),  lived  George  Bothwell  Davidge,  lessee 
of  the  Surrey  Theatre,'^  from  1840  until  his  death  in  1842. 

Nos.  172-202  (even)  (formerly  6-21  East  Place) 

Nos.  172-202  form  part  of  a  continuous  terrace  of  houses  of  which 
Nos.  180-200  make  a  unified  group.  With  the  exception  of  No.  172,  which 
has  been  much  altered,  the  terrace  is  in  yellow  stock  brick.  Each  house  is 
of  three  storeys  with  a  basement,  and  most  have  dormers  behind  the  parapets. 
Over  Nos.  190  and  192  the  parapet  is  raised  to  make  a  centre  feature  in 
pediment  form;  it  has  a  central  lunette  at  the  level  of  the  adjoining  dormers. 
The  terrace  has  no  distinctive  external  features  of  architectural  interest. 

East  Place  was  erected  in  1786  ^^^  at  the  same  time  as  East  Street  (now  Lollard  Street) 
on  land  belonging  to  Lambeth  Manor. 

No.  172  (formerly  6  East  Place)  was  occupied  in  1 802-181 3  by  Harriett  Sealy 
(see  p.  1 17). 

No.  180  (formerly  10  East  Place)  was  occupied  in  1829-31  by  John  Tidd  Pratt, 
registrar  of  friendly  societies,  son  of  John  Pratt,  surgeon,  of  Kennington.^* 

Nos.  1-9  {consec.)  Pownall  Terrace 

Nos.  1-9  are  built  in  yellow  stock  brick  and  are  grouped  on  a  line  set 
at  an  angle  to  the  roadway.  They  are  of  basement  and  three  storeys,  the  base- 
ments extending  forward  to  form  a  raised  way.  The  lower  windows  and  doors 
are  set  back  slightly  in  semicircular  recesses  linked  by  stone  impost  bands. 
Above  this  level  the  fronts  have  been  rebuilt  in  recent  times,  probably  in 
replica  of  the  original  facades,  which  would  appear  to  have  dated  from  the 
early  19th  century.  The  first  floor  cills  are  linked  by  a  stone  band  and  there 
is  a  simple  cornice  to  the  parapet. 

These  houses  can  be  traced  back  in  the  rate  books  to  1790,  but  it  is  improbable  that 
much    1 8th  century  work  remains.     The  terrace  perhaps  takes  its  name  from  James  Pownall 


who  occupied  No.  3  in   1823-50,  or  from  Benjamin  Pownall  who  was  at  No.  9  in   1796- 

No.  9  was  in  1829  in  the  occupation  of  John  Coney,  draughtsman  and  engraver.  He 
exhibited  a  "Perspective  View  of  Lambeth  Palace"  at  the  Academy  in  1 805.  For  fourteen  years  he 
was  employed  to  draw  and  engrave  views  for  a  new  edition  of  Dugdale's  Monasticon.  He  was  also 
employed  by  the  architects  S.  P.  Cockerell  and  Sir  John  Soane.  He  died  at  Leicester  Place, 
Camberwell.   He  was  the  author  of  Original  Drawings  of  London  Churches,  1 8  20.'' 

The  Church  of  St.  Anselm 

The  ground  on  the  west  side  of  Kennington  Road  between  what  is 
now  Black  Prince  Road  and  Kennington  Lane  was  demesne  land  of  the 
Manor  of  Kennington,  known  as  Pound  Close,  Manor  Field  and  Long  Field. 
In  1785,  Pound  Close,  where  the  pound  of  the  Manor  of  Kennington  had 
stood  in  the  1 7th  century,  was  occupied  by  the  Queen's  Head  Public  House 
and  its  outbuildings,  skittle  grounds  and  gardens,  while  in  Manor  Field, 
the  site  of  the  mediaeval  palace  of  Kennington,  were  a  "substantial  Brick 
Manor  House,  a  large  old  Barn,  stables,  extensive  Cowhouses,"  etc.,  all  of 
which  were  on  lease  to  William  Clayton.^^ 

Bancroft  Street  (known  until  1882  as  Park  Street)  was  formed  across 
this  ground  about  1 800.^^  The  first  church  of  St.  Anselm,  a  mission  hall  with 
church  above,  was  built  just  south  of  Sancroft  Street  in  1887.  In  1912  plans 
were  made  for  a  new  church  by  S.  D.  Adshead  and  S.  C.  Ramsey.  The 
foundation  stone  was  laid  by  the  Prince  of  Wales  in  19 14,  and  the  walls 
were  carried  up  to  about  six  to  ten  feet  when  the  outbreak  of  war  stopped 
work.^^^  The  church  was  not  completed  until  1933.  It  was  perhaps  fortunate 
that  owing  to  lack  of  funds  the  original  design,  which  had  a  Latin  cross  plan 
crowned  by  an  elaborate  dome,  could  not  be  carried  out. 

Architectural  Description 

St.  Anselm's  is  a  church  of  simple  character  built  in  London  stock 
brick  with  detail  derived  from  Early  Christian  basilican  churches.  The  main 
roof,  of  flat  pitch,  is  covered  with  Roman  red  tiles.  On  the  road  frontage  under 
the  gable,  which  is  decorated  by  a  moulded  cornice,  there  is  a  round  window 
with  an  architrave  surround.  The  main  entrance  beneath  this  window  is  in 
stone  and  is  flanked  by  columns  with  richly  carved  capitals.  Over  the  door- 
way and  enclosed  by  a  bold  enriched  surround  is  a  semicircular  tympanum 
which  has  a  carved  panel  representing  St.  Anselm  seated  between  a  lion  and 
a  lamb.  An  uncommon  feature  of  St.  Anselm's  is  the  stone  plinth-seat 
round  its  base.  At  its  north-west  corner  above  the  clerestory  is  a  small 

Internally  the  nave,  aisles  and  small  organ  gallery  are  severe  in 
treatment  with  plain  plastered  walls  and  a  wood  open-trussed  roof  above  the 
clerestory  windows.  The  usual  orientation  being  reversed,  the  ciborium  is 
at  the  west  end  of  the  church.  The  carving  to  the  entrance  and  the  capitals 
of  the  nave  arcades  was  executed  by  A.  H.  Gerrard.  The  sculptor  for  the 
font  was  Derrick  Frith. 

The  vicarage  adjoining  (erected  in  1913-14)  was  designed  by  the 
same  architects  and  is  built  in  similar  materials. 


PLATE   I  1 6 


lilt  7 






v\\F\rr  ."^'y5 

iir  -1  v:.- 







V*"    ^yw»4-«tr.«*--i-. //.  ../-'i.j^.  li-/'. ,---  ' 

■-  --»<-.. W«.»U.       ^r-J-'':''/"ti'itti" 



PLATE   117 

00  No.    14  OLD   PARADISE  STREET,   1908 
ll>)  Nos.  49-53   HIGH  STREET,    1908 

PLATE    ii8 



(l>)  No.   85  ALBERT  EMBANKMENT,    1950 

PLATE   119 

(i?)   RIVER  FRONTAGE  OF  FORE  STREET,  arai    i860 


PLATE   1 20 


(^)   Nos.  28-42   \'AUXHA1,I.  WALK,    1950 

PLATE   12  1 











a:  ^ 
o  -c 






PLATE   122 











1-  't 




— H 



1— i 













PLATE   123 









In  1397  a  certain  John  Beaufitz  was  granted^^"  a  messuage  and  twelve 
acres  of  ground  in  Lambeth,  part  ot  the  property  forfeited  by  Richard 
FitzAlan,  Earl  of  Arundel  and  Surrey,  on  his  attainder''.  How  long  the 
FitzAlans  had  held  land  in  Lambeth  it  has  not  been  possible  to  ascertain, 
but  in  1399,^^  when  his  father's  attainder  was  reversed,  Thomas  FitzAlan 
regained  possession  of  his  lands,  and  it  seems  most  probable  that,  after 
Thomas  FitzAlan's  death  in  14 15,  they  passed  to  his  sister,  Elizabeth,  and 
her  husband,  Thomas  Mowbray,  Duke  of  Norfolk,  and  ultimately  to  their 
great  grandson,  Thomas,  Earl  of  Surrey  and  second  Duke  of  Norfolk  of 
the  Howard  house.^^i  The  latter  built  the  Howard  chapel  in  St.  Mary's, 
Lambeth,  and,  at  his  death  in  1524,  left-^-  his  house  and  freehold  and  copy- 
hold lands  in  Lambeth  to  his  second  wife,  Agnes.  Five  of  his  sons,  who  died 
while  still  children,  were  buried  in  the  church,^^®  as  was  his  widow,  who 
bequeathed  a  chalice  and  paten  of  silver  gilt  to  her  "chappel"  there. ^^^ 

It  was  at  Norfolk  House  that  the  ill-fated  Catherine  Howard,  grand- 
daughter of  Thomas,  second  Duke  of  Norfolk,  through  his  first  wife,  Eliza- 
beth, spent  her  neglected  childhood,  nominally  in  the  charge  of  her  step- 
grandmother,  Agnes,  Dowager  Duchess  of  Norfolk.  The  story  of  the  latter, 
after  Catherine's  arrest,  rummaging  through  the  coffers  Francis  Dereham 
had  left  at  Norfolk  House  to  remove  incriminating  papers,  is  well  known.^^ 

Thomas  Howard,  third  Duke  of  Norfolk,  used  Norfolk  House, 
Lambeth,  as  a  suburban  residence^^  until  his  attainder  in  1547.  His  life 
was  saved  by  the  death  of  Henry  VIII,  but  his  estates  were  seized  and  granted 
to  William  Parr,  Marquess  of  Northampton.^^  On  the  accession  of  Queen 
Mary,  however,  Norfolk's  attainder  was  reversed  and  he  regained  possession 
of  his  Lambeth  property,  which,  at  his  death  in  1554,  descended  with  his 
title  to  his  grandson,  Thomas,  fourth  Duke  of  Norfolk.''  The  latter  sold-^* 
the  Lambeth  estate  to  Richard  Garthe  and  John  Dyster,  thus  terminating  the 
long  connection  of  the  family  with  Lambeth.  The  property  is  described  in 
the  sale  as  a  capital  messuage  "wherin  the  ancestors  of  the  said  duke  have 
accustomed  to  lye,"  two  inns,  formerly  called  the  George  and  the  Bell,  the 
former  being  annexed  to  the  mansion  house  on  the  west  and  the  Bell  on  the 
east;  Bell  Close,  at  the  rear  of  the  Bell,  containing  two  acres,  two  perches; 
2  3i  acres  in  "Cottmansfeld,"  an  acre  of  pasture  in  St.  George's  Field,  a 
close  lying  near  the  Bishop  of  Rochester's  House  (Carlisle  House)  containing 
four  acres,  three  acres  of  meadow  near  Prince's  Meadows,  and  eight  acres 
of  marsh  called  "the  hopes."  Garthe  and  Dyster  divided  the  property  into 
three  parts,  two-thirds  of  which,  including  the  land  in  Cotmansfield  and 
Lambeth  Marsh,  ultimately  came  into  the  hands  of  Thomas  Cure  (see  pp. 

*  Arundel  had  been  one  of  the  Lords  .Appellant  who  had  attacked  the  King's  favourites 
in  1386-88.  In  1397  the  Earls  of  Gloucester,  Warwick  and  Arundel  were  tried  for  treason; 
Arundel  was  beheaded  and  his  brother,  Thomas  FitzAlan,  .Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  was  banished. 

•>  Thomas  was  the  son  of  Henry  Howard,  Earl  of  Surrey,  poet,  who  was  executed  in  1 547. 


25  and  ^6).  The  remaining  third,  which  included  Norfolk  House  and  the 
Bell  and  Bell  Close  (the  latter  being  copyhold),  was  sold  first  to  John 
Glascocke^^*  and  then  to  Margaret  Parker,^^^  wife  of  Archbishop  Parker, 
and,  at  her  death  in  1570,  it  passed  to  her  younger  son,  Matthew.^®^ 

The  days  of  Norfolk  House  as  a  great  house  were  numbered.  In 
1575'  when  Matthew  Parker  died,267  he  left  the  whole  of  the  property  to 
his  brother  John,  with  the  proviso  that  his  wife,  Frances,  might  occupy  the 
central  portion  during  the  remainder  of  her  life  if  she  wished.  Within  a  few 
years  John  Parker  had  divided  the  property  into  three.  The  eastern  part, 
which  contained  a  messuage,  a  garden,  an  orchard,  and  four  acres  of  ground 
extending  as  far  as  the  road,  now  Lambeth  Walk,  he  sold  to  John  Gryffyth.^^^ 
From  the  description  it  appears  that  this  was  the  ground  on  which  Hodge's 
Distillery  afterwards  stood  and  through  which  Norfolk  Row  (referred  to  in 
1 6 10  as  a  cartway  to  a  lane  on  the  back  side  of  Lambeth)  was  subsequently 
made.  The  middle  section,  on  which  a  small  part  of  the  original  house 
(perhaps  the  stables)  stood,  he  sold  to  Richard  Adams,^^^  who  erected  new 
buildings  which  were  stated  in  16 10  to  be  in  the  occupation  of  Thomas 
Blague,  rector  of  Lambeth.^'^^  The  western  portion,  on  which  stood  the  main 
part  of  the  original  house,  he  sold  in  1590  to  Archbishop  Whitgift.^^^  Sir 
George  Paule  bought  the  house  from  Whitgift's  son  in  1608  and  lived  there 
until  his  death  in  1635.  From  the  details  contained  in  this  sale^^^  some  idea 
can  be  gained  of  the  size  of  Norfolk  House  and  the  disposition  of  the  buildings. 
There  was  a  great  gate  from  "the  King's  highway  leading  from  Lambeth 
Town  to  St.  George's  Fields"  (i.e.  Lambeth  Road)  leading  into  a  paved  yard. 
On  the  west  was  the  Duke's  chapel  which,  by  1590,  had  been  partitioned 
to  make  a  hall,  buttery  and  parlour,  and  a  number  of  small  rooms;  on  the 
east  were  the  kitchen  offices  with  "a  greate  chamber"  on  the  first  floor,  a 
gallery,  oratory  and  several  closets  and  the  hall  opening  on  to  the  garden  on 
the  south.  The  total  width  of  the  garden  was  125  feet,  and  it  is  a  reasonable 
assumption  that  the  street  frontage  was  approximately  the  same.  Sir  George 
Paule  left^^^  the  house  with  some  copyhold  land  adjoining  to  his  nephew, 
John  Oldbury,  in  trust  for  his  wife  and  son,  and  ultimately  with  the  exception 
of  three  messuages  and  gardens  sold^^*  to  John  Dawson  in  1681,  Paule's 
property  was  bought^^^  by  Archbishop  Tenison  for  the  endowment  of  the 
girls'  school  in  the  High  Street  and  for  a  burial  ground  (see  p.  142).  It  is 
probable  that  the  messuages  sold  to  Dawson  comprised  the  original  street 
frontage  of  Norfolk  House,  since  none  of  the  property  devised  by  Archbishop 
Tenison  had  a  frontage  to  Lambeth  Road. 

Old  Paradise  Street 

This  street  was  formed  in  the  late  17th  century  on  land  which  had 
formerly  belonged  to  Norfolk  House.  Nos.  2-18  formed  part  of  the  endow- 
ment left  by  Archbishop  Tenison  to  the  school  for  girls  founded  by  him  in 
High  Street.  In  the  i8th  century  they  were  let  by  the  school  trustees 
on  long  lease  to  Richard  Summersell,  who  held  the  offices  of  bailiff 
of  the  manors  of  Kennington,  Vauxhall,  Lambeth  and  Walworth,  surveyor 



of  the  Parish  Roads  and  surveyor  of  Thrale's  Brewery.  His  daughter, 
Elizabeth  Pillfold,  widow  of  Alexander  Pillfold,  surrendered  the  lease  when 
land  was  required  to  enlarge  the  burial  ground^^^  (see  p.  142). 

Architectural  Description 

Nos.  2-8  form  a  plain  brick-built  terrace  probably  dating  from  about 
1760.  Nos.  2—6  are  identical  and  have  open  pedimented  doorcases  carried 
on  Tuscan  type  pilasters.    No.  2  has  been  partly  demolished. 

No.  8,  of  slightly  wider  frontage  though  with  its  parapet  at  the  same 
height,  has  a  doorway  with  flat  hood  and  sunk  panelled  surrounds.    The 




f^^--  — 









11   fO        I         1         i        i         it 

^r.,>n.  H-    I         I         I         I         I         I     — >...T 

No.  8  0/J  Paradise  Street 

house  has  good  panelling  on  the  first  floor  and  formed  a  pair  with  No.   10, 
which  was  pulled  down  in  1950. 

No.  14  probably  dates  from  the  late  17th  century.    It  also  has  three 



storeys,  but  the  upper  storey  is  in  the  roof.  On  the  street  and  west  elevations 
is  a  heavy  eaves  gutter  and  wood  boxed  cornice  supported  on  block  modillions. 
It  has  a  first  floor  brick  band  raised  at  the  ends.  Though  the  house  is  derelict 
and  due  for  demolition  the  first  floor  windows  still  retain  their  flush  frames.* 




10      5      O 




_l — 


—I — 




— I— 



DRAWM  BY  I1.0.AB5OL0M  MC./A9 

*  Nos.  8  and  14  have  been  demolished  since  this  survey  was  prepared  (early  in  1951). 



A  house  at  the  corner  of  Pratt  Walk  and  Lambeth  Road  formerly 
bore  a  tablet  inscribed  "Pratt  Street,  I'j'/^."'^^^  The  street  was  laid  out  on 
copyhold  land"  held  by  Sir  Joseph  Mawbey,  Bart.,  and  named  after  his  wife's 
and  his  mother's  family.*"  Of  the  original  houses  only  Nos.  4-8  (consec.) 
now  remain. 

Architectural  Description 

Nos.  4-8  form  a  terrace  of  houses  whose  regularity  is  broken  only  by 
the  varying  of  their  doorcase  detail.  They  are  built  in  stock  brick  with  gauged 
flat  arches  and  windows  in  recess. 

^ J^ M. A^ A 

Nos.  4-12  Pratt  IValk 

The  doorway  to  No.  5  has  a  plain  panelled  wood  surround  and  flat 
hood,  while  those  to  Nos.  6  and  7  are  similar,  though  their  hoods  are  set 
forward  and  have  fluted  friezes.  No.  8  has  an  open  pedimented  doorcase 
with  a  key-block  above  the  semi-circular  fanlight.  Nos.  9-12  form  a  more 
humble  terrace  one  storey  less  in  height;  like  Nos.  4-8,  they  have  plain 
parapets  and  copings. 

*  The  ground  had  belonged  to  the  Jackson  family  for  the  previous  century.  When  it  was 
purchased  by  Mawbey  in  1762  it  comprised  a  messuage,  barn,  stable  and  garden  containing  4  acres. 
Mawbey  also  owned  the  adjoining  ground  in  Church  Street  (Lambeth  Road)  on  which  stood  the 
Britannia  and  4  tenements,  and  21  tenements  in  Nevill's  Yard."' 

*•  Sir  Joseph's  mother,  Martha,  was  the  granddaughter  of  John  Pratt,  who  served  as  a 
Colonel  on  the  Parliament  side  in  the  Civil  war.  Sir  Joseph's  wife,  Elizabeth  Pratt,  was  John 
Pratt's  great  granddaughter  by  another  line. 


Sir  Henry  Doulton 



The  old  village  of  Lambeth,  often  appropriately  called  "Water 
Lambeth,"  consisted  of  a  few  houses  near  the  church  and  a  narrow  strip  of 
buildings  bordering  the  river  up  to  Vauxhall.  There  were  houses  along 
Church  Street  (now  Lambeth  Road)  and  Lambeth  Butts  (now  Black  Prince 
Road),  but  otherwise  little  building  further  from  the  river  than  the  High 
Street  (then  known  as  Back  Lane)  until  the  end  of  the  1 8th  century.  In  1 8  1 5 
John  Doulton  set  up  in  business  in  High  Street,  and  during  the  1 9th  century 
his  firm  and  that  of  James  Stiff  gradually  bought  up  the  ground  between 
High  Street  and  Fore  Street,  with  the  many  little  courts  and  alleys,  Brothers 
Row,  Harpur's  Walk,  King's  Head  Yard,  Calcots  Alley,  etc.,  many  of  them 
the  sites  of  earlier  potteries.^^^ 

The  Burial  Ground 

The  burial  ground  on  the  east  of  High  Street  was  given  to  the  parish 
by  Archbishop  Tenison  and  consecrated  in  1705.  It  was  enlarged  in  18 15 
by  the  purchase  and  demolition  of  adjoining  premises  in  High  Street  and 
Paradise  Row.^^  When  it  became  a  public  open  space  in  i  884  the  gravestones 
were  placed  round  the  borders,  but  the  ground  contains  little  either  to  attract 
or  interest.  A  stone  from  the  watch-house  incised — 


has  been  fixed  to  the  boundary  wall. 

Archbishop  Tenison's  School 

Archbishop  Tenison  erected  a  school  at  the  west  end  of  Lambeth 
churchyard  for  the  education  of  1 2  poor  girls  of  Lambeth,  and  by  his  will, 
dated  171 5,  he  devised  the  schoolhouse  and  property  in  Water  Lambeth 
(see  p.  138)  to  trustees  for  the  benefit  of  the  school.^^^  He  also  left  to  the 
school  a  portrait  of  Mrs.  Tenison,  painted  by  Mary  Beale,  a  pupil  of  Peter 
Lely,  in  memory  of  her  "constant  and  prudent  Care"  for  "that  Charity 
House."^^^  In  18 16  the  school  was  rebuilt,  and  at  this  time  the  parochial 
school  for  girls  was  combined  with  it.^^^  The  present  building  was 
erected  in  1863.  The  grant  of  clothing  to  12  girls  was  continued  until 
1939.  The  traditional  dress  is  still  worn  by  the  older  pupils  on  ceremonial 

Lambeth   Ragged  Schools 

These  schools  in  Newport  Street  (Plate  1 1  dF)  were  built  by  Henry 
Beaufoy  in  1851  as  a  memorial  to  his  wife,  who  had  taken  an  interest  in  the 
school  which  had  previously  been  held  in  one  of  the  railway  arches. ^^  All 
but  the  southern  wing  was  pulled  down  about  1904  when  the  railway  was 



widened  and  the  school  removed  to  temporary  premises  in  Auckland  Street, 
Vauxhall^^^  and  later  to  Wandsworth  Road. 

O*    ».twPOQ.T     STOUT 

Plan  of  Ragged  Schools 

Lambeth  Walk 

Lambeth  Walk  was  in  the  i8th  century  a  country  lane  known  as 
Three  Coney  Walk.  Lambeth  Wells,  a  place  of  public  entertainment, 
was  opened  there  towards  the  end  of  the  17th  century.  It  flourished  for  about 
50  years,  but  became  disreputable  and  was  closed.  The  premises  were  for  a 
time  used  as  a  Methodist  meeting  house.^ 

The  Mill 

Rocque's  map  (1741-45)  shows  a  circular  building  to  the  west  of 
Three  Coney  Walk  approximately  on  the  site  of  Mill  Street  (now  Juxon 
Street).  The  rate  book  for  1773  has  an  entry  after  Paradise  Row  "Thomas 
Corner  for  y'  Mill,"*^  but  there  is  no  similar  entry  in  subsequent  years. 
Walford's  Old  and  New  London  gives  a  view  of  the  mill  which  is  almost 
identical  with  that  reproduced  on  Plate  loSa  except  that  the  latter  shows  the 
river  on  the  left  (see  p.  2  6n.).  Walford  states  that  the  mill  belonged  to  the 
Apothecaries'  Company  and  was  used  for  the  grinding  of  drugs,  but  nothing 
has  been  found  in  the  records  of  the  company  to  confirm  this. 




Black  Prince  Road,  formerly  known  as  Lambeth  Butts,  is  divided 
into  five  sections  on  Horwood's  map  (1791-99  edition)  known  as  Broad 
Street,  Lambeth  Butts,  Workhouse  Lane,  Elizabeth  Place  and  Prince's  Road. 
It  was  by  then  fairly  continuously  built  up  on  both  sides.  Workhouse  Lane 
was  subsequently  renamed  Prince's  Road,  and  Lambeth  Butts  was  absorbed 
into  Broad  Street  in  1882.  Broad  Street  and  Prince's  Road  were  renamed 
Black  Prince  Road  in  1939. 

The  Church  of  St.   Mary  the  Less 

In  1827  the  Church  Building  Commissioners  made  a  grant  for  the 
purchase  of  a  piece  of  land,  formerly  part  of  Cotmansfield  and  then  used  as 
nursery  ground,  for  the  erection  of  a  parochial  chapel  attached  to  St.  Mary's, 
Lambeth.2^°  On  this  ground,  at  the  corner  of  Ward  Street  and  Black  Prince 
Road  the  Church  of  St.  Mary  the  Less  was  built  from  the  designs  of  Francis 
Bedford,  architect  of  St.  John's,  Waterloo  Road  (see  p.  32).  It  was  conse- 
crated in  i828,i''*'  schools  being  added  on  the  adjoining  ground  in  1837.^^'' 
St.  Mary  the  Less  was  made  into  a  separate  parish  in  1842.^ 

The  church  is  designed  in  Gothic  style  and  is  built  in  grey  brick 
with  stone  dressings.  It  has  a  stone  octagonal  spirelet  mounted  on  an  open 
arcaded  stage  over  the  south  gable.  The  interior  has  plaster  vaulted  ceilings 
supported  on  arcades  of  thin  clustered  columns;  it  is  simple  in  detail  and 
presents  a  cheerful  appearance  following  the  recent  redecoration. 

List  of  Vicars.  1846,  Robert  Gregory;  1874,  G.  H.  W.  Bromfield; 
1 91 9,  E.  F.  E.  Partington;  1923,  B.  P.  T.  Jenkins;  1935,  R-  G.  More- 
combe;    1938,  Leslie  Stevenson;    1945,  C.  R.  Seear. 

BoLWELL  Street 

At  No.  8,  Bolwell  Street  (formerly  Terrace)  (Plate  1 13^)  Sir  Arthur 
Sullivan  was  born  on  13th  May,  1842.   The  house  is  marked  by  a  commem- 
orative tablet  erected  by  the  Incorporated  Society  of 
■^^       Musicians. 

Doris  Street 

This  street,  running  between  Lambeth  Butts 
(Black  Prince  Road)  and  Tracey  Street,  was  laid  out 
about  I  8  1 2  across  part  of  an  open  piece  of  ground 
previously  in  lease  from  the  Archbishop  of  Canter- 
bury.^*^   Part  of  the  terrace  of  houses  erected  at  the 
east  end  of  the  south  side  circa  1 8  1 5  still  survive.   Nos. 
Door  ^''"''^^'^'■^'J"-  I  ^^"^     I  and  3  are  both  stucco-fronted  houses  with  an  orna- 
mental band  under  the  first  floor  cills.    The  doorway 
of  No.  I  has  reeded  quadrant  reveals  and  architrave,  and  the  door  has  a  large 
fanned  circular  feature  with  knocker  and  bear's  head  at  the  centre.     No.  3 
has  a  Guardian  fire  office  sign  between  the  upper  windows. 



PLATE   124 

,•  '      , ~-- —   fff^*'^^^'-^*.  r~" 











PLATE   125 


(a)  TEMPLE  OF  COMUS,    1753 



PLATE   126 

{b)   MUSIC   ROOM 

PLATE   127 
















On  the  1745  edition  of  Rocque's  map  Vauxhall  Walk  (or  Lowner's 
Lane)  is  shown  as  a  lane  with  hedges  and  fields  on  either  side  leading  from 
Lambeth  Butts  (Black  Prince  Road)  to  Vauxhall  Gardens.  In  1768  the 
Duchy  of  Cornwall  granted  a  building  lease  of  ground  on  the  west  side 
of  the  road  to  William  Pace  and  28  houses  were  erected  there  ;^^  of  these 
only  8  survive. 

Architectural  Description 

Nos.  28—42  (Plate  120^)  form  a  group  of  terrace  houses  built  in 
stock  brick  with  red  brick  arches  above  the  flush-framed  windows.  Some  of 
the  houses  have  a  brick  band  at  first  floor  level  and  the  fronts  (excepting  No. 
42  which  has  eaves)  are  parapeted  with  plain  copings.  Over  the  entrance  to 
No.  28  is  a  stone  tablet  incised — 

"Vauxhall  Walk" 

The  doorcases  of  Nos.  28-34  have  narrow  panelled  wood  surrounds 
and  consoles  supporting  poorly  detailed  pediments.  Nos.  "^d  and  38  have 
doorways  with  wood  architrave  surrounds,  and  shaped  consoles  carrying  the 
pediments;  the  consoles  have  flat  clockface  pendants.  The  doorway  to  No. 
40  has  wing  lights  surmounted  by  a  pediment;  it  is  masked  by  a  wood  trellis 

Wesleyan  Chapel  and  Schools 

The  Chapel,  which  stands  back  from  the  road,  is  built  in  yellow 
stock  brick  in  Gothic  style  with  lancet  windows.  The  approach  is  flanked  by 
the  Boys'  and  Girls'  Schools  of  ragstone.  Tablets  in  the  gables  state  that  the 
Chapel  and  Boys'  and  Girls'  Schools  were  built  respectively  in  1841,  1849 
and  1852. 

YiT-^^iH''f?Fi'/3'ftri   k'n^  >'~ TTT ^rfr 

■  \     ILMi 

!  iiri 

'-.-.II.  ..P-'Lli.  inilrir]'.     !-.i.....L 



m £531 




Nos.  38-28  Vauxhall  Walk 



During  the  200  years  of  their  existence,  Vauxhall  Gardens  were  so 
important  a  feature  of  the  social  life  of  London,  there  are  so  many  allusions 
to  the  gardens  in  contemporary  literature,  and  so  much  has  since  been  written 
about  them,  that  it  would  take  a  monograph  to  do  justice  to  the  subject. 
Only  the  merest  outline  can  be  attempted  here,  with  a  short  account  of  the 
previous  history  of  the  site  and  of  its  subsequent  development. 

The  ground  on  which  Vauxhall  Gardens  were  laid  out  was  copyhold 
of  the  Manor  of  Kennington.  It  was  held  at  the  beginning  of  the  17th 
century  by  John  Vaux  and  Jane,  his  wife.^''  In  1615  Jane  Vaux,  widow,  was 
the  tenant,  and  after  her  death  it  passed  to  Joan  Barlow  (widow  of  William, 
Bishop  of  Lincoln).  The  gardens  were  probably  started  by  an  undertenant 
of  one  of  the  copyholders,  sometime  before  the  Restoration,  for  on  2nd  July, 
1 66 1,  John  Evelyn  wrote  of  his  visit  to  "a  pretty  contrived  plantation" 
called  the  New  Spring  Garden  at  Lambeth,^^^  and  two  years  later  Balthasar 
de  Monconys  described  them  as  being  laid  out  in  squares  enclosed  with 
hedges  of  gooseberries,  within  which  were  roses,  beans  and  asparagus,  etc.,^^^ 
thenceforward  references  were  frequent.  The  gardens  soon  lost  the  rural 
simplicity  described  by  Pepys.  In  17 12  Addison  attributed  to  Sir  Roger  de 
Coverley  the  remark  that  he  should  have  been  a  better  customer  to  the 
gardens  "if  there  were  more  Nightingales  and  fewer  Strumpets. "^^^ 

In  1728  Elizabeth  Masters  leased  Spring  Garden  to  Jonathan  Tyers 
for  30  years  at  a  rent  of  £2^0.  The  lease  mentions  the  Dark  Room,  the 
Ham  Room,  Milk  house  and  Pantry-room,  and  that  the  arbours  were 
covered  and  paved  with  tiles  and  bore  names  such  as  Checker,  King's  Head, 
Dragon,  Royal,  etc.^'' 

Tyers  opened  the  gardens  at  night  during  the  summer  months  and 
spent  much  money  on  decoration,  on  which  he  employed,  among  others, 
the  artists  Hayman,  Hogarth  and  Roubiliac.  Music  and  illuminations  and 
good  food  completed  the  attractions  of  the  gardens.  In  the  1750's  Tyers 
bought  the  ground  from  George  Doddington  the  copyholder.  He  died  in 
1767,  leaving  his  property  between  his  four  children -j^^  his  son,  Jonathan 
Tyers,  managed  the  gardens  until  his  death  in  1792.  In  the  1785  survey 
the  premises  are  described  as  "all  that  substantial  Brick  Dwelling  House 
called  Spring  Garden  House,  the  Tap  House  and  26  other  Dwelling  Houses, 
Coach  Houses,  Stables,  Out  houses.  Workshops,  Sheds,  Icehouse,  Great 
Room,  Orchestra,  Covered  Walks,  open  Walks,  Ways,  Passages,  Pavillions, 
Boxes  and  spring  Gardens  Yards,  Pond  and  an  Aquiduct  to  supply  the  said 
Pond  from  Vauxhall  Creek."  The  copyholders  were  then  Tyers,  Rogers  and 
Barrett. 35 

Bryant  Barrett,  Tyers'  son-in-law,  a  wax  chandler,  managed  the 
gardens  from  1792  until  his  death  in  1809.284  George,  his  elder  son,  suc- 
ceeded him  in  the  management,  and  his  younger  son,  Jonathan  Tyers 
Barrett,  became  the  first  incumbent  of  St.  John's  Church,  Waterloo  Road. 



In  1 82 1  the  property  was  sold  for  about  ;^30,ooo  to  T.  Bish,  F.  Gye 
and  R.  Hughes,  who  traded  as  the  London  Wine  Company.^^ 

The  last  entertainment  at  the  gardens  was  given  on  25th  July,  1859, 
the  fireworks  displayed  the  device  Farewell  for  Ever,  and  Vauxhall  was 
closed.^*  In  August  the  property  was  sold  by  auction  and  within  the  next 
five  years  the  whole  site  was  built  over,  the  boundaries  being  Coding  Street, 
Vauxhall  Walk,  Leopold  Walk,  St.  Oswald's  Place  and  Kennington  Lane. 

No.   308   Kennington  Lane 

This  house,  now  the  vicarage  of  the  church  of  St.  Peter,  formerly 
stood  within  Vauxhall  Gardens,  and  was  the  manager's  residence.  It  has  a 
Victorian  gabled  attic  built  above  the  original  parapets. 

The  Church   of  St.  Peter,   Kennington  Lane 

St.  Peter's  Church,  at  the  corner  of  St.  Oswald's  Place  and  Kennington 
Lane,  was  designed  by  John  Loughborough  Pearson,  and  was  one  of  the 
earliest  of  his  many  churches.    It  was  consecrated  in  i  864.^* 

The  chief  interest  of  St.  Peter's  is  its  interior;  it  is  designed  in  Early 
English  style  and  built  in  yellow  stock  brick  with  stone  dressings.  There 
are  delicately-ribbed  vaults  to  the  nave,  aisles,  chancel  and  chapel,  and  the 
chancel  has  an  apsidal  end  with  a  triforium  and  lancet-windowed  clerestory 
above — all  details  characteristic  of  Pearson's  work.  The  nave  and  chancel 
are  graceful  and  lofty,  and  the  nave,  clerestory  and  roof  rest  on  arcades  with 
column  caps  of  Byzantine  design. 

The  exterior  is  built  in  stock  brick,  but  is  of  less  distinction  though 
boldly  buttressed  at  the  gabled  street  front. 

List  of  Vicars.  G.  W.  Herbert  (perpetual  curate  1864,  vicar  1870); 
1896,  A.  B.  Sharpe;  1899,  E.  Denny;  1910,  A.  W.  Tudball;  1926,  Percy 
W.  Seymour. 



The  Victoria  and  the  Albert  Embankments  were  constructed  at 
about  the  same  time,  but  whereas  the  former  ran  down-stream  from  West- 
minster Bridge  to  the  City,  the  latter  was  built  up-stream  from  Westminster 
Bridge  to  Vauxhall.  The  decision  as  to  the  position  of  the  embankment  on 
the  Surrey  side  was  probably  due  to  several  factors;  M.P.s  wished  to  improve 
the  view  from  the  windows  and  terrace  of  the  newly  completed  Palace  of 
Westminster;  old  Lambeth,  Fore  Street,  High  Street,  etc.,  were  flooded 
whenever  there  was  an  exceptionally  high  tide,  and  there  were  various  users 
anxious  to  take  up  the  new  river  frontage  once  the  land  was  reclaimed  and 
embanked.  At  the  northern  end  a  considerable  strip  of  ground  was  reclaimed, 
Lambeth  Palace  Road  was  constructed  on  the  site  of  Stangate  and  Bishop's 
Walk,  and  St.  Thomas'  Hospital  and  the  embankment  walk  were  built  on  the 
old  boat-building  and  barge  house  sites  and  on  reclaimed  land.  South  of 
Lambeth  Bridge,  Fore  Street  and  many  of  the  little  courts  and  alleys  opening 
out  of  it  were  swept  away.  At  the  southern  end  the  Albert  Embankment 
was  merged  into  the  street  previously  known  as  Vauxhall. 

It  was  along  the  river  strip  between  St.  Mary's  Church  and  Vauxhall 
that  the  population  and  industries  of  Lambeth  were  concentrated  prior  to 
the  19th  century.  Clay,  charcoal  and  other  materials  for  the  potteries  in  Fore 
Street  and  High  Street  (formerly  Back  Lane)  and  for  the  Vauxhall  glasshouse 
were  brought  by  water  and  the  finished  products  were  transported  in  the 
same  way.''  To  the  north  of  Vauxhall  Stairs  (approximately  where  Vauxhall 
Walk  now  joins  the  Albert  Embankment)  was  the  house  known  originally  as 
Copthall,  and  later,  misleadingly,  as  Vauxhall  (see  p.  8).  There  Sir  Thomas 
Parry  lived  in  the  time  of  James  I,^^  and  there  the  luckless  Arabella  Stuart 
was  confined  after  her  marriage  to  William  Seymour.^^  It  was  in  this  house 
that  the  ingenious  Marquess  of  Worcester  and  his  assistant  Caspar  Kaltoff" 
conducted  their  experiments,  making  guns,  engines  and  other  mechanical 
contrivances,285  niany  of  which,  though  they  were  not  put  to  practical  use, 
anticipated  the  inventions  of  the  following  century.  The  house  remained 
standing  until  the  beginning  of  the  19th  century  (Plate  120^7). 

The  ground  south  of  Vauxhall  Stairs  to  Vauxhall  Creek  (see  Plate  123) 
was  part  of  the  demesne  land  of  Vauxhall  Manor  and  belonged  to  the  Dean 
and  Chapter  of  Canterbury.  Part  of  this  ground  was  leased  towards  the  end 
of  the  17th  century  to  Gerrard  Weymans,286  who  had  built  "several  mills 
for  the  cutting  of  Marble  and  a  fair  brick  messuage  and  dwelling  house 
there,"  while  on  other  parts  of  it  were  the  barge  houses  of  the  Clothworkers', 
Mercers'  and  Fishmongers'  Companies,  several  inns,  the  Feathers,  the  Royal 
Oak,  etc.,  and  the  glasshouse  of  John  Bellingham.^^^ 

=■  During  the  excavations  for  Messrs.  Doulton's  premises,  the  headquarters  of  the  London 
Fire  Brigade,  W.  H.  Smith  &  Son's  premises,  and  the  Ministry  of  Works  building,  many  fragments 
of  17th  and  1 8th  century  delft  pottery  were  found.  See,  inter  alia,  English  delft  ware,  by  F.  H. 



In  1767  and  1777,  Sir  Joseph  Mawbey  obtained  leases  of  the  whole 
of  this  property  from  the  Dean  and  Chapter,  including  what  was  described 
in  1777  as  a  messuage  called  the  Vine,  with  three  stables  and  a  garden  which 
had  recently  been  made  into  a  bowling  green. ^^^  There  he  established  a  dis- 
tillery which  was  subsequently  taken  over  by  Robert  Burnett.  When  Vaux- 
hall  Bridge  was  built  in  1809,  the  approach  road  from  Kennington  Lane 
was  built  across  this  property,  the  old  Royal  Oak  Tavern  being  pulled  down 
for  the  purpose.  The  Cumberland  Tavern  and  Gardens,  then  a  popular 
place  of  resort,  lay  to  the  south.^s^  On  the  site  of  the  old  Vine  Inn 
and  close  to  the  distillery,  Sir  Robert  Burnett  built  a  residence  which  was 
described  in  1809  as  "modern, "^^^  and  in  1823  as  "replete  with  every 
Office  and  Convenience  fitting  for  a  genteel  Family.''^^^  The  firm  of  Burnetts 
remained  in  possession  until  1928,  when  it  was  taken  over  by  the  Distillers 
Company,  Ltd.^^  The  house,  which  is  still  standing,  and  is  known  as  No. 
85  Albert  Embankment,  is  now  owned  and  occupied  by  the  Anglo-American 
Company,  Ltd. 

Architectural  Description 

This  is  an  asymmetrically  grouped  house  of  two  and  three  storeys, 
built  in  yellow  brick  partly  stuccoed  with  stone  dressings.  The  main  front 
faces  northward  and  has  bowed  projections  at  either  end.  Its  entrance  has  a 
stuccoed  surround  and  a  segmental  patterned  fanlight  with  a  modelled  female 
head  to  the  keystone.  There  is  paterae  ornament  with  light  pendant  enrich- 
ment to  each  spandrel  and  an  austere  wood  panelled  porch  set  forward  from 
the  doorway.  The  elevation  is  unified  by  a  deep  band  at  first  floor  level,  and 
there  is  a  mutule  cornice  with  blocking  course  to  the  parapet  (Plate  i  i8i^). 

The  room  adjacent  to  the 
entrance  has  a  small  splayed  bay 
window  and  contains  a  delicately 
detailed  fireplace  with  reeded  white 
marble  surround  and  carved  panels 
beneath  a  moulded  shelf.  The  en- 
trance hall  has  a  mutule  cornice  and 
enriched  ceiling  rose,  and  above  the 
spiral  staircase  the  ceiling,  pierced  by 
an  oval  skylight  with  simple  plaster 
relief,  has  a  reeded  cornice  entwined 
Fireplace  in  Ground  Floor  Room  with  a  foliated  motif. 



—  Clayton  = 

William  =  Mary 

Thomas  =  Mary 
d.  1707 

(Sir)  Robert  =  Martha  Trott 
Lord  Mayor,  1679 
d.  1707 

(Sir)  William  =  Martha  Kenrick 
M.P.,  1st  Bart, 
d.  1744 

(Sir)  Kenrick  =  Henrietta  Maria  Herring  Mary  Warde  (i)  =  William  =  (2)  Mary  Eliza  Catherine  Lloyd 

2nd  Bart, 
d.  1769 

d.  1774 

d.  1760 

d.  1764 





d. 1783 

Sir  John  Whitwell  (i)  =  Catherine  =  (2)  Lord  Howard  de  Walden 
d.  1807 

(Sir)  Robert  =  Mary  Martha 

M.P.,  3rd  Bart.  d.  1802 

d.  1799,  s.p. 

(Sir)  William  =  Mary,  only  dau.  of  Sir  Wm.  East  George.  Mary  Anne  =  Gen.  Hon.  Edw.  Fox,  bro. 

4th  Bart, 
d. 1834 

d.  1833 

(Sir)  William  Robert  =  Alice  Hugh  Massey 
5th  Bart. 

d.  1866 

William  Capel 
d.  1848 

(Sir)  William  Robert 
d.  1914 

d.  1828 

d.  1809 

to  Chas.  Jas.  Fox 

(Sir)  East  George  Clayton  East 
1st  Bart,  of  Hall  Place 

Gilbert  East  Clayton  East 

Sir  Gilbert  Augustus  Clayton  East 



1.  The  Concise  Oxford  Dictionary  of  English 

Place-names,  by  Eilert  Ekwall,  1936. 

2.  Surr.  Arch.  Coll.',\o\.  XLIII.   The  Roman 

Road  from  West  IVickham  to  London, 
by  B.  F.  Davis. 

3.  An  Act  for  making  new  Sewers  and  Drains 

.  .  .  within  certain  Districts  under  the 
jurisdiction  of  the  Commissioners  of 
Sewers  for  the  Limits  extending  from 
East  Mouldsey  in  Surrey  to  Ravensbome 
in  Kent,  49  Geo.  Ill,  cap.  183. 

4.  English    delft   ware,  by   F.   H.    Garner, 


5.  Information  supplied  by  Messrs.  Clowes 

&-  Sons,  Ltd. 

6.  The  history  and  antiquities  of  the   Parish 

of  Lambeth,  by  T.  Allen,  1826. 

7.  Anglo-Saxon  Chronicle.     Everyman   Edi- 


8.  History  and  antiquities  of  the  parish  of 
I  iaOT(5,f/;{,  by  J.  Nichols,  1786. 

9.  V.C.H.,  Surrey. 

10.  Registrum    Roffense,    ed.    John    Thorpe, 


11.  Private  Act,  31  Hen.  VIII,  No.  26. 

12.  P.R.O.,  C  54/3414. 

13.  Local  Act,  46  Geo.  Ill,  cap.  57. 

14.  Private  Act,  i  Geo.  IV,  cap.  48. 

15.  Historical  particulars  of  Lambeth  Parish 

and  Lambeth  Palace  in  addition  to  the 
histories  by  Dr.  Ducarel,  by  Samuel 
Denne,  1795. 

16.  Cal.of  Close  Rolls. 

17.  MS.  History  of  the  Manor  of  Kennington, 

by  Rollo  Laird  Clowes,  in  the  Minet 
Library  (copy  in  the  L.C.C.  Members' 

18.  Cal.  of  Charter  Rolls. 

19.  Cal.  of  Pat.  Rolls. 

20.  Survey  of  London,  by  John  Stow,  161 8  ed. 

21.  P.R.O.,  E  i79/i84/49a. 

22.  Johannis    Lelandi    Antiquarii    de    Rebus 

Britanniciis  Collectanea. 

23.  Cal.  ofL.  y  P.  Hen.  FILL. 

24.  P.R.O.,C  66/1332. 

25.  Cat.  of  MSS.  and  Muniments  of  Dulwich 

College,  188 1. 

26.  P.R.O.,  E  317  (Surr.),  No.  33. 

27.  P.R.O.,  E  320/R.  20. 

28.  Private  Act,  16  Geo.  Ill,  cap.  58. 

29.  Case  betzveen  Sir  William  Clayton,  Bart., 

and  the  Duchy  of  Comivall  by  J. 
Haines,  1834  and  1835. 

30.  P.R.O.,  E/36/168. 

31.  City  of  London  Records,  Norden's  Survey 

of  Kennington,  161 5. 

32.  Duchy    of   Cornwall    Office,    Harbord's 

Survey,  quoted  by  R.  L.  Clowes. 

33.  P.R.O.,E3i7(Surr.),No.  34.     v 

34.  P.R.O.,T/5i/i-i4.  t 

35.  Duchy   of  Cornwall   Office,   Hodskinson 

and  Middleton's  Survey  of  Kennington, 

36.  Bankside.    Survey  of  London,  vol.  XXII, 

L.C.C,  1950. 

37.  Historical  anecdotes  of  some  of  the  Howard 

family,  by  The  Hon.  Charles  Howard, 

38.  Public  Act,  50  Geo.   Ill,  cap.  6,  "An 

Act  to  enable  H.R.H.  George  Prince 

of  Wales  to  grant  leases  of  certain  lands 

and  premises  called  Prince's  Meadows 

39.  A  description  of  Messrs.  Clowes  and  Sons 

Printing  Office.   Privately  printed. 

40.  Picturesque  views  on  the   River  Thames, 

by  Saml.  Ireland,  179 1. 

41.  Life  of  William  Curtis,  by  W.  H.  Curtis, 


42.  Church  Commissioners:  Deeds,  93142. 

43.  L.C.C.  Street  naming  records. 

44.  L.C.C.  Surrey  and  Kent  Sewer  rate  books. 

45.  Lambeth  M.B.C.  Poor  rate  books. 

46.  Information   supplied   by   W.    H.    Smith 

&  Son. 

47.  St.  Thomas'  Hospital  Group,  Records  of 

the  Royal   Hospital  for   Children   and 

48.  P.O.  and  other  London  Directories. 

49.  L.C.C.  Building  Act  records. 

50.  L.C.C.  Print  in  the  Library  Collection. 

5 1 .  Report  of  the   Benevolent   Society   of  St. 

Patrick,    Stamford  Street,    Blackfriars 
Road,  1822. 
5  2 .  Life  and  Letters  of  John  Galsworthy,  by 
H.  V.  Marrot,  1935. 

53.  Pub.  Act  6  and  7  Vict.  cap.  37. 

54.  Church  Commissioners*  File:   17760. 

55.  Local  Act  49,  George  III,  cap.  191. 

56.  L.C.C.  Ceremonial  pamphlet  on  the  open- 

ing of  Waterloo  Bridge,  194;. 

57.  Local  Acts  of  53,  George  III,  cap.  184 

and  56,  George  III,  cap.  63. 

58.  L.C.C.  Bridges,  1906. 

59.  P.R.O.,C  54/559. 

60.  Jesus  CoUege  Deeds. 


6i.  P.R.O.,C.P.  25(2),  Surr.  Mich.gCar.   I. 

62.  Church  Commissioners:   Deeds,  90782. 

63.  Anew  view  of  London,  by  E.  Hatton,  1708. 

64.  The  London  pleasure  gardens  of  the  1 8//5 

century,  by  W.  Wroth,  1896. 

65.  Gent.  Mag. 

66.  Newspaper  cutting,  30th  June,  1 741. 

67.  An  Act  for  the  better  preventing  thefts  and 

robberies  ...   25    Geo.    II,   cap.   36. 

68.  Family  tradition,  1641-1941,  an  unpub- 

lished account  of  British  firms  of 
distillers,  by  H.  Sarson. 

69.  Some  account  of  London,  by  Thos.  Pennant, 

2nd  ed.,  1791. 

70.  Church  Commissioners:  Deeds,  86901. 

71.  Christopher  Tadpole,  by  A.  Smith,  1848. 

72.  The   origin   and   progress   of  the    Royal 

Hospital  for  Children  and  Women. 
Privately  printed,  1899. 

73.  The  Times. 

74.  L.C.C.  Solicitor's  Dept.,  Deeds. 

75.  Annual  Register,  1847. 

76.  Church  Commissioners:  Deeds,  87156-8. 

77.  Church  Commissioners:  Deeds,  90782. 

78.  Church  Commissioners:  Deeds,  90783. 

79.  Church  Commissioners:  File,  17760. 

80.  A  public  Act  for  building  and  promoting 

the  building  of  additional  churches 
in  populous  parishes,  58  Geo.  Ill, 
cap.  45. 

81.  Duchy  of  Cornwall  Office,  extract  dated 

1822  in  a  file  of  newspaper  cuttings. 

82.  St.  Mary,  Lambeth,  Vestry  Minute  Books. 

83.  Metropolitan  Improvements,  by  Jas.  Elmes, 


84.  London  Church  Guide,  by  Charles  Mac- 

keson,  1894-5. 

85.  The  history  and  antiquities  of  Lambeth,  by 

J.  Tanswell,  1858. 

86.  Bap.  Reg.,  St.  John,  Waterloo  Road. 

87.  L.C.C.  U.L./ 

88.  Historical  and  descriptive  accounts  of  the 

theatres  of  London,  by  Edward  W. 
Brayley,  1826. 

89.  The  Old  Vic,  by  Cicely  Hamilton  and 

Lilian  Baylis,  1926. 

90.  Alton  Locke,  by  Charles  Kingsley,  1850. 

91.  Church  Commissioners:  Deeds,86885,2/2 

92.  Local  Act  47,  Geo.  Ill,  Sess.  2,  cap.  128. 

93.  Turnpikes  and  Tollbars,  by  Mark  Searle, 


94.  Church  Commissioners:  Deeds,  86870-3. 

95.  Waterloo  Station  Centenary,  1848-1948, 

by  British  Railways. 

96.  D.N.B. 


97.  St.  Thomas'  Hospital  Group.   Minutes  of 

the  General  Lying-in  Hospital. 

98.  St.  Thomas'  Hospital  Group.    Deeds  of 

the  General  Lying-in  Hospital. 

99.  Extension  Fund  Appeal,  circa  1930. 
100.   St.     Mary,     Lambeth,     Churchwardens' 

loi.  O.E.D. 

102.  P.C.C,  i36Cann. 

103.  L.C.C.  Records:    Minutes  of  Surrey  and 

Kent  Sewer  Commission. 

104.  Church  Commissioners:  Deeds  86901. 

105.  L.C.C,  U.L./Fii. 

106.  Church  Commissioners:  Deeds,  91 139. 

107.  Appendix  to  the  history  and  antiquities  of 

the  parish  of  Lambeth,  by  J.  Nichols, 

108.  Public  Act  25,  Geo.  Ill,  cap.  89. 

109.  Information  supplied  by  the  Metropolitan 

Water  Board. 
no.  Church  Commissioners:  Deeds,  359667-8. 

111.  Church  Commissioners:  Deeds,  54670. 

112.  Church  Commissioners:  Deeds,  91142. 

113.  Information   supplied   by    Messrs.   Char- 

rington  &  Co. 

114.  Church  Commissioners:  File,  1094. 

115.  Memoirs   of  the   Geological  Survey.    The 

Geology  of  London,  vol.  2,  by  W. 
Whitaker,  1889. 

116.  Church  Commissioners:  Deeds,  91 141. 

117.  Church  Commissioners:    Deeds,  90782, 

fol.  38. 

118.  Public  Act,  6  and  7  Wm.  IV,  cap.  133. 

119.  Local  Act,  6  and  7  Vic,  cap.  19. 

1 20.  ///.  Land.  News. 

121.  Public  Act,  22  and  23  Vic,  cap.  81. 

122.  Y^.Q-.Q..,  Bridges,  1914. 

123.  Local  Act,  40  and  41  Vic,  cap.  99. 

1 24.  Magazine    of    the    Whitbread    Group, 

Spring  1950. 

125.  Commonwealth    Relations    Office,    Sur- 

veyors' Records,  vol.  15. 

126.  Jesus  College  Magazine,  March,  1949. 

127.  Patent  Office,  447  and  448. 

128.  A  short  treatise  of  artificial  stone,  as  ^tis 

now  made,  and  converted  into  all  manner 
of  curious  embellishments  and  proper 
ornaments  of  architecture,  by  Richard 
Holt,  1730,  B.M.  444  C.  51. 

129.  An  Essay  on  the  origin,  nature,  uses  and 

properties  of  artificial  stone,  by  Daniel 
Pincot,  1770,  B.M.  61  b.  18. 

130.  Guildhall  Library  MSS.  897/5.   Records 

of  Inscriptions  in  Bunhill  Fields  Burial 


131.  Somerset  House,  Non-parochial  Registers 

— Bunhill  Fields. 

132.  Sealy  Tomb  in  Lambeth  Churchyard. 

133.  P.C.C,  168  Bellas. 

134.  A  descriptive   catalogue  of  Coade^s  Arti- 

ficial Stone  Manufactory,  1784. 

135.  Description    of  ornamental   stone,    in   the 

Gallery  of  Coade  and  Sealy. 

136.  P.C.C,  Admon.  Act  Book  18 14. 

137.  P.C.C,  195  Sutton. 

138.  P.C.C,  651  Mansfield. 

1 39.  Lambeth  Endowed  Charities  Office.    Ac- 

count of  benefactions  to  Lambeth  Parish, 
by  Dr.  John  Denne. 

140.  Transactions    of  the    Newcomen    Society, 

vol.  XV:  Maudslay,  Sons  y  Field  as 
General  Engineers,  by  J.  Foster  Petree. 

141.  Church    Commissioners:    Deeds,   90782, 

fo.  62. 

142.  Opening  ceremony  at  the  new  County  Hall 

—  \-jthJuly,  1922,  L.CC 

143.  Church  Commissioners:   Deeds,  93143. 

144.  Local  Act,  6  Ed.  VII,  cap.  86. 

145.  L.CC,  Boat  of  the  Roman  Period. 

146.  L.CC,  Guide  to  the  County  Hall. 

147.  Guildhall   Library.     Westminster  Bridge, 

.  .  .    1722. 

148.  A  Public  act  for  building  a  bridge  across 

the  River  Thames,  from  the  New 
Palace  Yard  in  the  City  of  Westminster 
to  the  opposite  shore  ...  9  Geo.  II, 
cap.  29. 

149.  A  survey  of  Westminster  Bridge  as    'tis 

now  sinking  into  ruin,  by  Batty  Langley, 

150.  L.CC,     Westminster     Bridge,     original 

i^l.  A  short  account  of  the  methods  made  use  of 
in  laying  the  foundations  of  the  piers  of 
Westminster   Bridge,  ...   by    Charles 
Labelye,  1739. 

152.  Bridges,  historical  and  descriptive  notes — 

L.CC,  1914. 

153.  Thames  Bridges,  by  James  Dredge,  1897. 

154.  P.R.O.,  Works  6/60. 

155.  P.R.O.,  Works  6/61. 

156.  Home  Counties  Mag.,  vol.  6,  1924. 

157.  Church  Commissioners:   Maps,  8959. 

158.  P.R.O.,  Works  6/163/2. 

159.  L.CC  Library,  Particulars  of  Sale,  1855. 

160.  Church  Commissioners:    Maps,  8963. 

161.  The  greatest  show  on  earth,  by  M.  Willson 

Disher,  1937. 

162.  Surrey    County    Council    Records,    Q.S. 



163.  Master    Humphrey's    Clock,    by    Charles 

Dickens,  1841. 

164.  City  of  London  Records,  B.H.E.  287/1. 

165.  Ibid.,  B.H.E.  287/64. 

166.  Hist.  MSS.  Com.  Rep.  15,  App.  I,  MSS. 

of  Earl  of  Dartmouth,  III. 

167.  L.CC,    Water-colour    drawing    in    the 

Library  Collection. 

168.  L.CC,  Pamphlets  on  houses  of  historical 


169.  Lond.    Top.    Record,    vol.    9,    Blake     i^ 

London,  by  T.  F.  Ordish. 

170.  An  Account  of  .   .   .  the  Asylum  or  House 

of  Refuge  ...   1763. 

171.  Pietas  Londincnsis,  by  A.  Highmore,  1 8 1 o. 

172.  The  annual  charities  register  and  digest. 

173.  Christ  Church  Jubilee  Tear  Book,  1926. 

174.  The  Star,  1917. 

175.  Private  Act,  31  Hen.  VIII,  no.  26. 

1 76.  Transactions  of  the  English  Ceramic  Circle, 

No.  4,    1937.     Lambeth   Earthenware, 
by  F.  H.  Garner. 

177.  Church  Commissioners:  Deeds,  31627. 

178.  Private  Act,  7  and  8  Geo.  IV,  cap.  57. 

179.  Church   Commissioners:    Deeds,    17433, 


180.  Church  Commissioners:   File,  17750. 

181.  Information  supplied  by  the  Rev.  A.  P.  J. 


182.  Church  Commissioners:  Deeds,  90782-9. 

183.  Lamb.  Pal.  MSS.  Court  Roll,  545. 

184.  Church  Commissioners:    Deeds,  171 184, 


185.  Bray  ley's   History   of  Surrey,   revised    by 

E.  Walford,  1878. 

186.  The  history  of  St.  Thomas's  Hospital,  by 

F.  G.  Parsons,  1932. 

187.  Florence   Nightingale,    by    C    Woodham 

Smith,  1950. 

188.  St.  Thomas'    Hospital    Records.     Grand 

Committee  Minutes. 

189.  The  Story  of  Lambeth  Palace,  by  Dorothy 

Gardiner,  1930. 

190.  Rolls  Series  38.  Memorials  of  Richard  LI. 

191.  Cal.  of  Liberate  Rolls. 

192.  William   Temple,   Archbishop  of  Canter- 

bury,  his   life   and  letters,    b}-    F.    A. 
Iremonger,  1949. 

193.  The  history  and  antirjuities  of  the  archi- 

epis copal  palace   of  Lambeth,    by    Dr. 
Ducarel,  1785. 

194.  The  history  of  the  worthies  of  England,  by 

Thos.  Fuller,  D.D.,  1662. 

195.  Lambeth   Palace  and  its  associations,   by 

J.  Cave-Browne,  1882. 







196.  The    natural   history    and   antiquities    of 

Surrey,  by  J.  Aubrey,  17 19. 

197.  Notes  from  Blore's  report  in  a  collection 

belonging  to  the  Archbishop  of  Canter- 

198.  Surr.  Arch.  Coll.,  vol.  XII,  pt.   i.  The 

Manor  of  Lambeth,  by  S.  W.  Kershaw. 
Lamb.  Pal.  MSS.  Court  Roll  573. 
The  Progresses  .  .  .  of  Queen  Elizabeth, 

by  Jn.  Nichols,  1823. 

201.  Lamb.  Pal.  MSS.  Court  Roll  562. 

202.  Surr.  Arch.  Coll.,  vol.  XXXII,  The  crypt 

and  chapel  of  Lambeth  Palace,  by  P.  M. 

203 .  Canterburies Doome,  by Wm. Prynne, 1 646. 

204.  Lamb.  Pal.  Library  MSS.  Court  Roll  576. 

205.  Surr.  Arch.  Coll.,  vol.  VII,  pt.  3,  Chip- 
stead  Church,  by  Major  Heales. 

Lamb.  Pal.  MSS.  Court  Roll  549. 
Brit.  Mus.  Add.  MS.  29,  549. 
Cal.  ofS.P.  Dom.  Eliz.,  1558. 
Lambeth    Palace    illustrated,   by    E.   W. 

Brayley  and  W.  Herbert,  1 806. 
Church  Commissioners:  Map  of  Lambeth 

Palace,  1784. 
L.C.C.  Minutes,  1900. 
Church  Commissioners:   Deeds,  90982. 
Environs  of  London,  by  D.  Lysons,  vol.  I, 


214.  Register,  W.  Wykeham,  quoted  by  Lysons 

and  Brit.  Mus.  Egerton,  M.S.  2033. 

215.  P.C.C,  Home  32. 

216.  Environs  of  London,  by  D.  Lysons,  vol.  I, 

P.C.C,  Milles  38. 

P.C.C,  Wattys  10. 

Mercurius  Rusticus,  1646. 

Lambeth  Parish  Church,  by  G.  Masters, 

The  Builder,  1852. 
Information  supplied   by  the  rector  and 

churchwardens  of  St.  Mary,  Lambeth. 
P.C.C,  16  Holgrave. 
College  of  Arms,  Vincent   MSS.   Coll., 

P.C.C,  15  Blamyr. 

226.  P.C.C,  25  Holder. 

227.  P.C.C,  25  Bennett. 
Polychronicon,    by    Ralph    Higden,    Rolls 

Series  II. 

MS.  of  the  Dean  and  Chapter  of  Canter- 
bury, Register  T,  fol.  112. 

Diary  of  the  life  of  Archbishop  Laud 
(1695  ed.). 

Hist.  MSS.  Comm.,  App.  to  5  th  Rep. 

























P.R.O.  C  54/3414. 

Cal.  ofS.P.  Dom.,  1648-64. 

Hist.  MSS.  Comm.,  9th  Rep.,  App.  1. 

Ibid.,  4th  Rep.,  App. 

History  of  England,  by  Lord   Macaulay, 

1849  ed. 
Lives  of  Queens  of  England,   by  Agnes 

Strickland,   1852. 
P.R.O.,  Works  6/32,  pp.  248,  274. 
Public  Act,  10  Geo.  II,  cap.  16. 
Local  Act,  49  Geo.  Ill,  cap.  142. 
L.C.C    Ceremonial    pamphlet:     Opening 

of   Lambeth    Bridge  .   .   .    l<)th    July, 

Local  Act,  6  and  7  Wm.  IV,  cap.  134. 
Local  Act,  24  and  25  Vic,  cap.  117. 
A  succinct  history  of  the  life  and  death  of 

.  .  .  Daniel  Featley,  by  John  Featley, 

Church  Commissioners:  Deeds,  171 187. 
Private  Act,  18  Geo.  Ill,  cap.  32. 
L.C.C:  Deeds  of  Lambeth  Rectory. 
1806  Lambeth  Enclosure  Award  Map. 
Deeds    in    possession    of   L.    Bull,    210, 

Lambeth  Road. 
The  Lambeth  Mission  Street  Preacher,  by 

Thomas  Tiplady,  1950. 
P.R.O.,    CP.    25(2),   602,  Surr.  Mich. 

P.C.C,  26  Hene. 

Church  Commissioners:  Deeds,  171193. 
Guildhall    Library,    M.R./M.S.    2063. 

"A  True  and  exact  Transcript  of  all 

entered  In  The  Tenants  Court  Book 

.  .  .,"  1685. 
Lambeth    Endowed    Charities:     Walcot 

Estate  Deeds,  kept  at   Hayle's  Estate 

Office,  St.  George's  Road. 
Private  Act,  9  Geo.  IV,  cap.  45. 
A  Rental  and  Account  of  Monies  Arising 

.  .  .  From    Gifts,   (etc.)  .  .  .    To  the 

Parishes  of  St.  Olave  and  St.  John, 

....   Printed  1829. 
Local  Act,  24  Geo.  II,  cap.  58. 
The  Architect  and  Building  News,  1933. 
P.R.O.,  C  66/347. 
G.E.C,  Complete  Peerage. 
P.C.C,  23  Bodefelde. 
P.C.C,  40  Pynnyng. 
P.R.O.,  C  54/559. 
P.R.O.,  CP.   25(2),   225    Surr.   Mich., 

4  and  5  Eliz. 
The  life  and  acts  of  Mat  hew  Parker  .  .  . 

by  John  Strype,  171 1. 
P.C.C,  13  Pyckering. 



P.R.O.,  C  54/1 1 14. 



P.R.O.,  C.P.'  25   (2),   226   Surr.  Trin., 
24  Eliz. 



P.R.O.,  C  54/2004. 



P.R.O.,  C.P.  25  (2),  227  Surr.  Mich., 

30  and  31  Eliz. 



P.R.O.,  C  54/1943- 



P.C.C,  3  5  Sadler. 


P.R.O.,  C.P.  25  (2),  734  Surr.  Hil.,  32 
and  33  Car.  II. 



P.R.O.,  C.P.  25  (2),  972  Surr.  Hil.,  7 




Endowed  Charities  Return,  vol.  IV,  1901. 



Church  Commissioners:   Deeds,  171197, 
fol.  202. 



Deeds  of  Messrs.  Doulton,  Ltd. 



P.C.C,  3  Fox. 

Church  Commissioners:   File,  18135. 
Diary  and  correspondence  of  John  Evelyn. 

Bohn  ed.  1862. 
Journal  des  Voyages  de  M.  de  Monconys 

.  .  .  Publie  par  son  Fils,  1665. 
The  SpectatorYio.  383,  20th  May,  1712. 
The  history  and  antiquities  of  .  .  .  Surrey, 

by  O.  Manning  and  W.  Bray,  18 14. 
The  life,   times  and  scientific  labours   of 

the   second  Marquis   of  Worcester,    by 

Henr}'  Dircks,  1865. 
Church  Commissioners:  File,  70433. 
Church  Commissioners:  File,  70432. 
Church    Commissioners:    Deeds,   70308, 

fol.  23. 
L.C.C.   Ceremonial   pamphlet  issued   on 

the  opening  of  Vauxhall  Bridge,  1906. 



Abbot,    Archbishop     (see    Canterbury, 

Archbishops  of) 

Abney  Park  Cemetery      -      -      -      -  127 

Abrahall,  John   --____  8 

Acton  Church    ------  106 

Adam,  William  ------  63 

Adams,  Richard-      -      -      -      -      -  138 

Addington,  Archbishop's  Palace  at-      -  107 

Addington  Street       -      -      _      _      —  70 
Adelphi       -      -      -      -      -      -      -61,64 

Adelphi  Theatre        -----  16 

Adshead,  S.  D.  -      -----  136 

Agar,  Richard    ------  15 

Aird,  John  -------  48 

Aitken,  Rev.  G.  H.  -      -      -      -      -  no 

Albany  Baths      ------  42 

Albemarle,  Earl  o(  {see  William  de  Forti- 


Albert,  Prince    ------  68 

Albert  Embankment—      -      -      -      - 

1,77,79,  ''9'  148-149,  plates  118,  122 

Alfred  Place       ------  28 

Allectus       -------  64 

Alleyn,  Edward         -----  j 

Alleyn,  Thomas-      -      —      —      —      -  109 

All  Saints,  Maidstone       -      —      -      -  107 
All  Saints,  York  Street      -      -      -     2,  33,  44 

Ambley,  James  ------  9 

Amphitheatre  of  Arts  and  Amphitheatre 
Riding    House    {see   Astley's   (Royal) 

Anderson,  — .    ------  32 

Andrew  de  Brugge    -      -      -      -      -  109 

Andrews,  Robert       —      —      -      _      -  62 

Anglo-American  Oil  Company        —      -  149 
Anne  Street  {see  Boyce  Street) 

Apollo  Gardens  ------  70 

Apothecaries'  Company    -      -      -      -  143 

Applegath,  Augustus-      -      -      -      -  133 

Applegath  printing  works-      -      -      -  2,  16 

Appleby's  Tavern      —      —      -      -      _  ^i 
Archbishop  Temple's  School  —      -        61,123 

Archbishop  Tenison's  School  -      -     138,  142 

Archbishop's  barge  house-      -      -      -  ^ 

Archbishop's  Park     -----  123 

Argall,  Sir  William   -      -      -      -      -107  n. 

Armourers  Company-      -      -      -      -  77 

Armstrong,  Robert    -----  75 

Arne,  [Thomas  Augustine]      -      _      _  25 

Arts  Council       ------  j8 

Arundel,  Earls  of      -      -  12,  13,  14,  25,  125 
Arundel,  Thomas  {see  Canterbury,  Arch- 
bishops of) 


Arundel  House  -      -      -      -      -      -14,  25 

Arundell,  John  -      -      -      -      -      -8,  14 

Arundel  Marbles       -      -      -      -     14,  25n. 

Ashmole,  Elias  -----     106,  114 

Ashmolean  Museum-      —      -      -      —      114 
Asker,  Rev.  George  Edward   -      -      -        22 
Astley,  John       ------        71 

Astley,  Philip     -----      —70-72 

Astley's    Circus    {see    Astley's    (Royal) 

Astley's  (Royal)  Amphitheatre 

70-72,  117,  123,  plate  46 
Asylum  for  deaf  and  dumb  {see  Deaf  and 

dumb  asylum) 
Asylum  for  Female  Orphans  {see  Female 

Orphan  Asylum) 
Auckland  Street-      -      -      -      -      -      143 

Avon,  bridge  over     -----        55 

Back  Lane  {see  Lambeth  High  Street) 

Bacon,  John        ------         jg 

Bacon,  William  -      -      —      -      —      -      115 
Bainbridge-Bell,  Rev.  Francis  C.     —      -        34 
Baldwin,   Archbishop    {see   Canterbury, 

Archbishops  of) 
Baldwin  de  Redvers  -----         1 1 

Bancroft,  Richard  {see  Canterbury,  Arch- 
bishops of) 
Banke,  Le  -------        14 

Bankside     -------        45 

Barber  Surgeons  Company       -      -      -        77 
Barker,  Miles     ------  7 

Barker,  William  Bligh      -      -      -      -      116 

Barkham  Terrace  {see  Lambeth  Road) 
Barlow,  Joan      ------146 

Barlow,  P.  W.   ------120 

Barnes,  Thomas—      -      -      —      -      —      127 
Barrett,  Bryant  and  George     -      -      -      146 
Barrett,  Rev.  J.  T.    -      -      -      -       34,  146 

Barry,  Sir  Charles      -----        67 

Bartelot,  Thomas      -      -      -      -  105  n. 

Bascom,  Charles-      _      -      _      _      _        51 
Baseley,  William       -----        12 

Bateman,  Rev.  Hugh  Wilson  -      -      -        34 
Batty,  William  ------        71 

Bawerie,  Barons  of-      -      -      -      -      115 

Bayeux,  Bishop  of     -      -      -      -      -  3 

Baylis,  Lilian      -      -      -      -      -       38,  124 

Bazing,  Agnes    ------  28,  40 

Beale,  Mary       ------      142 

Beamond,  Richard    -----  7 

Beaufitz,  John    -      -      -      -      -      -      137 

Beaufoy,  Henry—      -----      142 

Beaufoy,  Mark  ------        26 

Beaufoy's  Distillery  or  Wine  Manufac- 
tory-     -      _      -      -      - 15,  26,  plate  7<? 
Becket,  Thomas  k  {see  Canterbury,  Arch- 
bishops of) 
Beddington-      ------        yj 

Bedford,  Francis        -      -      _      _       32,  144 
Bedford,  Thomas      -----        25 

Bell  Close   -      -      -      -      -      -     137,  138 

Bell  Inn      -      -      -      -      -      -     137,  138 

Bellingham,  John       -----      148 

Belvedere  (or  Belvidere),  The   15,  51,  plate  37^ 
Belvedere    Crescent    (formerly    Ragged 

Row)      -------        56 

Belvedere  Road  (formerly  Narrow  Wall)  1 2, 
15,  16,  24,  25,  40,  45,  46,  47-5+.  56-57. 
58,  59,  60,  61,  63,  65,  69,  77,  78,  plates  29a, 

33-35.  36 
Benevolent  Society  of  St.  Patrick,  schools 

of    -      -      -      -      -      -  18-19,  plate  9(7 

Benham,  Thomas      -      -      -      -      -       109 

Bennet,  R.  -------        75 

Benson,    Archbishop    {see    Canterbury, 

Archbishops  of) 
Bent,  Edward    -      -      -      -      -      -    77  n. 

Bevan,  Frederick  Lincoln-      —      —      -        28 
Bickerdike,  Alfred     -----        73 

Biggin,  Eleanor  and  John         -      -      _         56 
Birkhead,  Edmund  and  Mary        -      -        45 
Bish,  T.      -------      147 

Bishop's  Acre     -----  45,  62,  63 

Bishop's  Terrace  (formerly  Ship  Lane)-      126 
Bishop's  Walk    -      -      -      -      77,  102,  148 

Bird  Street  {see  Monkton  Street) 

Black    Prince     Road    (formerly    Broad 

Street,   Elizabeth   Place,   Kennington 

Way,  Lambeth  Butts,  Prince's  Road 

and  Workhouse  Lane)-    5,  8,  10,  136,  142, 
144,  145,  plate  i2la 
Blackfriars  Bridge      -----        23 
Blackfriars  Road  (formerly  Great  Surrey 

Street)     -      -      -      -      -      -  23,  59,  73 

Blage  (Blague),  Thomas  -      -      -     109,  138 
Blake,  William  ------        72 

Bligh  family  tomb     -       -   r  r  5-1 16,  plate  93^ 
Bligh,  Vice-Admiral  -      -116,  124,  plate  93^ 
Blomfield,  Sir  Arthur  W-      -      -      -        32 

Blomfield,  Sir  Reginald     -      -      -      -      121 

Blore,    Edward,    architect,    plans    and 

drawings  of   -      75,81,82,85,88,90,93, 

98,  100,  loi,  102,  plates  61,  77a, 

8o<j,  83a 

Boat-building     -      -      -  2,  48,  77,  plate  55^ 

Bolwell  Street  (Terrace)  -  144,  plate  113a 

Bond,  Thomas  —      —      —      —      —      —         15 

Boniface  of  Savoy      -----        92 

Booth,  Junius  Brutus        -      _      -      -        37 
Boots  Chemists  ------        18 


Borough  High  Street        —      _      -      -        yg 
Botanic    garden    {see    London    Botanic 

Bourchier,    Thomas     {see    Canterbury, 

Archbishops  of) 
Bowater's  Wharf       -----         16 

Bower  Saloon     ------        78 

Boyce  (formerly  Anne)  Street-      -      -  28,  29 
Brent,  Mrs.        ------        70 

Brick  Close-      ------        72 

Bridge   Street  {see  Westminster  Bridge 

Britannia  Club  for  Soldiers  and  Sailors  -        74 
Britannia  P.  H.  _      _      _      -      - 141  n. 

British  Museum  Reading  Room      -      -      127 
Brixton  Hundred      -----  5 

Brixton  Road     ------  9 

Broad  Street  {see  Black  Prince  Road) 
Broadwall   -      -      -      -      -    12,  17,  18,  19 

Brocas,  Arnold  ------  6 

Bromfield,  Rev.  G.  H.  W.      -      -      -      144 
Brook  Drive       -      -      -      -      -      -      125 

Brothers  Row     ------142 

Broughton,  John        -      -      -      -      -      131 

Broughton,  Sir  William    -      -      -      -      126 

Brown,  John      ------        56 

Brown,  Sir  Samuel    -----      120 

Browne-Dalton,  Rev.  Charles  -      -  33  n.,  no 
Bruges,  Church  of  Notre  Dame  at—      —        76 
Brunei,  Sir  Isambard  K.  -      —      —      —         55 
Buckley,  Lt.  Henry  -      -      -      -      -      115 

Buckraaster,  John      -----      124 

Buckmaster,  Joseph  -      -      -      -     122,  123 

Buckmaster,  Samuel  -----      124 

Buckstone,  John  Baldwin-      _      -      -      132 
Bullfynch,  Nicholas  -      -      -      -      -      109 

Bungey,  John     ------       109 

Bunhill  Fields    -      -      -      -      -     58  n.,  59 

Burfield,  Rev.  Arthur  W.-      -      -      -        22 

Burgess, — .       ------        25 

Burhngton,  Earl  of  -      -      -      -      -15,58 

Burnett,  (Sir)  Robert        -      -      _      _      14^ 
Burnham's  Wharf     -----        62 

Bury,  John—      ------      109 

Buxton  Place  {see  Lambeth  Road) 

Byrch  (Burchall),  John     —      —      -      -      109 

Cabanel,  Rudolph      -----  37 

Calcots  Alley      ------  142 

Camberwell  Grove   -----  59 

Camberwell  Road      -----  9 

Cambridge  University      -      -      -      -85,88 

Camera  Armigerorum  {see  Lambeth  Palace 

— Guard  Room) 

Candle  manufacture  -----  2 

Canney,  Rev.  Alfred  S.    -      -      -      -  22 

Canova        -___---  23 

Canterbury-      -      -      -      -      -      -  1,64 

Canterbury,  Archbishops  of    -  3,  4,  9,  17,  25, 
27,  28,  32,  40,  42,  45,  50,  51,  55,  62,  63, 
69,  73,  75,  81,  82,  104,  118,  122,  125,  126, 
128,  132,  144  {see  also  Lambeth  Palace) 
Abbot     ------       88,  105 

Arundel  -------  90,  99 

Baldwin-      -      -      -      -      -      -81,88 

Bancroft-      _      _      -      -        85,88,113 
Benson    -------      108 

Bouchier-      ______        82 

Chichele-      -      -      -      -      -      -85,88 

Cornwallis      -      _      _      -    102,  114,  122 
Courtenay      ____--        ^7 

Cranmer-      -----  96-97,  99 

Davidson        _____      _      102 

FitzAlan-      -      -      -      -      -      -137  n. 

Howley  -------        93 

Hutton  -------114 

Juxon      _      _      _      -       81  n.,  85,  93,  96 
Langton  -------        81 

Laud       -      -     85,91,92-93,96,98,118 
Moore    ------     102,  113 

Morton-      -      -      -      -      -      -82,83 

Parker     -      -      -  85,88,93,96,138 

Pole  (Cardinal)     -  88,  97,  98,  99,  100 

Reynolds        ------        82 

Robert  de  Winchelsey  -      -      _      _        85 
Sancroft-      -      -      -      -      -      -93,96 

Seeker     __-_-__ii4 
Simon     -      -      -      -      -      -      -      118 

Sheldon-      -      -      -      -      -      -85,88 

Stafford  ----_--        88 

Tait        __-----        93 

Temple  -----_-i23 

Tenison  -      _      -      -      -    114,  138,  142 
Thomas  a  Becket  -      _      _      -      -        79 
Tillotson-      ------       84 

Walter    -----      3,  81,  88,92 

Warham-      -      _      _      _      _     105,  113 

Whitgift-      ------      138 

Canterbury,  Christ  Church 

Black  Prince  buried  there    -      -      -  6 

Dean  and  Chapter  of  -      -      -        11,  148 
Prior  and  Convent  of-      -      -     6,  11, 81 
Canterbury  Cathedral   (see  Canterbury, 

Christ  Church) 
Canterbury  Music  Hall    -      -        78,  plate  47 
Canterbury  Place  (see  Lambeth  Road) 
Carlisle,  See  of--      —      ---  4 

Carlisle  (formerly  Rochester)  House    4,  75-76, 

78,  102,  137 
Carlisle  House  School      -      —  75>  plate  109a 
Carlisle  Lane  (formerly  Carlisle  Street  and 

Lambeth  Green)  75-76, 1 2  3,  plates  98^,  109^ 
Caron,  Sir  Noel-      -----  7 

Carr,  Rev.  Agmond  C.     -      -      -      -        22 

Castille,  King  of       -      -      -      -      -  6 

Catherine  of  Aragon  -----  7 


Central    Printing    School    (see    London 

School  of  Printing) 
Chalcroft    -------        31 

Chalner  (Chalener),  Robert     -      —      -      109 
Chambers'  Dock        _      _      _      _      -         56 

Champneys,  Sir  Francis    -      -      -      -        42 

Chandler,  Edv^ard     -      -      -      -      -      130 

Chantrey, — .     —      —      -_      —      -114 
Chapman,  John  -      -      -      -      -      -      127 

Charing  Cross  Bridge   (see  Hungerford 

Charing  Cross  railway      -      -      -      -55.79 

Charity  Commissioners     —      -      -      -        38 
Charles,  Prince  (later  Charles  I)     -      -  7 

Charles  II-------        66 

Charlotte,  Princess    -----        37 

Chaucer,  Geoffrey    -----  6 

Chester,  Earl  of  (see  Edward,  the  Black 

Chester  Place  (see  Kennington  Road) 
Chichele,  Henry  (see  Canterbury,  Arch- 
bishops of) 
Child,  Sir  Francis      -----        15 

Chipstead  Church     —      -      —      —      -    94  n. 
Chiswick,  house  of  Lord  John  Russell  in        75 
Chiswick  House,  marbles—      -      -      —         15 
Cholmeley,  Sir  Richard    -      -      -      -  7 

Christ  Church,  Canterbury  (see  Canter- 
Christ  Church,  Southwark       -        12,  13,  127 
Christ  Church,  Westminster  Bridge  Road  2, 

72-73,  plate  44 
Church  Building  Commissioners       22,  32,  144 
Church   (formerly   Ecclesiastical)    Com- 

sioners     -      -      -      -      -      -4,  11,  71 

Church  Hoopys  or  Hopes  (see  Hopes,  also 

Pedlar's  Acre) 
Church  Osiers  (see  Pedlar's  Acre) 
Church  Street  (see  Lambeth  Road) 
Chute,  Margret-      -      -      -      -      -      114 

City  of  London  churches  -      —      _      -        78 
City  of  London  lands        -      -      —      -72,74 
City  of  London  Lord  Mayor  and  Com- 
monalty ------  14,  27,  69 

City  Wharf        -      -      -      -      -      -12,14 

Civil  War  -      -      -      -      -        93,98,118 

Claggett,  Crispus       -      _      _      _      _        70 

Clayton  family   -      -  8,  9,  136,  appendix 

Clayton,  Sir  Robert  -      -  8,  79,  plate  54 

Clere,  Thomas  -      -      -      -      -      -      114 

Clifton  Suspension  Bridge        -      _      _        55 
Clothworkers'  barge  house       -      -      -      148 
Clowes,  William        -      -         2,16,127,133 
Clyff,  Thomas    ------      109 

Coade  and  Sealy's  Gallery  -  69,  plate  39a 
Coade  family  -  -  -  58,  59,  61,  69,  1 16 
Coade's  Artificial  Stone  Factory      -    2,58-61, 

69,  plates  37^,  38 

Coade's  Row      _--_--        69 

Coade  stone        -      -18,54,58-61,114,115 
Coburg  Theatre  {see  Royal  Victoria  Hall) 
Cockerham, — .  -      _      _      -      -      _         12 
Coffee  Palace  Association         _      -      _        j8 
Coin  (formerly  Prince's)  Street       -  16,  20,  21, 

22,  plate  8 
Cole,  Ernest,      ------        65 

Cole,  Henry  Edward        -      -      -      -      132 

Coleridge,  John  ------        20 

College  Street  {see  Jenkins  Street) 

College  Wharf  ------         57 

Collyar's  Yard    ------         15 

Commercial  Road  {see  Upper  Ground) 
Commissioners      for      Building      New 

Churches        _      _      _      -        22,  32,  144 
Committee  for  plundered  ministers        —      105 
Commonwealth  soldiers  {see  Civil  War) 
Comper,  Sir  Ninian  -----        32 

Coney,  John       —      —      --      —      -136 

Coney  Warren  {see  White  Hart  Field) 

Cons,  Emma      -      -      -      -      -       38,  124 

Constantius-      ______        64 

Conway,  John    -      —      —      —      —      —    yin. 

Coo,  Mary-      ______  g 

Cook,  Captain    --      —      ---124 
Cooke,  William  ------        71 

Cooper,  Sir  Edwin    -----        80 

Cooper  family  {see  Cuper) 

Copped  Hall,  Coptehall  or  Copthall     8,  9,  148 

Corlyn,  John      -      -      -      -      -      -      117 

Corner,  Thomas        -----      143 

Corner  Meadow        -      -      -      -      -12,  13 

Cornwall,  Duchy  of-     2,  5,  9,  10,  13,  17,  22, 

28,  128,  145 
Cornwall,  Duke  of    -     6  {see  also  Edward,  the 

Black  Prince) 
Cornwall  House        —      —      _      _      _         ig 
Cornwall  Road  (formerly  Green  Lane)-       10, 

16,  17,  18,  22 
Cornwallis,  Caroline-      -      -      -      -      122 

Comwallis,   Frederick   {see   Canterbury, 

Archbishops  of) 
Coronet  Inn       ______  62,  69 

Cottingham,  Lewis  Nockalls    -  28,  29,  30 

Cottingham,  Nockalls  Johnson        -      -  30,  36 
Cottington,  Lord       -      _      _      _      _  7 

Cotmansfield  (Cottmansfeld)  -  125,  137,  144 
County  Hall  -  i,  62-65,  69,  plates  40-42 
Courtenay,  William     {see     Canterbury, 

Archbishops  of) 
Covent  Garden  hustings  -      -      -      -    70  n. 
Cowper,  Edward       -      -      —      —      -2,133 
Cranmer,   Archbishop   {see   Canterbury, 

Archbishops  of) 
Craven  Street     --_-__        42 
Crewe,  Jeremy  ____--         13 
Croggon  family  -      -      -      -      -  59,  60,  61 


Cromwell,  Oliver  (Protector)  -      -      -      118 
Cromwell,  Thomas   -      -      -      -      -      118 

Crosse  and  Blackwell's  factory-      -      -        63 
Crowther,  Rev.  Jonathan  -      -      -      —      133 
Croydon      --__      —      -—         10 
Crozier  Street    ---___        75 
Cumberland,  Duke  of      -      -      -      -      131 

Cumberland  Tavern  and  Gardens  —      -      149 
Cuper  (Cooper)  family     -  14,  25,  56,  106 

Cuper's  Bridge  -      -        26  n.,  45,  56,  58,  62 
Cuper's  (Cupid's)  Gardens      -  15,  25-27,  45, 

56,  125,  plate  6a 
Cure,  Thomas   -      -      -      -      -       25,  137 

Currey,  Harold  Wynne    _      -      -      -        80 
Currey,  Henry  ----__        79 

Curtis,  George  -      -      -      -      -      -17  n. 

Curtis,  William  -      -      -      -      -      -16,17 

Curtis's  Botanical  Garden  {see  London 

Botanic  Garden) 
Curtis's  Halfpenny  Hatch        -      —      _         17 
Cut,  The       28,  31,  38  {see  also  Lower  Marsh) 

Daily  Telegraph,  The       —      _      _      _  ig 

Damory,  Elizabeth  and  Roger-      -      -  11 

Dance,  Sir  John-      _____  7 

Darenth  manor  ---_-_  3 

Darfield  Wharf-      _____  50 

Dartmouth,  Earl  of  -      -      -      -      -  72 

Davidge,  George  Bothwell      -      _      _  135 
Davidge  Terrace  {see  Kennington  Road) 
Davidson,  Archbishop  {see  Canterbury) 

Davis,  Dr.  J.  Bunnell        _      _      _      _  27 

Davy,  John-      -      —      --__  7 

Dawson,  John    ______  138 

Deaf  and  Dumb  Asylum,  Old  Kent  Road  133 

Dean,  Rev.  Eric  W.  A.    -      -      -      -  22 

de  Assheton,  Robert  -      -      -      _      _  6 

de  Aulton,  John         -      -      -      -      -  109 

de  Bolebec,  Hugh  and  Richard        -      -  5 

de  Breaute,  Falkes     -      _      _      _      _  1 1 

de  Brugge  -------109 

de  Buckenhall,  Hugh        -      -      —      -  109 

de  Burgh,  Elizabeth  -----  5 

de  Colon,  John  ------109 

de  Drax  alias  Draper,  William        -      -  109 

de  Eltesle,  Thomas   -      -      -      -      -  109 

de  Exton,  John  ----__  109 

de  Fortibus,  Isabel!  _____  11 

de  Fortibus,  William        _      _      _      _  5 

de  Gerseroy,  Richard       _      _      _      _  j  j 

de  Hannay,  William         _      _      _      _  6 

de  La  Rue,  — .,  junior     _      _      _      _  50 

De  Lauzun, — .-      -      -      -      -      -  119 

Delaval,  Hugh  ------  5 

Delft  {see  Pottery) 

Denne,  John       -      -      -      -      -     1 10,  126 

Denny,  Rev.  E.-      -      _      _      _      _  14.7 

Derby,  Robert   ______  109 

de  Redvers  family     _____        1 1 

Dereham,  Francis      -      -      -      -      -      137 

Despenser,  Hugh  (Le)      -      -      _      -5,11 
des  Roches,  Peter      _____        yg 

de  Stanley,  John        _____  6 

de  Theobaldo,  John  -      -      -      -      -      109 

Devon,  Earl  of  {see  William  de  Redvers) 

de  Warenne,  John     _____  5 

de  Winchelsey,  Robert     _      _      _      _        85 

Distillers  Company    -      -      -      -      -      149 

Distilleries  -      -    15,  138,  149,  plate  7a,  108^ 
Ditton-      _-_-__-         51 
Dixon,  Richard  ______        42 

Doddington,  George-      -      -      -      -      146 

Dog  and  Duck  P.H.        -      -      -      -      126 

Dollond,  Peter   -      -      -      -      -      -      114 

Domesday  Book  or  Survey      -      3,  5,  ir,  104 
Door  knockers   —      _      -      _      —      plate  36 
Doris  Street       _      _      _      _    14^.^  plate  <)6J 

Doulton,  H.  Lewis   -      -      _      _      -        28 
Doulton's  Pottery    108,  142,  148  n.,  plate  122 
Dover,—.  ______  8 

Dover,  William  -      _____        n^ 

D'Oyly,  Rev.  George       -      -      -      -      no 

Drapers'  Company    _      _      -      -      -        77 
Drew,  Rev.  George  S.      -      _      _      _        76 
Drewe,  Thomas-      —      -      -      -      -      113 

Drogheda,  Earl  oi  {see  Moore,  Lord) 
Duchy  of  Cornwall  {see  Cornwall,  Duchy  of) 
Duchy  (formerly  Duke)  Street        -     2,  16,  18 
Duck,  Thomas  ______        15 

Ducrow  family  _      -      -      -      -       71,  117 

Duke  Street  {see  Duchy  Street) 

Dulwich  College        _____  7 

Duncan,  Jonathan     -      -      -      -      -      133 

Dunn,  — .  ----___        37 

Durham  Place  {see  Lambeth  Road) 

Dust  destructors-      —      —      -      _      -         16 

Dyster,  John      _____       25,137 

East  family         -  17,  32,  45,  62,  69,  appendix 
East  India  Military  Stores  {see  India  Stores) 
East  Place  {see  Kennington  Road) 
East  Street  (now  Lollard  Street)    -      -      135 
Eastwood,  John  Fisher     _      -      _      _        28 
Ecclesiastical  Commissioners  {see  Church 

Eccleston,  — .    -      —      -      -      -      —    56  n. 
Edgware  Road  ------  i 

Edward  II-------  5 

Edward  III        --___-      5,  6 
Edward  VI        -      _      _      -jz,  79,  plate  52 
Edward,  Prince  of  Wales  (Edward  VIII)      1 36 
Edward,  son  of  Odo-      _      —      _      -        92 
Edward,  the  Black  Prince       -      -       5,  6,  11 
Edward,  the  Confessor     _      -      -      -  5 

Edwards,  Francis      _____         51 

Eeles,  Margaret-      _____         15 


Eggecombe,  Thomas        -      —      -      -      109 
Elizabeth,  Queen      -      -      -      -      -7,  13 

Elizabeth  de  Burgh  -----  5 

Elizabeth  Place  {see  Black  Prince  Road) 
Ellisome,  Thomas     -      -      -      -      -      126 

Elme,  John-      ______io9 

Embankment  Fellowship  Centre    -      -        48 
Enchmarch  family  58  n.,  59,  117  {see  also  Sealy) 
Enclosure  Act  (Lambeth  Manor)  -      -  4 

Evans,  Ephraim—      _____        25 

Evans,  Widow  _____  25-26,  56 

Exton  Street       _____  28,  32,  36 

Facette,  Thomas       _____  7 

Fairclough,  Daniel  {see  Featley) 

Fairclough,  Dionysus        -      -      -      -      126 

Fair  Maid  of  Kent  {see  Joan) 

Fairfax,  Lord     ------  8 

Falkes  de  Breaute      -      _      _      _      _         j  i 

Faulx(e)     Halle,     Faux(e)hall,     Fawkes 

Hall  {see  Vauxhall) 
Feathers  Tavern  or  Inn    -25,  26,  27,  45,  148, 

plate  "ji 
Featley  (Fairclough),  Daniel   -  105-106,  108, 

log,  122 
Featley  (Holloway),  Joyce       -      -     108-109 
Female  Orphan  Asylum   -         72-73,  plate  43 
Ferry  Street       _____  plate  1 14^ 

Festival  of  Britain      -  i,  40,  46,  47,  57,  59,  61 
Field,  John-      -      -      -  28,  30,  40,  41,  117 

Fielder,  Rev.  Trevor-      -      -      -      -        22 

Fielding,  Sir  John     _____        72 

Finch,  — .  -      -      -      -      -      -      -56n. 

Fisher,  Bishop    ------        75 

Fisher,  Brice      ______        4.2 

Fisher,  William  _-__--i34 
Fishmongers'  barge  house        _      _      _      1^8 
FitzAlan  family-      -      -      -      -      -      137 

Flaxman, — .     _      _      _      -      -       72,  114 
Float  Mead        -      40,45,47,51,55,62,69 
Flora  Londinensis       _____         17 

Flower  Pot  rents       _      —      -      -      -      126 
Ford,  Thomas  F.      -      -      -      -      -        36 

Fore  Street-    119,  142,  148,  plates  114,  \l<^b, 

Forrest,  G.  Topham-      -      -      -      -      121 

Forrest,  Robert  -_-___        63 
Forsyte  Saga       ------        21 

Four  Acres-      _      -      _      _    45,62,63-64 
Fowler,  John      -      -      -      -      -      -  50,  5 1 

Frank,  Sir  Peirson     _      _      -      -      -        24 
Freeman,  John  —      —      -      -      -      -25  n. 

Freeman,  Sambrook  -----  8 

French,  Paul      ------  8 

Frith,  Derrick    ------      136 

Froment,  John  Baptiste  Le  Maire  -      -        75 

Galsworthy,  John  and  Silas     -      —      —        21 

Gardiner,  Rev.  T.  G.      —      —      —      -      iio 

Garnish,  T.  F.  ------130 

Garthe,  Richard        -      -      -      -       25,137 

Gatti  brothers    ------         16 

Gatti's  Music  Hall   -----        70 

Gedge,  Rev.  Arthur  Paul  J-    -      -      -        76 

General  Lying-in  Hospital  41-44,  70,  plate  27 
George  Inn        -      -      -      -      -      -      137 

Garrard,  A.  H.  -      -      -      -      -      -      136 

Gibbons,  Grinling    -----        7^ 

Gibson,  Rev.  Edmund     -      -      -      -      no 

Gilbert  de  Glanville-      -      _      -      _      jog 
Gillman,  Rev.  James-      -      -      -      -        76 

Glascocke,  John-      -      -      -      -      -      138 

Glassworks-      -      -      -      -      -  2,  56,  148 

Gloucester,  Earl  of  -      -      -      -      -137  n. 

Glover's  Halfpenny  Hatch      -      -      -        70 
Goda,  sister  of  Edward  the  Confessor    -3,  104 
Goding,  James  -      -      -      -         50,  51,  132 

Goding  Street    ------147 

Gold,  John-      ------      126 

Golderkey  (Goldegay),  Edmund    -      -      126 
Goldsmiths'  Company      —      -      -      -        77 
Goodersay,  Daniel    -----        14 

Gordon,  Rev.  Edward  G.       -      -      -        34 
Graves,  Richard        -----  8 

Great  Surrey  Street  (see  Blackfriars  Road) 
Great  Yarmouth  suspension  bridge        -    55  n. 
Green,  Rev.  William  E.  -      -      -      -        76 

Green  Lane  {see  Cornwall  Road) 
Green  Wall       —__--_         jo 
Greenwood,  John  Danforth    -      -      -        61 
Green,  Stephen-      -      -      -      -      -      123 

Gregory,  Rev.  Robert      -      -      —      -      144 
Griffiths,  Thomas     -----        73 

Grimaldi,  Joseph       -----        ^j 

Gryffyth,  John  -      -----      138 

Guldeford,  Richard  -----  7 

Gyc,  F.       -------      147 

Haines,  Elizabeth     -----        56 

Halfhopes  -------         1 1 

Halfpenny  Hatches  —      -      -      -      -17,70 

Hall,  Rev.  Newman  -----        73 

Hanburie,  Richard    -----        25 

Handel,  Frederick     -----        25 

Hanmer,  Ralph—      -----         12 

Hardacnute        ------  3 

Hardcastle,  Robert    -      -      -      -     127,  134 

Hardiman,  Alfred      -----        65 

Harding,  Simon-      -      -      _      -     126,  127 
Hardwick,  Philip  Charles     105,  107,  no,  112 
Hardwick,  Thomas  -----        69 

Hardy,  Mathew        -----  4 

Hardy,  Thomas-      -      -      -      -      -      126 

Harlequin  and  Comus        —      -      _      _        37 
Harpur's  Walk  ------      142 

Harris,  Renatus  -      -      -      -      -      -      107 



Harrison,  Henry       -      -      _      -      _  42 

Hart,  John-      -      -      -      -   75,    105,  108 

Hartop,  John      ------  jq 

Hasardes  Bridge        -      -      _      -      _  g 

Hasse,  [Johann  Adolph]  -      -      -      -  25 

Hatfield  Palace          -----  gj 

Hawkes,  Rev.  F.  O.  T.    -      -      -      -  1 10 

Hawksmoor,  Nicholas       -      -      -      -  jq 

Hawkstone  Hall        -----  -rj 

Hayes,  Rev.  Archibald  O.        -      -      -  76 

Hayles  Estate     ------  27 

Hayman      -------  j^g 

Head,  William  -      -      -      -    122,  123,  130 

Heath,  Nicholas-      -----  yj 

Hedger  family   -----       73^  126 

Hedley,  Rev.  H.       -----  no 

Henry  IV-------  6 

Henry  VI  -      -      -      -      -      -       6,  93  n. 

Henry  VII-      ------  104 

Henry  VIII       -         6,7,72,79,98,99,137 

Henry,  Prince  of  Wales   -      -      -      _  6 

Herbert,  Lord    ------  126 

Herbert,  Rev.  G.  W.        -       -      _       -  147 
Hercules  Buildings  {see  Hercules  Road) 

Hercules  Hall    ------  72 

Hercules  Road,  Buildings,  or  Row-      -  72, 

75.  123 
Hereford,  Bishop  of-      -      -      -      -    6,  92 

Hernaman,  John       -      -      -      -      -       n4 

High  Street  {see  Lambeth  High  Street) 

High  Wycombe—      -----        73 

Hill,  John  -      -      -      -      -      -      -12  n. 

Hill,  Rowland    -      -      -      -      -      -    2,  73 

Hillyard,  William      -----        4^ 

Hinde,  Anne      ------  g 

Hiorns,  F.  R.     -----      -        65 

H.M.  Stationery  Office    -      -      -      _        18 
Hoare  &  Co.,  brewers      -      -      _      -         52 
Hodge's  Distillery     —      -      -      -      -      138 

Hogarth      -      —      -----146 

Holland,  Lancelot     -----        42 

Holland,  Thomas      -      -      -      -      -    48  n. 

Hollar's   Prospect  of  London  and  West- 
minster   -----      plates  57,  58 

HoUingshead,  John   -      -      -      -      -37,  38 

HoUis,  Charles  ------        21 

Holloway,  Messrs.     -----        64 

HoUoway,  Mrs.  Joyce  {see  Featley) 

Holt,  Richard    ------        58 

Holy  Trinity,  Carlisle  Lane     -  2,  75-76,  102, 

108,  plate  wob 
Hoole,  Elijah     ------        38 

Hooper,  Rev.  George  _  -  _  \\o,  122 
Hopes  (or  Hoopys)  -i,  n,  25,45,  56-57,  77, 
125,  137  {see  also  Pedlar's  Acre) 
Horseferry  -  1,77,  104,  118-121,  122,  plate 64 
Horseferry     Road     (formerly     Market 

Street)     -------120 


Hosking,  William     -----      127 

Howard  family  -      -      -      -      -     114,137 

Howley,  Archbishop  (see  Canterbury) 
Howley  Terrace        _____        40 

Hugh  de  Bolebec,  daughter  of       -      -  5 

Hugh  de  Buckenhall-      -      -      -      -      109 

Hughes,  R.-      ------      147 

Hugh  Le  Despenser  (see  Despenser) 
Humphreys,  Sir  George  W.    -      -      -      121 
Hungerford  (or  Charing  Cross)  Bridge  -       55, 

56,  plates  5<J,  29^ 
Hungerford  Market  -      -      -      -      -55.79 

Hunne,  John      ------        89 

Hutchinson,  Rev.  Charles  W.-      -      -        34 
Hutton,     Matthew     {see     Canterbury, 
Archbishops  of) 

r Anson,  John  Money      -      -      -  -  127 

Ibbetson,  Rev.  Richard     -      -      -  -  no 

India,  Secretary  of  State  for    -      -  -  57 

India  Stores        ______  57 

Irvine,  Rev.  R.  -----  -  34 

Isabel  de  Fortibus     -      _      _      -  _  1 1 

Isle  of  Wight,  Earl  of  {see  Baldwin  de 

Jackson  family    ------  141  n. 

James  II     -------      119 

James,  Thomas  ____--        45 

Jelfe,  Andrews   ----__  66,  69 

Jenkins,  Rev.  B.  P.  T.      _      _      -      _      144 
Jenkins,  Sir  Leoline  -      -      -      -      -25,45 

Jenkins  (formerly  College)  Street    -  56-57,  58, 

plate  28^ 
Jephson,  Rev.  Arthur  W.  and  Arthur  J.  34 

Jerbert  (Jerebert),  John    -      -      -      -      109 

Jesson,  Roger     -      -      -      -      -      -      105 

Jesus  College,  Oxford       -    25,26,28,45,56, 
57,  59,62,68,  125 
Joan,  wife  of  Edward  the  Black  Prince  -         1 1 
Jobson,  Rev.  Frederick  James  -      -      -      133 
John,  King-      _-_---         1 1 
John  de  Aulton  -      -----      109 

John  de  Colon    ------      109 

John  de  Exton   ------      109 

John  de  Stanley-      -----  6 

John  de  Theobaldo  -----      109 

John  de  Warenne     _      -      _      -      -  5 

Johnson,  John    --_---         12 
Johnson,  Thomas      -      -      -      -      -      123 

Johnston,  Major        -----      124 

Johnston,  Rev.  J.  Aitken  -      -      -      -  21,  34 

Jones,  — .    -------        37 

Jones,  Rev.  A.  L.      -----      no 

Jones,  John-      -      -      _      -      -      -      130 
Jones,  Thomas  ------        45 

Jones,  William  Henry  Rich     -      -      -      127 
Joye,  Charles      ___---        80 


Juxon,  William  {see  Canterbury,  Arch- 
bishops of) 
Juxon  (formerly  Mill)  Street  -      -      -      143 
Junius'  Letters    -      -      -      -      -      -      133 

KaltofF,  Caspar  -      -      -      -      -      —      148 

Kean,  Edmund  ------        37 

Kennester,  Thomas  -      -      -      -      —    77  n. 

Kennington  Common       -      -      -8,  10,  128 
Kennington  Lane      -  3,  108  n.,  136,  147,  149, 

plate  106^ 
Kennington  Manor  -  2-3,  5-1 1,  12,  13,  122, 
125,  133,  136,  138,  146,  plates  I,  2 
Kennington    Manor    House    (Palace   or 

Place)     -      -      -      5,  6,  7,  8,  10,  11,  136 
Kennington  Park  Road    -      -      -      -128  n. 

Kennington     Place     {see     Kennington 

Manor  House) 
Kennington     Road     (formerly     Chester 
Place,  East  Place,  Davidge  Terrace, 
New  Road,  Pownall  Terrace,  Walcot 
Place,  Walcot  Terrace,  Wolsingham 
Place)      -  I,  10,  51,  72,  124,  125,  126,  127, 
128-136,  plates  100-107 
Kennington  Turnpike  Gate    -      -      -      128 
Kennington  Way  {see  Black  Prince  Road) 
Kershaw,  John  -      -      -      -      -       51,  132 

Kier,  Lytton  George        -      -      -      -      126 

King,  James       —-____  66,  70 

King  George's  Hospital  —      —      _      _        18 
King's  Arms  glassworks    _      _      -      -        56 
King's  Arms  stairs     -      -      -    56-57,58,59 
King's  Arms  wharf  -----        50 

King's  barge  house    -      -     12,  13,  14,  15,  77 
King's  College,  London    -      -      -      -      127 

King's  Head      ______      105 

King's  Head  Yard     -----      142 

Kingston  Rode  {see  Kennington  Lane) 
Knott,  Ralph     ------        64 

Knowles,  James-      —      —      —      —      —      124 

Labelye,  Charles       _      -      _      _      _        66 
Lady  Margaret  Hall  Settlement     -      -      130 
Laing,  David     -      -      -      -      -      -21,27 

Lambert,  John  ------        69 

Lambeth,  origin  of  name  -      -      -      -      1,3 

Lambeth  Borough  Council      _      _      _        63 
Lambeth  Bridge     64,  118-121,  148,  plate  119 
Lambeth  burial  ground    _      -      _     138,142 
Lambeth  Butts  {see  Black  Prince  Road) 
Lambeth  Chapel        —      —      —124,  plate  ii5<» 
Lambeth  Church  {see  St.  Mary's) 
Lambeth  Dole   ------        83 

Lambeth  Endowed  Charities  -      -      -      130 
Lambeth  Green  {see  Carlisle  Lane) 
Lambeth   High   Street  (formerly   High 

Street  or  Back  Lane)    -      -   138,142,148, 
plates  mi,  112,  117^ 


Lambeth  House  {see  Lambeth  Palace) 

Lambeth  Manor       -         2-4,  5,  8,  9,  10,  40, 

45.75'77>8i,  118,  122,  124,  12;,  135,  138, 

plate  51 

Lambeth  Marsh        -       l,  4,  9,  10,  12  n.,  17, 

25.  37»  69,  72,  77-78,  123,  137 

Lambeth  Palace  (or  House)     -         4,  81-103, 

1 18,  122,  plates  60-83 

Archbishop  Davidson's  memorial       -      102 

Archbishops'  portraits  -      —      -      -        98 

Banqueting  House        -      -      -      -      102 

Buttery  and  pantry       _      _      _      _        85 

Chapel    -      -      81,85,89,90,92-96,99, 

plates  68-71 
Chichele's  Tower  {see  Lollards'  Tower  below') 
Cloisters—      _      -      _      88,  89,  plate  67/5 
Cranmer's  Tower  -      -      -95,96-97,101 
Crooked  Lane        -      -      -      -      -      10 1 

Dining  Parlour      -----        gg 

Galleries-      -      —      -      -        88,  99-100 
Gardener's  house  -      -      -      -       76,  102 

Gardens  and  grounds  -        i  n.,  75,  76,  99, 
102-103,  plates  67a,  73 
Great  Chamber  {see  Guard  Room  and 

Presence  Chamber  below) 
Great  Hall       85-88,  98,  loi,  plates  J-jb-Jf) 
Guard  Room  or  Chamber  -85,97-99,  100, 

10 1,  plate  76 
Kitchens-      -----       g^^  joi 

Laud's  Tower       -  91,  92,  plates  66^,  73,  74 
Library  -      -      -        85,  88,  89,  plate  jja 
Lollards',  Chichele's  or  Water  Tower 

89-91,  92,  103,  plate  Jia 
Manuscript  Room-      -      -      -      -        88 

Moat      -------102 

Morton's  Gatehouse  and  Tower-         82-84, 
99,  103,  plates  66a,  73,  85,  86 
Oratory  ---      —      -      —      —        gg 
Post  Room     -      -      -  89,  90,  91,  plate  75 
Presence  or  Great  Chamber        -         98,  99 
Residential  wing    -      99-101,  plates  80-83 
Stables  and  service  buildings       —     101-102 
"Tarras  Walke"    -      -      -      -       99,  102 

War  damage  81,  82,  85,  87-88,  96,  98,  100 
Water   Tower   {see  Lollards'   Tower 
Lambeth  Palace  Road      -71,  77,  79,  80,  103, 

Lambeth  Palace  Stairs      -      -      -      -      119 

Lambeth  Ragged  Schools         -     61,  142-143, 

plate  1 16^ 
Lambeth  Reach-      _      _      -      _     plate  56^7 
Lambeth  Rectory  {see  St.  Mary's) 
Lambeth  Road  (formerly  Barkham  Ter- 
race, Buxton  Place,  Canterbury  Place, 
Church  Street,  Durham  Place,  Lambeth 
Terrace,  and  Union  Place)  119,  120, 
122-124,   138,   141,   142,  plate  iii<2 

Lambeth,  South,  Manor  -      -      -      -         11 

Lambeth  Terrace  {see  Lambeth  Road) 
Lambeth  Town—      -      —      -      —      -      138 
Lambeth  Vestry        -----        63 

Lambeth  (formerly  Three  Coney)  Walk     127, 

138,  143,  plate  115^ 

Lambeth  Waterworks       -      48  n.,  51,  55,  63, 

plate  39ii 
Lambeth  Wells  -      -      -      -      -      -      143 

Lancaster,  Duke  of  -      -      -      -      -  6 

Lancaster,  Earl  of     -      -      -      -      -         11 

Lanchei      —      -_--__  j 

Langley,  Batty   ------        66 

Langton,  Stephen  {see  Canterbury,  Arch- 
bishops of) 
Large,  Rev.  William  J.  H.      -      -      -        76 
Larkin,  George  ------        48 

Larkin,  Mary  Peache       _      _      -      -         ^^ 
Laud,  William   {see  Canterbury,  Arch- 
bishops of) 
Launce,  John     ------      109 

Laurence,  Richard     -      -      -      -      -      123 

Lawrence,  Isaac-      -      -      -      -      -      126 

Lawrence,  Thomas  Barton      -      -      -        72 
Lawton  family  ------        69 

Lead  works-      -----  47,  50,  51 

Leake,  Dr.  John         -      -      _      _  ^j^  ^2,  70 
Leake  (formerly  York)  Street  -      -      -        33 
Lee,—.      -------         55 

Lee,  Edmund     ------        45 

Lee,  J.  and  H.   -      -      -      -      -      -         18 

Lees,  Rev.  George  R.       _      -      -      -        21 
Legh,  James  and  Robert  -      -      -      -  7 

Legh,  Ralph       ------  6 

Leigh,  Sir  John  -      -      -      -      _     107,  113 

Leigh,  Ralph      ------       107 

Leigh,  Roger      ------  9 

Lely,  Peter-      ------      142 

Le  Maire,  Froment  {see  Froment) 

Leopold  Walk    ------      147 

Lerpiniere,  Daniel  and  Mary  -      -      -      130 
Lett,  John  -------        16 

Lett,  Thomas    -      -      -      -        16,  18,  114 

Leventhorp, — .-      -      -       -      -      -      iig 

Leventhorp,  Mrs.      -      -      -      -      -      118 

Lewes,  Edmonde       -      -      -      -      -      118 

Lightfoot,  Thomas    -----        45 

Lincoln,  Bishop  of    -      -      -      -      -      146 

Lincoln,  President     -----        yj 

Lincoln  Tower  ------        73 

Lingham,  Rev.  J.  F.  -      -      _      _     107,110 
Lion  Brewery     —  50— 54,  61,132,  plates  31,32 
Lister,  Lord  (Joseph)        _      -      _      _        ^2 
Litlehopes  -------         1 1 

Lloyd,  L.W.     ------        73 

Lollards      -      -      -      -      -      -      -  89, 90 

Lollards'  Tower,  Lambeth  Palace  {see 
Lambeth  Palace) 


Lollards'  Tower,  Old  St.  Paul's      -      -        89 
Lollard  Street     -      -      -      -      -      -      135 

London,  Bishop  of    -      -      -      -      -        89 

London,  Samuel        _____        58 

London,  City  of  {see  City  of  London) 
London  and  South-Western  Railway     -40,  73 
London  Botanic  Garden  -      —      -      -16-17 
London  Bridge  -      -      -1,6,  23,  66,  67,  79 
London  College  of  Divinity     -      -      -   48  n. 
London  County  Council  -      i,  19,  24,  38,  57, 
62,  63-64,  71,  103,  120 
London  Fire  Brigade        -      -      -      -  148  n. 

London  Museum      -----        64 

London  Wine  Company  -      -      -      -      147 

London  School  of  Printing      -  18-19,  plate  <)6 
London  Waste  Paper  Company      -      -        50 
Long  Field-      ------136 

Lort/  William  Bentinck     _      _      -      -        63 
LottMead-      _---_-  4 

Love,  Richard    ---_--        25 
Lowe,  Thomas,  and  Company        -      -         15 
Lower  Marsh    -      30-31,  40,  69,  78  (/^^  aAi? 

Cut,  The) 
Lowner's  Lane  [see  Vauxhall  Walk) 
Lyme  Regis        ______         jg 

Lying-in  Hospital  (see  General  Lying-in 

Mabey,  C.  H.   -----      -  65 

Macready,  Sheridan  Knowles-      -      -  37 

Magdalen  Hospital   _____  74 

Mallet,  Robert  -      -      -      -      -      -    68  n. 

Maltby,  Thomas,  and  Company     -      -  47 

Mann,  Rev.  William        _      _      _      _  48 

Manners  Street  -      _      _      _      -     plate  28a 

Manor  Field      ______  136 

Manor  House  P.H.  -      _      -      _      _  21 

Margaret  de  Redvers        _      _      _      -  j  i 
Market  Street  (see  Horseferry  Road) 

Marsh  Gate       ______  6g 

Martineau,  David      _____  57 

Martineau's  brewery-      -      -      -      -  56,  57 

Martin's  (or  Merton)  Bridge  -      -      -  9 

Mary,  Queen     ------  137 

MaryofModena      -      -      -      -     104,119 

Mason,  John      -      -      -      -      -      -  113 

Mason,  Thomas        _____  109 

Masters,  Elizabeth    -----  146 

Matchett,  John  -      _____  109 

Matthews,  Rev.  Basil  W.  B.    -      -      -  76 

Maude  Place      ------  28 

Maudslay,  Henry      _____  62 

Maudslay,  Sons,  and  Field       _      _      _  63 

Mawbey,  Sir  Joseph-      -      -      -     141,  149 

Mead  Place        __-_--  73 

Mead  Row-      -__---  128 

Meats,  C.  and  G.      -      -      -      -      -  108 

Mcdwin,  James-      -----  8, 9 



Mercers'  barge  house-     _      _      -      _      148 
Merchant  Taylors'  Company  _      _      _         14 
Merton  Bridge  {see  Martin's  Bridge) 
Metropolitan  Board  of  Works    23,  64,  79,  120 
Metropolitan    Suspension    Bridge   Com- 
pany        __-____!  20 

Michelangelo,  statue  of  Madonna  by     —        76 
Middleton,  John       -      -      -      -      -      114 

Middleton,  Rev.  Wilfrid  G.  B.      -      -        22 
Mildmay,  Sir  Henry-      -      -      -      _  8 

Millbank     -----         119  n.,  120 

Miller, — .-      ------    56  n. 

Mill  Street  {see  Juxon  Street) 

Ministry  of  Works    -      -      -      -      -  148  n. 

Mitre  public  house   -      -      -      77,  plate  5  5a 
Mompesson  family    -      -      -      113,  plate  89 
Moncrieff,  William  Thomas    -      -      -      123 
Monkton  (formerly  Bird)  Street     -      -      126 
Montagu,  Duke  of   -      -      -      -      -        77 

Monument,  The       -      _      _      _      _        78 

Moore,   John    {see    Canterbury,    Arch- 
bishops of) 
Moore,  Lord      ------  8 

More,  John        ______  105  n. 

More,  Sir  Thomas    _____  97-98 

Morecombe,  Rev.  R.  G.  -      -      -      -      144 

M  or  ley,  Samuel-      _____        ^8 

Morley  College  -      -      -      -      -      -38,74 

Morrice,  John   ______  8 

Morris,  Fulke    ______        14 

Morris,  James    -      -      -      -      -114,134 

Morris,  Roger    ______        62 

Morton,  Charles       _____        78 

Morton,   John    {see   Canterbury,   Arch- 
bishops of) 
Morton  Place    ------124 

Mottistone,  Lord       -----        82 

Mountague,  James    -----         18 

Mowbray,  Elizabeth-      -      -      -      -      137 

Mowbray,  Thomas  {see  Norfolk,  Duke  of) 

Narrow  Wall  {see  Belvedere  Road) 

National  Theatre,  Joint  Council  of  the  -        38 

Nelson  Square    —      —      -      -      -      -      127 

NevilJ's  Yard     -      -      -      -      -      -  141  n. 

New  Cut  {see  Cut,  The) 

New  Inn     _______        69 

Newgate     ------_  6 

Newington-      -      -      -      -      -      -5,  10 

Newnham,  Charles    —      —      —      -      —      127 
New  Palace  Yard      -      -      -      -      -      120 

Newport  Street  -      -      -      -  142,  plate  116^ 

New  Road  {see  Kennington  Road) 
New  Royal  Amphitheatre  of  Arts  {see 

Astley's  (Royal)  Amphitheatre) 
New    Spring    Gardens    {see    Vauxhall 

Nicholson,  Sir  Charles  A.-      -      -      -        76 



Nightingale,  Florence       _      _      _      -  42, 79 
Nine  Elms  -------  40,  69 

Norfolk,  Dukes  of     -      15,  25,  107,  125,  137 
Norfolk  House  -      -      -      -      25,  137-138 

Norfolk  Row      -      -      -      -      -      -      138 

Northwood—       —      —       —       —       —      —  4 

Oakes,  Col.  Sir  Hildebrand     -      -      -  124 

Oakey,  J.,  and  Sons  -----  73 

Obelisk,  The      ------  23 

Ode,  Ralphe       ------  9 

Oke,  Frances  and  Walter—      -      -      -  59  n. 

Oldbury,  John   ------  138 

Old    Paradise   Street   (formerly   Paradise 

Row)       -      -        137-140,  142,  plate  117a 

Old  Swan  Yard-      -      -      -      -  plate  ii^a 

Old  Vic  {see  Royal  Victoria  Hall) 

Old  Vic  Theatre  School  -      -      -      -  38 

Olife,  John-      ------  12 

Ordnance  OfEce        -      _      _      _      _  62 

Pace,  William    ------       145 

Paganini      -      —      -_--_        ^7 
Page,  Thomas    ------        67 

Page,  William    ------         12 

Paget,  Paul-      ------        82 

Palmer  family    -----  62,  104  n. 

Pantheon,  The  -      —       -      —      —      -         70 
Paradise  Row  {see  Old  Paradise  Street) 
Paris  Garden  Manor        -     10,  12,  13,  25,  45 
Parker,  Frances  -      -      -      -      -      -      138 

Parker,  John       —      —      -      -      -         9>i38 
Parker,  Margaret      -      —      —      -      -      138 
Parker,  Matthew  {see  Canterbury,  Arch- 
bishops of) 
Parker,  Matthew,  junior  —      —      -      -      138 
Park  Street  {see  Bancroft  Street) 
Parliament,  Houses  of  (Palace  of  West- 
minster) -----       -      67,  148 

Parliament  Street      -      -      _      _      -        64 
Parochial  School  for  Boys  {see  a/so  Arch- 
bishop Temple's)  -      —      —      -  plate  116^ 
Parr,  William     ------      137 

Parry,  Sir  Thomas    -----      148 

Parsonage  House       —      —      -      -      -      122 
Partington,  Rev.  E.  F.  E.        -      -      -      144 
Paternoster,  Roger     —      -      —      —      —      109 
Paule,  Sir  George     -----       ijg 

Paull,  H.  J.        ------        73 

Payne,  Ambrose-      -----      109 

Peach,  C.  Stanley      —      —      —      —      -         jg 

Peache  family     —      —      -      -      -  33,  48,  50 
Peachc's  Wharf—      -----         50 

Pearman  Street  ------        70 

Pearson,  John  Loughborough  —      -      —      147 
Pedlar's  Acre  (formerly  Church  or  Osier 

Hope)     -      _      -      -       I,  45,  62-63,  69 
Pedlar's  window        -      -      —      _       62,  104 

Pelham,  Rev.  the  Hon.  F.  G.-      -     107,  no 
Percy,  Sir  Robert      -----  7 

Peter  des  Roches       -      _      _      -      _        yg 
Peyntwyn,  Hugh       -      -     11 2-1 13,  plate  90 
Phelps,  R.  -      -      -      -      -      -      -      108 

Phelps,  Samuel  ------        37 

Phelps  soap  factory   -----        40 

Pillfold,  Alexander  and  Elizabeth  -      -      139 
Pillford,  — .       ------        26 

Pincot,  Daniel    ------         58 

Place,  La—      --      —      ---        75 
Plantagenet,  John      -----  ^ 

Poitiers,  battle  of      -      -      —      -      -  6 

Pole,   Reginald   {see  Canterbury,  Arch- 
bishops of) 
Ponton,  Daniel  ------        72 

Port  of  London  Authority       -      -      -         57 
Porteus,  Rev.  Beilby-      -      -      -      -      no 

Pory  (Porie),  John    -      -      -      -      -      109 

Pory,  Robert      —      —      -      -      -      —      no 
Potteries     2,  57,  142,  148  n.,  plates  mi,  122 
Pouley,  Thomas        _      -      -      —      _  g 

Pound  Close       -----     122,  136 

Pound  Field       ------      123 

Poverty  Corner  ------        41 

Powell,  Rev.  Arthur  H.   -      -      -      -        34 

Powell,  E.  Turner    -----        44 

Pownall,  Benjamin    -----      136 

Pownall,  James  —      -      -      _      -     135-136 
Pownall  Terrace  {see  Kennington  Road) 
Praemonstratensian  Order        _      _      -        gj 
Pratt,  Rev.  John        _      _      -      -      _        76 
Pratt,  John,  and  John  Tidd     -      -      -      135 
Pratt,  Col.  John         _      _      —      -      _  141  n. 
Pratt  Walk  (formerly  Street)  -      141,  plate  96 
Prayer  Book,  The  (Cranmer's)        -      -        97 
Prerogative  Registry  -      -      -      -      _        82 

Pretender,  The  Old  -      -      -      -      -      119 

Prince's  Meadows  (Prince's  Town)       -     i,  5, 
8,  10,  12-16,  18-22,  31,  137,  plate  3 
Prince's  Road  {see  Black  Prince  Road) 
Prince's  Street  {see  Coin  Street) 
Prince's  Town  {see  Prince's  Meadows) 
Prince's  Wall     —      —      -      —      —      -        45 
Printing  trade    -      -      -      -      -      -2,  16 

Prince  Regent    ------  16,  23 

Protestants  —--      —      —      _-      105 
Prout,  Samuel    --      —      ---134 
Prynne,  William        _      _      _      _      -        93 

Pudding  Mill  Stream        -      -      -      _         jj 
Pulteney,  Sir  John     —      -      -      —      —  7 

Queen's  barge  house  {see  King's  barge 

Queen's  Head  P. H.  -      -      -      _      -      136 

Ragged  Row  {see  Belvedere  Crescent) 
Ragged    Schools    {see   Lambeth    Ragged 


Ralegh,  Captain  George  -      -      -      -      115 

Ralegh,  Judith    -      -      -      -      -      -      115 

Raleigh,  Sir  Walter  -      -      -      -      -      115 

Raminger,  Henry      -----         16 

Ramsey,  John     -----      -126 

Ramsey,  S.  C.    ------      136 

Rawe,  Frances   ------         15 

Rawe,  Richard  -      -      -      -      -      -14,15 

Rawlinson,  John        —      -      —      —      -      109 
Red  Lion  Brewery  {see  Lion  brewery) 
Reeve,  Rev.  John  Andrewes    -      -     108,  no 
Rendel,  Palmer  and  Tritton,  Messrs.     -        24 
Rennie,  John      -      —      -      -      -  23,  24,  32 
Reynolds,  Walter  {see  Canterbury,  Arch- 
bishops of) 
Rhys,  Rev.  Edwin  V.       -      -      -      -        34 

Rich,  Sir  Peter  -      -      -      -      -      -      115 

Rich,  Thomas    -      -      -      -      -      -      123 

Richard  II-------  6 

Richard  de  Bolebec  -----  5 

Richard  de  Gerseroy-      _      -      -      -         1 1 
Richards,  Ann    -      -      -      -      -      -      117 

Richmond,  Duke  of  -      -      -      -      -        77 

Riddell  House    ------        80 

Ripley,  Thomas-      -----        58 

Risshopes    -------        n 

River  Wall-      -      -        i,  46,  64,  77  n.,  102 
Robert  de  Assheton  -----  6 

Robert  de  Winchelsey  {see  Canterbury, 

Archbishops  of) 
Roberts' boathouse    -      -      -      77,  plate  5  5^ 
Robinson,  Rev.  Arthur  J.-      -      —      —        34 
Robinson,  Robert      -----        12 

Rochester    —      —      -      —      -      —      —  i 

Rochester,  Bishops  of       -  3,  75,  81,  104,  109 
Rochester,  convent,  prior  and  monks  of-  3,  75, 

81,  104 
Rochester,  See  of      -      -      -      -      -4,104 

Rochester  House  {see  Carlisle  House) 

RofFey,  William-      -----      130 

Rogers,  — .—      ------      146 

Rogers,  William-      -----        33 

Roggles,  Philip  ------      109 

Roman  boat        _      -      -      -        64,  plate  40 
Roman  Catholics       -      —      -      -      —      105 
Roman  Road      —      -      —      -      -      —    1,64 
Roper,  David  Riddal-      -      -      -      -        47 

Rothbury,  Robert      -      -      -      -      -      109 

Roubiliac    -------146 

Roupell,  John     ------        31 

Roupell,  Richard  Palmer  -      -      -      -        22 

Roupell  Street    ------        31 

Routledge,  Thomas  -      —      -      —      —        61 
Rowntree,  Douglas    -----        38 

Royal  Clarence  Bridge      -      -      -      -      1 20 

Royal  Coburg  Theatre  {see  Royal  Vic- 
toria Hall) 
Royal  Doulton  Potteries  {see  Doultons) 


Royal  Festival  Hall  -  -  -  -  -52, 59 
Royal    Grove    and    Amphitheatre    {see 

Astley's  (Royal)  Amphitheatre) 
Royal  Hospital  for  Children  and  Women, 

Waterloo  Road  -  18,  27-28,  40,  plate  i  la 
Royal  Oak  Inn  or  Tavern  -  -  -  148 
Royal  Saloon  {see  Surrey  Theatre) 
Royal  Society  of  Arts  —  -  -  —  61 
Royal  Street  -----  plate  iioa 
Royal  Swimming  Bath  -  —  30,  plate  11^ 
Royal  Universal  Infirmary  for  Children  27 

Royal  Victoria  Coffee  Music  Hall  -      -        38 
Royal  Victoria  Hall  (Old  Vic)        -  37-39,74, 
123,  132,  plates  19,  20 
Royal    Waterloo    Hospital    {see    Royal 

Hospital  for  Children  and  Women) 
Russell,  G.-      -      -      -      -      -      -    15  n. 

Russell,  Lord  John    -----        75 

St.  Albans  -------        43 

St.  Andrew's,  Coin  Street         2,  22,  70,  plate  8 
St.    Andrew's    convent    {see    Rochester, 

convent,  prior  and  monks  of) 
St.  Anselm's,  Kennington  Road      -2,  10,  136, 

plate  \o6a 
St.  Davids,  Bishop  of       -      -      -      -  6 

St.  George's  Circus  -----        37 

St.  George's  Fields    -      -       10,  78,  126,  137 
St.  James's,  Kennington  Park  Road        —      108 
St.  James's  Park-      -----        64 

St.  John's  Hall,  Highbury       -      -      -   48  n. 
St.  John's,  Horslydown    -      -      —      -      126 
St.  John's,  Waterloo  Road       -     2,  21,  32-36, 
44,  48  n.,  70,  146,  plates  12-17 
Saintleger,  Thomas   -----  7 

St.  Margaret's  parish,  Westminster         -      118 
St.  Mark's,  Kennington    -      -      -      -      128 

St.  Mary  Overy  Priory     -      -      -      -        79 

St.  Mary  the  Less,  Black  Prince  Road  -  2,  32, 

144,  plate  113^ 
St.  Mary's  Gardens  (formerly  Square)  -      126 
St.  Mary's  Lambeth     45,  104-117,  plates  65, 

84,  86-93 
Bells        -------      108 

Broughton,  John,  buried  in-      -      -      131 
Caron,  Sir  Noel,  buried  in  —      -      —  7 

Chancel-      -      -      -      -    105-106,112 

Choir  stalls     ------      107 

Churchyard    -     59,  11 5-1 17,  124,  plate  93 
Communion  Table       -      -      -     105-106 
Fittings  -      -      -      -      -      -      -      112 

Font       -      -  75,  105,  108,  plates  91^,  92 
Fraternity    of    St.    Christopher,    Our 
Lady  and  St.  George  -      -      -      -105 

Galleries-      -      -      -      -     105,  106-107 

High  Altar     ------      105 

Howard's  Chapel  -  105,  106,  107,  108,  137 
Lee's  (Leigh's)  aisle  and  chapel  105,  107,  108 

Lett,  Thomas,  buried  in      -      -      -    i6  n. 
Monuments   -      -     1 1 2-1 1  5,  plates  89,  90 
Nave       -      -         106,  107,  III,  plate  91  <J 
North  aisle     ------      104 

Organ     ------     107,  112 

Parish     -      -      -      2,  125,  126,  130,  134 
Pedlar's  window   —      -      -      62,  104,  112 
Pelham  Memorial  (tbrmerly  Leigh's) 

Chapel        ------      108 

Plate        ------      108-109 

Pulpit     -----    105,  106,  108 

Rectors   -      -      -      -   104,  109-110,  122 

Rectory  -       108  n.,  122,  plates  94,  95,  96c 
Reredos  ------     107-108 

Rood  and  rood  loft       —      -      -      —      105 
St.  Christopher's  aisle  -      -      —      —      105 
St.  John  the  Baptist's  altar  -      -      -      105 
St.  Mary  the  Virgin's  altar  -      -      -      105 
St.  Nicholas'  Chapel     -      -      -      -      108 

St.  Thomas'  altar  -      -      -      -      -      105 

Screens  —--  —  --  —  106 
South  aisle  _-  —  ---104 
Steeple  Cross-  —  —  -  -  -  106 
Tower  -  -  104,  105,  108,  110-112, 
119  n.,  plates  87,  88 
Trinity  altar  —  -  —  -  -  —  105 
War  memorial  chapel  -      -      -      —      108 

St.    Mary's    Square    {see    St.    Mary's 

St.  Mary's  Walk  (formerly  Street)        -     126, 

plate  98^ 

St.  Olave  (and  St.  John),  parish  of-     126,  127 

St.  Olave  (and  St.  John),  poor  of  -  —  125 
St.  Olave's,  Southwark  —  —  -  —  I25n. 
St.  Oswald's  Place  -----  147 
St.  Paul's  Cathedral  -  -  -  -  15,  23,  89 
St.  Peter's,  Kennington  -  2,  147,  plate  106^ 
St.  Philip's,  Kennington  Road  -  2,132 
St.  Thomas'  Hospital       -        43,  79-80,  148, 

plates  50<2,  52-54 
St.  Thomas's  Church  and  Vicarage  -  2,  70 
St.  Thomas's  House  -----  80 
St.   Thomas'    Spital    {see    St.    Thomas' 

St.  Victor, — .    -      -      -      -      -      -      119 

Sancroft,   Archbishop    {see   Canterbury, 

Archbishops  of) 
Sancroft  (also  Park)  Street       -      -       10,136 
Sandon,  — .       —      —      --      —      —        i^ 
Sanger,  George  -      -----        71 

Savoy  Palace      _-__--        jy 
Scheemakers       ------        7<j 

Scot,  Thomas     ------  4 

Scott,  Sir  Giles  Gilbert    -      -      -      -24,65 

Scott,  Robert     -      -      -      -      -      -      115 

Scott,  Thomas   ------  8 

Scott,  WiUiam   ------  8 


Sealy  family        -         58  n.,  59,  ir6-i  17,  135, 

plate  93f  {see  also  Enchmarch) 

Searle,  boatbuilder    _      —      -      -      -71,77 

Seeker,     Archbishop     {see    Canterbury, 

Archbishops  of) 
Seear,  Rev.  C.  R.       -      -      -      -      -      144 

Selden,  John       ------        85 

Serres,  John  Thomas        -      _      -      -        37 
Seven  Acres  Field      -----  40,  5 1 

Sewer  Commissioners       -      -      -      -1,45 

Seymour,  Rev.  P.  W.       -      -      -      -      147 

Seymour,  William     —      —      -      -      —      148 
Sharpe,  Rev.  A.  B.    -      -      -      -      -      147 

Sheldon,  Gilbert  {see  Canterbury,  Arch- 
bishops of) 
Sherwood,  Bailey,  Newman  and  William         57 
Ship  Lane  {see  Bishop's  Terrace) 
Shirley,  Thomas        -----         14 

Short,  Samuel     —       —      —      —       —       —         31 

Shorter,  Sir  John       _      _      -      _      -45,51 
Short  Street        ------        31 

Shot  towers  and  works     -      2,  15,  16,  47,  78, 

plates  6i,  29a,  30 
Simmonds,  John  W.  -      -      -      -      -        62 

Simon,     Archbishop     {see     Canterbury, 

Archbishops  of) 
Singleton,  Thomas    -      -      -      -      -      107 

Singleton,  William    -      -      -      -      -      123 

Singleton's  eye  ointment  —      -      -      -      123 
Skinner,  Augustine    -      -      -      -       25,  125 

Skinners'  Company   -----        77 

Slake,  Nicholas  ------      109 

Sluice  (or  Sluce)        _      -      -      -  10,  12,  14 
Smith,  Edward  ------         14 

Smith,  George  -      —      —      —      --         55 
Smith,  W.  H.,  and  Son    -      -      -  18,  148  n. 
Smythe,  William       -----         12 

Smythopes  —      —      —      —      —      —      —         11 

Snowe,  Ralph  or  Raphe    -      -      -     106,  114 
Soap  manufacture      -      -      —      —     2,  40,  75 
Somerset  House—       —       —       —      —       —         23 

Southampton  Terrace       -  -      -        27 

South  Eastern  Railway     -      _      _      -        41 
South  London  Dwellings  Company       -      1 24 
Southwark  -      —      -      —      —      —      —   6,  79 

South  Western  Railway    -      -      -      -        69 

Sowters  lands     -      -      -      -    4,  40,  77,  102 

Sparagus  Garden       —      —      -      —      —    56n. 
Spencer,  Rev.  John  L.      —      -      —      —        76 
Spring  Gardens  {see  also  Vau  shall  Gardens)    64 
Stafford,   John    {see   Canterbury,   Arch- 
bishops of) 
Stamford  Street-      -     16,  18-22,  27,  28,  31, 

40,  plates  9,  10 

Stangate      -         4,45,62,70,71,77-78,79, 

102,  118,  148,  plates  55,  56 

Stangate  Street  -      -      -         77-78,  plate  59 

Steeple  Langford  Church-      -      -      -      113 


Stevenson,  John-      -      -      -      -      -      117 

Stevenson,  Rev.  Leslie      -      -      -      -      144 

Stiff's  pottery     _      -      -      -  142,  plate  1 1 1;^ 
Stockwell  Manor       -      -      -      —      —      107 
Stoughton,  Richard  -----  g 

Strand  Bridge  Company  -      -      -      -        26 

Straunge,  John  ------  6 

Strikeley,  Katherine  -----         13 

Stuart,  Arabella  -      -----      148 

Sugden  (Sugdon),  John    -      -      -      -      109 

Suffolk,  Duke  of       -----        72 

Suffolk  Street     ------        61 

Sulhvan,  Sir  Arthur  -      -  144,  plate  iija 

Summersell,  John      —      -      -      —      —         10 
Summersell,  Richard-       -      -      -     126,138 

Sumner,  Bishop  {see  Winchester) 

Surbiton      _-      —      —      —      -—         51 

Surrey,  Earls  of-      -      -      -      -     5,137  n. 

Surrey  and  Kent  Sewer  Commission      —    1,45 
Surrey  Chapel    -      —      —      -      —      —        73 
Surrey  Gardens—      —      —      -      —      —        79 
Surrey  Justices   ------        71 

Surrey  Lodge  (Dwellings)        -      -      -      124 
Surrey  Theatre  -      -      -       37,71,132,135 
Sutton,  Charles  Manners-      -      -      -        48 

Sutton  Walk      ------         54 

Syon  House,  Isleworth     -      -      -      -        59 

Tait,  Archbishop  {see  Canterbury,  Arch- 
bishops of  ) 
Tanner,  Henry  ------         18 

Taylor,  Francis  ------109 

Temple,     Frederick     {see    Canterbury, 

Archbishops  of) 
Tenison,    Archbishop    {see    Canterbury, 

Archbishops  of) 
Tenison,  Mrs.    ------      142 

Tenison  Street  ------        40 

Teodric       -------  5 

Terra-cotta  and  scaglioli  works       -      —        61 
Teulon,  Samuel  Sanders  —      —      —      —22,70 

Thames  crossings      -      -    i,  77,  118  (/^^  <j/xo 

River  Wall) 
Theobald,  James       -      -      -      -      -14-15 

Theobald,  Peter        -----        51 

Theobald's  Dock       -----        56 

Thomas,  Rev.  Wilfrid  S.  -      -      -      -        76 

Thomas  a  Becket  {see  Canterbury,  Arch- 
bishops of) 
Thomas  de  Eltesle,  Eltislee  or  Eltesley-        109 
Thrale's  brewery       -      -      -      -      -      139 

Three  Acres       ------        56 

Three  Coney  Walk  {see  Lambeth  Walk) 
Tidd,  William  ------      130 

Tillett,  Alexander     -----        40 

Timber  yards     -      -      -      -      -      -2,  55 

Tines,  The-      ------      127 

Tinworth,  George    -      -      -      -     108,114 


Tite,  Sir  William      -----        41 

Tiverton     —      -      -      -      —      -      -58  n. 
Toll  House,  GrifEn  Street       —      -     plate  26a 
Toll  House,  Lambeth  Bridge  -      -  plate  1 19a 
Tom  and  Jerry  ------      123 

Tomlins,  Sir  Thomas  Edlyne  -      —      -      134 
Tomkyns,  Thomas    -      —      -      —      -      no 
Townsend,  C.  Harrison   -      -      —      -         19 
Tradescant  family     -      -      -    1 15,  plate  93<j 
Trafalgar  Square       -----        64 

Tramways  Building  or  Office  -      -      -  56,  64 
Tresco  House    —      -      —      -      -      -      135 
Trial  by  Battle  -      -----        37 

Trevilyan,  Humphrey      -      -      -      -      118 

Trinity  Chapel,  Poplar     -      -      -      -      127 

Tudball,  Rev.  A.  W.        -      -      -      -      147 

Tufnell,  Samuel-      -----        66 

Tugwell,  Rev.  Frederic    -      -      -      -  22,  28 

Tugwell,  Rev.  Lewen       -      -      -      -        22 

Tunbridge  Place       -----        69 

Tunstall,  Cuthbert    -      -      -      -      -      113 

Turnpike,  York  Road       -      -      -     plate  26^ 
Turnpike  Trustees    -      -      -      -     125,128 

Twenty-one  Acres  Field  -      -      -      -        40 

Tyers,  Jonathan—      —      —      -      -      —      146 

Union  Jack  Club       -----        28 

Union  Place  {see  Lambeth  Road) 

Universal  Dispensary  for  Sick  and  In- 
digent Children     -----        27 

Upper   Ground   (formerly   Commercial 

Road)      -----    16,  27,  45,  77 

Upper  Marsh     -      -      -      -        78,  plate  47 

Upper  Stamford  Street  {see  Stamford 

Ure,  Andrew     ------        50 

Vaux,  Jane  and  John        -      -      -      -      146 

Vauxhall  (Fauk(e)   Halle,  Faux(e)hall, 

Fawkes  Hall)  5,  7,  8,  9,  10,  11,  119  n.,  142 
Vauxhall  (Fauxhall)  Bridge     -      -         9.  149 
Vauxhall  Creek  -      -      -      -      -         9,148 

Vauxhall  Gardens  (Spring  Gardens)     -       64, 

123,  145,  146-147,  plates  124-127 

Vauxhall  glass  works-      -      -      -      -      148 

Vauxhall  Manor  and  Manor  House      —     3,  5, 

6,  II,  138,  148,  plates  I20i7,  123 

Vauxhall  Stairs  ------      148 

Vau xhall  Walk  (formerly  Lowner's  Lane)     145, 

147,  plate  \zob 
Vauxhall  Walk  schools     -      -      -         2,145 
Victoria,  Princess  (later  Queen)   37,  61,  68,  79 
Victoria  Embankment      -      -      -      -      148 

Vincent,  David  ------  7 

Vine,  The-      ------      149 

Vine  Street-      ------        40 

Vinegar  Yard     -      -      -      -      -      -26n. 


Virgil  Street  ___-_-  76 
Vyse,  Rev.  William  -      -      -      -     110,122 

Walcot  Charity-  Estate  125-127,  128,  130,  134 
Walcot  Place  {see  Kennington  Road) 
Walcot  Square  -        126,  127,  135,  plate  107/^ 
Walcott,  Edmund     -      -      -      -     125,  126 

Walcott,  Richard       -      -      -      -      -      125 

Walcott,  William      -      _      -      -      -i25n. 
Walcot  Terrace  {see  Kennington  Road) 
Walnut  Tree  Walk  -        125,  126,  127,  plates 

97,  99,  lOIf 
Walker,  Judah   ------         14 

Walker,  Parker  and  Company-      -      -  16,  47 
Waller,  Edmund       -      -      -      -      -2;n. 

Waller,  Sir  William  -----  8 

Walpole,  Rev.  G.  H.  S.  -      -      -     108,110 
Walter,  Hubert  {see  Canterbury,  Arch- 
bishops of) 
Walton,  Rev.  Thomas      _      -      -      _        22 
Walworth  Manor      -      -      -      -      -      138 

Warburton,  Henrj'   -      -      -      -  40,  47,  5 1 

Ward  Street       ------      144 

Warenne,  Earl  ------         11 

Warenne  and  Surrey,  Earl  of  {see  Plan- 

tagenet,  John) 
Warhara,   Archbishop   {see   Canterbury, 

Archbishops  of) 
Waring  and  Nicholson     -      -      -      -        28 

Warren,  Rev.  Edward  W.       _      -      -        76 
Warwick,  Earl  of      -      -      -      -      -i37n. 

Watch  houses     -      -  36,  142,  plates  18,  112^ 
Water  Lambeth-      -      -      _        4,  142-143 
Waterloo,  battle  of   -      -      -      -       23,  115 

Waterloo  Bridge  and  approaches    -      i,  2,  16, 

18,  23-24,  25,   26,  27,  28,  32,  37,  40,  45 

46,  47,  132,  plates  4,  5  {see  also  Waterloo 


Waterloo  Bridge  Company      -      -      -28,37 

Waterloo  Road  -      12,  16,  18,  25-31,  33,  36, 

37.  40.  41.  45>  73.  plates  11-24,  36 

Waterloo  Station  16,  28,  30,  33,40—41,  69,  79 

Watermen  -      -      -      -      -      -      -      119 

Waterworks        -    48  n.,  51,  55,  63,  plate  39^ 
Waterton,  John  ------  6 

Watson,  Joseph  -      -      -      -      -      -      133 

Watts,  Messrs.   ------         16 

Webber,  Thomas      -----  7 

Webber  Street   ------        31 

Weigall,  Rev.  Gilbert       -      -      _      -        76 
Weller,  Mercy  —      —      -      -      -      -      114 

Wellington  Mills      -----        73 

Wells  --------        52 

Weslevan  Chapel  and  Schools,  Vauxhall 

Walk       -------  2,  145 

Wesleyan  Methodist  Chapel  {see  Lam- 
beth Chapel) 
West,  Benjamin-      -----        5^ 

West  House       —      —      —      —      —      —      133 

West  London  Railway     -      -      -      -      127 

Westminster       —      —      —      _        64,  66,  104 
Westminster  .Abbey  -----  7 

Westminster  Bridge(s)  and  approaches  -     1,4, 

23.  42,  45.  59'  64.  66-68,  69,  70,  71  n., 

72,   77,    120,    128,    plates   48-50   {see  also 

Westminster  Bridge  Road) 
Westminster  Bridge  Commissioners    62,  67,  69 
Westminster     Bridge     Road     (formerly 

Bridge  Street)       -       1,23,38,40,42,59, 
62,  65,  69-74,  77,  79,  80,  128, 
plates  43-46 
Westminster   (New)    Lying-in    Hospital 

{see  General  Lying-in  Hospital) 
Weymans,  Gerrard  -----      148 

Whalley,  Bernard      -----        45 

Wheeler,  E.  P.  -----      -        65 

Whitbreads-      ------        57 

White,  G.  P.     -      -      -      -      -     108,  115 

White,  Henry    ------         14 

White,  John       ------      109 

Whitehall    -       -       -       -  7,77,  104,  119 

Whitehall  Stairs-      -----        58 

White  Hart  Field  (Coney  Warren)        -      133 
White  Horse  Club    -      -      -      -      -33,44 

Whitgift,   Archbishop    {see   Canterbury, 

Archbishop  of) 
Whytwell,  John-       -       -       -       -       -       109 

Wilberforce,  Bishop  -      -      -      -      -        gj 

Wild  Marsh       -      -      -      -      -      -4,  31 

Wilkinson,  Ellen       -----        jg 

William  de  Drax  alias  Draper-      -      -      109 
William  de  Fortibus-      -      -      -      _  5 

William  de  Hannay  -----  6 

William  de  Redvers  -----         1 1 

William  of  Lambeth-      —      -      -      -      109 
William  of  Wykeham       -      -      -      -        gj 

William  Rufus   ------  3 

Williams,  Sir  John     -----        ^2 

Wilmot,  Ralph  ------        i^ 

Winchester,  Bishops  of     -         32,  79,  85,  107 
Winchestre,  Henry   -      —      -      -      -      109 
Windmill    -      -      -      26  n.,  143,  plate  io8fl 
Wodeland,  Richard  -      -      -      -      -      log 

Wollaston,  Sir  John  -----  4 

Wolsingham  Place  {see  Kennington  Road) 
Woodfall,  George     -----      133 

Woodhouse,  Rev.  John  Walker      -       -        34 
Woodington,  W.  F.  -      -      -      -      -        61 

Woodmongers  barge  house      -      -      -  14,  15 
Woodmongers  Company  -      -      -      -         14 

Woodstock—      ------  5 

Woodward,  — .-      -      -      -      -      -      105 

Woodward,  John      -      -      -      75,  127,  135 
Worcester,  Bishop  of       -      -      -      -  6 

Worcester,  Marquess  of  -      -      -      -      148 

Wordsworth,  Rev.  Christopher       -      -      iio 


Workhouse  Lane  {see  Black  Prince  Road) 
Worksop     _      —      -      —      —      -—        15 
Worman,  — .     —      __      —      --        25 
Wormeall,  Christopher     -      -      -      -      118 

Wren,  Sir  Christopher      -      -      -      -        81 

Wyatt,  — .___----        70 

Wyatt,  James     ------        59 

Wyatt,  Sir  James       -----124 

Wyatt,  Sir  Matthew  Digby     -      -      -        57 

Wyld,  Rev.  George  -  -  -  -  -  no 
Wylde,  Rev.  Charles  E.    -      -      -      -        76 

York  Hotel-  -  -  -  28,  29,  plate  23^ 
York  Road  -  23,  27,  28,  33,  40-44,  65,  69, 
70,  plates  25,  26b,  2jb,  36 
York  Road  Chapel  -----  44 
Yorkshire  Society's  School  -  74,  plate  45a 
York  Street  {see  Leake  Street) 




Published    by    the    London    County    Council 

The  County  Hall,  S.E.i.  Publication  No.  3728. 

Price  30s. 



DA  Survey  of  London 


